U Remind Me (Bakugou Katsuki...

By RuinTheProtecter

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You are a villain, he is becoming a hero... You and Bakugou were friends back in kindergarten through Middle... More

Before The Storm
Ch1 The Encounter
Ch2 What you don't know
Ch3 The Fight
Ch5 Puppet Strings
Ch6 Villian?
Ch7 Who?
Ch8 Surprise!
Ch9 The Fight Between Equals
Ch10 Hot Water
Ch 11 Step by step
Ch12 Too much...
Ch13 Crack Crack Crack
Ch 14 A Silent Apology
Ch 15 A Pleasant Lie
Ch16 What have you done...
Ch17 A Mother's love and a Father's reputation
Ch19 Fates Forever Intertwined
Ch20 U Remind Me
OVA: The Beast and Beauty

Ch18 Ruin and Missal

5.1K 142 69
By RuinTheProtecter

Note~HOLY CRAP I am so sorry! I left you all hanging! ;-;  I have a fun little OVA planned for you btw leave a comment if you have a request for an OVA! Enjoy~

You hold your cheek, it stung from his slap. He looked down to you with both disappointment and anger. 

"Idiot..." he said with a sneer 

"Baka..." you said as you lowered your head

The ground shook. Bakugou quickly swept you up, you knew this strength, this feeling of dread, the feeling of two powerful beings fighting. One fighting for their Pride. One fighting to protect the one they love. 

"...Father...Mommy..." your voice was low and empty. You stood up and looked out the window, just as you thought, a praised Hero fighting with a famed Villain. 

" Let's go." He said as he stood behind you looking out the window as well.

"You'll be called a villain if you are scene on the battle field, fighting a Pro Hero. Leave this to Ruin and Mist the most feared Villains in this country." you said as you let your force field enter your eyes. 

"No, change me too. It's not villainy if its for a good cause." he said as he placed his hand on your shoulder. 

"Jeeze you sound like Izuku...but fine" you said as you placed your hand on his.

"Don't. Ever. Compare. Me. With. Deku." he said harshly, you roll your eyes and let your force field fill his eyes and cover his hair. 

"You are now Missal, a villain known for his speed and strength. Welcome to Organization Ihcas (E-cas)" you hold out your hand to him.

"Heh isn't that a 'family buisness'?" he asked before he shook your hand.

"Well your an Honorary member ok?" you said sarcastically

"Honorary member for now alright, my baking skills ain't half bad." he said with a cocky tone

"Hey! What does that mean?!" you said as he shook your hand and blasted out the hospital wall.

You both run out and snatch two black cloaks that were conveniently at a near by thrift store. You pull up your hood but Baku--Missal didn't, that should be fine. 

You both arrive to the scene to see a massive crowd had beat you to it . Using the barriers you pushed yourself and Missal to the battle. 



"And whose that with her?! We're all gunna die!"

"LISTEN UP EXTRAS! I AM MISSAL! NOW LEAVE IF YOU WANT TO LIVE, OR FIGHT ME TO MEET A GRUESOME DEATH!!" Missal yelled out to the crowd. Not even a second later they all scrambled to get away.

"My my look who it is, two pieces of scum..." Your father spoke with a foot on your Mom's chest. He was crushing her. He was covered in black residue  from your Mom's black mist, he was poisoned badly. 

You immediately send barriers to crash into him to knock him back. Missal followed your lead and used the same attack he used on Todoroki in the Sports Festival. 

You trap your father and Missal's attack in the barrier. You then turned to see your Mom rise up from the ground, she didn't have any outer injuries yet blood dripped from her mouth.

"He was crushing my insides..." Your Mom's voice was scratchy

"..." Your eyes were trained on a monster. 

"BASTARD! ILL KILL YOU! Missal get her and run NOW!" you said with rage overflowing in you.

"Like hell I'll leave!" He had no intention of leaving.

"Fine just stay out of my way..." your voice was cold and hard.

~Missal's POV~ 

'Her voice is so harsh like mine, shit is this how Deku feels...'

I watched her aura change, for once I felt...afraid...

I got ready to fight. The pro-hero stood 20 feet in front of us but the way (F/N) attacked it was like he was right in front of her. She attacked relentlessly until she was able to create many cuts on his body. I couldn't move...Dammit I have to stand down unless I want to get killed.

He- he collapsed blood spilled out his mouth, it was the same as her mother. She. Is. Crushing. Him. 

So much power and grace.

~Normal POV~ 

You stood over a monster that was bleeding to death...

"Suffer, I won't kill you but, even if they heal you..." your eyes turn evil 

"YOU WILL BE NOTHING!" you shook your head and turned to see Missal amazed. 

"We have to go now" you say as you use your barriers to take you back to your house.

You set your Mother down in her room so that she can use her mist to fill the room to heal herself. 

Bakugou was removing his costume and you removed yours to put on your normal clothing. You couldn't stay in this city. You had to leave. 

"Katsuki, I can't stay here." you said as you plopped down on your bed. 

"What do you mean?" he said as he sat next to your head.

"My cover will be blown and my whole family will be at risk if I stay." you rested your head on his lap.

"Ill go with you." he said as he played with your hair

"No you have to stay here and be come the greatest hero, better than Almight, remember?" you say as you rested your hand on his

"Is this what you want? To leave everyone?" he said sadly 

"It's not what I want, but it's what I must do. Plus there are more Family members that have truly become villains. Sometimes in order to do some good you have to be the bad guy ya know?" you said with a sad smile as he laid down next to you.

"Fine...just let me say goodbye this time..." he said as he cuddled you in the bed.

"You and a few others will have your chance tomorrow." you spoke softly as you sink into Katsuki's embrace.

Note~ So i feel that it is a good time for me to say this so i will, this book is ending in a few chapters, meaning if you want any more "chapters" leave a comment for an OVA and i will add it in either before or after the final chapter depending on when you comment! Love you all! Cya next time!!

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