All That Matters

By angelofmusic36

20.6K 1K 279

This is the sequel to Through It All. If you haven't read that yet, I suggest you do. It's one hell of a ride... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
RIH Rosey
I'm So Sorry!
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 27

305 20 5
By angelofmusic36

April 10, 2018
Anoa'i House
Tampa, FL

After a grueling weekend, we're finally home. Our car pulls into the driveway and we all get out with our bags.

"Babe? You know whose car that is?" I ask my husband. He shakes his head and I just shrug it off. We all go inside and drop our bags and I hear a strange noise. "What was that?" I pull the kids back. "Go check it out." I push Joe.

"Why me?"

"You're the man." Galina says. "Go." he rolls his eyes.

"It's nothing."

"Like hell it is." I argue. The person comes into view.

"It's about time you guys got home."

"Dee!" Anjali screams, throwing her hands in the air.

"Come here munchkin." She breaks off and goes running into her godfather's arms.

"Jonathan Good, you gave me a heart attack! What are you doing here?" I ask.

"I wanted to surprise everyone. And I did." Galina looks at Joe.

"Did you know about this?"

"Of course. I gave him a copy of the key and the code to the alarm." I roll my eyes.

"I got the kids something." he says. I furrow my eyebrows. "Come on outside." we follow him outside to see a giant jungle gym in the backyard.

"Oh my god. How long have you been here?" I ask.

"Since yesterday afternoon."

"Mommy can we play?" Joelle asks.

"After you all unpack." Galina says. Joelle grabs Mark's hand and they run into the house. Anjali isn't leaving Dean's side for anything. Not even a fancy jungle gym.

"What do you think?"

"It's amazing bro. Thanks."

"Yeah Dean it really is." I go into the house and grab the men beers.

"Come on cupcake, let's go check out that swing set." he carries Anjali over.

"So how long have you two been planning this?" I ask my husband.

"A while. He thought I would be coming back with the Championship... but I texted him and told him what happened and that made him want to come over even more." We look over at him pushing our daughter on the swing. "And he missed her like crazy. He wants to take her."

"A dónde? Vegas?" he nods. "Hm. It's not a bad idea."

"We're finished!" Joelle, Mark and Boo come running outside.

"Go ahead." I say. The three of them take off running to meet their sister and uncle while Joe, Galina and myself take a seat on the lawn chairs, poolside and we watch the kids.

"So this is our life now?" Galina asks.

"Throw in another baby... yeah."

"I could get used to this." she says.

"Me too." I say.

"Me three." Joe says.

"Oh Malaika." Dean calls out. "You got a package, it showed up today." I smile.

"Where is it?"

"In your room."

"What's the package?" Joe asks.

"G can you watch them for like an hour?" I ask.

"What's going on?" Joe asks, impatiently. I take his hand.

"Come on. Let's go check out that package." We go into the house and upstairs. I get a pair of scissors and cut the tape open. "Here you open it." I slide the box towards him. He narrows his eyes. "It's not a bomb. Just open it." he opens the flaps and tears off the plastic. "You like?"

"Hell yeah." he throws it at me. "Put it on." I take it and go running into the bathroom and come back out. "Where's this from?"

"Rihanna's lingerie line." I lean against the wall.

"What you standing there for? Bring that sexy ass over here." I walk over to my husband and climb onto the bed. "I really need this babe..." I roll my eyes.

"You always really need sex from me."

"What? I'm entitled. You're my wife." he grabs me by my ankles and yanks me towards him causing me to yelp and he laughs.

"Asserting your strength... I see you."

"Oh no baby. This isn't strength." He lifts me up and rests my... kitty on his mouth.

"Don't do that." I whimper.

"Do what?" he smirks. "Oh. This?" He runs his tongue under me.

"Y—Yeah. S—stop it."

"No." he licks again. I moan and grab onto his hair. "Alright, that's enough teasing." He puts me down on the bed and gets rid of his clothes.

"Wait." I quickly get off the bed and lock the door.

"Smart. Come here mama." I climb onto the bed.

"Lay it on me baby... but don't rip the suit." Joe smirks.

"No promises."


April 13, 2018
Anoa'i House
Tampa, FL

Dean left yesterday to get some time in with his wife before she has to leave for Raw and Smackdown and of course Anjali threw a fit.

But today is my baby boy's first birthday in the new house and as a family. I go into his room to see him fast asleep and sit on his bed.

"Happy birthday to you." I coo. "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday my beautiful boy. Happy birthday to you." his eyes open and he lightly rubs them.

"It's my birthday?" I nod.

"Happy birthday." I kiss his cheek.

"I thought you would forget."

"Never. Come on. There's breakfast." I pick him up out of bed and bring him downstairs to the kitchen where Joe and Galina are making breakfast. "Anjali and JoJo left already but we'll have the party when they get back."

