I Will Grow Stronger As The T...

By Section46

341K 5.4K 6.3K

There are unstoppable forces on this world, one of it is TIME. But, What if someone can control this force? (... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 19.5
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 18

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By Section46

I walked out from the hospital entrance wearing (reader's choice) with my knife strapped at my right thigh. I saw Todoroki, Kirishima, Momo, Izuku, and...Iida? "What are you doing here Iida?" I asked him. He turned his head to me and said "I'm coming with you all." Steel in his voice can be heard.

Just right outside of the hospital's gate, Iida spoke out "I shouldn't have gotten violent with you. I apologize." He bowed to Izuku. "Seriously Iida. Your reason for accompanying us isn't very convincing." Commented Momo. "Now now. The coordinates on the tracker point to Yokohama city in Kanagawa. Especially Kamino, it'd would be better to travel there using a train." I pointed out. They nodded all we walked to the train station.


We've arrived at Kamino. The streets were filled with people. "SO WHERE TO, YAOYOROZU?!" Kirishima already ran off. "Please wait a moment!" Momo said quickly "From now on, we must exercise extreme vigilance!! The villains know our faces! On that note I have a suggestion!" She blushed while pointing to a building.


I was wearing a hoodie above my normal clothes with the hood up and a mask. The others were also wearing their disguises. "Yaoyorozu... Wouldn't this stuff've been free if you'd made it with your creation quirk?" Asked Todoroki in his disguise. "B-but that would be against the rules! If I used my quirk willy-nilly like that, then the circulation of good would...right! One citizen shouldn't abuse their power to affect the economy!" Momo explained rather shakily.

'looks like she just wanted to experience a Donki Store.' I thought chuckling. Someone shocked us by his words "Oh? It's U.A.!!"

Izuku with his role turned around, "O...OI....". We saw a large TV showing Aizawa-sensei, Vlad King -sensei, and the Principal bowing to the camera direction.

"We will now air a segment of U.A. highschool's apology press conference, which took place earlier tonight."

"I regret to announce that our unpreparedness was responsible for the gate that came to 28 of our first-year students. Thought ours is an institute for heroes in training, we were nontheless negligent in our defenses against villains, and we understand that this has made many of you uneasy. We apologized for this reply and sincerely. There's is absolutely no excuse for what occurred."

"Question from NHA. This makes the fourth time this year that U.A. students have been confronted by villains. Given that some were actually injured this time, what explanation have you given to their understandably concerned families? Furthermore, please tell us in concrete terms what measures you've taken to prevent these sorts of incidents in the future."

"We've increased surveillance of the surrounding areas and revamped our school's security system. And we've explained to parents that our strong stance against villainy will guarantee the students' safety."

The surrounding crowd began to mock or commented at the principal's words. The mood on this place changed to be tense. "Let's go guys. There's no point to listen at this anymore." I walked away a scowl was hidden beneath the mask.


"The tracker points to this location." Momo exclaimed. In front of us is a building with a shutter door at the front. "You sure?" I asked, yes the building will make a good hideout but we can't be 100% sure. "We can't be sure, but I've been checking, and the villains haven't moved from here all day. Just because the villains are here doesn't necessarily mean Bakugou is too." Momo said.

Everyone glanced at me. A '?' pop out above my head while I tilted my head.


"How the heck did I get into this situation?!" I mutered angrily. I was ordered to sneak into the building when the time is stopped. 'Well it can't be helped'. Opening a door I saw a large industrial room with several nomus where inside a tube like thing. 'What in the hell is this place?!' I asked in my mind.

When in this state I looked outside and saw a large squad of police and many pro heroes surrounding the building. I ran to find Izuku and the others, I saw them near the factory-like building. They didn't seems like aware of my appearance yet.

I canceled time beside them in hiding. Suddenly the factory exploded in debris. Leaving the heroes scaterred on the ground. A man in black suit was standing on the middle of the destroyed building.

He was about to attack Best Jeanist who was laying near him. 'I-I-I can't let him kill him!' I stopped time as he almost hit Best Jeanist, and pulled him out. When we're at a safe place I canceled time. "You! How?" Best Jeanist asked. I shushed him with a finger and healed him, "All of you are no match against him. Just hide for now, and let All Might handle him." I advised "I will pull the other out. Can you help me?" He nodded.

