We'll meet again#YourStoryInd...

Autorstwa QueenUnderDMountain

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It all happened seventeen years ago... A young girl,evy argent was punished and killed by her family just bec... Więcej

We'll meet again
New Chevrolet Camaro-2013
First encounter as a wolf
Think you could see me as your boyfriend
I love you more then you know.
Michael Seymour
Love is in the air
Backstabbing family(part 1)
Backstabbing family(part 2)
'Heat' at the moment.
'We are one'
Brother from same mother
The attack
Revelation (Part 1)
Revelation (part-2)

Truth about us.

633 23 4
Autorstwa QueenUnderDMountain

Hey guys, thanks for reading and voting. Now here I am presenting the new chapter.



Gabriel's POV:

Turning around, I looked away from Ev, unable to bear her hurt and betrayed emotions. I knew I was late, late enough to tell her who I really am, what my secret is, and how I was going to reveal them to her.

Brushing my emotions of, I turned my attention towards Michael, who knew that I was going to kill him now. Without wasting any more time, I lunged towards Michael, who was ready for my attack. Quickly stepping aside, he saved himself from my attack. Within a blur of moment, he took out his silver blade and positioned himself for my counter-attack. We both observed each other's actions while circling, waiting for the first attack. And as I presumed his actions, he was the first to attack, lunging towards me with his blade, I quickly ducked and bit his right leg. He cried out in pain, but held his ground. His blade flew out of his hand but him possessing the reflexes of a hunter, he took out his revolver and pointed at my head. Before he could shoot,a red swiss knife pierced through his hand, making him cry out in pain again, causing him to loose his revolver. He fell on the ground clutching his injured hand, trying desperately to pull out the knife. Many of my warriors stalked towards him, causing me to snarl at them, telling them to stay away from my kill. Another swiss knife pierced through his shoulder, making him fall on the ground in pain. I looked at the direction from where the swiss knife were coming, Cora was the one standing there, with another knife, beside my Ev.

My Ev!! she was laying on the ground, unconscious, while Cora protecting her from any possible threat.

"Get him Gabe." Cora yelled, throwing another one of the knife at him, but before it could hurt him he rolled beside, missing it by an inch.

"You bitch." he spat.

Before he could get on his feet, I lunged towards him, clawing his chest while snapping my canines at him. I stood atop him, restricting his movements, but he somehow managed to punch my jaw. Vehemently growling at him, I buried my claws in his chest, earning his painful, yet musical to my ears, cry.

'That is for touching my mate'

I snarled, while burying my claws deeper into his chest. He let out another painful cry before falling unconscious. I snapped my teeth at him, nudging his unconscious body, to fight back but he couldn't.

His body lay limp, with lots of blood spurting out of his chest.

'Lock him in the bighouse, and treat him well'

commanding my warriors I dashed towards my unconscious mate, laying in Cora's arms. Shifting in my human form, not caring about my nudity, I yanked my mate in my arms.

"Ev, baby. wake up." I shook her shoulders, cradling her on my lap like a toddler. "Baby doll."

"Evangelina, wake up." I screamed.

Suddenly someone placed a hand on my shoulder, squeezing it gently.

"What?" I barked.

"Gabriel, put this on." Oliver said calmly, giving me a pair of half pants. I yanked them from his hand putting them on, I lifted Ev in my arms again.

"Ev, my love, open your eyes. I need you." I whispered in her ear.

"Take her to the pack house Gabe." Olie snapped, grabbing her hand.

"Mine." I snarled, jerking her hand from his, clutching her close to me.

"Hey, all we are saying is to take her to the pack house, John is waiting for us." Cora snapped, running towards the pack house. I clutched Ev tightly to my chest, removing her hair from her face.

"I love you, baby." whispering that, I gently kissed her forehead. It was ten minute walk to the pack house, but with my alpha speed I made it in five. Kicking the front door open, I called for John.

"Lay her down on the couch. I need to check up on her." John instructed as mom sprawled warm sheets on the couch.

I laid Ev on the couch and stood beside her, holding her hand in mine. She looked healthy but still, absolutely still.