"Pancakes or waffles for the birthday boy?" Joe asks. I set him down and he takes a seat at the bar.

"Waffles!" he says happily. "With whipped cream a—and strawberries."

"I like how you think." Joe says and he gets to work and my phone rings.

"Look at that, it's your first birthday phone call." I hand him the phone.

"Hey Cesaro." he says happily. He hops off the seat and goes into the dining room while I go upstairs and get his first gift and come back down. After he finishes on the phone, he comes back to the bar and I slide the bag towards him.

"This is from Dean." he digs into the bag and pulls out two big boxes wrapped in paper.

"Dean sucks at wrapping gifts." Joe notices. "Clearly Renee did it for him." he rips open the paper and smiles. They're two big Lego sets from The Lego Movie.

"Cool! Can we build them now?"

"After breakfast." I say. After we eat breakfast, the two of us build his sets together and watch movies.


After we finish cake and pizza, Mark opens the rest of his gifts. He got some video games from Galina and Joelle, a book about Broadway musicals from Cesaro, clothes from me and Anjali and then we go outside to see his gift from Joe.

"Ok open your eyes in 3...2...1!" Mark opens his eyes and gasps.

"It's a bike!" he runs up to his bright red bike. "But I don't know how to ride it."

"It's ok." Joe says. "I'll teach you." He hugs Joe.

"Thanks Joe. This was a great birthday."

"We're glad you liked it buddy." Joe says. "We can start now."

"Nope!" I go into the house and grab his new helmet and hand it to him. "Now you can start." he puts on his helmet and Joe lifts him and puts him on his bike. Joelle runs into the garage and grabs her scooter and I pick up Anjali and rest her on my hip.

"I drive my car Mommy?"

"Sure baby."

"I sorry I punch Brock."

"It's ok my love. I'm not mad. Mommy beat up Brock too so it's ok. I love you baby girl."

"I love you Mommy."


May 6, 2018
Newark, NJ

Joe isn't champion and I am just... tired. Tired of running back and forth... all the hype just to be let down... it's too much.

Joe and I go out to a sea of boos as usual but we don't let it bother us. We know we have fans that love us. We get to the ring and pose but before the match can start, Kurt comes out.

"I'm sorry to interrupt things but Indira..." I look at Kurt. "Samoa Joe came to me earlier today and asked that you be banned from ringside for his safety." The crowd boos.

"What?! You little bitch." I say to Joe. The ref comes over. "Don't touch me! I'm going, I'm going." I climb out of the ring, march up the ramp and go backstage.


About half-way through the match, I walk around to another part of the arena with a steel chair and wait for my cue. After the match, I go running through the crowd and into the ring. I pick up the steel chair and smack Joe with it.

"You're gonna ban me?! Really?!" I smack him again. "You really thought that was going to stop me?!" Smack. "How's your safety now?!" I hit him once more and toss the chair aside. I crouch down and look at Joe. "Go back to Smackdown bitch." I get up and turn to my husband. I smile slightly before smacking him in the face, earning "oos" from the crowd. I grab his face, "Don't ever let anyone disrespect your wife like that again, understand?" He nods. I tap his face and we leave the ring and go backstage.

"Damn babe." Joe holds his jaw.

"It wasn't that hard." I roll my eyes. "You got assaulted before the match even started."

"But your slaps hurt..." I sigh. "You ok?"

"Yeah. I've just been tired lately."

"Yeah, we've been doing a lot of running." I nod.

"I can't wait for our time off during your birthday weekend."

"What are we possibly going to do with all that time off?"

"Sleep. Those bags under your eyes speak volumes."

"Are they really that bad?" I shrug and begin to walk away. "No but seriously. Are they really that bad?" I ignore him and continue to walk. "Malaika? Malaika?!"


May 7, 2018
Monday Night Raw
Uniondale, NY

Sierra's POV:

Fergal and I walk into the arena hand in hand. The relationship we've had is absolutely amazing. He's nice, sweet, respectable... I think I'm falling.

"So I have an idea..." Fergal begins.

"Oh boy. Alert the media. Fergal Devitt has an idea." He playfully nudges me. "What's on your mind?"

"The Europe tour, we're uh going to Ireland and I was wondering if you'd... like to uh..." I love it when he stumbles over his words.

"Spit it out Ferg."

"Would you like to meet my parents?" my eyes light up.


"Really? You don't think it's too soon?"

"Fergie, you don't get to see your parents often, so when you do you need to take full advantage." I take his hands. "I would love to meet your parents." I kiss him on the cheek. "So you're winning the qualifying match, I'm meeting your parents... what's next for us?" He smiles.

