Riley and the Boxers | ✔️

By Navycoffee

214K 8.9K 3.2K

Imagine losing your family. You would be devastated, heartbroken and empty, as if you've lost everything in y... More



7.6K 307 74
By Navycoffee


I knew I should've just had a haircut instead.

Wait no scratch that - I already had it in mind - but I should've done it anyway.

Disguising yourself as a boy? Yup, it was easier said than done. Reading this story, I hope you all figured that this method is a one-way ticket to epic humiliation.

"I-It's not how it looks..." I attempted to convince a very bewildered Skylar, but the tone I said it in and the way I trembled made it quite obvious that it was exactly how it looked.

Skylar's shocked face broke into a large grin that read, 'please, I can see right through you.' "It's not how it looks? Then justify why you're wearing a wig in order to cover your baldilocks?"

"Say what?"

"Right now, i've found out that Riley Coleman is bald and..." He shrugged. "I might just keep it a secret."

Well... That's not exactly the case, but sure.

I laughed nervously. Thank the heavens he had mistaken me for being bald, which was much safer than the truth and you know what? I went with the flow. "Oh no you found out! Well this is very embarrassing-"

"You've been discovered that you're bald," he pointed out. "Of course it's embarrassing. Am I the first one to know about this though?"

I swallowed. "Yes. Yes you are."

"Then you're in luck Coleman because I wont reveal it to anyone, but in one condition."

"That is..?"

"Tell nobody I work here, capish?"

I grinned and nodded visciously. "Got it."

He shot me one of his effortless charming smiles. "Cool, we have a deal then. Now go home, this is no place for dorks."

I rolled my eyes but headed off anyway. Boo yeah! I was saved... For now.


Aggressively jabbing the key into the keyhole, I mentally prayed that nobody was awake. Much to my luck, the atmosphere was dead silent, considering all I could hear was the sound of the crickets through the half-opened door. Shivering by the suddenly slight wind, I shut the door and tip-toed through the hallway.

"Yeah, I'll bring them to the usual spot tomorrow." I heard a voice from the living room. Shoot! Quickly backing up against the wall, I slightly peaked to see the silhouette of whom happened to be the most muscular boxer living in our house. "Nah, don't sweat. I'll come alone as promised."

An audible tap was heard, indicating Triston had ended the call, and a sigh after that. What was that about? Don't tell me he's part of a mafia gang, or selling illegal drugs and all that jazz. Oh boy -- what if I was living in the same mansion of a home with a criminal? What if his plan was to take over Elva's company and I was the only one who knew? I mean John told me he was quite a mysterious person, but it never came to mind it would be related to crime! If that's the case then how was I supposed to protect everybody? Triston was huge and possessed gigantic muscles, whereas I might've been the cause to Skylar's swollen jaw, but comparing me to Triston would be comparing a tree to a twig.

Big difference right there.

And things were about to get madder when his head twisted to my direction as I swiftly ducked away, holding my breath to lower his suspicions of having company. Oops, didn't see that coming. And once again, I prayed to the Lord he didn't see that-

"Whoever you are, you better show yourself right now... Or do I have to come over there myself?"

If bad luck was a disease, then I would be dead by now.

I gulped, hesitatingly managing to appear in the doorway with a nervous smile spread on my face. Upon recognising who I am, he groaned, "Well isn't it the boss' nephew? How much of the conversation did you hear?"

"I-It's not what it looks like... I just came downstairs and then suddenly I heard your voice saying that you'll bring whatever you're going to bring to the 'usual' spot alone-"

"Really?" He squinted his eyes at me. "So what brings you downstairs?"

And I thought I couldn't have been even frozen at that moment. Shoot, there was no way I could have told him that I was actually outside - wait did Elva even know I was out all along? I had no idea, but I did have quite the idea of how Elva would react if she found out I came back home at midnight. So I replied from the top of my mind, "I'm waiting for a delivery."

He gave me a neutral look, before chuckling. "A delivery... At this time? Well isn't that normal?"

I laughed nervously. "If you say so. The delivery was meant to come at 15th June- oh wait oops thats tomorrow! My bad, then let's call it a night, see you in the morning!"

