Longing For You(Doctor Series...

By annexbunny

14.6K 201 6

The will to wait a person. . The will that finally you longed for it. The will to love a person, that we don'... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Author's note
Special Chapter 3

Chapter 6

241 6 1
By annexbunny


He banged the door when I finally got relaxed from the pain but everytime I press my wrist, it hurts. Really!

He opened the driver's seat and saw his dark eyes. Oh?. The engine roared like my fear when I saw his eyes a while ago.

"Wh-where is Euphiemia?"I stuttered. The fuck, Alisa? I thought he can't affect you like this anymore.

He didn't answer. Shit! He's so annoying. "Jandrick, I asked you and you need to answer it"I said calmly. Did he left, Euphiemia?

"And will you answer my question, too. Ms. Larey or soon to be Mrs. Haniego"

My stomach tightened at what be said. Damn! "J-just answer me first"I looked away. He groaned while I looked at him again.

"Fine, I told her to go first.."his hand tightened on the steering wheel while I was his flaring eyes, still there.

"I was worried, so I looked for you and..."he looked at me. I bit my lip when his eyes darkened and back to the road again.

"Who is that man?"he asked. Hah!? Is that his problem!? The hell? Why would he bother, then? I didn't bother his love life or whatsoever.

"One of your flings?"he asked again. Shit! My blood boiled at his question. "He's just my friend, Jandrick, don't be such a person like who wants to be away from boys"I stated.

His jaw clenched. "And what is that fucking past you two talked about, huh!?"he asked. I closed my eyes, slowly losing my patience.

"It's just a friendly past, Jandrick!"I yelled. He sighed. "I told you to not let boys circle around you"he said. I felt my blood circling fastly at my body now! Okay then!

"Then, did I made rules for you like that!? I didn't. You are courting, Euphiemia, right? Chancing here, chancing there, chancing every—"

I leaped when he slammed his hand at the steering wheel. "The fuck are you talking about, Alisacres!?"he yelled.

Is he just defensive? Or it's true, that he didn't court Euphiemia. Well, no, I won't be swayed.

I smirked. "Are you defensive? For the first time then"I teased. Tsk, he is the one who started this. It's not my fault.

"Fuck!? Where the hell did you get that, Alisa? Who said that I courted Euphiemia!?"he asked. A bit amused and angry.

"Well, base on my observation,you looked like a chancing one"he stopped the car when we arrived. None of us went out.

I was about to go now but he grabbed my hand. I turned to him with his serious eyes. "Did you think I'm old-fashioned, baby? You're just dumb"he said.

I wide my eyes. What!? I'm dumb. "That's the result of having too much flings. You can't read someone's feelings anymore because you just played them"he said calmly.

Shit! "Well, I didn't play now, Mr. Haniego. You just don't believe me"his grip tightened. 

I bit my lip to stop screaming from pain. Please, let me go. It...hurts. I stopped myself to cry. But tears are falling already.

He cursed and hugged me. It hurts. Damn it!

"Sorry. Please. Just don't make me jealous again. I'll turn into a madman, baby"


I still couldn't get over what happened. My wrist is slowly healing. I just massage it everyday. Now it turned into weeks.

Jandrick and Euphiemia is going to have surgery. Well, now it's boring here. 

Damn, that man really! Now it's really boring. Should I suggest that I'll assist some surgeries?

Instead, I went to the canteen to get some soda, probably. Oh gosh, I want to go an arcade again. In case, Lester will come again. I want a person to cherish me right now.

Away from boredom. But, I had no choice. I had work. Work is priority. It's almost new year. I smiled. How long will I wait?

"Uhh.... Doctor Larey?"a nurse called me, Josefina. "Hm?"I asked. What again?

"President said the team A had no day offs until new year"she said. My jaw dropped. Oh great!

Where will I celebrate, then? Should I sleep over the new year? Damn it.

"Uhh....thanks for informing, who knows this already now?"I asked. Her lips twitched. "Just Doctor Arcadejas and you, I still haven't informed Sir Haniego. Can you inform him for me,please"she begged.

Really, just great. I nodded. She smiled and left me. Damn it, of all million people around these world, why is it me!?

The scene flashed in my mind. Damn! Get away from me bullshit! Damn it!

Jealous!? The fuck!?

A part of me is believing he really is jealous but another part that he was jealous ...... Of what?

One thing lingered on my mind.... Love? Fuck this bullshit! No way, ever! He'll never fall for me. He did this for business and changed his mind? Urgh, great!

Okay, calm down now, Alisa.

Will you realize that someone likes you, even he/she didn't tell you? Can you feel it that he/she likes you? Well for me, I won't know. Hahaha, manhid kasi eh. Lol.

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