Tom Holland Imagines

By irlcatheravery

671K 10.4K 2.1K

Tom Holland, you know you love him Highest Ranking: #1 in PeterParkerImagines #5 in Fan German Translation o... More

Dog Park (T.H.)
Osterfield Twins (T.H.) p1
Osterfield Twins (T.H.) p2
Mini America (P.P.)
New Year's Eve (P.P.)
Happiest Place on Earth (T.H.)
Next Door Neighbor (T.H.)
Stars (T.H.)
Giggles (P.P.)
Drunk (P.P.)
Tourist (T.H.)
Red Carpet (T.H.)
Chipmunk (P.P.)
Punish (T.H.)
Holland Family Christmas (T.H.)
YouTuber (T.H.)
The Barton Kids (P.P.)
Valentines Day (P.P.)
Snatch (T.H.)
Little Surprises (T.H.)
"Fun" (T.H.)
Keep Calm (T.H.)
I'm Back, Baby (T.H.)
What's My Name (T.H.)
Metal Hand Who? (P.P.)
Nephew (T.H.)
Obedient Servant (T.H.)
These Three Teen Legends (P.P.)
Partners in Crime (P.P.)
Matching Tattoos (T.H.)
Finals (P.P.)
Birthday Boy (T.H.)
What's There to Hear? (T.H.)
Big Brother Moment (T.H.)
Pool Time (T.H.)
Soulmate-hate (P.P.)
Comic Con (T.H.)
Welcome to Tokyo (T.H.) p1
Welcome to Tokyo (T.H) p2
Welcome to Tokyo (T.H.) p3
T.O.M. (T.H.)
Repeat. (T.H.)
One Day Trips (T.H.)
Birthday Celebrations (P.P.)
Finding Neverland (T.H.)
FaceTime Calls (T.H.)
Strangers (P.P.)
Early Mornings (T.H.)
Perks of a Best Friend (P.P.)
Missing You (T.H.)
The Maid in the Prince's Tale (T.H.) p1
The Maid in the Prince's Tale (T.H.) p2
The Maid in the Prince's Tale (T.H.) p3
Hand Kisses (T.H.)
Ti Amo (P.P.)
A True Fan (T.H.)
Shoot (P.P.)
Just a Family Friend (T.H.)
Lil' Tommy Jr. (T.H.)
Stupid Vampire Boyfriend (T.H.)
Swimming is a No From Me (T.H.)
YOU (P.P.)
Jurassic Relationships (T.H.) p1
Sensory Overload (P.P.)
Stupid Boys (T.H.)
Little Elf (T.H.)
Spider-Man is Afraid of Spiders (T.H.)
Stan Siblings (T.H.)
Who's That? (T.H.) p1
Who's That? (T.H.) p2
Who's That? (T.H.) p3
Disneyland (P.P.)
The Hair (T.H.)
Far From Home (P.P.)
Rain and Thunder and Kids (T.H.)
Dyslexia (T.H.)
Needy (T.H.)
Hospitalized (T.H.)
First Day of Summer (T.H.)
Endgame (P.P.)
My King (T.H.)
Little Sister Morgan (P.P.)
Sleepy Boys (T.H.)
Bi-smuth (P.P.)
Jurassic Relationships (T.H.) p2
Thirst Tweets (T.H.)
Ear Kink (T.H.) p1
Ear Kink (T.H.) p2
Head Concussions (P.P.)
"That bitch" (P.P.)
Glasses Boy (P.P.)
Dead Girl Walking (T.H. H.O.)
Singles will be Paired (T.H.)
You are Perfect (T.H.)
Homecoming Shopping (P.P.)
Spaghetti Spills (T.H.)
Area 51 (P.P.)
Fangirl (T.H.)
A Little Too Hot (T.H.)
#Exposed (T.H.)
Bedtime (P.P.)
Cliché Carol Singers (T.H.)
"Ellen, you didn't" (T.H.)
"How Can You Sit Like That?" (T.H.)
Oysters (T.H.)
The AI (P.P.)
Spies in Disguise (T.H.)

