•I'm Hooked • Why Don't We•

By blocksberg7777

1.2K 67 15

Feeling another presence in the room, I turn my head to look over my shoulder and immediatly shoot the brunet... More

1 - "How's my little one doing?"
2 - "No hair-touching"
3 - "No, don't 'hey Jack' me, Cam."
4 - "Oh my god, is little Cam blushing?"
6 - "Is something wrong with my earlobes?"
7 - "You're my hero!"
8 - "He's something else"
9 - "Who's Alex?"
10 - "What is it with you two and the kitchen? Is it some kind of fetish?"
11 - " I can't deal with seeing you sad"
12 - "You're so innocent, Zach, I swear"
13 - "You can't win this, Jonah"
14 - "I am cute"
15 - "Did I interupt something?"
16 - "Oh, don't be such a drama queen"
17 - "Private time is over! We want Cam back"
18 - "The shirt is basically swallowing you"
19 - "I heard someone got lucky"
20 - "I ... I'm quite speechless right now"
21 - "Well, thanks Zach. You really know how to talk to girls"
22 - "It's in the middle of the day. You'll live"
23 - "So you're talking about us?"
24 - "Wait a second. Are you jealous?"
25 - "And I thought you were little and innocent"
26 - "Zach is just jealous"
27 - "Okay, I can't compete with food"
28 - "Stop, I'm going to pee"
29 - "You've seen me naked before"
30 - "Smile for the camera"
31 - "Jonah, can you get your clingy girlfriend off me?"
32 - "Can you please bring me my bra?"

5 - "No need to get violent"

52 2 4
By blocksberg7777

Stepping into Daniel's room, I immediately go for the closet and pull out the first shirt that catches my eye, which just happens to be some 'why don't we' merch.

Another smile breaks loose on my face as I take a seat on Danny's bed and just think about how lucky I am having this cutie as my best friend and how happy I am for his success and the opportunity to really live life and visit all those awesome places in the world. Sniffling quietly, I feel my stomach drop thinking back to the times I was stuck here at work, while my best friend was so far away. Don't get me wrong, I'm unbelievable proud of him and so happy for him, but I really miss him when the boys are on tour. It doesn't make it better, when I remember that he has his life basically planned out while I'm still working in a restaurant serving people for minimum wage and no clue what to do next. My dream university didn't want me last time, and if I'll get in this time is still not clear. If that's even what I want...

A shakey breath leaves my lips as I decide to push these thoughts away for now and focus on the here and now. So I get up and make my way towards the bathroom to get ready for bed.

I'm not even fully in the bathroom yet as I realize that I forgot my phone downstairs and call me addicted but I need my music for a peaceful shower, not to mention that I left it with 5 immature boys, one of them knowing my password.
Placing the shirt, I'll use as a pyjama on the closed toilet seat, I shuffle out of the room and walk back towards the stairs to get downstairs and hopefully find my phone laying untouched on the couch table.

Who am I kidding?

Setting foot in the living room, I find them all huddled up in a corner, looking at something in Daniel's hands. Already knowing what it is, I quickly stomp over to them and stop right in front of them, both hands on my hips as I raise my eyebrows.
It takes them a second but their eyes quickly fix on me, smirks playing on their lips as my mind jumps to the worst case scenarios.

"What did you do this time?" I briefly close my eyes, sighing deeply.

"Well..." I don't like the way Daniel drags out the word as I narrow my eyes at him.

Trying to grab the phone out of his hands, he is fast to dug under my arms and runs to the other end of the table, his thumbs hovering over the screen, making me believe he is currently texting someone or typing out an embarrassing tweet.

"Daniel" I warn turning on my heel so I'm facing him.

"'@TomHolland1996, I was just wondering if you'd like to meet up for a coffee sometime, hmu when you're in LA' and tweet" He reads from the screen in his hands, before his eyes jump back to my face, a stupid grin playing on his lips.

"I will kill you" I stay suprisingly calm as the words leave my lips and I take a deep breath.

"Look, already 200 retweets" he turns the phone so I'm able to see the screen as I see the number rise with every second.

"Daniel?" Zach asks slowly from behind me, making the brunette in front of me look at him.

"Yeah?" A confused look is thrown Zach's way.

"Run!" The youngest yells as I take a step forward, trying to run after the boy that just ruined every slight chance of the unrealistic romance Tom and I could've had.
Unfortunately, Daniel is living with 4 other boys who are his friends and just as immature as him, so I don't even get to take a second step before I'm pulled onto the couch by several different hands, being held in place as their laughs fill the house and I find myself groaning in embarrassment.

"I hate you guys" I sigh loudly as I feel them loosen their grip around me until I'm only feeling two hands on either side of my wrists.
Looking at them I see that Zach is holding my right one and Jonah my left one as Jack and Corbyn got up from the couch and are on their way to join Daniel probably wanting to see what my followers think of this.

"You know you love us" Zach smiles, as he tilts his head at me and pinches my cheek with his free hand.