John took good twenty minutes to examine her, he muttered something under his breath, that I couldn't catch.

"What?" frustrated from his silence, I asked.

"I need to talk to you alpha, alone." nodding, I followed him out.

"Alpha,.. she might be in shook. You revealed your truth to her, in midst of such incidents. Give her some time, she'll recover soon." he said, looking giddy, wanting to tell me something else.

"Spit it out John."

"Her stab wound healed already." he stated.

"Yeah, so?"

He shook his head before continuing. "Her stab wound was three inches deeper, and it healed unexceptionally fast."

"Cause I licked it clean." I replied, not understanding where this conversation was going.

"No, alpha. Look our Luna is a human. Human's heal much slower then us, and even when an alpha licks his human mate's wound it takes almost a day to heal." He declared.

"So, you are saying..."

"I'm saying that, maybe her body already had werewolf genes, which was suppressed till now, until your DNA awakened it, adding to it's power."

'No that's not possible.'

'It might be possible. We don't know her mother, whether she was a werewolf or not.' my wolf stated.

"I'll see what I can do. Meanwhile you..." I was interrupted by Cora whose thoughts invaded my mind.

'Sy is awake.'

'And she is asking for you, and is very very pissed.' Oliver said.

'Thanks for the confidence boost man.' I replied, rolling my eyes at him.

'Just doing my duty Alpha.' he mock saluted me as I walked in the room.

Cora and mom were helping Ev to sit up, while my pack members were worried for their Luna's condition. I quickly brushed my fingers over her injured shoulder, which was completely healed just like John said, there was only a scar, no wound.

'That's impossible.' my wolf gaped. 'It's only been two hours.'

'I know.'

'We have to talk to dad.'

'I know.'

'But first we have to talk to our mate.' my wolf said softy, knowing that we've to handle a confused and angry mate.

'I know. relax.'

I tried to lessen his agitation along with mine.  But one questioning look from Ev's eyes, crumpled my slightly increased confidence. I looked at her nervously, rubbing the back of my neck.

"Ooh, is our cutie Alpha nervous." Oliver teased, making baby faces.

"Shut up." I glared at him, which he ignored chuckling softly. Ev raised her eyebrow and crossed her arms across her chest. "You have lots of explaining to do, Gabriel."


As soon as those words left my mouth, his eyes widened with panic. I felt bad for making him feel miserable because I never addresses him as Gabriel and he knew that. But I stopped myself from comforting him, because I want answers and I want them now and only from him.

"I...I.." he stuttered, making my heart heavy with guilt. Ignoring everyone, I grabbed his hand and led outside, walking towards the woods.We stopped beside a tree, it was already noon but the sun was nowhere to be seen, dark clouds were sauntered in the sky, damp cool air flew past us, sending chills down my fully clothed body, but Derek didn't seem affected. He quickly engulfed me in his fairly warm body, tighting his hold on me. I laid my head on his bare chest while my hands stayed on his perfect abs, his hands rested on my hips, while he buried his face in my hairs.

"You need to explain everything to me, Derek." I spoke softly. Even if I wanted to be angry on him, I couldn't. Even if I wanted to yell at him, hit him, I couldn't.

He sighed and released me from our hug. "I wanted to tell you, from the first day, but I...."

"It's okay, tell me now. Nothing's lost, I'm here, you are here." I reassured him.

He looked lost, my Derek looked lost. I bought his lips to mine and kissed him tantalizingly, pouring all my love and feelings for him. His lips moved urgently against mine holding me tightly against himself, as if he was afraid to loose me. We both pulled back together for some oxygen, he leaned in to kiss me again, but I stepped back. "Tell me everything Derek, tell me the truth. I saw it, but I want to hear it from you."

He sighed and nodded.

"You already saw what I am, what I turn into, an animal."

"A werewolf." I corrected him.