"We switched bodies?" (P.P.)

4.5K 133 56
By irlcatheravery

3rd Person POV

Y/N woke up today feeling different, a little too different. She rubs her eyes, only to realize that she is sleeping on her stomach, something she never does. But that isn't the weirdest part, she's not in her room anymore. This is Peter's room. Her dad, Tony Stark, is going to kill her for being in his room.

Thing just keep getting worse and worse. Peter isn't in the bed with Y/N either, which is probably for the best, but he never gets up before seven and it's seven.

Plus it is freezing in his room. Y/N feels the sudden coldness after she throws the blankets off her body, but panics again. There's abs on her stomach, a very muscular chest, and she's only wearing boxers on her body.

This is not her body.

"Dad! Dad!" Y/N races out of Peter's room, yelling for her father. Even her voice sounds like Peter's. Tony Stark is seated in the kitchen eating a bowl of cereal and scrolling through his phone. He doesn't notice Peter yelling for him until seeing him standing in the doorway with no shirt or pants on, and calling him dad.

"Peter, did you have another dream about me being your father again? Cause if we need to have another talk—"

"Shut up, I am your daughter trapped in Peter's body." Y/N snaps, throwing her fist down on the counter top.

Tony crosses his arms over his chest in amusement. "Prove it, Parker."

"Shit, I am a Stark you moron!" Y/N yells in frustration. "And I know for a fact that when Pepper is gone you sleep with a blanket that smells just like her."

"Did you at least sleep good?" Tony hesitatingly asks. Y/N groans again, but it comes out as a squeak.

A loud yawn interrupts them. Both Y/N and Tony turn to face Peter, who still doesn't seem to realize what's going on yet. He sees himself standing next to Mr. Stark, screams about it, then accidentally touches his boob, thinking it was his chest.

Y/N runs up to Peter, "take your hand off my boob, Parker!"

"Why is Peter yelling at me! I'm Peter!" Peter yells back, shoving his arms far away from him. "Why do I sound like a girl!"

"Peter Parker, chill out. I think we switched bodies last night," Y/N says in a calm manor. She wraps her now long arms around her actual body that Peter remains in, realizing how weird this actually is.

"I think that might have been my fault," Tony finally speaks up from the kitchen table he still sat at. Y/N and Peter both turn around to glare at the older man. "Bruce and I were in the lab last night, and I thought the damn device didn't work and clearly it did something! But I threw away the blueprints and destroyed the thing."

Y/N darts back across the room to her father, pointing a mean finger to his chest. "You better go find those blueprints and figure out a way to turn me and Peter back into our preferred genders." She huffs at her Father and takes her finger away from his chest. "Now, if you two are to excuse me, I need to use the bathroom, so I'm going to go figure that out."

"Y/N, I don't want you seeing my dick!" Peter chases after Y/N, but doesn't get far. He ends up crumbling to the ground, wrapping his arms around his stomach. "What . . . what is happening to me?"

"Cramps, Sweetie," Y/N coos, "so that means you have to deal with my period all day."

Peter groans again, "I am so sorry for making fun of you when you were whining about your period, this is literally the worst." Y/N helps Peter stand up from the floor and drag him over to the medicine cabinet for Advil.

"Just take these, and go back to my room and put in a tampon, which do you need help with that?" She asks, placing a hand on his shoulder.

The boy flinches away with a flushing face. "No, no, I think I will be able to figure it out." He turns back around and smacks her strong figure with his now smaller one. "Now you go change me into something nerdy, and don't go playing around with my body!"

"Wouldn't dream of it, because it isn't as fun by myself."

"Y/N Stark, stop saying that!"

They left each other to go figure out how to use their new bodies for the day, but Peter could barely last five minutes. He kept complaining that Y/N's boobs were in the way of everything and that he needs help with the tampon. That was an experience.