"Whoa, hold on, shorty." He grabbed my arm, making my joy of escaping delayed for another few seconds. "What you heard... You better not tell anyone or else."

Being that annoying person I was, I wanted to desperately ask what else, but I decided against it because the answer was clearly written on his icy-glaring look.

"Got it."

As his grip released, I ran for my life, bolting up the stairs, turning a few hallways and rushing into my room. I heaved a sigh of relief before a smile played on my lips.

Triston. Another mysterious scary guy, huh?

Speaking of Chance... I watched in confusion as his body laid flat on the floor, his back facing front. Not this again. Throughout the days I had been roommates with Chance, I'd come to realise that falling out of his bed was a usual habit of his. I found this totally unfair, why was I the one ordered to sleep on the floor when his body unconsciously desires to instead? He seemed to really enjoy it more than me anyway.

All of a sudden, I found myself staring unhelpfully at how his grey shirt was pushed high up his back, revealing that perfect dent he had running down the middle of his back. I gulped, trying to keep in my drool. Lord I could stare all day.

Wait, did I really just think that?

Shaking my head, I humphed, made my way towards him and pulled his shirt down his insanely-perfect body. What could I say? I was tempted to because that view could've been the reason to my lack of sleep the next day, considering I could just stare at it forever and ever and... Basically eternity.

Besides, I needed to be wide awake tomorrow in order to avoid a certain someone named Lily.

Unfortunately I apparently caught the bad luck disease and apparently it was incurable too so as I moved my foot, Chance moved his legs and here we go, gravity. My body fell beside Chance's in an oomph and I sighed for now I was so unbothered to get up.

Hey, this is not so bad.

But before I could even think about getting all snugged and falling asleep right there, I attempted to lift up my body, but to be weighed down by Chance's sudden movement of his arm. And I know what you're thinkin; Awe Chance must've waved his arm onto her waist, how cute! Nuh-uh, wrong, though that would've been a much better feeling than his arm, his heavy arm(which was quite surprising, considering how Chance's arms weren't as bulgy as its weight said it is) laid on top of my neck, suffocating me.

I squealed under my breath, managing to pick up Chance's arm and then swing it away from my neck. Breathing heavily as if I've just ran a triathalon, I relaxed to catch my breath.

Eventually, my motivation to get up and sleep where I was meant to be sleeping was neglected. Whew, today was a very tiring day. And with just the thought of that, I drifted off to sleep.


When I woke up, I realised my head was against something other than my pillow and my back felt completely bruised. How did I manage to sleep so soundly on a wooden, hard floor? And then last night's situation completely dawned onto me.

Crap, Chance!

I rolled sideways to face a still snoozing Chance and laughed softly. The sun's rays were seeping through the gap between the blinds and I stared unintentionally at Chance's sleeping, peaceful face. Gosh, he looked so vulnerable and... innocent. It was like a soft side of him, that would soon switch back to the cold and mysterious boxer.

As I was about to get up, my heart froze once his eyes fluttered open. For a moment, we were held captive in each other's eyes in such an awkward atmosphere. Oh god, what would he think of this situation?

Once he had registered that I laid right next to him, he shrieked away. "What the actual f-"

"It's not how it looks!" I convinced him, sitting up and waving my hands in a denial gesture.

"Really Riley? Then explain why you are lying right next to me, you creep!"

"I-I was um..." Think Riley think! "Morning yoga." Immediately I collided my hands together in a pleading position, crossed my legs and closed my eyes. But I didn't dare to do the whole deep breathing thing because you know... Morning breaths.

He stared at me as if I was mental, before shaking his head in frustration. "Out of all places, why here?"

"I chose this spot because as you can see..." I explained, confident in my excuse. "The sunlight has shone here a little which is enough for me to at least faintly see things, therefore I have to do my yoga right here."

I mentally praised myself. Nice save, Riley!

But Chance didn't even seem to be paying any attention; his annoyed glare soon morphed into an intense one as he shuffled closer, which caused me to freeze like a statue. He continued shifting closer with his eyes latched onto mine. It was as if my heart was about to leap out of my chest and hit him in the face.

