The Reuion

By malecshadows

54K 2K 494

Alec left 5 years ago now he comes back. he and Magnus moved on or didn't they? Find it out and read my seque... More

It Has Been 5 Years
I'll Pick You Up
Something Was Wrong
Burger With Chocolate
I'll Keep You Safe
Is Everything Okay?
I Think About You
A Friend Once And For All
A Name And A Date
Bow And Quiver
What IF?
Lies...Lies and...Lies
Kickboxing and Aden
Blue Bruises
He Loves Me
I Hate You
I Love You
Love Is Blood
Lost Memory
Lost Memory
The Letter
Not The Father
Sex Dreams
New Date & One True Love
I Kissed Someone
The End Of me And Him
Marry Me
Rain Kiss
Talk & Love
Home is Where You are
I'll make you scream
The End

War Of Hearts

1.4K 55 21
By malecshadows


"Wh..." "Marry me. Right now." I said and in this moment my whole brain stopped to work. "Mags...we can't marry right now." Vici chuckled and I looked at the clock. It was 6:30pm and in one hour the registry office would close but that should be enough. "We have an hour." I told her and only there she realized I was serious. "But I don't have a dress...I...I...yes. Let's marry." She answered and I kissed her lips but I felt...nothing. There weren't any sparks or love it was only me who was scared to be left alone. "You want to change?" I asked her when she pulled back and she looked in my eyes. Vici was beautiful and she seemed kind but I felt nothing for her. "No...I'll call Mia. She's working there and I guess she can help us." She answered and I nodded while I turned the car on again. "Oh my god, Magnus! We gonna get married!" She yelled excited and took out her phone probably to call her friend. What was Alec doing now? This question ran around in my head and I knew if I marry her now there was no way back but it was too late. Alec was happy with Riley and I would be happy with Vici even I had to force myself. "Maybe you should cover your bruise? I mean maybe they think I did that." I said unsurely and looked at her for a short moment. "Then we need to go home." She said and I nodded with a smile. I didn't want to marry her because of love I wanted to marry her because of fear and this was the only reason. "I still have some makeup here and also my dress." She said when we areived and ran up the stairs to the bedroom probably. I walked after her and looked around in a house that was supposed to be my home but it didn't feel like it. It felt like something was missing and I knew it wasn't something it was someone. I walked to a room where my cloths could be but they all looked so lazy. There weren't any colors or glitter and it felt like when Alec left he took all the colors with him. I walked to my closet and then I saw something. I saw Alecs necklace laying on my drawer in the middle of the dressing room. Why was it there? I didn't remember why I had it but I picked it up. I took it in my hand and squeezed it tightly. "Be happy." I whispered into nothing and a little tear rolled down my cheek. "Mags?" Vici asked and I whipped my tear away before I turned around to look at her. "Wow." I said when I saw how beautiful she looked in an old pink dress. She blushed and shyly pushed a hair behind her ear. This would be the woman I would die next to and this would be the woman I would raise a child but I didn't love her. I would never feel the way I felt for Alec and even I would try it would be worthless. "You look really beautiful." I said and she blsuhed even more. "I'll just put on something suitable and then we can leave, okay?" I asked her and she nodded before she walked out of the room. I walked to a closed closet and decided to put on a wine red suit with black pants and a black shirt. "Ready?" I asked Vici and she looked at me for a few seconds. "You're wearing make up." She suddenly said and it was true. I put on a bit glitter on my eyes and I just hoped she would be judging. "Yeah...want me to remove it?" I asked and Vici quickly shook her head. "No. It' didn't wear it for a long time. You look like your oldself." She answered and I was relieved when she said that. What the hell I was really gonna marry her! Oh my god. What was wrong with me? Why was I such an idiot and wanted to marry someone I didn't even love. "Let's go." I said and Vici nodded with a smile. We didn't talk on our way to the  registry office and I felt like if I married her I would give up everything. I would give up a live with Alec but he gave up already years ago and I was the reason for that. After 10 minutes we areived at the registry office and I quickly got out to open the door for Vici. Suddenly I realized that she still fit in that dress even she was pregnant. "It's a dress for pregnant woman. It was for Lukes and Maryse engagement party." She said and it was like she read my mind. Alec told me that they were engaged and it made me really happy. I wished them all the happiness in the world and everything they wanted. "You sure you want to?" Vici asked when we stood in front of the room where Mia was waiting. Mia said she could help us with all that and she even said we don't need to do the paperwork first. I would marry a woman I didn't know. I would marry a woman I didn't love and I would marry her with the fact that I would never love her. "I'm sure." I answered and Vici smiled brightly before she knocked. "Come in." A woman yelled and we walked inside the big room. "Vici, it is so incredible." She smiled and hugged Vici before she looked at me. "Well then let's start."