"Yes, A werewolf. Everyone in this community is a werewolf. I am their leader and hence called the Alpha. I accepted the title on my eighteenth birthday, the day you arrived here, in my life again. Olie and Oliver are my second-in-command or betas, and Jonah will be my third-in-command, when he'll be ready. My dad was former Alpha and my mum was former Luna. Peter and May were previous beta. Jack was my dad's third-in-command and he still is, until Jonah is seventeen or old enough to handle responsibilities." he stopped, taking deep breaths, while looking in my eyes. "As you see wolves are very passionate creatures and they live in packs, so this is my pack, a total of six hundred and eighty wolves, ten on their way." he smiled mirroring mine.

"An Alpha or any wolf is weak and defenseless without their pack, that's why we live in packs. Everyone loves and respects their Alpha and Luna and every wolf follow them without any doubt, they would die for their Alpha and his female. The Alpha is like all father, like Odin or Zeus to his pack. He is everyone's father and his duties are just like that of a father's, protecting his children, fulfilling their needs and acting like a typical father, while Luna is the pack's mother, lovely like any mother and caring and loving her children, small pups or should I say kids easily establish a relation with their Luna, they all get bonded with her more then their own mother. They love her more then their mothers and put her first." his eyes were glowing happily, taking about Luna. As for me,. I was completely amused, for how could a child love another woman more then their own mother. But how could I know I never had a mother and as far as one goes I've always looked up to Ma Jenna and Constantine.

"Ev baby?" his beautiful eyes glimmered with concern.

"Oh, umm nothing. please continue."

I said shaking my head.

"Uh, yeah. Another important thing is soul mate." he said nervously, scratching the back of his neck.

"Soul-mate." I whispered.

'Soul-mate. He is your Soul-mate. Gabriel is your Soul-mate.'

mother's voice reverberated through my mind.

"Um, yes. What about them?" I asked, clearing my throat.

"Well every werewolf has a mate, short for Soul-mate. Soul-mates are our other halves, our world, our soul. Every wolf rather have a werewolf or a human mate. We first shift when we are thirteen, and we find our mate at sixteen or after that. It's the best moment of our life, laying eyes on our mate for first time, watching their beauty, their grace and taking in their heavenly scent for the very first time, it's the best scent in the world, the scent of your mate." he said, his eyes never leaving mine.

"Every pair recognize each other by looking in the eye. when they first touch or kiss, a complete different sensation starts coursing through their bodies, connecting them and their souls." he said, trailing his fingers from my arm up to my neck, sending shivers down my whole body. He looked saddened for a minute before continuing. "Sometimes our mate doesn't want us, if they are human or are in love with someone else. They simply reject us. For humans it's simple because they don't feel any pain due to rejection, but for werewolves it's almost killing. It breaks us completely, the rejection breaks our mind, soul and heart, and the body faces it's consequences, our body starts degrading and we die, eventually. But it happens very rarely." he cupped my face and looked into my eyes, his chocolatey orbs searching something through my eyes, shining with unshed tears.

"I.." I feel myself incapable of saying anything.

"You, my beautiful Ev, are my mate. You are my Soul-mate, my other half, my equal. You are another part of my body, mind, soul, everything and my heart belongs to you. Without you I'm nothing, after you left me I became just a shell, an empty lifeless shell, a broken soul. I only lived waiting for you to come back, to see your face and to hear your voice, to love and to cherish you. The day you left me I was broken and being an Alpha my emotions are amplified ten times more then normal wolf, I can feel everything in increased order, my love, my heartbreak, pain, fear, happiness, everything. My soul was empty till now, but it's healed, everything is back to normal, my mate is here with me. I'm complete now, I'm complete." he mumbled placing his face in the crook of my neck. "I'm complete now." His soft lips traced my collarbone, while warm tears fell on my neck, indicating me that he was crying. I rubbed his back soothingly, while trying to fight my own tears.

"Derek." my voice croaked, clearing my throat I bought his face in front of mine. His eyes were closed, shedding silent tears.

"Hey, baby open your eyes. look at me." I pleaded. "Please." hesitating, he opened his eyes, boring into mine.

"Just like you promised that you won't leave me, I promise you too, that I'll never leave you, ever."

"I know. It's just..."