I take a hold of his shoulder and stopped the time with Best Jeanist with me. "Can you pull the heroes here so I can heal them?" I asked. He manipulated his clothing to pull the frozen heroes to our location, the only one he can't pull is Mt.Lady who was still in her giant form.

I canceled the time as soon as the other unconscious heroes arrived near me. 'First...Tiger' since he was the closest. I healed him and in a second he woke up and saw me. "Boy, can you help Ragdoll?" He asked taking a hold of my shoulders and shaking me. "Y-Y-Y-Yes I can." I'm getting dizzy from the shaking, he released me from his grip and let me touch the forhead of Ragdoll who was laying beside him, when I was being shaken by Tiger, Best Jeanist already covered her with a piece of clothing so it's safe for me. He then pulled some of the police officer who was injured from the impact.

I healed Ragdoll in seconds. "She should be fine. I reverted her condition to the time when we're at the summer camp. Everything traumatic that has happened to her should be erased from her memories." I explained. I rushed to the unconscious Gang Orca, and healed him like the other. He woke up and thanked me then ran over to help Best Jeanist.

I keep healing and healing many officer that were injured. Many lives will be saved. "Kid you should stay here!" Gang Orca ordered. I smile a little, "I'm sorry but my friends still there. I need to help them." I disappeared from their view.

I arrived to see Izuku and Kirishima flying while extending his hand for Bakugou to grab. The masked man from before about to grab them but Mt.Lady stopped him in her titan form. I saw the villains from before, I rushed to them and slashed them

Leaving a big wound on their torso, but I missed the man in black and silver suit. Fortunately, Gran Torino who I known from Hosu hospital helped me. "You're late!" All Might commented, "You're just too quick." Gran Torino defended himself.

I turned to my friends and yelled, "NOW!!" we ran from the fighting area. I returned to the place where I healed the officers, to see many injured civilians. Best Jeanist and Gang Orca saw me, "Your back! Can you help them?" Best Jeanist asked me. I nod with a confident face.

--Minutes later--

I was sitting at a bench after I healed many and I mean many people, I saw the screen on the building showing the thin form of All Might. I rushed there while the people were encouraging and shouting for All Might to save them, to keep fighting for them for the whole humanity.

I saw Kamui saves Mt.lady with his wood quirk, Tiger saving a lady who was buried under the debris. I stopped time and ran to them, I healed Mt.lady and the lady who was buried that was on Tiger's hand.

I saw the man in suit about to attack so I created walls of knives and launch it to him, distracting him from All Might. "COME ON ALL MIGHT!! EVERYONE'S RESTING ALL THEIR HOPES ON YOUR VICTORY!!!" I yelled.

"Oh please..." The man released a large wave of power pushing everyone who was near him. My knives were instantly broken from the sheer power of that. His arm were mutated and he falls down to All Might with the last strike.

The impact made a large quake on the surrounding city. "UNITED STATE OF SMASH!!!" All Might punched The Man one last time, knocking the man into unconsciousness.

Slowly he raised his left hand up in a fist. "ALL MIGHT!!!" possibly thousands of people shouted. "He's still on the job." I can hear Gran Torino's voice from beside me, looks like I was thrown beside him on the impact. "His final act as the number one hero..." I hear him said that. "Not if I can help it." I muttered and left the scene.


"I'm home.." I called out. "Welcome back Onii-chan!" (S/N) hugged me like usual with (Rabbit name) still on top of her head. I laughed at her, I saw my parents standing at the corridor smiling brightly at us. I returned the smile and hugged them. "I'm home..." (S/N) joined us.

"It's quite shocking about what happened at Kamino. But we're glad that you're save." Father said. "Go get some rest. (S/N) will wake you up at lunch." My mother suggested. I nodded and walked to my room, and closed my eyes. I did feel a little body laying down beside me though.

A/N : Done and done. Sorry if it's crappy or didn't go like you wanted. I was writing this at night. See ya, and good night. I want to sleep.

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