♡Wolf x Red Riding Hood♡(Edit...

By Kishize

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The story "red riding hood". A childhood classic where the wolf attacks little red riding hood and the huntsm... More

Authors' Note
<Butterfly fly fly to you>
<You Can't Interact>
<I'm not worthy>
<To see you again>
<You don't remember me>
<I like him>
<Where are you>
<Out of the oridinary>
<Knock Knock>
Christmas Special: <Magic>
Valentine's special:<Under the stars>
<Sakura Bloom>
<Apology Accepted>
<I will>
<Sports Festival>
<Cultural Preparations>
<Cultural festival Part 1>
Halloween Special:<The Woods>
<Cultural festival Part 2>

<We meet once again>

115 9 17
By Kishize

Akazuki's POV
The results are out! I could not wait. I met up with Hana and we went to our first few choices. Our lists of schools were exactly the same as our marks were nearly always on par with each other.

When we reached the first school, we looked at the board in anticipation. Trying to find our examination serial number. There I saw my number on the top. "Yes! " I said under my breath. My heart bubbling with excitement, I was the top scorer too. As I waited for Hana to find her number, I looked at my surroundings.

Amongst the crowd, I spotted him. The boy I had bumped into the other day. Looking at the board with a big smile on his face. I continued looking at him. Staring intently, I wondered why he looked so familiar? That was when he turned to face me. Shoot! I had been caught red handed, he knew I was staring at him. Embarrassed, I quickly looked away, covering my face.

Ōkami's POV
I was looking at the board for my examination serial number and yes! I had gotten into the same high schools my mother, from up there I hope she's proud of me. I decided to look around the courtyard of the school to check out potential schoolmates when I caught her eye. 

My eyes met a pair of ruby ones. It was Akazuki! She was here too. She had seen me look at her. Her face turned crimson. Hurriedly looking away, she covered her face. 

Seeing her here, I realised. There was a chance she would enter this school too. "Please let her enter this school if it were the first on her list." I mumbled under my breath. Closing my eyes for a moment, praying that she'll be at this high school.

(Time skip to when the school term starts)

First day of high school. A possible chance of meeting Akazuki. I thought to myself. I was anxious about it, I really really wished she was going to be in the same school.

Before I left the house, I checked myself in the mirror. Uniform was quite tidy...? Well it always was in the first place but subsequently not anymore. The most important was that my ears and tail were hidden. I pat my head to make sure my ears were not there, turned my body to see my back. No tail, good. Then I grabbed my bag and left for school.

Akazuki's POV
It was the start of another school term, but this time I am starting high school. The new uniform looked so chic. Unlike my old sailor uniform, this one had a crisp white button down shirt. Red checkered skirt, matching ribbon and a black blazer. I wore it on. The skirt was short, really short compared to my old skirt. It was above my knees by at least ten centimetres.It made me feel slightly uncomfortable. I went to my cupboard and rummaged through it. After some time, I finally managed to find my knee high stockings. That'll do, I thought to myself.

I looked at my hair, what should I do with my hair today? "Hey hurry Akazuki! We're gonna be late and you need to give a speech!" I heard someone shouting. I followed the sound. It came from outside my window. It was Hana. I looked at the time. Oh no! I was going to be late! It wouldn't be good to be late on my first day of school, first impressions were always important.

I grabbed my handphone, school bag and some hair clips. Then I rushed down, took a piece of toast and shoved my feet into my shoes. "Bye mother!!" I shouted. As I busted out the door, I motioned to Hana. Telling her to run, and so we rushed to school.

Phew! We reached in time. We walked to the washroom to tidy ourselves up. As running really messed your hair up. I took a comb out of my bag and started to comb my messy white hair. Fringe coming down, I used the red clips I had taken. Going for a classical hair-clipped fringe with hair down. The best part was that the clips were red, they matched my eyes. And then both Hana and I walked out. I felt prepared to give my speech. Ready to begin high school with an opening ceremony.

Ōkami's POV
I had met Karasuno at the school gates. We were heading to the hall together to wait for the opening ceremony to begin. "Ugh I was second! SECOND! Someone had beat me! WHO?!" He grumbled with anger as we sat down in the hall. I laughed as I glanced at him as he was still mumbling in annoyance. "I'm going to make that person's life hell." He continued to make empty threats. Karasuno, he is my best friend.

The one I had spent my time with if I was not watching Akazuki. Of course he's a half-breed, so he easily accepted me. Though he was a fox half-breed. Both of us sat there and continued waiting. Soon enough, everyone settled down. The ceremony started. "Good morning to all you youngsters. Good job on...." the principal was giving a speech. His speech was filled with boredom. He must have been reading off a script. "Now let's get the top scorer to give you all a speech." He had announced.

I felt a sharp nudge in my ribs. "Wake up sleepy head, I wanna see who this person is." I could hear Karasuno grumbling with jealousy. I rolled my eyes as I looked up. Then I saw a student walking up to the podium. She had snowy hair, red clips holding her fringe up. With matching scarlet eyes.

It was Akazuki..."Holy hell the top scorer looks like an angel." I could hear Karasuno telling me. I nodded, my eyes watching her. My wish had been granted. Akazuki was in the same school as me!

Akazuki's POV
I walked steadily towards the podium. Careful not to trip on myself like the clumsy fool I was. From the podium I could see everyone. There were so many people. Oh, apparently that boy I bumped into was in this school too.