"That you are the Alpha and you feel emotions ten times stronger, and that you won't survive without me." I replied, completing his sentence, feeling proud of myself that I remembered the fact he told me.

"Then know this that I too won't survive without you, not a single day." he chuckled, wipping his tears from the back of his hand.

"There are few more things."


"Well. Umm. it's a wolf thing."

"What's a wolf thing."

"Well,uh, every male wolf mark their female for others to know that she belongs to him. That she is already claimed and Uh,." he scratched the back of his neck and looked at me sheepishly.

Something tells me, that whatever he is going to say is dirty.

"You see almost every wolf marks their female immediately after they meet and they mate...." his cheeks showed slight redness.

Aww, my cute Alpha is blushing.

"Derek." I whined. "How would I know, if you won't tell me." pouting, I stuck my tongue out.

His eyes twinkled with mischief, while his famous smirk formed on his lips.

"You know it's been three months since we are together." he stated.

"And I told you that every male marks their female and mate immediately after that." he smirked, mischievously.

"Mate.. as in.."

"They make love immediately after marking." he stated nonchalantly.

Now it was my turn to blush.

"Yeah, mating means having sex. But it's different. It's not just sex for fun or whatever stupid humans say. It's bondage, a strong bonding for eternity, for as long as you live. Both the bodies became one, their heart, mind, soul everything becomes one. It's bonding of love, trust, patience, faith, belief and power. And as an alpha it's hard to hold myself back, to resist myself and my wolf from marking you, for taking you right here and right now against this tree." he whispered in a husky voice. An unknown sensation started setting in my lower stomach, creating a unwanted pool of heat in between my thighs. He inhaled deeply and groaned. "Everytime we touch or kiss, it becomes hard for me to resist you, do you know how hard it is for me to control myself when I smell your sensational arousal,whenever I touch you. You have no idea Ev, how hard it is for me to hold back." he said, caging me in between his body and the tree, without touching our bodies, while his hands placed beside my head, only his nose was touching my neck, creating a haze in my mind, my self control and common sense running away.

"Then don't. Don't stop."

before I could register what I said, his lips were on mine, capturing them with such force that I was sure he bruised them. His kiss was tantalizing and hungry, full of eagerness. His warm lips were moving in sync with mine, but I was finding it difficult to meet his pace, the ferocity and the hunger. His hands were roaming freely over my body with great passion and greed.

I grazed my teeth over his lower lip, gently biting and sucking it, causing him to growl in approval. My fingers gripped the waist band of his shorts, digging slightly in his skin. He pulled away to let both of us breath, resting his forehead against mine, My mind was spinning while my heart was beating frantically, within a second he assaulted my neck with sensual kisses, sucking and biting. I involuntarily arched my neck to give him more access, causing him to smile within his kisses. My hands found their way in his hairs, massaging them carnally. With each nip on my neck, I gently pulled on his hair, earning a soft purr from him. He pulled away after sometime, when he was satisfied with his artwork. Both of us breathing heavily, listening to the only sound of our quick heartbeats.

"I've left my scent on you, now everyone knows that you belong to me." he breathed.

"Like there was any doubt." I joked sarcastically.

He chuckled and nodded.

"An Alpha is worthless and weak without his Luna. She gives him power, support, love everything. A mated alpha is stronger then non-mated one." he said, gently sucking my soft spot. I moaned loudly unable to control the sensations he was creating. I didn't know whether I was shivering because of cold wind or his kisses. He hold me close to his unexceptionally warm body. My cheeks were already on fire, but his hot body was doing it's own magic, increasing my heartbeat and fueling my hormones.

stupid teenage hormones.

I buried my cold face in his warm chest, and my hands in the back pocket of his shorts.

"You are cold." he said rubbing my arms gently.

"No. I'm not. please continue." I protested.

"No Ev let's get you home, then I'll tell you everything." he grabbed my hand and started dragging me towards the 'pack house'.

These werewolves terms are still new to me.

"No, tell me everything now." I glared at him stoping in my tracks.

He huffed and hugged me closer to his naked chest which literally screamed 'Extreme sexual attraction' that I couldn't resist myself from touching and feeling him under my fingers.

