The Stories That Never Have E...

By theflarrowfan13

28K 675 261

Soulmate aus Some of these stories will end on cliff hangers unless I get lots of people asking me to continu... More

(1) Who said soul ache isn't deadly?
(2) locked away
(4) love coma
(5) not even a whisper
(8) The Stars
(11) jump
(12) 3 A.M.
(16) you'll bleed just to know your alive
(19) D-A-R-K
(27) in passing
(31) Race me.
(34) what do you want me to do???
(46) what destiny wants- part 1
(48) what destiny wants- part 2
(52) resting against my heart.
(60) love melts away like Snow...
(74) the algorithom
(76) Twister and Handkerchiefs?
(82) reluctance
(87) I loved and I loved and I lost you
(103) heartbeat
(105) better then boring
(126) red and blue
oh Charlie
The soulmate chemical
(151)Too close for comfort part 1.

(22) Separated

1.4K 24 27
By theflarrowfan13

Okay so this is it I'm finally finished Thank you all for being patient I'm sorry for any mistakes I've tried to get rid of them all but it's a really long story it's the longest snowbarry one shot in the world! 24,483 words


"Once upon a time there was a little baby girl who was born to an evil mother"

"What about her daddy?" 5 year old Barry asked his father

"I was getting to that bit. He died before she was born but he loved her very much... before he died though her mother was a good, kind person but when her husband died the good part of her soul died. The mother no matter how evil she was loved her daughter so she locked her in tower and started a war so her daughter would never have to suffer the same heart break as she did"

"Did she ever escape the tower?" Barry asked his father.

Henry shrugged "I don't know"

"What's her name?"

"Only her mother knows her name" Henry replied

"That's really sad" Barry commented "does that mean she had no friends?"

"I don't know... but I do know she will end the war"

"She will, how?" Barry yawned as his father tucked him into bed.

"I don't know exactly but when you were a baby some one special told me a prophecy that the girl locked in the tower would find her and she'd bring with her something that can stop the war with your help"

"I'll meet her?" Barry asked not beliving his father.

"You will" he confirmed

"...okay" Barry said sleepily closing his eyes.

Henry took one last look at his son before going to his own room he picked up the photo of his wife and sighed "Nora...I hope you were right"

15 years later

"How could you!"

"How dare you yell at me! I am your mother! I gave birth to you, I have provided you with everything I've given you a life where you don't have to be afraid of anything and now I've given you another gift yet your still ungrateful!" Carla snow snapped and came out from behind her desk to stand I front of her daughter.

"I didn't ask for this! I don't want it" she cried

"Well you have it so stop acting like a spoiled ungrateful child and do as your told!"

"Spoiled?" She laughed humourlessly "you locked me in a tower for the first 8 years of my life! And you refuse to tell me my own name because your crazy! And scared of some story that may or may not involve me"

"I AM NOT CRAZY!" Carla yelled making her daughter wince "I am not crazy! And I'm not scarer of the prophecy!"

"Then why are you making me have a child! I don't want one I'm not ready to be a mother your doing this becuase your selfish and hungry for power you keep saying that you love me but this isn't love this is madness!"

"I do love you! Mothers always love there children and I've had enough of your disobedience! You will give birth to nurse and care for this children unless-"

"Unless it's a boy?"

Carla pressed her lips together "if it's a boy we'll just have to try again then then won't we"

"Why are you doing this? I want the truth" She asked in a small voice

"I need a brave heir, one that can take over as leader when I die and if I waited for you to make the decision to have a child yourself then It would've been to late... I intend to raise my grand daughter to take over some day it's something that I should've done with you while you were still young... your child will be my second chance"

"Why didn't you just have a second child"

"I tried...I can't have anymore children and besides your child will be safe her father is the highest ranking officer we have ever captured and as idiotic as the men are I highly doubt that man will risk his own daughters safety"

The young woman let out a breath and wiped a stray tear from her cheek "my child's father is-"

"Ruthless, powerful, strong, brave everything your not but it's okay my dear daughter, your child is our second chance"

She let out a shaky breath and nodded her mother kissed her forehead and smiled "that's a good girl now go to bed you need to stay healthy for your child"

"Of course mother"
By her calculations she was now 8 weeks pregnant and her baby was big enough to see clearly on the ultra sound.

She was the only midwife there so she knew how everything worked and she had to do a ultra sound on herself.

When she was 13 she'd seen a woman go into labour and she hadn't known what to do amd she hated seeing people in pain.

so she'd read lots of books and Googled a lot of things so she was now a fully trained midwife, pedatrtion and nurse all at the age of 19.

Her mother had insisted she'd be by her side when she did all the scans.

