Nothing Like Us - (Sequel to...

By kidrauldream

288K 8.1K 3.7K

Sequel to Being A Braun. - Read the continuation of Ri's life, as she and Justin battle with their crazy live... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter 21

6.8K 184 73
By kidrauldream

My jaw dropped at the words spilling from Usher Raymond's mouth.


"We think you're ready to do an album." He repeated, a smile on his lips.


"Who else?" Scooter laughed. I stared at him, then across at Usher.

"That sound good?"

"Ohmygosh." I realised. I brought a hand up to my mouth in shock. I hadn't expected this at all. I has shrugged the meeting off as just another tour discussion, not a freaking aLBUM PROPOSAL.

Me, little Ri the basketball player from Colorado, with no dad and a famous uncle, was gonna have an album.


"I think we should take that as a yes." Usher laughed, waking me up a little.

Scooter squeezed my hand. "Told you she'd be ecstatic. You alright there Ri?"

I gazed at him in amazement. "I cant believe this."

"Believe it." He grinned.

"We discussed it," Brad, one of the 'high-up' management guys said to me. "And we want you to start right away."

"Like, even on the tour?" I clarified.


"I still don't want too much pressure on her though."

I looked at Scooter. "What do you mean?"

"An album is a lot of work." He explained. "You have a lot of stuff going on and i don't want you getting stressed."

"Album opportunities don't get offered to everyone all the time." Brad shrugged. Everyone looked at me.

"It's fine." I said.

I was not gonna put of an album.

No way in hell.

"You think you'll manage?" Scooter asked.

I nodded, a smile forming on my painted lips.

"Remember your other responsibilities though." Usher pointed out. "This doesn't mean you can scarve out of everything to work on the album. Everything will get busier, you realise that?"

"Yeah. I can deal with it." I promised. Management nodded their heads in satisfaction.

"You still need to work your ass off and the tour and finish school while you're at it. They'll still be public events you gotta do and photo shoots etc. And of course there's the new house-"

"The important question is, are you down?" Usher asked, cutting my uncle off. He looked across at me, humorously arching an eyebrow.

The whole management smiled, looking down the table at me.

I looked down at my hand, tapping my painted nails on the wood.

"Hmm." I played, pretending to think about it. I looked up, a smile on my lips. "Of course i'm down." I grinned.


As soon as we were out of the meeting room and alone the lift, i let out an excited scream. I jumped up and down, happy dancing next to Scooter.


Scooter chuckled, pressing the button to close the lift doors. "I knew you'd react like this. I'm proud of you pal, real proud."

"Thank you!" I grinned, leaning against the wall. "Hey why didn't you tell me about this before?!"

"Management wanted to tell you." He chuckled. "They wouldn't let me."

"Fair enough. How long have you known?"

"A week?" He wondered.


"Yeah." He smiled. "But hey, try not to get to stressed with it all. It's a lot of pressure and of course i want this for you more than anything, but i don't want you too take on too much at once."

"I'll be okay." I reassured, smiling at his Uncle-ness shining through. "I appreciate what you're saying though. I'm excited to do this."

"You're a good girl Ri." He smiled, reaching out with one arm. He pulled me into his torso, hugging my body tight to his. I relaxed into him, sighing happily.

"I'm so happy."

"Good." He laughed. "Hey, who knew all this would happen after singing at a Christmas party, eh?"

"I know." I sighed. "Sometimes i have to pinch myself."

"I bet." He smiled, ruffling my red hair.
He chuckled, taking his phone out to check his messages.

I was having a great day, i nut couldn't wait to be back with Justin now and tell him the news.

"Oh boy."

"What?" I frowned. I looked across at him. "Please don't rain on my parade, i'm having a good day."

"Nope. I'm about to make the damn weather even nicer." He laughed.

"Why? What's going on?"

"The house is yours." He revealed. My eyes widened.


"Ashton accepted your offer."

"You're kidding?!"

"I'm not." He grinned. "Looks like today really is your day Ri."!

I screamed, clamping my hands over my mouth as the lift door opened. Scooter laughed, squinting slightly at my loudness.

"Solicitor's got the contract all ready. He's gonna meet us up in New York so we can read and sign." He said, reading from the email. "Then the place is all yours, pal."