"Why are you so warm?" I muttered.

Chuckling softly he replied,"Because every male wolf is warm, it's our body's tendency to stay warm and healthy always, that we never fall sick. And male wolves are warmer then females so that they can hold their female and get her warm, to hold them and protect them, and as for me, I am lot more hotter than other wolves, cause I'm the Alpha." his chest vibrated as he laughed. I shook my head at him.

"And ones you are in the pack you can mind-link any wolf of our pack and every pair of mate can read each other's mind, until you block them out."

"Wow, now that's cool." I said grinning widely, causing him to frown. "Out of everything, you found mind-link cool!!"

I narrowed my eyes at him in confusion.

He took a slow step towards me, causing my basic instinct to kick in and to step back. Caging me in between him and the large tree behind us, he asked seductively.

"You didn't find, me marking and mating with you cool?"

I bit my lip to stop the smile slowly creeping on my lips, shaking my head, I replied. "Nah, it's not cool. It's way to hot."

His eyes widened and glowed brightly like fireworks, his signature smirk dawdling on his lips causing me to blush.

"So now I have your permission to make you mine, to take your virginity and to ravish you until you scream my name in pleasure." he whispered, his voice husky and heavy causing goose-bumps to erupt all over my body. He bit my earlobe seductively, making me gasp in pleasure and want.

"Why.. why do you.. you need my permission?" I mentally slapped myself for stuttering.

He laughed at my nervousness and stepped back little, giving me small space to breathe.

"Because I don't want to hurt you." he replied sincerely.

"You won't hurt me." I reassured him.

"So I have your permission to ravish you." he smirk mischievously.

"Shut up, you horny Alpha." I playfully hit his chest, causing him to laugh. He gently brushed his fingers on the skin of the curve between my neck and shoulder. "My mark will lay here, showing everyone that you belong to Gabriel Derek Varulv, Alpha of the Varulv pack. The most beautiful girl in this universe belongs to me." he said proudly, making my cheeks beet red.

"Okay, so that's it." I asked changing the topic.

"Yes. No. there's one more thing about mates, they can feel each other's emotions and feelings easily without even reading their mind. Just like I felt your's this morning." he spat angrily. I sighed and shook my head.

"Let's just drop it here, let's go. ok." he informed, picking me up in his arms, I squeaked and playfully hit his arms. "I can walk Mr. Alpha."

"Oh, really. Then how would I get to warm my mate." he teased, brushing his lips on mine.

My insides felt all giddy and warm, and I melted in his arms, completely loosing myself under his simple touch. All I wanted to do was to kiss him senselessly, but I refrained myself. Ignoring my racking hormones.  I just laid my head on his chest and breathed in his amazing scent. As soon as we reached, each and every one of them started barking questions.

"Did you tell her everything?"

"Is everything alright?"

"How did she handle everything?"

"Did you guys had sex?"

And Of course the last one was from Olie and Oliver.

"I'm going to kill you someday." Derek growled, punching both the twins on shoulder.

"Hey." they both winced together, rubbing their shoulder.

He ignored them and pulled me on his lap, sitting us on the couch.

"Well," Oliver shrugged. "It's ok with us, as long as you tell us all the juicy bits." he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, while everyone nodded and grinned.

"Guys, there are no juicy bits, he just explained everything to me." I groaned, and blushed when I saw mischievous looks in their eyes.

"Everything?" Cora exclaimed.

"Um, yeah.. everything.."

"Then he also told you about mating..." Jennifer grinned and I knew exactly where this was going.

"Umm, yeah..." I trailed off trying to control my blush.

A very loud squeal make me jump in Derek's arms. "I want grandkids and I want twins." Ma Jenna grinned widely jumping up and down in excitement.

"Mom." Derek groaned, both of our faces flushed and red from continues blushing. I hid my face in his chest avoiding them all.

"Oh, no young man, you better start working on it now because I've waited so long. And you work hard cause I want twins or maybe triplets." she squeaked.

Kill me, kill me now. It's too much embarrassment.

I buried my face more in his chest while gripping his shoulders tightly.

