Last Alive?-Grethan

By Naturesque

68.7K 2.9K 943

After a nuclear warfare, the world is left abandoned, crumbled and almost lifeless. Grayson, the last person... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter 2

2.1K 84 24
By Naturesque

Grayson's POV

Three Months Later

    I've lost hope and faith that my parents or anyone will come for me, to rescue me from this horrid place i've come to hate. I see and do the same thing every day and i'm sick of it; I want to feel the sun heat up my face or the wind glaze over my skin, run in the fields, swim in the pond near my house and feel cooled down from the hot sun rays.

Most of all I want to see my family, I miss them so dearly, I would do anything to see them again, to know if they're alive, if they are looking for me, or even care. The not knowing is what's really killing me, if everything is ok up there, if i'm down here for nothing or because of everything going on, if there is anyone out there like me, wondering what has happened, if there is anyone else besides them.

I want to go out but you know how the saying goes "curiosity killed the cat," and I don't want to die, so here I stay, sad, scared, and alone.

March 23, 2008

It's my birthday today, the first one i'm celebrating without my family or friends. Harry congratulated me the second it turned 12:00 am and I thanked him for it. If you're wondering how I kept time and dates I have a watch with me and I scratch out and tally the number of days i've been here on the concrete walls, so far 362 days.

I had said happy birthday to Harry as well seeing as it was his birthday too since I got him as a present that day. I sang happy birthday to myself and Harry and had shed a few tears while doing so. Happy Birthday to us.

I grabbed the lighter and stuck a piece of paper on my bread and honey sandwich, I lit the piece of paper quickly thinking of a wish, closing my eyes and blew out the "candle". I reminisced about previous birthdays I celebrated with my family and friends, happy to be able to indulge in the past and remember those good times we had together.


It was my seventh birthday and I woke up to my mom and dad smothering my face in kisses after they had yelled "Happy Birthday Grayson," and I was a giggling mess by the time they stopped.

I thanked them and hugged them feeling all giddy and warmed up from the love they displayed for me, and how much I loved them back. My mom told me to get dressed and come downstairs for breakfast. When I had come down there laid a big stack of chocolate chip pancakes, french toast and crepes with some milk and apple juice to wash it all down.

After we had finished breakfast which was at around 11:00 am since we just talked to each other and took our time to eat. There was a ring of the doorbell, my mom went to go see who it was and there stood my three best friends, Amy, Calvin, and Jeune bearing gifts for me. I got up from my seat and gave them all a hug as they said "Happy Birthday" to me.

My parents brought the gift they got me too and I opened all the gifts I received. From Amy I got a yellow toy truck, Calvin I got a set of legos, Jeune I got a set of colored pencils, crayons and a sketchbook. My parents gift I was most surprised and excited about, they got me a Gamecube, which I had been wanting for a while now, along with a few games for it as well.

After thanking all of them I asked my parents if they could set the Gamecube up in my room so I could play with my friends, they did and my friends and I all grabbed a controller and started with "Super Smash Bros. Melee."

My mom brought up some snacks for us to munch on while we played, after a couple hours of playing my mom called us down to the kitchen. As we went down I saw the lights to the kitchen turned off only being illuminated by the candles on my cake filling the dark room with light and everyone started to sing to me "Happy Birthday."

After they finished and I blew out my candles with my mom snapping a few pictures here and there I thanked all of them for a great birthday, but not before my dad had scooped some frosting off the cake and smudged it across my face, laughing.

My mom cut up the cake and we all sat down and ate, after about thirty minutes my friends started to get picked up by their parents, congratulating me as well and having a little chat with my parents since they were all a little close to.

After everyone left it was 9:00 pm, and while I usually sleep later I was growing quite tired from the eventful day i've had. I yawned and stretched a little, my mom noticed and sent me off to bed with a kiss to the cheek and a hug saying "I love you" in the process with my dad doing the same as well. I tucked myself into bed and drifted off to sleep with a small smile upon my face. Best birthday ever.


I started to let out a few tears at the memory of my favorite birthday, I missed them most when it came to holidays for those were the times for family and friends to be around you.

On halloween I ate more honey than I usually did and acted out the scary movies I could remember, putting on a show for Harry. He seemed to be entertained. Thanksgiving I sat on my bed, closed my eyes, held Harry's hands and said what I was thankful for, though not much now since I'm down here I was still alive so at least there's some things to be thankful for.

On Christmas Eve I had my own little sweets and such I had created to eat for today and Christmas. When I woke the next day I said to Harry "Merry Christmas" and throughout the day sang christmas songs I could remember and ate my own creations I had made such as honey on bread which were more like croutons now and the last bit of cereal I had left.

On New years Eve I counted down the last few seconds until the new year and once the time struck 12:00 am I yelled "Happy New Year" and hugged Harry while giggling a little.

On each holiday that passed there would always be a time where I just laid down and cried, missing my family, friends, everyone and everything that was out there, or used to be. I just want all of this to be over.

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