"I'd love to kill you right now" I mutter, a playful glare thrown his way as I know that he is right. I could never hate these boys, though they are really testing my patience right now.

"I think, I just got you a date with Tom Holland" Daniel's voice cuts through the room and all of us fall silent for a moment.

"Fuck you" I scoff, now directing the playful glare at him.

"Well, he does follow you now" Jack raises his eyebrows as he looks over Daniel's shoulder and back at me.

"Yeah right" rolling my eyes, I try to wiggle out of Zach's and Jonah's grips to no success as both of them are stronger than me.
"Can you guys let me go now?" My head jumps from one side to the other, as I raise an eyebrow at them.

"Nah" Jonah shakes his head, though his hand lets go of my wrist but only a second later I find out why, as he laces his fingers with mine.
I'm not quite sure, if he did this because he wants a better grip on me or if he's maybe a little worried about the whole Tom Holland thing, which I still don't believe is real by the way.
However, I don't really care what his intentions are as I squeeze his hand tightly.

"I'm not letting you go either" Zach grins as soon as I turn my head from Jonah to him, my smile changing into some giggles as he copies Jonah's actions and slips his hand into mine, obviously only meaning it in a friendly way or maybe to tease Jonah a little but I still give the young boy a squeeze as well.

"Cam, I'm being serious... look at this" Daniel speaks up after my giggles die down and walks up to me, the phone already facing me as he stops inches away from me and I concentrate on reading what's on the screen, leaning forward to get a better look as I feel the boys beside me do the same, obviously wanting to see what's going on as well.
As soon as my brain processes what my eyes are seeing, I feel my stomach drop a second time this evening, my hands starting to sweat, but I don't care about that right now, a smile breaking out on my face.

"Okay, now I want to hug you" my eyes dance to Daniel's face as he offers me a smile as well.

"Eww, you're sweating" Zach pulls his hand away from mine, a teasing tone in his voice as he nudges my knee with his now free hand.

"Jonah isn't complaining" I roll my eyes at his behaviour.

"Yeah, because he has a crush on you, duh" Zach comments now rolling his eyes at me, as Jonah reaches over my lap with his free hand and pushes Zach to the side, making him hold onto my arm, so he won't fall to the side as he seems to be taken by surprise.

"Hey!" Zach sends the oldest a glare, making me look at Jonah as well, as I see the tiniest hint of red on his cheeks, instantly making me smile again, seeing he feels the same way I do when being teased that obvious.

"I can't believe this" I reach my hand out for the phone, deciding to ignore the two boys and focus on the notification again.

"I guess, I'm quite a good best friend" Daniel smirks down at me, not stopping me from getting a hold of my phone this time.

"You still stole my phone and tweeted something embarrassing from my account" I roll my eyes, slipping the phone into my front pocket before attempting to get up, just to be pulled back down by Jonah, who then lets go of my hand to put his arm around my shoulders before pulling me into his side.

"You can't leave me with them" he mutters, not really trying to be quiet, as he's obviously joking and trying to get some laughs out of us.

"I have to take a shower though" I shake my head, biting down my smile.

"He can join you" Jack winks, coming closer and stopping next to Daniel as he leans his arm onto Danny's shoulder.

"Ohhh" Zach pokes my side slightly, the rest of the boys chuckling, even Jonah joins them.

"I swear to god, Jack" I shake my head, beginning to laugh a little before I feel Jonah loosen his grip and I get up for real this time.
Moving towards the door, I make sure to smack the curly haired boy in the back of the head.

"No need to get violent" Jack smirks in my direction as I catch him winking at me before I turn my head back to the front and start climbing the stairs.

On my way up the stairs, I fish my phone back out of my pocket and click the twitter app again, needing to see the notification, I dreamed about so often again. And it's still there, right in front of my eyes, a smile forming on my lips instantly. I know it's not really that big of a deal, but for a fangirl like myself it is quite cool.

Closing the app I open spotify and search for my playlist as I arrive on the second floor and hurry into the bathroom.
Pressing shuffle on the playlist, I'm met by 'Talk Fast' from 5sos' new album 'Youngblood', making me immediately dance a little as I place the phone on the counter next to the sink and start undressing, quietly singing along to the song.
I don't bother if the boys may be hearing my music as I turn the volume up to max before I jump into the shower and play around with the settings a little until I'm happy with the temperature and start really enjoying the warm water running down my body as I close my eyes and wait for the next song to start playing, impatiently lifting my weight from one foot to another, wanting to hear some more music.
Unfortunately, my luck seems to have left me after the Tom Holland follow and I get to sit through a freaking advertisement.

Yes, that's right, I don't have spotify premium, no way in hell am I going to pay so much money for free music. Nah, besides this way I'm forced to listen to some songs I'd normally skip and found many hidden treasures this way.
Anyways a spot later and I resume listening to my playlist to a song I added a few days back, 'All The Same' by Story Untold. Immediately feeling the music, I start singing along to the song, this time not keeping my voice low because this is a song you have to feel and yell the lyrics to.

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