"Can this day seriously get any better?!" I beamed. I twirled out of the elevator. "Recording my first album, got a house of my own, Justin's home today, going to New York, the premiere-. Oouff-"

I twirled too vigorously, banging into someones chest.


"Someone's happy." Cody's voice greeted. A grin formed on my lips.

"Hey stranger."

"What's up?" He smiled, hugging my body close.

"Absolutely everything, nothing! I don't know." I laughed. "But i'm having the best day ever, Codes. You wouldn't even believe what's happened."

"Try me." He grinned.

"First album."


"Offer was accepted on my first house."

His eyebrows raised.

"And Justin's home in-," I quickly checked the time on my phone. "Oh shit, half an hour."

Cody laughed. "Congrats on the album, man. Siked for you Rizzle. Good job."

"Thanks." I smiled, hugging him again. We held the hug for longer, enjoying each other for the last few minutes. "It was good seeing you, even if it was just for two seconds."

"You too." He chuckled. "I'm glad i caught you in such a good mood."

"Hey i'm always in a good mood!"

"I know." He grinned, trying to pinch my cheek. I giggled, playfully batting him away.

"It's always great to see a pretty girl smile."


I stood up on my tippy toes, planting a lipstick kiss on his cheek.

"You're so sweet."

Cody's cheeks blushed. "Damn we are in a good mood today." He murmured.

I laughed. "Now i really gotta go. I'll see you sometime?"

He cleared his throat. "Um definitely, yeah. Nice shirt by the way."

I grinned, glancing down at the shirt i was wearing with Justin's face on it.

"Thanks!" I giggled.


I hopped up onto a bench, squinting my eyes in search of Justin.

"Careful, trouble." Max chuckled, edging closer to me. Considering it was the middle of the day, quite a few fans were about and trying to approach/dive on me in the airport.

"Will do." I promised.

A familiar teen in baggy trousers and a beanie wandered into sight, followed by a trustworthy Kenny in his signature red checkered shirt.

I grinned, cupping my hands around my mouth.

"Yo!" I yelled out, causing more heads than intended to whip around and stare at me.

"Oh boy." Max half-chuckled. He fidgeted even closer to me, but it worked.

Kenny looked up, catching sight of me on the bench. He pulled off his shades with one hand, using them to point at me as he said something to Justin. A smile grew on his lips.

I giggled, my eyes excited as i anticipated being back with Justin.

He looked to where Kenny was pointing, the whole airport seeming to stop for a second as we locked eyes. A smile slowly spread on his lips, which turned into a laugh as he noticed my shirt. Kenny said something, that made him chuckle. He kept his eyes on me, grinning the entire time.

"Bye Max." I announced, leaping off the bench in one swift movement.

I broke out into a sprint away from my bodyguard, dashing across the polished floor of the airport until i reached Justin. He stood still, catching me in his strong arms as i dived on him. My boyfriend stumbled back a little but held me tight, my feet lifting off the ground.

"Hey baby."

"Hey." I breathlessly greeted, my heart swelling.

He placed his hands under my thighs, holding me up in his arms. I rested my hands on the back of his neck, pressing my lips firmly to his. We fiercely kissed despite the staring of fans and passersby.

I didn't care if they were watching/taking pictures. I just cared that i was back in his arms.

"Nice shirt." Justin murmured into my lips. I laughed. "Are you a belieber?"

"The biggest." I smiled.


A few hours later, we were in New York. I was still in an amazingly good mood because of everything falling into place, and even more so now Justin and i were reunited.

After catching up on lives, cuddles and kisses during the flight, we had gone for a stroll around the city, grabbing coffees and hiding under sunglasses and hats as we walked.

Fans and paps eventually sussed us out though, and we were forced back to the hotel, not that we really minded. We were just ecstatic to be near each other again.


"Babe, what are you wearing tonight?" I asked, searching through my suitcase to find an outfit.

"I don't know, i'll decide later."

"Jay." I pouted.

"What? Babe, stop stressing and come and lay with me."

I watched as he irresistibly patted the space of bed next to him.

"We need to decide our outfits." I protested, a smile creeping onto my. lips. "What about this?"

I pulled out a short greenish dress with a criss-cross back.

"Perfect." He smiled, barely even glancing at it. "Now come here."

I laughed at him. "Babe, come on. I'm serious"

"Whaaattt?" He whined. "I just wanna cuddle. Please cuddle me."

I sighed, dropping the dress back into the suitcase. I headed towards the bed.

