Everything About You

By mrs_Stylesxox

26.1K 261 26

Kylie Styles is a 16 year old normal girl. Except for one part. Shes Harry Styles little sister. Kylie is re... More

Everything About You
No, you got it all wrong
Samantha and Interview
Movies, Games, Food and...Samantha....
Beach house >>
Really, who is this mystery girl?
Daddy Styles?
Chapter # 11
My secret date with Nialler
Fun night with the guys.
The letter
Home sweet home
**I dont know what to call this chapter so be creative and make up your own**
putting the peices together
Finding Kylie
We Found You
Home sweet home.
Date night
What a Morning
This night should be interesting.....
The nights still young
The party still goes on!
'Wait theres Two?!'
Night with the girlies <3
as long as your ok
planing the flash mob
Flash mob
Hard work pays off
The End
Authors Note :) ~PLEASE READ~

Who Samantha really is

858 11 0
By mrs_Stylesxox

Niall P.O.V

The lads and i ran up the front steps of the tour us were Kylie and Samantha once stood. I lifted my shaky hand and pushed the door open. Each of us ran into a different direction trying to find Kylie When Harry found her inside the bathroom.

"Kylie, are you in there?" He asked.

"What do you want?" she asked trying not to choke on her sobs.

"Come out love and talk to us" Louis said. She obeyed orders and opened the bathroom door slowly. only alowing herself to look up at Harry and block the view from the rest of us.

"Come out here Kyles..talk to us." Harry said pushing the door open a little more. Her eyes were blood shot and puffy. It was obvious that she was crying. How can Samantha hurt her this much? The she raped her arms arounf Harry and syatyed to cry even harder. Harry lifted her up and took her over to the couch and sat her on his lap.

"Kylie, do you want to talk about it?" Harry wispered in her ear. She slowly noded her head.

"When ever your ready love" Zayn said as we all sat around Kylie waiting for her to explain.

"Well". her voice started off shaky. She ran her fingers through her hair and then continued talking. "When i-ahh.. decided to come back into the tour bus for some rest I didnt even make it all the way in the bus when i saw.....Samantha..she was standing on the steps of the bus." She said as she put her head down and wiped a tear. "What else happened?" Liam asked. "Sh-she" She didnt even get to finish talking because she pulled on Harrys shirt into her face and she started crying again. Harry just rubbed her back and after a few minutes she stoped crying and whiped her eyes and placed her head back on Harrys shoulder and sighed and started talking again. "She-umm-ah...tolled me to....stay away from Niall....and then she called me a...slut and tolled me that..since i was on tour with 'one direction' i could sleep with anyone of you guys if i wanted to...even...Harry...Then she said I probly have an STD because she thinks i have slept with each of you wich is part of the reason why she toled me to stay away from...Niall"

"Are you kiding me?..are you fucking kiding mee?..thats what she said?" I screamed at the top of my lugs. I didnt want to belive it why would she do something like that? Then Liam tried to calm me down.

"Niall please..just" Liam started but then i cut him off again.

"Dont Liam please dont. This is all my fault and i have a right to be mad." I sad and then stormed over to kylie placing both of my hands on her face and forced her to look at me.

"Listen Kylie, I'm teribly sorry that she said that...No body talks to my best friend that way not even my gi-.. Samantha ok what she said was not true not at all and you need to understand that..do you hear me?" I asked her and she just stared at me.

"Do you hear me Kylie?" I asked her and she just noded.

"Yes Niall..I do But you need to understand one thing here" She finished and i just noded. The lads were still here they were just shocked. I was even shocked i cant belive what Samantha said to her.

"You need to understand that this is not your fault..its fine..i will get over it..What she said ..hurt. but its not your fault Niall..do you understand me?" she asked and i noded. Still feeling a bit guilty i mean if  i never dated her this would have never have happened.

"Ok...so Niall what are you going to do about samantha?" Liam asked.

"I-i dont know ..Brake up with her i gess?" i answered.

"NO" Kylie screamed and we all looked at her with a confused expresson.

"What is it Kylie?"

"I am not allowing you to brake up with her because of the way she talked to me...No way in hell am i letting you do that not if you love her and not because of me." Kylie answered.