"I'll go and bring Magnus a little bit." I said and Aden gave me a plate with pasta. This Aden boy was really something and I could see that he really loved my brother. The way he looked at he was everything for him and Max returned that. Max was maybe only 15 but he knew what he wanted and he knew how to treat someone he loved. Max was kind and he cared for the people he loved even they hurt him once. Even Max said dad wouldn't be proud of him I know he was. Maybe my dad was watching us and realized that no matter who we love we were his sons. I was proud of Max and I was thankful that Magnus helped him because I didn't. Magnus did so many things to make it up even it was my fault too. "Mags, can I come in? I have food." I said and knocked on the door but I didn't got an answer. It was silent and I didn't hear one little noise, I could only hear my heartbeat. "Magnus, I'll come in now." I said and opened the door slowly to see an empty bed with no Magnus. "Magnus?" I said scared and looked around the room but it was empty. "Damnit." I breathed and ran to the out of the room. How could he only leave? What for a fool I was. I should have look after him. I should have seen that I hurt him more than I thought. "Max." I yelled and ran up the stairs. "What the hell. Shut up Aden is aslseep." Max hissed and pulled Aden closer to his body. "Oopps. Sorry. Magnus is gone." I whispered and suddenly Max sat up in shock but he regret it when he saw how Aden flinched. "Sorry. Sleep, Babe." Max whispered softly and Aden nodded. "What do you mean he is gone?" Max asked furiously and I shrugged. "His room is empty and I can't find him!" I whisper yelled back and Max sighed. "Adi?" Max asked and placed a kiss on Adens lips who mumbled something but I couldn't hear it. "Magnus isn't here. We'll go and find him. You want to stay here?" Max asked Aden who sat up slowly and rubbed his eyes. "Can I come with you?" Aden asked shyly and his voice was barly hearble. "Of course you can."  Max smiled at him and kissed the tip of his nose before he got up. I watched them and smiled to myself. "What?" Max asked and pulled me out of my thoughts. "You aren't my little brother anymore." I said and Max smiled because he knew what I meant. "You want to get pathetic now? Sorry maybe later." Max smirked at me and I just rolled my eyes while I smiled. "Okay I'll wait dowstairs, we have to find him." I said and ran down the stairs to grab the keys of Lukes car but they were gone. Shit. Magnus took Lukes car. Where the hell did he go? "He took Lukes car." I sighed when Max came down with Aden. "Well then we can track him. Luke is a policeman. You think he wouldn't have a GPS in his car?" Max asked and I had to say he was clever. "Great how do we do that?" I asked and Aden smiled shyly. "We hack the systeme with my phone." Aden said shyly and I looked surprised at him but let him hack Lukes car. "He is at the registry office." Aden said with a frown and my heart stopped. What was Magnus doing there? I didn't even think about anything else than get to Magnus. I ran out of the house and ignored Max yelling because my brain told me something bad was happening right now. I ran and ran till I finally reached the registry office totally out of breath. I never ran so fast like in that moment and my legs felt so weak but I needed to find him. I took all my strength together and ran inside the huge building. I rushed to the reception and walked to the woman. "Excuse me. Is a Magnus Bane here?" I asked and she looked at me confused. "Room 123." She answered careless and I ran to find that stupid room. Finally I found it and I pushed the big door open to see the most beautiful person in my whole life. "Don't. I love you."


( you should really put in Ruelle war of hearts😏😏)

"So you are all here because you want to? You aren't forced?" Mia asked and I squeezed Vicis hand a bit. "We are all here because we want." Vici answered and stroke her tummy with the other hand. "Great then we will sign this contact and then you'll be husband and wife." Mia said and I was surprised that the ceremony was so heartless. There was no romantic or some 'god brought you here' speech. Maybe the whole univers knew I shouldn't marry her and that was a message of it. I didn't want to marry her because I wanted Alec. I only wanted Alec and I would always want him. He was the love of my life and I could slapp myself for not realizing it earlier. Now it was too late but at least Alec would be happy with Riley. "It's time for the rings and for the marriage vow." Mia said and Vici looked at me hestiating. "I got this." I said with a smile and we both stood up. I took her hands in mine and now...did I have to say I love you? I couldn't! What was I supposed to do now? Shit. "I Magnus Bane, promise you to be your husband and stand by your side. I will stay with you in happy times..." Suddenly the door was pushed open and I saw the most releiving thing in my whole life...Alec. "Don't. I love you." He said totally out of breath and I looked at him not believing what I just heard. Did Alec say he loved me? Did he just tell me to not marry this woman because he wanted me? No. This must have been a dream? He couldn't be here. He wouldn't do that. Or? I looked at Alec and saw his begging look and in that second I knew he was really here. "Mags?" Vici asked and I looked back at her. My heart was beating like an idiot. "I...I can't breath." I said and my breath was quick. "It's okay." She smiled and I let go of her hands. "I can't. I'm sorry but I love him." I said and looked back at Alec. I looked at him and started to walk to him. With every step I came closer to him my heart beat faster and he looked at me with eyes full of dissbelieve. I grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled him closer before I crashed our lips together. I felt fireworks inside my stomach and after a few few seconds I pulled back but Alec wanted more and I gave it him gladly. While our lips moved in synchronic I felt how all missing pieces were put back in place and I felt how light covered my sould. I felt completed for the first time in a long long time...

//tbc Bam who's the wedding crasher now! There you go malec. 💕💕💕💕💕❤❤❤❤

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