"Couldn't resist, could you?" He murmured, taking me into his arms. I snuggled my head into his chest.

"I love you."

"I love you too." He stated, holding my body close. I kissed his shirtless chest, causing a smile on his lips.

I trailed my mouth from his chest up his neck and to his lips, kissing them softly.

"Mwah." I giggled, making him laugh.

I head a phone ringing.

I sighed. "Babe we should get that."

"No. I waited a week for my girl, they can wait a year for us." Justin protested, pulling my body close and kissing me again.

I started giggling, my body shaking with laughter.

"I'm serious." I giggled into his mouth. "I need to go get it."

"No." He pouted, keeping ahold of me. I wriggled to try and get out of his grasp but he was holding me too strong.

"Let me goooo."

"Nooooo." He mocked.

"Eekkk!" I squealed as he tickled me.

"Careful." He grinned, reaching out for me as i squirmed away. But it was too late.

The bed ended, leaving me to fall right off the edge and onto the floor. Justin tried to catch me, but i fell too fast.

I landed on my ass, laughing at myself.

"Shit, are you okay?" Justin grinned, peering down at me.

I nodded, giggling still. He got up, pulling on my hands to lift me onto my feet.

"My ass hurts." I laughed.

"Wouldn't be the first time you said that because of me, right?"

"Justin!" I squealed. "You pig."

He laughed, cupping my face while he planted a kiss on my lips. "I love you."

"I love you too. But i really need to go pick up that phone." I grinned.

Justin cracked a smile too, pressing his lips to mine once more before letting me go. He squeezed my ass.


He laughed, sliding his hands into the pockets of his shorts. "Don't be long." He called.



I let the phone carry on ringing, unsure of whether i wanted to answer or not. It rung off, the caller ID withdrawing from the screen.


Justin was literally just in the other room, i couldn't pick up. I hadn't spoken to her about anything yet, i had been pretending to miss her calls and just replying to the occasional text with excuses.

But then something flashed in my mind.. What if she was at the premiere? There would be no way of avoiding her, not to mention i would be with Justin too.

It could get messy.

Shit, i had to do something.

The phone rung again, making me jump as it vibrated in my hands. I stared down at the screen.

"You gonna answer it or what?" Justin called from the bedroom. He came to the doorway, peering round at me. "Who is it?"

"Uh-, just Sophie." I lied. "I missed the first call, that's all. Just gonna take it."

"Alright babe." He smiled. "Tell her i said hi."

"Will do." I nodded, shooting him a grin.

As soon as he'd closed the door, i reluctantly clicked 'answer'. I hurried towards the bathroom, locking the door as i brought the phone to my ear.

"Hey! Ri i've been trying to get ahold of you all day." Sel's voice sounded. "You okay?"

"Uh, yeah," I answered, siting down on the toilet lid. "I'm sorry, i've been hella busy with the tour and all that-"

"Oh yeah, don't worry about it." She chirped. "Well i was just calling to see if you wanted to hang out after the premiere tonight or something? You are still going, right?"

"Yeah i'm going." I swallowed. "But um-"

"We haven't seen each other in ages. What, like a week? I was thinking we could maybe just go out for dinner or-"

"Sel we need to talk." I sighed.

"What? Are you okay?"

"Yeah." I cleared my throat. "I'm fine. I just-," I took a breath. "I don't think it's okay for us to hang out anymore.."

"What?" She answered after a few seconds.

"I dunno it just-, it seems wrong." I stammered. I rubbed my flustered cheek. "It's complicated Sel-"

"Lemme guess:" She growled. "Justin doesn't like it?"

I was shocked.

"No i-"

"Oh get real Ri." She scoffed. "Do you think i'm 3?! I know what he's like."

"What he's like?"

"What happened to being a strong, independent woman? You're just gonna let him own you?"

"You're his ex Sel i can see where he's coming from." I swallowed.

"Girl, i know he doesn't like me very much anymore, but this is just sad. He's so controlling over you. Wow. I'm surprised at you Ariana."

"He's not controlling, this is my decision."

She scoffed. "You know what, whatever. I hope he's worth loosing friends over."

The line rung dead.


"Babe?" Justin called, tapping his knuckle on the bathroom door.

I had been sat in there for a good 10 minutes since the call, just thinking.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, i'm fine." I sighed.

"Can i come in?"

