The Nerd's Best Friend

By ashlyn0304

74.9K 2.5K 226

Raelynn is your typical nerd. Straight A's and an art student. And to add to it, thick rimmed glasses and bra... More

The Nerd's Best Friend


1.7K 56 1
By ashlyn0304

Word Count: 3427


I hear the faint sound of my door creaking open, but I ignore it, going back to sleep. Suddenly, I'm being lifted up and thrown over someone's shoulders. I squeal, closing my eyes tightly from fear, and the bright light shining throughout the house. They carry me down stairs before tossing me on the couch.

"Merry Christmas Lynnie." I hear and that's when it confirms Marcus was indeed the one to ruin my beauty rest.

"You couldn't have let me sleep for another like year?" I complain, he laughs, laying down beside me.

"Nope." He says, kissing my forehead. "Plus we have bowling to go to with our friends. So get ready." He says, leaving the couch.

He does have a point. So I climb up from the couch and run up to my room.

I put on a cream sweater with some dark denim jeans and some beige uggs. With it I put on a grey scarf. My hair is in its natural state with a black beanie and I grab a light coat before getting my bag and going downstairs.

"Can we get Starbucks?" I ask Marcus as I get a granola bar. He sighs, nodding.

"Sure." He says twirling his keys. "Let's go." He states. We get in his car, and that's when I finally notice the time. 11:10. Dang I slept in.

"What are the plans for our Christmas Day?" I ask, flipping through the radio stations.

"Well, bowling. Then we're meeting our family for lunch then presents and dinner together then you come to my house and we spend the rest of our Christmas with each other." He says, reaching for my hand. I can't help but smile.

"Sounds amazing." I say, squeezing his hand slightly.

  We arrive at bowling and when we enter, Naomi and Luke are already here along with Wyatt and his little friend.

  "Hey guys!!" Naomi grins, hugging us. We hug and then I hug Wyatt.

  "Wy, who's your friend?" I ask, looking at the blonde girl with blue eyes.

  "She's my girlfriend Aunt Rae. And her names Melly." He grins proudly, taking the young girl by the hand. She smiles at him, kissing his cheek.

  "Wow." Is all I can say as I stand back up to see Naomi watching the scene. "Your brothers got game." I laugh, sitting down. She nods, sitting beside me.

  "Tell me about it." She grins as Brea and Aria walk in hand in hand.

"No! I won!" I argued as we sat at a skatepark near the beach. Wyatt and Melanie were running around while everyone sat at the bottom of a half pipe, I think. Brea was lying in Aria's lap while Luke and Naomi were sitting beside each other, and Marcus was playing with my fingers.

"Nope. Pretty sure I won." Luke said, smirking at me. I was tired of arguing, so I turned to Marcus.

"Sorry gorgeous, but Luke did have twenty more points than you." He shrugged. I huffed, hitting his chest.

"You're no help!" I whined, leaning into him. He chuckled, kissing my head.

"But you love me." He whispered, tapping my nose.

Suddenly, his phone rang.

"Hey mom." He said.

"What! It's not already one!"

"Oh crud! It is!"

"Okay, Okay. We'll be there in ten minutes."

"Bye. Love you too."

"What was that?" I asked, looking at him. He scooped me off the ground, carrying me.

"We need to go. Bye guys!" He waved. I quickly waved as he ran to his truck, throwing me in.

"We were supposed to be at lunch ten minutes ago." He said, running a hand through his hair.

"Oops." I laughed as he sped to the restaurants.

"Took y'all long enough!" Baley laughed, hugging me. We all took our seats as the waitress came and took our order.

  "So do y'all have any offers from schools yet?" My mom asked the DeYoungs. Baley and Nick both smiled proudly at Marcus as he took my hand from under the table.

  "Um. Yes. Actually UCLA offered me a full ride." He mumbled, squeezing my hand. He knew I hated this topic. The topic of him leaving and me being at NYU.

  "Oh that's amazing!" My mom exclaims. He nods, a faint smile on his face. I know he wants to go to the school, and I know he wants to follow his dream, but I also know he's torn between UCLA and me. And I hate that I'm keeping him from his dreams. But like he said, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.

  Lunch passes by quickly, and soon enough we're back at my house, all laughing at each other as we build gingerbread houses. We're currently having a contest, me and Marcus vs Claire and Gavin, Elliot and Ann, and Marcy is on her own.

