
By An_Average_Freak

64.7K 2.5K 264


Trainees and Trainers
I Tried
TeCo or Days I Wish I Was Dead?
It Hurts
Dinner Plans?
Full Moon
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 19

1.3K 53 7
By An_Average_Freak

AU: Please vote and comment, I read all of your comments and your advice/ thoughts help me out alot!!! Thank you!

Mine and Brewers reactions were mixed. It was silent at first, we both couldn't believe our ears. I whipped my head to look at him. I think he was scared at first, the fact the last time his mate was expecting a child he had to kill her. I couldn't believe that I was pregnant. Although I should've, we mated many times after the first without using protection.

When Brewer started to smile I followed in suit. He stood up and grabbed my face kissing me, I kissed back. I was still so shocked, what does this mean. I can't follow with my mission anymore could I?

The Doctor did an ultrasound to check on the child, it was too early to see to gender. Luckily the baby was just fine.

Our ride home wasn't silent in the slightest. My mind was racing, what was I going to do. Shit, I was pregnant. I can't get rid of the baby, although it would make things so much easier but I just can't. Brewer would kill me if he found out, hell he might kill me anyway. I tried to think of our future, could we even parent a child together if we can't get along with each other.

Brewer placed a hand on my stomach, It was too early to see the bump. "You excited?" he asked. I closed my eyes, could I even see him as a father. I placed my hand over his, this is going to work out. We can parent, we can be happy. I can forget.

"Of course, do you think it will be a boy or a girl?" Our hands intertwined and I thought of the nursery. No pink walls if it was a girl, I'm not going to be raising a girl like that. I was that girl and it got me beat, my child isn't going to be that. Maybe a green, it was a gender neutral color. I liked green, It was the color of the forest.

"Boy, He'll be our first. Then we'll have a girl next and we can have anything after that. Ill teach him everything, and you'll teach him to be kind and fair." Brewer smiled, I smiled too because he was happy. I felt happy, I was going to be a mother with my love.

"We should get married, No wedding. We'll just wear the rings and sign the documents." I said turning to look at him. The seat belt cut into my neck so I took the chest strap and put it under my shoulder.

"Put your seatbelt on, we're not going to jeopardize our child." I sighed and put it back on. "I was planning on proposing but I guess it was a little too late. Im happy with that plan though. You can finally be announced Queen and you can meet everyone." I smiled at Brewer's plan, He would finally be my husband.

"I love you," I put my hand on Brewer's thigh and made little circles with my hand. I grinned as I slid my hand up to my designated destination.

"I would remove your hand or I might just crash this car." Brewer lightly growled, my smile grew.

"You know you love it."

I avoided Katara when we arrived home, I couldn't face her. I had rested in bed for almost a week, Brewer waited on me 24/7. Our relationship grew more and more intense in that week. We were closer to each other then I ever thought we would be. Brewer bought me a ring and presented me with it before we went to bed. I'm proud to say I cried, not for the ring but for it's meaning. The ring was beautiful though, it had a dark green diamond in the middle, not too big at all. Brewer knew I wasn't into the flashy stuff. It had two smaller diamonds on each side and the rest was silver. It fit perfectly.

A week later I felt nothing in my knee, It wasn't swollen not bruised. I had taken the brace off and was walking around perfectly, although Brewer was quite against it. Brewer was off taking care of the lands edges, building some rogue defense, he was rather vague. I walked around the castle, taking in the hallways and meeting more of the staff.

I found my way to the kitchen to grab an apple. Instead of finding the kitchen to be a good place, I stepped right into hell. Katara's hands grabbed my collar and pulled me to the side. The kitchen was empty but she wanted me to get away from the windows.

"God I've been waiting so long to talk to you," she looked me up and down and skimmed right over my stomach. I was glad still wasn't too far along. "We need to talk,"

"No we don't," I shoved her off me and took a step away. She grabbed my hand.

"What do you mean? Maven, the plan, Ryan we need to talk about it!" She harshly whispered at me.