"It's been long since Derek and evangelina..."

"Jenna." Da cut her off as she speak.

"Derek and evangelina.." I whispered looking at Derek.

He opened his mouth to speak, but Da interrupted. "Let's first eat something, ok. I'm sure you two lovebirds must be hungry." he chuckled, walking out of the room along with everyone.

"Let's go." Derek pulled me towards the dining room, where Marven was seated on one of the chairs holding her broken wrist and her mother, Ursula feeding her. She sensed us and turn around, glaring at me and our entwined hands. "So kind of you to join us, Gabriel." she voiced seductively, shamelessly ogling my Derek's naked abs. "I suggest you stop drooling at my mate, or else I'll break every bone in your body." I threatened not liking the way she was eyeing my mate.

She ignored me and kept her eyes on Derek.

What the hell is her problem.

"Back off." I snarled stepping closer to her, my body started shaking with anger and I clenched my fists wanting to kill her, but I was refrained by Derek. "Calm down, doll." he whispered, removing the pooled hair of my shoulder, gently placing kisses on my neck.

She stared at our intimacy like a dumbfounded bitch. "I said keep your eyes off my man, or else I will kill you." gritting my teeth, I snapped angrily at her. Marven and Ursula both looked frightened but Ursula gained her composure and straightened her back. Ursula pursed her lips slightly, preparing herself to bark like a slimy bitch.

"What is going on here?" Da growled from behind us.

"This trashy human is accusing my Marven for looking at her own mate. Tell her brother,my Marven is Gabriel's mate." she whined, completely changing her demeanor from defensive to pitying.

I was surprised to see how good she is at manipulating people.

"Dad." Derek started, but stopped when Da raised his hand signaling him not to speak. Derek's hands were massaging my shoulders, drawing lazy circles calming me slowly.

"Shut it Ursula. Gabriel here is the Alpha and Sybil is your Luna..."

"But he didn't even mark her, she is..."

"How dare you speak in front of your Alpha." Da growled thunderously making everyone jump in fright, except for me, Derek and ma, who was rubbing his back gently. Derek was growling low in his throat, while I heard few more growls behind us.

"Brother I..."

"I don't want to hear anything Ursula. Shut your Damn mouth, I've had enough of you." he yelled. "Go upstairs, both of you, and pack your bags I'm calling your mate." His tone held finality. "But, brother.."

Da didn't say anything just held his hand for her to stop and obey. She scowled and pulled a very frightened Marven with her.

Yeah, serves her right. Bitch.

"And imprint this in your Damn mind, that Sybil is Gabe's mate, she is the pack's Luna not your daughter." He stated coldly as she cursed few profanities under her breath. Finally calming down I faced Derek and glared,"Go put some shirt on before I break someone's neck." he smirked and raised his hands in surrender.

I walked to the kitchen, to help ma Jenna and to ask her one question that was on my mind.

'Who are Derek and Evangelina?'

I bumped into someone on my way to the kitchen.

"Sorry Luna." A tiny, petite blonde apologized.

"Oh, it's ok, it's fine." I said, balancing her and her plate of cookies.

She smiled shyly and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. Returning her a sweet smile, I picked up a cookie from her plate.

"Do you mind?" I asked.

"Oh, no Luna. I made them for you." she whispered.

Taking a bite, I moaned in delight.

"This is the best cookie I've ever tasted." praising her, I picked up another one.

"Thank you, Luna." she smiled brightly.

"So, you didn't tell me your name." I said, finishing another one of those cookies.

"It's Lily, Lily porter." she replied, shyly, looking at her feet. At the height of five feet, she looked at least fourteen or fifteen years old. Her dark grey eyes had streaks of silver and light grey. Her face was soft and delicate with cute freckles around her nose.

"It's nice to meet you Lily I'm Sybil."

"I know, well everyone knows that you are our Luna. You are so beautiful and everyone here admires and loves you." she said, smiling brightly.

"Oh, I didn't know that." she looked at me with amuzed expression.

"But don't worry I know that you guys love me, and I love you too." I replied, ruffling her hairs.