  "Okay, everyone being out your houses to the judges." Our parents laugh. Everyone brings it out, and they begin to examine each one. I'm bouncing on the balls of my feet, waiting for the response.

"And Claire and Gavin win." My mom announces. They both cheer, as Gavin pecks Claire's lips.

"I still think ours was better." Marcus whispers in my ear. I blush, looking up at him. His bright blue eyes capture mine, and I'm pulled into a trance.

"That's cute." Marcus smirks while leaning on my door frame. I'm in nothing but a bra and Nike shorts, trying to pull my hair into a messy bun. I freeze, instinctively wrapping myself up with my arms.

"Marcus DeYoung! Leave!" I shout. He just laughs, coming to my side.

"Nope." He says, as I roll my eyes, and head to my drawers. I pull out an oversized hoodie that a pug with a Santa hat on it. I slip it over my head before returning to my hair. Marcus wraps his arms around my waist, nestling his head in the crook of my neck.

"Oh how I wish you were mine." He mutters onto my skin. It makes me shiver, as I turn around in his arms. We're now facing each other with only an inch separating us.

"Than make me." I whisper. I don't know where that came from. Oh well. To late. I can tell my sentence has taken him by surprise, but he hides it by smirking. He leans in slowly, just about to kiss me, but Baley yells up the stairs that it's time for presents. We pull away, as I put on some fuzzy slippers and head downstairs.

Marcus sits on the floor leaning against the couch and I curl up into him. His strong arms wrap around me, resting his chin on my forehead. I watch as the presents are dispersed, and then we open them.

"One more Lynnie." Marcus grins. I smile, grabbing it. I examine the wrapping paper, before ripping into it. Inside is a small box with silver writing on it. I slowly open the box and see a ring sitting there.

"Merry Christmas." Marcus whispers. I can't stop smiling as I pull it out and sip it into my finger.

It was a diamond band with a small silver infinity in top. I stare at it in awe as Marcus takes my finger, playing with it.

"It's amazing. Thank you so much Marc!" I exclaim, wrapping my arms around his neck in an embrace. He hugs me back, holding me. "Your turn." I say, handing him a small box. It wasn't anything special.

He slowly opens it, examining the small price of paper.

"Live show in Nashville!" He exclaims, a grim over taking his face. I nod, pretty proud of my self.

"This June, there's this live show with a bunch of country artists in Nashville. We'll fly there on sixteenth, show on the eighteenth, fly back on the nineteenth or twentieth." I grin. He looks at me before hugging me tightly.

"Thank you thank you thank you!!" He exclaims, hugging me. I smile, hugging him back. Suddenly, his phone goes off.

"I'll be right back." He smirks, before running to the kitchen and returning with one more bag. "Last one." He says, handing it to me. I look at him, opening it. Inside, is a small piece of paper.

"Use the blindfold and trust me. There's a surprise outside."

I take the blindfold from inside the box and Marcus helps me put it on.

"Ready?" He asks, gripping my shoulders. I nod, as he slowly leads me to the backdoor. He opens it, and I'm quickly regretting wearing shorts. "Open." He says. I take off the blindfold, and what stands in front of me is amazing.

"Daddy!!!" I screech, running into his arms. My dad lifts me in the air, spinning me. I bury my head into his neck, smelling his familiar cologne. I already have tears running down my face when Claire and my mom come out. They both run to him, hugging him. My mom kissed him with everything she has.

Marcus comes up behind me, wiping away my tears.

"Surprise." He says. I face him, hugging him tightly.

"I love you. So so much." I whisper, looking into his eyes. He grins, kissing my nose.

"I love you too." He says. I turn back to face my dad, as I hug him again.

"Oh I missed you pumpkin." He grins, kissing my head. I can't believe he's here. 4 months after being deployed and he's back.

"I'd hate to ruin this, but I'm going to have to go back in two days." He says, frowning. I feel my heart lurch as he looks between his three girls.

"But you just got back." I whisper. He nods, cupping my face.

"I came for Christmas, but my deployment isn't up." He says, kissing my nose. "I'm sorry." He says, as my mom stands beside him and he wraps an arms round her. "But let's enjoy the time I'm here." He announces, heading inside. I hadn't noticed how cold I was, but I was freezing. Even though it was only like 60 degrees in Texas.

  "Thank you for dinner." Marcus hugs my mom. She smiled at him, as he hugs my dad.

