I'm not a villain (Hitoshi Sh...

By Awesomelemonaids

1.1M 54.9K 30.4K

(Y/n) was destined to be the greatest villain of all time. Her father was an evil genius, while her mother wa... More

1. I hate this
2. Freedom
3. Communication
4. Marshmallows
5. Happiness
6. Trust
7. Past
8. You should smile more
9. My Hero
10. Parents
11. Purple cat charm
12. Meow
13. U.A High school
14. The practical test
15. Be careful
16. Results
17. Master?
18. Explain
19. Without
20. Jealousy
21. Memories
22. Protect you
23. U.A
24. Quirk assessment
25. Sensei
26. The music room
28. I'm sorry
29. Fly
30. Obtained
31. Out
32. Costume time!
33. Team J
34. I have a plan
35. Congratulations
36. The notebook
37. Shadow quirks
38. Threads
39. Saviour
40. Friendship
41. Wanted
42. Understandings
43. Arrangement
44. Home
45. Cafe
46. Become a hero
47. No control
48. The nurse
49. The USJ
50. Villains
51. Hospital
52. Forgiven
53. Healed
54. Mystery object
55. Guest
56. Brother
57. Friends
58. I am a hero
59. Different
60. Safe
61. Delusional
62. Accidental advancements
63. Thank you for everything
64. Times up
65. Back to me
66. Plummet
67. Revival
68. Countdown
69. Counter-attack
70. Cheer
71. Reunited
72. The game
73. Deal
74. I can't lose
75. A contract
76. Titan
77. Visitors
78. A happy family
79. Love
80. Press conference
81. Pressure
82. Not enough
83. Confession (Final chapter)
Bonus: Kuro gets a boyfriend
Fan art
More fan art

27. For her

14.5K 678 203
By Awesomelemonaids

"How was your first day at school, sweetie?". You look up and meet your mother's gaze, she looks really excited. "Tell her that you didn't talk to anyone and hid away in the music room the entire time", Kuro chuckles. You ignore him and take a seat at the kitchen table, placing your bag on the ground beside you. "It was alright, I got to meet my homeroom teacher and the other students in my class". Her smile widens. "Really? Did you make any friends?". You eye the happy expression on her face, how could you let her down? You weighed your options, would it be right to lie to her for the sake of her happiness or tell her what really happened and make her worry? "You know you want to lie, just say it", you hear Kuro whisper. You cleared your throat and nodded. "Yeah, I made a few friends". She giggled and ran over to you, wrapping you in a tight hug. "Yay, I'm so proud of you. To be honest I was a little worried but now I know that you've made friends I've never been happier". You feel your throat grow dry as Kuro let out another chuckle. "Regretting your decision? It's too late now". Your mother releases you from her hold and runs over to the fridge, taking a box out. She returns to the table, placing the box in front of you. She pulls the lid back, exposing a purple cake decorated with violet flowers. Your eyes widen at the sight of the beautiful edible, letting its sweet smell enter your nose. You looked up at the woman standing before you, a nervous blush on her face. "I always loved to bake when I was your age, I hope it tastes good". You nod and stare down at the cake, taking in just how amazing it looked. "Thank you, mother", you whisper. She giggles and shakes her head. "It's fine, I'm really happy you decided to become a hero and I wanted to let you know I'm very proud of you". She picks up the cake and returns it to the fridge, placing a kiss on your forehead as she returns to her place beside you. "Now you should go upstairs and do your homework, we can have the cake when Yu gets home". You nod and stand up, heading to your room.

"I'm so proud of you", Kuro mocks, pulling a silly face. You glare at him before turning around and finishing the work that your sensei had given you. "I'm not in the mood for this, Kuro", you say monotonously. He scoffs and lays back on your bed, spreading out like a star-fish. There was a moment of silence, the only sound being the noise your pencil made as you scribbled the answers to the questions Aizawa had set for the class. "You're just upset by what I suggested back in the music room, right?". You let out a sigh and leaned back in your chair, spinning it around so you could face the raven-haired male. "You're right, why would I agree to something so ridiculous?", you huff, spinning back around to face your work. "Damn who shoved the stick up your ass". You clenched your fist around our pencil harshly, eventually snapping it in two. "That trip would be meaningless and not to mention dangerous. What if my father was to come back and catch me? I'd surely be punished for disobeying him and just because I'm his daughter doesn't mean he won't hurt me, for all I know he could kill me... Also, I'm not leaving my mother, if he catches me he catches her too and I promised myself that I would protect her no matter what". The sound of slow clapping fills the room. "Wow, what a hero... Someone who won't take risks in order to become stronger is no hero. Remember that the stronger you are the better a hero you will be and no one will remember you if you're just a weak little girl!", Kuro shouts. Anger surges through you, causing you to stand and glare at him. "You say that you know me but you don't know anything, bastard! I don't want to be a hero for the recognition and I will become strong!". "How are you supposed to do that huh?!". Your face falls, leaving you with your normal emotionless face.

Suddenly your bedroom door swings open, your mother stands there with a worried expression on her face. "Are you alright? I thought I heard yelling", she says, looking around the room for any possible explanation. Your eyes shot to the large window on the other side of the room. "Oh that was just me, I left the window open and a bird was trying to get in. I didn't want it to defecate on anything". Her smile returns and she lets out a relieved sigh. "That's fine sweetie, just try and keep it down, you scared me". She places her hand on her chest as she takes deep breaths in and out. You don't think it was right to frighten her like that, you just hoped that she bought your excuse. "When you're finished your homework you should come downstairs, Yu will be home soon and we could all hang out or something". You nod making her smile widen even more. "Okay, I'll see you in a little bit". She then closes the door and returns to the kitchen.

"Well that was close wasn't it", Kuro laughs, taking a seat on your bed. But instead of responding you stare blankly at the door. "She's so-". "What? Innocent?", Kuro cuts you off. You nod. "I thought that too, how could a hero be so wholesome? I mean she acts like the nice girl in a typical high school anime". You raise your eyebrow at Kuro but brush off his comment. Your eyes drift to the ground as you clench your fists. "I'm going", you say suddenly. "Where?". You return your eyes to the door before closing them tightly. "Tonight we're going to get the notebook". Kuro smirks and runs his fingers through his hair. "I see that you've finally come to your senses, I thought you-". "I'm not doing this for me", you interrupt. He leans forward in his seat, resting his chin in his hand. "Alright, who are you doing it for then?". Your eyes reopen, determination shining brightly within them. "I'm doing it for her".

We are definitely going, yay! Some people said they wouldn't go but too bad, we've gotta get stronger if we want to beat your father. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed. Vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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