"N-no its fine actully..i was going to do it sooner..besides, i think i'm in love with someone else" I answered back and winked at her. Its true..I am in love with her and i wanted her all for my own. and i can as soon as Samantha is out of the way.


"What is Lou talking about?" Kylie asked.

"Wll on the interview the interviewer asked us about being single Niall said he wasnt and we all asumed it was Samantha and then he wouldnt tell us who it was so now we know  its not Samantha and it is infact a mystery girl" Zayn said and I just noded agreing to his statement.

"Kylie...why dont you go relax in the bed i'll make some lunch and then we will watch a movie..alright?" Harry asked and she noded and walked into the bunk room.

"Soo Niall..who is this special little lady?" Louis asked wiggling his eye brows. I rolled my eyes.

"I cant tell you yet...but i asure you she is beautifull and super special..shes my dream girl" i said

"Aww...do you go out with her yet?" Harry asked and i giggled. they were so clueless but i know that Liam would eventully catch on

"Not yet" I said

"Well what are you waiting for mate...get your head in the game" Louis said dancing like an idiot.

"What ever guys...it will take time..plus i'm not even sure if she likes me back anyways" I said and shot Liam a knowing look and i think he cought on.

"Come on dude use your irish charm..It always works" Harry said.

"Yeah...i gess" I said.

"Plus.. Were all going to the beach house in two days...you should invite her" Zayn said.

"Urmm...i dont know about that i just...w'ell see" I sad and started to get nervous

"Dont worry Niall" Liam said as he went to sit down next to me and put his hand on my back "You will get her....No boubt" I looked at him questionly..

"What are you on about?" i asked Liam just smiled. hmm whatever thats about.... he probly knows!!!

"Daniells comming to the beach house with us" Liam said.

"YYYYAAAAYYYYYYY good cuz im bringing ELENOR!!!!" Louis said.

"Hey Liam...Can you bring this to Kylie for me?" Harry called from the kitcchen. he made her a sandwhich and pored a glass of apple juice.

"Sure i-" Liam started but i quickly cutt him off.

"No i got it..let me do it" i sad and grabed the tray out of Liams hand. they all gave me strange glances but i just shruged it off.


Kylies P.O.V

"I think i'm in love with someone else" The words kept repeating in my head who was he inlove with. Why did i care. Oh i can answer that one easily i'm jelous...thats the answer i want Niall and now some other bimbo has his heart...it hurts a lot. Then i heard a few knocks at the door.

"Come in" i said

"Hey Kyles..how ya feeling?" Niall came in with some food. I dodnt know weather to be upset or happy.

"Fine" I answered.

"Here you go Kyles...some apple juice and Harry made you a sandwhich....you havnt eaten anything today have you?" Niall asked

"No and i cant wait to eat this now hand it to me" I said rather rudly but i didnt care i was freaking starving.

"Ahhhhh a girl that eats like me" Niall said and i couldnt help but blush he was sooo cute his perfect blue eyes his croocked smile the way his hair swooped perfectly to the side. hes perfect

"Take a picture it might last longer babe" He said and winked. ohh noo here comes the blush ugh i hate it when he douse this to me.

"Soo you know that were going to the beach house right?" Niall asked

"AAH NOOO WAYY I MISSSED THE BEACH HOUSE..WHEN ARE WE GOING?" i asked. i couldnt belive we were going and whith the boys..they were probly going to take Ellenor and Danielle too!

"Tommoraow!" he answered with a bright smile on his lips

"Great i cant wait!!!!!!!!!" i yelled "Me eaither" Niall answered.

"Well were going to be watching movies for the rest of the afternoon..if you want to join you sure can" Niall said.

"Sure..just give me a sec." I said he noded and got up and went for the door.

"Hey Nialler" I said and heimediatly turned around to face me.


"W-who was that girl....t-that you said you were in love with?...i-i mean..do i know her?" i asked. he just had a huge smile plastered on his face...he must really love her.

"Your closer to her  than you think" He said and winked and walked out. and only one thing ran through my mind........



YAY new chapter.let me know what you think

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