"Whom do you love, doll." Derek asked, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind.

"Hello Alpha." Lily greeted and bowed her head, nervously fidgeting with her top. She looked like she was going to be buried deep down if we stood anymore in front of her.

"Well thank you Lily for the wonderful cookies and I'm sure you'll teach me too." I grinned when she gave me a full smile.

"Of course Luna. It would be my pleasure."

"Good. Teach her sometimes later. I need my mate too." he whined, earning a soft chuckle from me and Lily.

"Oh... yes... yes. I'll just leave them here. Um, I'll see you soon Luna." saying that she placed the plate on the counter and left the kitchen.

Without wasting a single second he started sucking softly on the curve between my neck and shoulder.

"Derek, what are you doing?" I whispered. He didn't even bother to reply just kept on assaulting the spot with his teeth and tongue, creating deliriousness. His teeth gave me light nips while his warm tongue swirled over them, making my legs weak with desire and pleasure. His mouth possesively sucking the spot again and again, making my knees go weak with want and need. My hands gripped the counter tightly almost fracturing my fingers, while his hands, which weren't stationary, kept on moving from my shoulders to my thighs.

We were so engrossed in our haze that we didn't notice ma and May in the kitchen.

"You know, maybe I should put a sign board of 'No sexual activity' in my sacred kitchen. What do you say May?" she laughed along with May.

causing us to break apart, both our breathing fast and hard.

"We cook food in here, we don't want your..."

"Mom." Derek shrieked, causing her to laugh harder this time. He dragged me out to an empty hallway. "I still want grandchildren." she called from behind. Derek chuckled while my cheeks flared deep red. without warning he started undoing the buttons of his shirt I was wearing.

"Derek. What are you doing?" I shrieked, swatting off his hands.

"What do you think I'm doing?" he asked innocently, brushing off my question.

"Derek." I snapped, causing him to look me in the eye. "What?" he mimicked.


"Well what?" he asked, amusement dancing in his chocolatey orbs.

"Turn around. I can't undress in front of you." I said pushing him, so that he could face the other wall.

"Why? I've seen you naked before when we were kids It's no big deal."he shrugged nonchalantly.

Gah, the nerve of this horny Alpha.

"Derek, we were kids back then and now we are adults. And I've grown these." I said, indicating towards my fairly grown bosoms.

"Yes, I can see." he replied eyeing my assets pervertedly.

I pushed him back so he could turn around.

"Ok, ok I got it." he said raising his hands in surrender. While he turned his back towards me, I quickly stripped off my shirt and wore the fresh one he bought which smelled just like him. Grabbing his hand I led us to the dining room, where everyone was eating or laughing or chatting. While Da was smiling and  shaking his head at something uncle Peter said. We both smiled and joined everyone.

Lunch was pleasant, with lots of laughter and smiles, or in case of twins and Jennifer they both were kissing and touching her continuously. It was adorable watching them in love with her, treating her like a princess. On the other hand, Derek was busy discussing something with Da, but his hand was placed on my thigh attentively. I was the only one on the table who was silently eating her food.

"Hey." Megan said, slightly nudging my shoulder.


"Why so down-down?" she asked, making funny baby faces. I smiled and replied,"No I'm just thinking about some stuff."

"Some stuff like my sister and Gabriel?" she asked, cocking an eyebrow.

"No, not about them. it's just.."

"I know and I want you to know that my sister is a complete bitch." her confession took me off guard.

"She's always been daddy's girl and mama's princess, that's why she always gets' what she wants. She never understood that you are Gabe's heart. He was so snappy, rude, moody and emotional all these years, always angry and shouting and cursing. He became an emotional wreak when you weren't here. But since we saw you with him, he is so much improved, he is much happier now and he is completely changed. we are all happy for both of you, well except for mom and Marven." she laughed nervously. "Anyways I'm glad that you are Gabe's mate. Take care of him, he is like my little brother that I've always wanted." she smiled and patted my shoulder, before walking away with her and Morgan's children.

I smiled at her, atleast she cares unlike her bitchy mom and sister.