I stood up from the toilet lid and walked over to the door, unlocking it with one hand. I opened it up, my eyes landing on Justin. He rubbed the back of his neck, a confused frown on his face.

"What's going on?"

"Nothing." I shrugged, squeezing past him. Justin grabbed my hand.


"It's fine babe."

He raised his eyebrows. "What's going on?" He asked again.

I sighed. "That was Selena."

The frown returned to his face.

"I told her to get stuffed basically."

He released my arm, allowing me to walk away into the bedroom. He followed.

"Are you mad?"

"No babe."

"You seem it."

I turned to face him, running a hand through my hair messy. "I'm not mad i'm just het up Jay. She said some stuff but you know what, lets just forget about it. We just have two days together and i don't wanna waste it."

I went over to him in the doorway, hugging his shirtless body. He hugged me back, wrapping his arms around my chest.

"What did she say?"

"Nothing bad, just her opinion really." I murmured. He kissed the top of my head. "Don't worry about it."

"I can't help it."

I stood on my tippy-toes, planting a kiss on his lips to soothe him.

"She's going to be at the premiere." I murmured.

He looked down at me, rubbing my back with his hand. "It doesn't matter."

"I guess not, i'd just rather not face her."

"I'm sorry.. for causing this. But i swear i had good reason."

"It's fine." I smiled. "You're not an asshole."


"I can't take you serious in that dress." Justin murmured during the taxi ride to the premiere.

I laughed, crossing one of legs over the other to tease him. He groaned, turning his head away to face the window.

"What's wrong with it?" I smiled, leaning into his ear. I gently nibbled on it.

"I just want to rip it off you." He confessed. He caught me off guard, pressing his lips against mine as i giggled. I cupped his face.

"Anyone got barf bags?" Max commented, parting our lips. I laughed.

"Hey, we only have two days together, we're making the most."

"Ew." Kenny commented.

The taxi pulled up at the premiere, attracting our attention. My heart started pounding the way it always did before public events.

"Alright Ri?

"Tickity boo." I lied.

Justin grinned, taking hold of my hand as our bodyguards got out of the car. He slid out onto the carpet, carefully helping me out afterwards. The screams filled my ears.

"Oh boy." I murmured, as Justin's hand left mine. He rested it on my bum, giving it a quick squeeze.

"Please behave." I smiled, lifting his arm so it was resting on my hip. He grinned, planting a kiss on my cheek.

"Can't make any promises." He whispered into my ear.


"JUSTIN! ARIANA!" "Look this way!" "Over here!" "Jariana!" Came the yells of the paparazzi.

I kept close to Justin, having pictures together with him infront of the 'Twilight' backdrops.

"So maybe we could wait until the lights go off and then sneak out the back." Justin murmured in my ear, making me laugh.

"Babe there's no way."

"Can we try?"

"No." I giggled. "We're staying."

The cameras went wild. Justin grinned, leaning down to kiss my lips in front of everyone.

"Come on lovebirds." Kenny chuckled, ushering us along. We continued down the carpet, holding hands as we walked.


"Whats up?" He asked, his eyebrows knitting at my time.

I stared down the carpet at the tall brunette a little way down from us.


She was clinging to an even taller girl, with long blonde hair and skinny figure.

"Shit." I cursed. "Is that Taylor with her?"

He frowned, slowly nodding at me.

"Jariana!" "Look over here."

Justin gripped my hand, facing the cameras again, i did so too, feeling uneasy.

"Take a pic with Taylor and Selena!" The paps yelled. I fearfully looked at Justin.

"No." He said. He urged Max and Kenny forwards. "Lets go inside now."

"Aw no piccy?" Taylor pouted, making us stop im our tracks. A smirk formed on her lips.

"Come on babe." Jay murmured, trying to pull me past. My eyes fell to look at the ruby-red carpet under my feet as we walked.

The cameras were going berserk at the tension.

"What about you, 'Ri'?" Taylor asked.

I shook my head, trying to walk away.

"I wouldn't even ask." Selena commented, causing me to look up. "Justin speaks for her."

I stared at her in shock, my mouth falling open. I couldn't believe she'd just said that infront of everyone.

The paparazzi were going wild. Oh jeez.

Max steered my shoulders, making me leave the carpet behind Justin and Kenny.

I was stunned.

"Can you believe that?" I gasped, half-jogging to keep up with Justin.