It took ten minutes longer to get to school than usual, and it was all because of Peter Parker. He clearly did not understand that females wear bra and he almost flashed Y/N's father, which he really doesn't want to see her daughters breasts. His final outcome of clothes consists of jogger pants and one of his own nerd shirts. Y/N kept trying to give him other clothes to wear, but he claims that they are "too uncomfortable" to wear.

Before leaving the Stark tower, Y/N and Peter had to right down everything about their day so they couldn't mess it up. Locker combinations, class schedules, and even what to eat. Y/N is not too fond of eating Peter's all time favorite sandwich. They are truly disgusting according to her.

"Hey, Peter!" Y/N's eyes widen in fear, she forgot about Ned. They can't hide the switch from Ned, it would be mean and he would catch on so quickly. His hand touches the top of Y/N's shoulder, making her flinch away from Ned and swat her hands at him. "Dude, what the hell, man!"

Next, Ned stuck out his hand to do his and Peter's handshake, so Y/N just gave him a sideways high five. "Hey . . . bro?"

Peter came running up behind Y/N, sideways stepping in front of her and blocking the way. The three of them all became very awkward very fast with Peter squished in the center and Ned trying to move far away from his best friend's girlfriend, even though they are all great friends.

"Ned, chill out! It is me, I'm Peter," Peter says, pointing down at Y/N's body that he has been attached to. "Something happened last night in the lab and it affected me and Y/N, so we switched bodies and now I'm a girl!" The last part came out in a hush whisper, nobody needs to know that Peter is a girl and Y/N is a boy right now.

Ned's hands cover his mouth in shock, "oh my god, have you guys seen each other's—"

Y/N steps around her body, and smack Ned on the side of his head. "I swear to god, don't finish that sentence. Peter and I made a pac to not talk about what we have been through his morning."

"You mean Y/N and I, remember, you're are Peter now in public," Peter whispers frantically to Y/N. She rolls her eyes at him while Peter gave her a really big pout. "Also, how can you look up at me all day, my neck aches."

"Wow, Y/N," the girl teases, "you must be having it all today. You are finally short, have to deal with my body, and you are on your period, so ha!"

Ned holds back a laugh, "wait, Peter is on his period?"

Peter attempts to shove his hands in his pockets, a common thing he does when he's nervous or flustered, but the joggers he's wearing doesn't have any. So he tries crossing his arms over his chest, which takes him forever to actually get comfortable in a position since he had boobs in his way. "I've only cried out in pain three times this morning, and you don't even want to know why, Mister Ned Leeds. You don't want to know."

He puts his hands up in defeat, "you are right, I don't, Miss Y/N Stark, I have enough girls in my family to understand that I really don't wanna mess with you right now."



Y/N and Peter spoke at the same time. Then looked at each other at the same time. They were about to say something again when the bell cut them off. Y/N and Ned had to go to chemistry class while Peter has to head to gym class. Luckily, Tony gave his daughter a parent slip to get out of gym today, just so Peter doesn't have to change and be in a room full of almost naked girls.

Before they all departed, Y/N wraps her arms around Peter's neck and Peter wraps his arms around Y/N's waist. The hug got very weird very fast. They tried again with Y/N's arms around Peter's waist and Peter's arms around his girlfriend's neck, which it did work. Peter also attempted to kiss Y/N's forehead, but quickly gave up after he couldn't reach.

Four hours have passed, and Y/N is dreading to use the bathroom again. Except she actually has to go into the boy's bathroom. Ned promised to be on look out while she used it, which worked pretty well sense he told every boy who passed by that there's a mouse loose in there. Some boys didn't buy it, but still left anyways.

Peter was very happy to see his girlfriend and his body well after the first half of the day. On the other hand, Y/N is exhausted from this morning. She kept yawning and nearly feel asleep in one of Peter's classes. During lunch, she fell asleep on Peter, but due to his small frame, he pushed her towards the lunch table and into a bowl of fruit. Sure he laughed now, but it just looked like Peter Parker fell into a fruit bowl, not Y/N Stark.