He smirked, "You have a little something there."

With that he backed away and stood up, heading towards the door and leaving me dumb-struck. I felt the spot he pointed at and immediately my cheeks heated into a bright red. Oh I could just feel it, my flaming cheeks and the dry saliva that was detected by Chance.

Well, wasn't that a beautiful way to start off the day?


"Riley middle-name Coleman!"

Lily's voice gave me a heart attack that I wouldn't have mind if it killed me, because I was going to die anyway. Not daring to look down the hallway where I could just feel her standing six metres away, I took a sharp breath and ran.

"Come back here you little traitor! Just wait until I get a hold of your smart arse face!"

Darn it, where to go, where to go?

"Riley! Over here!" On cue, Orio and a couple of other girls stood around a door and pointed at it. I was skeptic of this escape route at first but then I realised it was the boys' toilets. Of course! Lily couldn't possibly set foot in there, but I could! I could just hear the clattering of her six inch heels running closer and closer, but not close enough to grab me when I dashed into the toilets.

I pressed my body against the door just for extra security. Puffing my lungs out from all that running, I stopped to hear what exactly was going on out there.

"Let me go in there! Riley promised me a date with Chance but he completely humiliated me! He wasted like what? Two hours of my time? Now let me give him a taste of his own medicine!" Lily's outraged voice muffled through the door and I sighed. She was right, I did break a promise and even if I tried, my efforts didn't really benefit her at all. But, not to be all accusing or anything, but Chance was the one who also promised me that he would go on the date with her! Did he just do that to shut me up? Then why did he attend the dance anyway? Man, I should've never trusted him.

"Nope, sorry. No can do. This is the boys' toilet which means male people only." Orlando defended. Luckily the bell rang, indicating it was class time. Well Lily, time to bid giving me a taste of my medicine goodbye. "Well would you look at that? It's time for class!"

"Come on, let's go to science!" One of the girl's voices squealed, as Lily's irritated scream was soon out of hearing range.

Slowly, I opened the door to see a smirking Orio. "You and trouble have an eternal relationship, huh?" He sighed. "Come on, let's go to class-"

"Sup Orlando." Jackson's voice shouted through the hallway. As soon as the words left his mouth, Orio's face heated up so badly that even the sun would be jealous. I turned to face him waving at us and when he noticed me, he grinned. "Hey Riley!"

"Hey Jackson, see you around!" I shouted back, grinning like a maniac. This was too cute - especially Orlando's reaction. Orio eventually waved back and when Jackson left, I nudged him.

"You need to act more confident, Orio or it's going to be awkward."

Retrieving his senses, he huffed, "Yeah, yeah whatever. Like you know anything about guys anyway. Let's go!"

I humphed back. I totally do!


Time flied faster than you could finish saying this sentence. Or that's what it felt like to me... Anyhoo, at this point of the story it was lunchtime and I sat anxiously at the corner of the hallway, hoping that Lily nor the teachers would find me here. I added the teachers to this because basically, you weren't allowed to hang out in the halls. You had to grab things from your locker and head outside or into the cafeteria. Sad, right? But good at the same time since the less people, the less chance of Lily being here.

However, my view being just lockers made me unaware when Orio pulled me out and before I could scream myself, he did it for me. "Guess what, guess what, guess what bestie?"

I stared and blinked and stared and blinked. Did he not find it weird or concerning why I was sitting in a corner of the hallway? Sighing, I replied. "What?"

His hands gripped my shoulders in mere excitement. "There's a-"

"Attention all students," The Principal's voice blasted through the intercoms. "Drama auditions are currently being held. Please report to the school hall if you are interested. Thank you."

I looked back at Orio who was grinning and pointing at the intercom near us. "He said it all. Now, if you don't mind, I shall force you over to the school hall to audition with me." He grabbed my wrist, pulling me down the hallway.

"Whoa, what? Why drama?" I asked frantically, my voice a bit dodgy due to how fast we are moving.

"Because, if you haven't noticed, I love acting! Drama is pretty cool because considering the shitty life we all live right now, it lets you be someone else once in a while - oh hang on that doesn't count for you..."