"Maybe a vacation..." he pecks me on the right cheek. "Moving in together..." he pecks me on the left cheek. "Marriage..." he kisses me on the neck. "Then maybe a baby in a baby carriage." he kisses me on the lips.

"Sierra and Fergal sitting in a tree..."



May 10, 2018
WWE Live Belfast
Belfast, Ireland

Sierra's POV:

"Calm down..." Malaika urges.

"I can't. I—I'm actually meeting his dad. Like his dad. The man that helped create him. What if I say something stupid?"

"Not possible."

"Like about our sex life?"

"Yeah that is pretty stupid." She grabs me by my shoulders. "You are smart, beautiful, friendly and professional. You won't say anything stupid. Stop worrying."

"Were you this nervous when you met Joe's parents?" She nods.

"Oh yeah. But the more I talked to them, the more comfortable I became. You'll be fine. Ferg's probably not as nervous as you right now."

Fergal's POV:

I'm nervous as hell. I haven't had a girlfriend in years and now Sierra is meeting my dad??

Ok deep breaths. You can do this. It'll work. Don't worry. It'll work. It'll be fine.

"Are you alright Fergal?" My dad asks.

"Uh yeah dad... I'm fine." we turn the corner and we see Sierra talking to Malaika. Ok here goes nothing. "Sierra!" She looks over at me and the two of us go over to her.

"Hi." She says nervously.

"Sierra, this is my dad Finton. Dad, meet Sierra." She puts out her hand.

"It's very nice to meet you Mr. Devitt." He pulls her into a hug.

"Please. Call me Finton. Fergal has told us so much about you."

"Really?" She tucks her hair behind her ear. I love it when she does that.

"Oh yeah. He talks about you non stop." I feel myself blush.

"Not that much dad."

"My wife would like to meet you too. Are you coming back to our house tonight?" I look at Sierra.

"Sure. I would love to." I beam and take a sigh of relief.


May 11, 2018
Fergal's Parent's House
Bray, County Wicklow, Ireland

Sierra's POV:

I open my eyes and look over to see Ferg staring at me.

"Ok creep. How long have you been staring?"

"Like 5 minutes. I can't help it. You're gorgeous."

"Shut up."

"I mean it." He climbs on top of me.

"We're not having sex in your parents' house..."

"Yeah. You're right." he lays down next to me. "You're not exactly quiet."

"Am I really that loud?" I cover my face with my hands and he laughs.

"If you're not loud, then I'm not doing it right." He winks and I roll my eyes.

"I still can't believe I'm in the room you slept in. I bet you brought a lot of girls in here."

"No. Not really. I didn't really date a lot. I was more focused on my wrestling."

"You know there are some moves you haven't shown me yet..."

"Wait until we get home darlin'... I'll put on a show." He kisses my neck.

"Fergie... you're gonna leave a mark..."

"So what? Makeup can do amazing things." his lips press harder.

"I said we're not doing this..."

"We're not having sex. I'm just kissing you. If you want me to stop—"

"No, no. Keep going." There's a knock on the door and Fergal groans.

"Yeah?" the door opens and it's his brother, Ciaran.

"I don't see anything." He says with his hand covering his eyes. "I don't see anything."

"There's nothing to see." Fergal says. "What do you want?"

"Mum said breakfast is ready."

"Thanks." He leaves and closes the door behind him. "Now... where were we?"

"We were getting out of bed and going to eat. Yes, Fergal I'm hungry and I don't want to keep her waiting." I throw the covers off and get out of bed. "Besides, the longer we wait, the more fun we have when we get back to Florida." Fergal joins me out of the bed.

"Hey, thanks for uh coming. Really."

"Of course. I wouldn't miss this."

"I love you Sierra." That's the first time he's said it.

"I love you too Fergie." we kiss. There's another knock on the door.

"We're coming!" Fergal calls out.


May 17, 2018
Anoa'i House
Tampa, FL

"This isn't good." I say. Galina sighs.

"Who else knows?"

"You, my sister and my steering wheel. When Joe finds out, he'll explode. This can't get out. If it does..." I sigh. "It just can't."

"I get it. I get it." She sighs. "What are you going to do?" I shrug.

"I have no fucking idea."


Oooooo what's going on Laika???

Drop some comments on what you think it is.

Yes I know I jumped the time a bit but w.e. it's my story.

QOTC 1: What did you guys think of Backlash?

QOTC 2: There are rumors floating around that Cena moved from Nikki to Carmella. Y'all think that's true?

QOTC 3: What do you think about how Roman's being used as far as storylines right now?

QOTC 4: Do you prefer having separate Pay Per Views for both brands or have everyone together?

Y'all Infinity War... got me fucked all the way up...

Until next time: 13 Reasons Why Season 2 comes out on the 18th. I'm so ready for a binge.

Coming soon: The truth comes out and A LOT of things change

Gifs of the chapter:

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