The couple was able to survive the rest of the day without any problems, thankfully. Y/N almost fell asleep in math, then Ned had to smack her to keep her awake for the rest of class. Peter got caught up in a "girl talk" with Liz and Michelle, which made him really scared once they started talking about how uncomfortable bras are. He could relate though.

On the way back to the Stark tower, Peter drags Y/N by the arm down the streets of Queens with pain everywhere. He thought it would end this morning, but now that the afternoon has hit, it has gotten worse.

The A.I. announces Peter and Y/N's arrival to Tony, but he is too focused to notice. All day, he has been working on a way to turn his daughter back to a girl. In just under two hours, he will have the machine up and running.

There is no time for Y/N to drop off Peter's backpack in his room, instead, he drags her into her room, races to the bathroom, and comes back with a pad in his hand. "Tell me how to put this diaper thing on, because I will NOT be putting anything else inside of me."

In just five minutes later, Peter is curled up against Y/N with a heating pad on his stomach. "This has been one of the weirdest days of my life," he whispers into his own ear. Y/N shifts unfortunately under Peter's weight as he begins nibbling on her ear. Then he slowly starts to kiss down her neck, leaving Y/N a moaning mess in the process.

"Peter, why are you being so horny on my period?" Y/N breaths out. She attempts to pull away from her boyfriend, but fails when he completely lays on top of Y/N. "Whoa, wait, Peter, why do I feel weird?"

His kisses immediately stop. "What do you mean you feel weird?" Peter's head tilts sideways to get a better look at himself, which is really weirding him out now. Then there's Y/N, who is a little more calm after seeing her own face make the really big doe eyes Peter loves to talk about. Wow, they really are cute. "Sweetheart, did you give my body a boner?"

"I swear I didn't mean too! It just fucking happened!"

Peter Parker, in Y/N Stark's body, rolls off the bed, laughing his head off. Never in a million years would he hear his girlfriend claim to have a boner.

If the time couldn't be any better, Tony walks into his daughter's room with head in the tablet in front of him. "Okay, I need you two down in the lab with me, Banner and I have figured out how to reverse the problem." He finally looks up from the tablet, seeing Peter on the floor and Y/N throwing a bunch of pillows and blankets over her hips. "I can't fix that problem though."

"Dad!" Y/N's voice cracks due to Peter still going through puberty. "Peter was kissing me and it just did a thing!"

"It doesn't just do a thing," Peter sasses from the floor, forgetting that Tony is in the room. "You have to control it, like—"

"Peter Parker," Tony hisses, pointing a mean finger in his direction. "Let's go down stairs and fix this, because I don't wanna keep talking about my daughter's boner."

The walk down to the lab was really awkward. Y/N kept a pillow securely in front of her pants with one hand while holding Peter's hand with the other.

They all met Bruce in the lab, who was going over a couple more things before showing the group the machine. Basically, Y/N and Peter would go into an enclosed box and Tony would pull down a lever that makes their bodies switch back, if the Science Bros did it correctly.

"Y/N, you have to leave the pillow," Bruce mumbles while tapping a couple things on the tablet Tony just had.

The girl's eyes widen with fear, "do I have to?" Bruce just nods his head again. Y/N throws the pillow over her shoulder and places both of her hands over her crotch area. A small laugh escapes from Peter's mouth while Tony rolls his eyes.

The switching happened so fast, Y/N and Peter didn't even realize they were back in their normal bodies. Y/N felt it first, she felt the pain from her period erupt from her lower stomach.

Y/N burst through the doors of the small room first, running over to her father to give him a hug. Then Peter walks out a couple seconds later, now holding his own hands in front of his crotch.

"I'm gonna go sort myself out. . . ."

"Yeah," Tony closes his eyes and nods his head, "go do that, Peter."

My nose is so stuffy at the moment, I hate it :(

Summer is almost here, which means I will have tons and tons of time to write again :)

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