  "It was nothing. Good to see you." She says.

  "I'll help you." My dad grins, taking my duffle bag and heading towards Marcus's truck. He throws it in the back seat, before facing me.

  This is still so surreal. My dad is back.

  "Have fun princess." My dad grins, hugging me. I hug him back as Marcus comes out.

  "Ready." He grins, opening the passenger door. I nod, climbing in. I wave as Marcus drives off.

  "So my parents have date night and Elliot and Ann have decided to leave us with Marcy while they get a hotel to themselves." He says, sounding slightly irritated. I laugh, taking his hand.

  "Come on. You love your niece." I smile, as he grins nodding.

  "I do." He says a see pull up into his house. We climb out to see Elliot and Ann about to leave.

  "Oh good! Marcus! Here is her schedule and out her to sleep by nine. Bye!" She waves, kissing his cheek. "And watch him. Please." Ann jokes with me. We both laugh as Elliot comes up, wrapping his arm around his wife.

  "They got Marc. (Mar-sss) Lets go." He grins, pecking her lips. She sighs, before waving bye to Marcy one last time and bye to us before leaving.

  "Hey, at least we only have thirty minutes with her." I shrug as we follow a way too energetic Marcy into Marcus's house. He sighs, shaking his head.

  "Uncle Marc!! I wanna cookie!!" She says, jumping excitedly. He shakes his head, scooping her up.

  "No. I say, you wanna bath!" He says, fake excitement in his voice. She whines, kicking her feet. I laugh as Marcus takes her up the stairs to the bathroom, much to her liking. I get the peppermint Hershey kisses out along with some hot cocoa and popcorn. I set up some pillows and blankets on his large couch and choose a movie.

  Midnight Sun.

  "Aunt Rae!!" I hear Marcy screech. I'm in the middle of cooking popcorn, but I go up anyway. I see Marcus sitting on the edge of the guest bed, playing his guitar lightly while singing Diamonds or Twine. I grin, sitting beside him. Marcy is watching us with big eyes, as Marcus looks up at me.

  "From the start." He whispers as he plays the melody.

"You know when you know; You hear that all your life; Well whoever they are; Turns out they were right; Sunshine, the good times; Yeah we got a few behind us; When the bad times come; I ain't gonna run." I quietly sing. Marcy looks up at me with big eyes and a sleepy smile. I lean forward and tuck a stray piece of her hair behind her ear.

Doesn't matter if it's diamonds or twine
I'll be wrapped around your finger
Girl, you got me 'til we run out of time
Rich or poor, rain or shine
The wind's gonna blow wherever it goes
And the road is gonna wind
Doesn't matter if it's diamonds or twine
Forevermore, I'll be yours and you'll be mine

I feel Marcus's eyes on me, and I slowly look at him. He has a true smile plastered to his lips and his eyes sparkle with happiness. I unconsciously reach my hand out and place it on his thigh, smiling like a goof.

"Diamonds or twine" we finish the song together. We're both smiling like idiots, as we look into each other eyes. I eventually pull myself from his eyes, and look at Marcy, who is now sleeping soundly. Marcus grins, getting up and placing a light kiss to her forehead.

"Goodnight princess." He whispers before taking my hand in his along with his guitar and we leave the room.

"What movie are we watching?" He asks, as he plops down with the Hershey kisses. I pop a popcorn in my mouth, before turning on the tv.

"Midnight Sun." I say, nestling into his warm embrace. He kisses my head, before we watch the movie.

I'm woken up by a loud bang int he house. I look around and see the end credits are rolling and Marcus and I have fallen asleep on the couch. It's now almost midnight, and another loud noise is heard.

"Marc! Marcus!" I whisper into his ear. He grumbles tiredly as he rubs his eyes.

"What." He says in a raspy voice. I place my finger to my lips, telling him to be quiet, when a faint voice is heard. We both freeze, as he slowly gets up. I'm about to follow him, when he looks at me. I look into his ocean eyes, and see his protective side.

"Stay here. I'm going to go check on Marcy." He tells me. I slowly nod, as he creeps up the stairs. I immediately find myself, grabbing my phone from the side table, ready to dial 911 and my parents. I hide in the corner of his L shaped couch, when he comes down carrying a half awake Marcy in his arms.

"Hey. Sh. It's okay. Aunt Rae will take care of you." He says handing her to me. I look at her and fear is covering her face.

