•I'm Hooked • Why Don't We•

By blocksberg7777

1.2K 67 15

Feeling another presence in the room, I turn my head to look over my shoulder and immediatly shoot the brunet... More

1 - "How's my little one doing?"
2 - "No hair-touching"
3 - "No, don't 'hey Jack' me, Cam."
4 - "Oh my god, is little Cam blushing?"
5 - "No need to get violent"
6 - "Is something wrong with my earlobes?"
7 - "You're my hero!"
8 - "He's something else"
9 - "Who's Alex?"
11 - " I can't deal with seeing you sad"
12 - "You're so innocent, Zach, I swear"
13 - "You can't win this, Jonah"
14 - "I am cute"
15 - "Did I interupt something?"
16 - "Oh, don't be such a drama queen"
17 - "Private time is over! We want Cam back"
18 - "The shirt is basically swallowing you"
19 - "I heard someone got lucky"
20 - "I ... I'm quite speechless right now"
21 - "Well, thanks Zach. You really know how to talk to girls"
22 - "It's in the middle of the day. You'll live"
23 - "So you're talking about us?"
24 - "Wait a second. Are you jealous?"
25 - "And I thought you were little and innocent"
26 - "Zach is just jealous"
27 - "Okay, I can't compete with food"
28 - "Stop, I'm going to pee"
29 - "You've seen me naked before"
30 - "Smile for the camera"
31 - "Jonah, can you get your clingy girlfriend off me?"
32 - "Can you please bring me my bra?"

10 - "What is it with you two and the kitchen? Is it some kind of fetish?"

42 2 0
By blocksberg7777

Arriving in the kitchen, I make my way to the fridge, letting a small sigh escape my lips.

I open the door and grab a coke, closing the door again before opening the can as I walk towards the isle and decide to sit down on it, facing the door leading to the stairs, only waiting for one of the boys - or all of them for all I know - to slip into the room.

Taking a sip, I hear the awaited sound of the stairs creaking as heavy footsteps echo from the stairs, quickly skipping down the steps.

"They can be quite annoying, huh?" Jonah jokes stepping into the kitchen and walking straight towards me.

"Just a little" I use my thumb and finger to messure the amout of it.

"You should've seen their looks as they realised you were walking down the stairs. They were so scared you'd leave" he chuckles, taking a seat next to me.

"I put up with you guys' bullshit and jokes so far, I won't just walk away now" I say in an amused tone before taking another sip of the drink.

"What did I ever do to you?" Jonah puts a hand to his chest, acting offended.

"Can I remind you that literally this morning you made fun of me for blushing in the hallway" I point my finger to the stairs, raising an eyebrow as well.

"I was just pointing out a fact" he defends, snatching the coke can from my hand, making me send him a glare as I try to get a hold of my can again.
There is was no point though as he quickly puts the can to his lips and takes a few sips.

"That was mine" I pout as soon as he tilts his head forward again and looks at me.

"Keyword being 'was'" he winks taking another sip.

"The fridge is literally 2 feet away" I motion my hand towards the fridge.

"Why don't we just share the can?" He raises an eyebrow, smirking moments later as he realises what he just did.

"You are proud of that, aren't you?" I playfully roll my eyes, grabbing the can out of his hand, without any protest of him and take a sip myself.

"Very" his smirk turns into a grin as I find myself smiling too.
Falling into a comfortable silence, I let my head drop onto his shoulder, or rather against his arm as he's so much taller than me.
I feel him chuckle lowly before he puts his head on top of mine for a moment as we just enjoy the silence for a while.

A few minutes pass and Jonah pulls his head away, as I am about to protest that he disturbed that peaceful moment, he suprises me as he presses a kiss to the side of my head and a stupid smile and giddy feeling take over the previous thoughts.

"What was that for?" I turn my head, offering him a big smile, my eyes dropping to my lap immediately as I feel myself blush under his gaze.

"I don't know" he shrugs as I dare to look at him again.
"Just felt like it. But if you don't like it, I can stop it-"

"No, that's not what I meant" I quickly interupt him before I even realise he's just teasing me and throws a big smirk my way, my cheeks heating up even more.

"I hate to be that guy" he sighs dramatically before continuing as he brushes his hand against my thigh
"But you're blushing again, babe"

He makes me blush furiously and my stomach do flips and he knows exactly what he's doing.

"I hate you" closing my eyes, I try to avoid his eyes as I bite down my smile.