I glared daggers at him as he faced me and shot me an apologetic look. "Forget that, I mainly like drama because the teacher is one fine piece of eye-candy."

"Psh," I huffed. "I'm guessing that was a sneak peek of your interesting acting skills?" We had entered the hall by then and looking at the 'eye-candy' teacher, I rolled my eyes. "Gee Orio, you never told me you also had a liking to women."

Orio laughed nervously before he shot a qualmish, fake smile and nudged me. "Right?"

"Alright kiddos, settle down now!" By the teacher's call, we obediently sat down. The hall was filled with loads of students from freshman year to senior and I had to admit I never expected so many people. "First of all, my name is Mrs Pebbles and I'm the head drama teacher for five consecutive years now. This year, we will be performing a total of six showcases. Three will be done by freshmen and sophomores directed by Mr Harvey, and the other three will be done by junior and seniors directed by me. This lunch, auditions will be held to determine who will make it in but since there is so many of you, this may take more time. Freshmen and sophomores, please follow Mr Harvey. The rest may stay seated."

The large amount of students soon decreased within a matter of seconds. Orio looked so pumped to be here and that made me smile inevitably. Why not do drama? It seemed a whole lot of fun anyway. You could portray the role of a fictional character and live as them for a while. Even if I already was being someone I'm not, I wouldn't mind this. I wouldn't be anxious if someone found out I was acting, because everyone would know in the first place.

For the first time, people seemed to be quiet and obedient, so I assumed Mrs Pebbles was a pretty scary teacher. Aged teachers seemed to be like that, anyway. Her highlight-blonde, tied-back hair had grey roots and her winkles were detectable even from afar. With a pink blazer, white collar blouse, black knee-length pencil skirt and white flats, she looked rather very formal. And those silver-rimmed glasses proved it prominently.

"Okay students, mark my words. Only twenty of you will be accepted and as I can see, there are way more students than that. So if you weren't accepted, please accept it and move on otherwise you can carry you and your tantrum-throwing butt to the principal's office." I winced. Ouch. "First of all, I warn you all that none of the plays are themed romance due to the incident last year... So, I advise everyone who wanted to act in a romantic play to leave now."

Surprisingly, a lot of people stood up and left the hall and by the looks of it, it was mostly couples. Seriously? With curiosity getting the better of me again, I quickly asked Orio, "What exactly was the incident?"

He giggled softly before responding, "Last year, the main lead actress and lead actor had to kiss. But then the girl's boyfriend stopped her right before the act because he couldn't bear the thought of having another guy touch his girl. So he and the main actor started a fist fight... It was one heck of a scene alright."

I laughed, that explained it. "Damn."

"I know right?" He chuckled back before Mrs Pebbles clapped her hands to gain our attention.

"Now, must I warn you guys that you will be performing in front of the entire student body. Therefore, stage-fright is not acceptable. If you feel like you have a lot of stage fright, I advise you again to leave now. Here's your opportunity."

Once again, a whole lot of people left the hall but I hesitated for a moment if I should remain here. Do I have stage fright? I had no idea. But it wouldn't hurt to just try and audition, right? Once whoever were leaving left, Mrs Pebble counted the remaining students. "Twenty-three, that means three people would be going today." There was no emotions nor sympathy to her words and she handed us a sheet of paper. "Here are your audition scripts. You have five minutes to recite and when times up, times up. I will also not be giving you second chances. If you screw up, you're out. Now go, go, go!"

We all headed out of the hall to practise. "Wow, she's so comforting."

Orio snorted. "What are you talking about? You're no different, Riles Doctor."

I gasped, "How do you know that?"

"How do you think? Skylar of course! We're roommates after all."

"He talks about me?"

"Honey, all seven of us do. The oblivious ones say there's something different about you and even if they can't pinpoint it, they know it's something."

I shot him an uneasy look. I felt so guilty lying to them, but it's not like I had a choice. Elva was my only relative who acknowledged me, except as a boy. Plus, she is a full-time director for male boxers only and being the only girl there would be a hard circumstance on so many levels. However, it's not like faking to be a boy isn't either.