"Go the kitchen and hide in the pantry." He whispers and I comply, taking Marcy with me. Marcus sowy follows us, protecting us. He opens the pantry door, and we slide in. I almost yank his arm in, but he refuses.

"I'm going to check it out. If I tell, call 911. Under no circumstances come out. Understand?" He says, serious. I want to agree, but the thought of him being out there alone, scares me to death. Another noise is heard, along with a voice, seeming to get closer. He quickly kisses Marcy before looking at me, his face falling.

"I love you." I whisper, my voice breaking. He shakes his head, cupping my cheeks.

"Don't say it like its goodbye." He whispers, kissing my nose. And before I know it, he closes the door and leaves.

We're quietly sitting in the dark, waiting for the signal. Nothing. I'm holding Marcy close to my chest, as she quietly let's out small sobs everyone in a while. I can't comfort her. I'm even terrified.

Suddenly, the door swings open, and there stands.... a man in a ski mask. I cover Marcy's head, shushing her. The light is flicked on, as an evil laugh escapes his lips. I try to dial 912, but my hands are shaking. I feel a cold hand on my wrist, suddenly squeezing tightly.

A whimper escapes my lips.


I wipe the blood off my lip, glancing down at the man who just tried to attack me, but I knocked out.

I hear a whimper, and I know it's from Raelynn.

No. Those dirt bags will be dead before they hurt her.

I race downstairs to see a man standing in the pantry, and from here, I can only see Raelynn's wrist in his grasp. Without thinking I run up and kick him in he nuts and give him a hard punch to the side of his head, sending him to the floor. He falls, and remains unconscious. My adrenaline keeps going as I lift up Raelynn and Marcy as if they are weightless, and run them to my backyard.

"It's okay. Shhh. It's okay. Call 911." I whisper, cupping her cheeks and wiping away her tears. She nods, dialing, and holding the phone to her ear. I take it from her, sobs still quietly escaping her, as well as Marcy.

"911 what's your emergency?"

"My house is being robbed."

"What is your address sir?"

"8911 Concore Ln."

"How many are there and are they armed?"

"There are two, maybe three and they might be armed."

"Hide and get away. Police are on their way. Is anyone home with you?"

"Yes. My niece and my.... girlfriend."

"Are y'all injured in anyway?"

"No. But I punched the robbers."

"Okay. Stay calm and quiet. Is your niece and girlfriend okay?"


"Okay. The police are almost there."

"Thank you."

Raelynn's hand reaches for mine, trembling. I go up to her, looking into her fear filled hazel eyes. I hate seeing her like this. I just want her to always be happy.

"Sir. Have the police arrived?"

I look around and see officers barging into my house and bright lights out front.


"Okay. Where are you?"

"I'm our backyard."

Suddenly an officer comes out, and finds us. He guides us to the front, where he sits with us and examines us. An ambulance pulls up, also to check us for injuries.

We call our family, and everyone arrives, hugging us.

The three robbers walk out of my house, handcuffed. Two of them have a pretty bad beating, courtesy of me.

Once we've all been checked and good to go, the ambulance leaves along with the cops. I go over to Raelynn who has a blanket wrapped around her, and bloodshot eyes from crying.

I immediately wrap my arms around her in a tight embrace, loving the feeling she gives me. She grips into my shirt, burying her head into my chest.

"It's okay. I'm here now. Shh. It's all okay." I whisper, sitting on the ground with her. She sits in my lap, looking up into my eyes. I bring her closer to me, stroking her hair that's fallen from her bun int he past hour.

"Your girlfriend?" She whispers, a mocking tone to it.

"Yeah. It was easier than my best friend that's a girl." I say, embarrassed. All I want it for her to be my girlfriend. But I'm going to have to ask her correctly.

"Thank you." Is all she says after awhile before drifting to sleep. In my lap. In the middle of the street.

Diamonds or Twine


Hello!!! How'd you like this chapter!!! Very dramatic!!! Christmas, her dad is back, singing, and a robbery. Wow. So I'm going to be doing a final word count at the end of each chapter, if I can remember, or maybe at the beginning? You'll know by the time your reading this, but as I'm writing this I don't know. Anyway... yeah, hope y'all enjoyed!!!

The song "Diamonds Or Twine" by Ryan Hurd was used in this chapter. If you don't know the song, here it is.

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