"Aww, are you sure about that?" He uses a teasing voice as he slides off the counter and elegantly turns towards me, standing in front of me, his hands placed next to my thighs on either side of me, his arms trapping my form.
My eyes slowly travel up to his face as I'm greeted by a smirk. With him being this tall, he is basically on eyelevel with me now.
I part my legs, to let him come closer, which he immediately does as his face hovers inches away from mine, that stupid smirk still plastered onto his face.

"Shut up" Rolling my eyes, I find the confidence to push his face a few inches back with my hand.

"Make me" he raises an eyebrow in a daring manner as my lips part in surprise before I let a shakey breath out.

Inching closer to me, his face gets back in the position it previously was in as I tilt my head towards his, my eyes darting from his eyes to his lips as I catch him doing the same.

"Oh my god, get a room guys" Daniel's voice cuts through the tense air as Jonah and I jump a little, not moving away from each other in the slightest as I drop my head on his shoulder, a big groan leaving my lips.

"My innocent eyes" Zach exclaims dramatically, shielding his face with his hands for a second as I send him a glare.

"What is it with you two and the kitchen? Is it some kind of fetish?" Jack raises an eyebrow, a smirk visible on his face.

"Way to kill the mood guys" Jonah sighs, as it's his time to place his head on my shoulder and letting a groan follow his words.

"Don't blame us. How were we supposed to know you were getting it on?" Daniel raises his eyebrows at us, though I'm the only one seeing it as Jonah refuses to lift his head.

"In the kitchen" Jack adds as my eyes dart to him, leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed.

"You guys, I swear to god" closing my eyes briefly, I push Jonah's shoulder back lightly, recieving a confused look as an answer.
Sliding down the counter, I grab Jonah's hand tightly and pull him towards the door with me, deciding I had enough of the boys' teasing for a while. I'm not mad or really annoyed with them, but I'd like to spend some peaceful time with the boy I have a crush on. Alone.

"Where are we going?" He mutters in my ear as he leans down to my face slightly as soon as we stop by the front door and I let go of his hand.

"I don't know... Walmart?" I shrug, crouching down as I put on my shoes as he starts doing the same.

"I just went there but okay" he chuckles lowly as I hear the footsteps of the three other boys echo closer towards us.

"Cam, look, we're just kidding. Don't be mad. Please?" Jack speaks up as I turn around and see all three shuffle on their feet rather awkwardly.

"I'm not mad, boys. But I think I'll need some time alone with Jonah. We'll be back for Pizza. Don't worry" I send them a warm smile, as I feel a hand slip into mine, squeezing it tightly.

"Have fun then" Daniel smiles back as I answer with a small nod before reaching for the door and leaving the house with Jonah next to me.

Before I close the door fully, Zach decides to speak up as well.
"But not too much" he says amused before I hear a clap or something and Zach scolding at Jack a second later.

"These boys, I swear" laughing, I share a look with Jonah who is grinning widely at me.

"Are you okay with walking?" He points out intertwined hands in the direction of the Walmart.

"The weather is nice, so why not?" Shrugging, I begin to set a foot towards the street, Jonah following my actions as we start walking.
"How was the meeting?"
I ask him as we round the first courner on our journey, the surroundings slowly changing into busier streets.

"All good. Just talking about the new song basically. The release date and stuff like that" he informs me as I watch him closely.

"For 'Talk', right? I love that song" I smile up at him, making him turn his head towards me as well.

"Yep, I like it too" he returns the smile.

"Especially since you get to sing so much" I wink, suprised by my confidence in this moment.

"Oh, we're getting confident now, aren't we?" He raises an eyebrow amused as he brushes his thumb over the back of my hand soothingly.

"Maybe" I grin at him, my cheeks heating up the tiniest bit. Looking to the front, I hope to avoid his gaze so he wouldn't point out my blush again.

"It's cute when you do that" glancing at the boy next to me, I'm met by a smirk as I roll my eyes playfully before we grow silent for a moment and pass some people that are coming our way, making some room for them.

"Are you okay with this?" I suddenly speak up, lifting our intertwined hands a little.

"What do you mean? Of course, we talked about this already, Cam" he furrows his eyebrows at me and I quickly shake my head, a smile present on my lips.

"No, I mean, doing this in public. If any of your fans see us, they'll be asking questions or jump to conclusion and stuff" I explain my worries to him.
Not that I would have a problem with anyone knowing, but it could affect his career and relationship with his fanbase.
Though, we never really did much anyways yet that could upset anyone.

"I don't mind it. And I'm not really worried about any drama or something. Our fans are cool and want us to be happy. Besides they really love you anyways" he tells me, making me smile at the end, feeling a warm feeling spread in my stomach.

Minutes later the two of us arrive at the Walmart and step inside the building, with no real plan other than to have a good time together.

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