"Hey, doll. What are you thinking about?" Derek softly cooed in my ear, nipping it gently. "nothing."

"Ok, than dad wants us in his office, there is more for you to know. Few truth about us." he informed, nodding I grabbed mine and his plates, dumping them in the sink I washed my hands and walked towards da's office. Upon entering my eyes fell on Derek, who was pacing in the room. "Derek, what happened?" I asked. He stopped and looked at me, motioning for me to sit beside him. He nodded towards Da and others before Da spoke," Look jewel, there is something we want you to know about our past and your family." he looked into my eyes and began. He told me everything about previous 'Derek and Evangelina'. How they first met, how much they liked each other, how much they meant to each other. After listening and memorizing every fact about them, I timidly decided to ask one important question, their whereabouts.

"So, um where are they now?"

Da sighed loudly, while ma sniffed desperately trying to wipe off her unshed tears, the whole time Derek held me closer to him, as if afraid to loose me, or afraid that I would disappear.

"They are dead." Da replied gravely.

This one sentence hit me like tons of bricks, mostly because I wasn't expecting that.

"Dead?" I croaked. "Yes, hunters killed them." Derek added.

"Ev, doll you remember you told me about your father and brother being hunters." he asked, hesitantly.

"Um, yes." I replied, nodding my head.

"Well your father and brother killed Evangelina and Derek." as soon as those words left his lips, the world started to crumble around me.

"No, no, no, no." I shook my head in denial, not ready to accept this fact, getting off the couch I stood on my legs. "You are lying, you all are lying. I know my father and brother do many things, but they are not killers. They never hurted anyone, not a single soul how could you say that so easily Derek, and how could you Derek? why are you lying? what would you....." He grabbed my shoulders and placed his lips on mine, shutting me off. After few seconds he pulled away, "Calm down, doll. I'm not lying. It's true, every werewolf knows it, every hunter knows it. Your father, Gerard Argent, is the leader of hunters, who hunts us, who hunts werewolves and kills them. Every member of Argent family is destined to become a hunter, it's passed from their ancestors. It's in their genes. They are trained to kill werewolves and other supernatural creatures."

"Gerard killed his daughter because she was mated to a werewolf and moreover an Alpha. It was against their rules and codes. They are our enemies from long time. He shot my son and his daughter in the head." Da growled, his eyes flickering colors from dark grey to bright blue, his voice reflected suppressed anger. Derek shook my shoulders gently, before speaking,"Werewolves lives longer then humans, because we heal faster than them, our immune system is very strong and we are immune to everything, except silver and wolfsbane. A single drop of these two in our blood can kill a normal wolf in minutes, but it takes time in case of warrior wolves, betas and Alphas. It depends on their strength and power. The more powerful they are, it becomes more hard for these things to kill us. But a specific kind of wolfsbane, can even kill an Alpha in one day. Your father shot my brother in head with silver bullet, which killed him in cold-blood, while he shot your sister in heart, to convey and spread this message that no one from Argent's or any hunter's family, can ever love a werewolf." he paused, looking deeply in my eyes.

"You, my doll, are a hunter's daughter and you are my mate too. All this is happening again. But I promise I won't let them hurt you, not this time. He can't kill anyone he want, he can't control you, you belong to me, you are mine." Derek's eyes showed ferocity and vulnerability. I knew he needed my comfort right now, so I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my face in his taut chest.

"I know and I promise I won't let them hurt you too. I won't let that father of mine touch you, Derek I... I..." he stopped me from speaking further by dropping a sweet kiss on my lips.

"I know."

I brushed his hair from his eyes, looking deeply in this mesmerizing chocolate orbs,"Is Michael too.."

"Yes, he is a hunter too and he works for your father. And all those dreams are true too." he answered with a slight nod. I decided to pay Michael a visit, to force out everything from him, and to torture him in ways he didn't even know, just because he hurt my mate.


Ta-da another chapter finished.

Thanks guys for reading and supporting, and special thanks to two of my bestfriends, who inspires me every week to write new chapter.

And both of them know it.

love you..

Don't forget to comment and vote.

Next update: 17/18 July.

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