"Yeah, i can." He frowned. "They're bitches."


We made our way to our seats, avoiding speaking to anymore people before the movie started. I sat beside Justin, my heart pounding a little in shock of what had happened out there.

"Relax." Justin murmured, rubbing my hand with his thumb.

The lights went down, minimising the visibility in the theatre.

I leaned into Justin. "You still up for sneaking out?"

"Are you kidding?"

I shook my head, a smile forming on my lips. I glanced at Kenny and Max, who were luckily deep in conversation.

"Let's go." I murmured. Justin didn't need to be told twice.

He slotted his fingers through mine, easing himself up out of his seat. I did so too, quickly squeezing past people down to the end of the row.

"Run." He grinned, once we'd reached the end. He pulled me through the crowd of people lining into the theatre. I laughed, doing so despite wearing huge heels and a skin tight dress.

We weaved in and out of celebrities until we reached a door, which Justin pulled us into and slammed shut.

Inside the door was a quiet corridor of more doors leading off into different parts of the theatre.

Justin pulled me to a stop, bringing my lips to his for a quick kiss.

"Come on, quick." He ginned, pulling on my hand again.


I bent down and kicked off my heels, collecting them in one hand. I slid my fingers back into Justin's.

We took off running again, trying some of the doors to find one that led outside.

"Here." Justin panted, pushing open a grey door near the end of the corridor. I hovered behind him, catching my breath as he checked the alleyway for paps or fans.

"Okay, we're good." He grinned, tugging me outside. We sprinted down towards the end of the alleyway, which led to the back of the theatre.

"Taxi!" He yelled.


We stumbled into the hotel room some 10 minutes later, laughing at our achievements. We had actually managed to sneak away from a premiere including our two bodyguards, and get back to the hotel without being caught by anyone.

I threw my shoes onto the floor, turning round to face Justin as i giggled. His lips thrusted immediately onto mine, his body coming close as he took off his jacket.

"You rebel." He murmured. "Not such a good girl now, are ya?"

"Nope." I giggled. "We're gonna be in so much trouble."

"Who cares."

"Not me." I grinned, turning off my phone.

He picked me up, his hands resting under my thighs as we kissed. He walked us into the bedroom, our lips locked the entire time.

I was placed onto the bed, pouting as Justin's lips were dragged away from mine so he could take off his shirt. He climbed onto the bed, attacking my lips with kisses again.

"Bout time i tore this dress off." He murmured. I heard a loud ripping sound.

"Oh my god. NO!"

He laughed, ripping the material off of me.

"Did you really just do that?!"

"Yes." He smirked, reconnecting our lips. I couldn't help but laugh.

"That was my favourite dress."

"I'll buy you a new one, but only if i can rip it off again."

I laughed into his mouth, tugging on his trousers to pull them off.

Soon enough, all our clothing and underwear were discarded on the floor. Justin hovered over me, gazing into my eyes for a second. He leaned his face down, kissing me slowly. He trailed kisses down my bare body, causing my head to loll backwards against the bed.

My back arched as he got to a certain point, planting wet kisses around my area. I gasped, clutching his hair as he worked.

"Babe." I moaned, arching my back. He gently pushed me down, sliding his tongue in.

"Relax." He commanded huskily. I tried too.

"I love you." I blurted out.

He lifted his head, trailing his tongue all the way back to my lips. I violently shuddered. He met me with a kiss.

"I love you more." He grinned.

He spread my legs, looking right into my eyes as he lowered himself into me.

"Open your eyes." He demanded, a satisfied grin on his face. I gritted my teeth, staring up at his face.

"Good girl." He chuckled, beginning to move his body.

I gasped, digging my fingernails into his back as he thrusted.

"I love you so fucking much."

"I love you so fucking more." He grinned, kissing me.



Hello loves, sorry i haven't updated in agessss (over a week, right?) but i have FINALLY finished school & work experience so wahooo!! Hallelujah.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, worked hard on it for y'all.

VOTES & COMMENTS would be lovely as usual.

* btw for those wondering about my book 'I Dont Dance', i AM working hard on it, but it is not ready yet. I promise that it is coming soon, you'll just have to bare with. thank you *

And a final note: i AM on holiday (camping) right now, and i will be for the next 10ish days. I'm still going to be writing and updating though so dont worry.

Love you!

Rosie x

twitter: @beingabraun

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