"We have all tried our best and have entered this prestigious school. Let's enjoy our next few years here together! " I said in a cheerful voice, giving a shy smile. A simple and short speech. I looked at Hana worried, was it was too short? But instead she smiled and nodded at me. The hall was filled with a round of applause, soon everyone headed to the board outside the hall to check out their classes. Sadly, Hana and I were not in the same class. I am going to have a hard time, I thought dreadfully. I sighed and made my way to class.

Ōkami's POV
What a short speech Akazuki had given. The opening ceremony was over. Karasuno and I headed over to the board to check our classes. "Damn we're not in the same class. But that pretty top scorer is in the same class as you. Good luck trying to catch her! " Karasuno had uttered as he winked at me. Akazuki was going to be my classmate. What other thing better than this could happen? I felt so excited as I skipped towards my new class with a little bounce in my steps.

Akazuki's POV
As I walked into class, everyone stared at me with wide eyes. Some whispered at each other as they pointed at me. I started to feel small, thinking that they were criticising me. I looked down at the floor, my fringe covering my face. I walked to the back of the class and sat on the seat bedside the window. I stared out of the window, looking out at the distance.

Ōkami's POV
I walked into class. There she was. Akazuki. Sitting by the window, minding her own business. And suddenly everyone started flocking around her. Boys and girls alike.

Akazuki's POV
All of a sudden people surrounded me. "Hey, how are you so smart?" "Hey pretty wanna go out with me?" Many others questioned me regarding how I was the top scorer or about my looks. They thought I was the perfect student. I lay my head onto the table and decided to ignore everyone. "Class get back to your seats, I'll be reassigning them. " The teacher said as he walked into the class.

"Phew, thank goodess. " I thought. Then he took out two boxes. Pink and blue. Everyone drew lots. The numbers had already been written on the board. I picked up a number. 29. Looking up to find my seat, I realised that it was where I had just sat. The back of the class beside the window. I strolled towards the chair and sat down.

Staring back out of the window, looking at the scenery of pink sakura trees. I heard the moving of chairs as people one by one went to their assigned seats to sit. The seat beside me moved, I could hear it and down someone sat. I turned my head to look. Black messy hair, azure blue eyes.

It was the boy I had had bumped into twice before. "Hey." He said, looking at me giving me a smile. "I'm Akazuki, nice to meet you. " I introduced shyly. He gave a slight smirk, "I know that. Who doesn't know? I'm Ōkami by the way." I nodded acknowledging his name, as it literally meant wolf. I wonder how and why his parents decided on that name.

Ōkami's POV
Number 29. Oh...my gosh! I was going to sit beside Akazuki. And I had thought fate couldn't get any better. This would be a great time to interact with her during class. To make up for all the years that we have missed. As I sat down onto the seat, I decided to be a bit sarcastic as I obviously knew her name. I've been staring at her since she was 4.

After we had introduced ourselves to each other, she continued staring out the window. "Now class..." Sensei had begin to teach. Akazuki had diligently taken her book out and studied. "Hey, can I share it with you?" I asked quietly, whispering to her. She looked at me and raised her eyebrow. I nodded giving her a sheepish grin.

Akazuki's POV
I only knew Ōkami for a while, but he wants to lend my book. Well studying should be for everyone. So I rolled my eyes back at him and nodded with a smile. Then he shifted closer to me, listening to the lesson. As the minutes passed, he had gotten closer. I could hear him breathing as he read the book. His blue eyes concentrated on the book. My heart beat faster at the sight of his spellbinding eyes.Then he turned to look at me.

I turned away quickly, pretending to read the textbook. At the corner of my eye from behind my hair, I could see him chuckle. "Shut it." I said in a firm tone with a little humour on my voice. He stuck his tongue out for me to see. I returned the gesture with a little pout and continued listening to the lesson. Though I could feel his eyes staring at me.

Ōkami's POV
Oh, she was too cute pouting. Feisty little girl she has become. Making me want her even more than I already did. She turned back and continued to study as I studied her beautiful face.

Akazuki's POV
Lunch had come along and Hana had rushed over to my class. She took a chair and sat across me, asking how the day was so far. "I'm getting annoyed. The guy we bumped into after middle school graduation kept annoying me. His name is Ōkami." I told her. Hana nodded enthusiastically, "I know that already. I've been pestering his friend Karasuno-Kun, which is also my childhood friend. We had lived in the same neighbourhood and went to the same elementary though I rarely saw him in middle school. Oh! And did you know I've heard that many guys are already hitting on you."

I was shocked, yet not surprised. I was always the centre of attention. Thank goodness, I had Hana to protect me from everything. We continued talking about what had happened in class as we ate our bentos. Soon enough, lunch was over and Hana left. Ōkami sat back down, I wondered. Ōkami-Kun eh, the bestie of my bestie's childhood friend. He could not possibly be mean? I mean I kind of enjoyed the company of his during lesson. I guess I will open up and give him a chance at friendship.

Ōkami's POV
I had made a crazy discovery. Apparently Karasuno's childhood friend, Hana was Akazuki's best friend. How intertwined had fate made us? Would she accept me now after so many years? Does she still remember me? Well no matter what happens, I am still going to tell you this one day, and that would be...

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