He sighed before swinging his arm around my neck. "Relax, I don't say anything to them about you at all, well that would reveal your identity anyway. Trust me, okay? Especially Chance, he would talk and laugh with us but once your mysteriousness was mentioned, he would act as if we're all aren't even there. He seems to really care which is weird because he's usually an asshole!"

I froze. What really? For some reason it felt as if a weight of an elephant was lifted of my shoulders, but at the same time butterflies decided to go all hyper in my stomach. Did he do that for the sake of our deal or because he genuinely likes me? Who knew that would be the reason to my sudden bright smile.

All of a sudden, I saw a familiar, yet nerdy figure walk out of the door with the copy of the script in his hands. Hold on, is that... Chance?

What on Earth could be his reason to try out for drama?


"So why drama?"

"So why do you care?" Chance defended, not even daring to even glimpse at me. We were walking home after school and for drama, everyone had auditioned but the results weren't told yet. I guess we would have to wait tomorrow, huh?

Right at this point of the story, I had decided to annoy Chance all the way for breaking the deal and getting me into trouble. It's all I could think of for now, I'd think of something bigger and better later.

"Because..." I sang, crossing my arms. "It's not like you to take interest in something like that."

"You thought I would take interest in women, but I don't, do I? So you should've seen this coming, Coleman."

I humphed. Annoying, be annoying. "Well, so if you don't take interest in women, doesn't that mean you're gay? Yeah you're right, not surprised."

For the first time, he looked at me with an amused expression. "If you wanted a punch in the face, you could've said so."

"Wait you heard me, but didn't answer... Is that a yes then?"

"Chance!" We both twisted our heads towards the voice which belonged to a girl around our age with purple dyed hair and piercing all over her face. She had a goth sense of style and definitely looked like someone you shouldn't mess with. Well there you go again, I wasn't surprised they knew each other but I guess you could say I was a bit surprised it was a girl?

"Ivy!" Chance shouted back happily before running over to her. He embraced him into a hug which he hesitated for a few seconds to return, but did anyway. I watched as they happily talked with each other and I couldn't help but think who was this girl. And why was my heart hurting like this? Was it because he kind of lied to me or was it out of jealousy? Wait what am I saying? Neither of them! Its none of my business and it was definitely not like I liked him.

I sighed. Annoying him. My goal was to annoy him-

"Hello, may I ask you if you know that young man over there?" I looked over to an aged man in a black suit. He smiled sweetly at me as I smiled back. It was then I realised he was talking about Chance.

"Yeah, he's a friend, why do you ask?"

"Just wondering dear, you both looking very good looking. Maybe you could model for my fashion company one day? If you're interested, here's my business card. Don't hesitate to contact me here." I smiled again and took the card before taking a brief glimpse and shoving it into my blazer's pocket.

"Thank you, it was nice to meet you-" I looked back to see he had disappeared and immediately grew confused. Huh? That was weird.

"Are you going to stand there like a lost dog or come home?" I looked up to see Chance looking back at me in an annoyed face expression, his hands sat inside his pant's pocket. I nodded as he rolled his eyes, walking ahead of me. A few minutes passed of us walking home and before I knew it, home was just seconds away. And that's when it hit me.

"Did I see Chance communicating with a friend? Well isn't this amusing?" I teased. He scowled at me as he unlocked the door and we both walked into the living room to see something I never had seen coming in a million years.

My heart dropped and I immediately felt a rush of pain as I saw Elva sitting down, having tea with no other than my cousin, who knew me perfectly well... As a girl.

"Ah Riley! You're here. You know you're cousin, Bethany right? Well she's come to stay for a month. Bethany, you've met him before, right?"

"H-him?" She stuttered, shooting me the most bewildered look. Eventually she got the drill, shooting Elva a fake smile. "Why of course I know my lovely male cousin, Riley."

Oh but don't misunderstand; Bethany and I have known each other even before we could talk, but we've never gotten along, and never will. So I knew she wouldn't just let this go without what she called 'fun' and what I called 'torture' in it.

As if Chance could read my mind, he whistled lowly before whispering, "Well I could say this is amusing too..." He patted my back with an evil smirk on his face. "But this, is a whole new level."

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