"No, I'm not doing it!" I pulled my wrist out of her hand.

"What do you mean!?"

"I'm. Not. Doing. It"

"Maven, Ryan died for this you can't fucking back down." Katara was pissed, her hair was left alone in an afro but from the rapid movement or yelling everything about her was disheveled.

"Katara, drop it. I love him." I felt anger surging through me. How could she bring up Ryan, he was my friend. I don't know how to feel. I love Brewer, at least I think I do. Maybe it's the pregnancy or maybe it's true.

"No you don't. You can't love a man like that." She dropped my wrist and took a step back from me. I leaned against the wall and sighed covering my face. "What is it Maven."

"I'm pregnant." I looked at her, it was the first time I had said it aloud. It felt surreal, my whole life. Who I was felt wrong.

"Kill him, you can have the whole kingdom help you raise the baby." Katara seemed unphased and dead set on the plan.

"I can't be a single mother" I said removing my back from the wall. I felt the same power ride through my chest and I felt sure in myself again. No matter my choice it was for the best for me,.. and the baby.

Katara looked at me in shock. "Of course you can! Are you kidding me, you have everyone on your side!"  She came close to me pleading yet angry. Her anger was shared and without thought I struck her cheek.

"Let me rephrase that, I don't want to be a single parent. Now fucking drop it." Katara gasped as she held her cheek. It was a stronger enough hit to stun her. Before she could say something I left the kitchen and went outside grabbing a jacket.

Although I hadn't been fully accepted into the pack yet I had my presence been known. People referred to me as Luna. I checked my watch, it was 2. Brewer asked that I be at the courthouse at 2:30 so I was a little early. I walked around town and grabbed an apple from a vendor. It was brisk out but inside the courthouse it was too hot to wear a coat.

I sat on the red leather couch and waited for Brewer to arrive. My head leaning on my hand, I thought about the baby. I was beginning to show, just a tiny bit. It was exciting, thinking about being a mother.

"Hello love," I looked up and greeted Brewers smile.

"Hi, everything good at the borders?" I grabbed the sides of his long jacket and pulled myself off the couch.

"Yeah, I got the team in order." He gave me a quick kiss on the lips before leaning back and searching my face. "You ready?"

"Let's go sign these documents" I grabbed his hand and we walked through the building to a smaller room where we sat at a desk. The man behind it was mouse like and blonde. He pulled out documents and gave us both pens. I didn't read through them, I just looked for my place to sign and wrote my name. Brewer did the same until we came to the last signatures needed.

"Are feeling good about this?" Brewer asked me, his hand rested on my lower back. I nodded looking at the line. My pen hesitantly laid on the line until I forced it down and finished me part. Brewers name appeared next to mine and I smiled.

"Congratulations Mr. and Mrs Brewer, you are officially married." I smiled and looked at Brewer,

"Maven Noelle Brewer fits you so well." He softly held my face and brought me to him. Our kids was slow at first but meaningful, and peaceful. There was no rush, no panic. There wasn't fear.

"Theo Isidor Brewer, always suited you." I laughed when we pulled apart. His thumb brushed over my cheek. His dark eyes stared into mine as we both smiled.

"I guess we should go officiate it." He chuckled.

"Excuse me?"

"You know," he winked at me as I slowly figured out what he was talking about.

"Ohhh...oh. Yeah, yeah ,yeah I guess we definitely should." I ushered him out of the building and got on top of him as he shifted.

"We should decorate the nursery." I yawned as I flipped over and looked at him. He smiled at me and pulled his arm around me. I pulled the sheets over my chest and cuddle closer.

"What color were you thinking." He asked playing with my hair.

"Green, like the forest. That way they can run and imagine in their room just like they can outside." I put my hand on his chest lining his skin.

"I think I'm free tomorrow, we can start then maybe." He said grabbing my hand kissing my knuckles and finger tips.

I but my lip and looked at him, "And maybe,..we can go for a round two."

"Oh, is that so?"


"I think I like the probability of that maybe."

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