The first scan proved that the baby was perfectly healthy.

The second one... proved she was having twins.

Not that she told her mother or anyone this.

It was bad enough her mother already had plans to groom and make her child in her imagine but if her mother only knew of, one of her babies she could keep at least one of them safe at least.

Some how.

Right now she wasn't sure what to do she was scared for herself and her babies.

At 16 weeks she finally found out the gender of the twins.

And her obvious sigh of relief and tears of joy when she found out at least one of her babies was a girl stoped her mother's constant watchfulness over her.

"I'm having a daughter" she cried happily

She didn't miss the evil smirk on her mother's lips as she walked away now satisfied with her daughter for the first time.

But her mother did miss her tears of sadness when she discovered the other twin was a boy.

1 week later she ran.

She'd been secretly packing supplies for weeks incase one or both of her children were boys.

She escaped in the middle of the night armed with books and pocket knife she'd had since she was 10, she'd found it in the woods she'd also found some caves near a stream at the very edge of the women's borders where no one went.

She'd packed two bags one filled with food and a lighter to start fires she also packed medications and antenatal vitamins she was going to be living in a cave so she was going to make sure her babies were as healthy as possible.

In the other bag she packed clothes, blankets pillows, soap deodorant and wet wipes because you know you always need to have some wet wipes on you. She also packed books and her tablet and a few power banks to keep herself entertained.

She didn't think she'd actually escape until she'd reached the 2 week mark.

she was currently 19 weeks pregnant and she could feel the twins squirming inside her sometimes and there was no signs of having a spontaneous misscarige so she wasn't worried and her baby bump was at a healthy size so everything was fine.

Until 2 days later something...happened.

She woke up one day after sleeping until after 11 (it's not easy making 2 new people).

She ran her fingers through her messy hair and tugged on a brown dress that fit over her baby bump with ease and she threw on a long thin cardigan.

She exited her cave and wrapped her arms around herself she looked around quickly hoping no woman from her mother's army were lurking around.

There was no one around and she smiled to herself she was still safe, her babies were still safe she walked into th woods and collected some fire wood.

She herd a twig snap and looked down.

She hadn't stepped on and broke a twig some one was near.

Some one was watching her.

The mother-to-be looked up slowly and she felt panic rise in the chest.

She tried to control her breathing, she had to stay calm.

It didn't work.

Her eyes frantically searched for any sign of life that wasn't her own and when she found none she was relived.

She walked back to her cave quickly her breathing getting harsher as her walk turned into a run she stoped when she realised running was no longer an option for her.

She herd another twig snap and she turned to look behind her slowly and her eyes met a man's eyes.

She took several steps back and pulled her long cardigan around her hoping to conceal her baby... babies? Bump

"you shouldn't be here" he said cautiously

"Your on our land" she shot back trying to keep the quiver out of her voice

"No, your mistaken" he said easily

"I'm mistaken?" She asked offened "I know my own land thank you very much" she snapped she wasn't sure where her courage had come from but it was definitely there.

"This isn't your land" he replied calmly "the stream is what separates the two bevy's"


"The...the genders" he said confused as to why she didnt know whar a bevy was.

"Oh. You mean the army's" she realised


"Anyway I'm not on your land the stream-" the young woman looked for the stream and when she found it she looked towards her cave and bit her lip she was in fact in the enemies land she swolled

"...oh...I-I must've...I" she looked around frantically "...I really didn't mean to end up here... oh God...I so sorry I...oh God" Her hands went to her baby bump protectively without thinking and she started pacing "this" she said gesturing to the space and the land around them "this wasn't supposed to happen I was running from..." she trailed off and looked at him "You. You were watching me"

The man's face faltered slightly and that was all the proof she needed "why were you watching me?"

"I... I wasn't"

"yes you were and I only ended up here because I was running away"

"More like stumbling actually" he blurted

She looked at him in suprise for a moment.

"are you going to kill me?" She asked quitly

"Why would I kill you?"

"B-because I'm a woman?" She said slowly and unsure of herself.

"I'm not going to kill you"

"Why?" She asked dumb founded

"Why haven't you killed me?"

"I don't have a wepon and I'm clearly not in any state to fight"

"I've noticed, what's wrong with you?"

The girl tilted her head to one side and frowned before smiling "you don't know?"

"No, I don't are you sick? It is serious? Is it contagious?"

The girl didn't reply, instead she ran.

And he ran after her.

She wasn't sure how long she ran for and she was suprise he hadn't caught her by now.

She stoped when she was on the other side if the stream and smiled triumphantly.

"You can't get to me now" she said a little to smugly

"You know I could just jump over right? The stream is very narrow" he said a little amused

"But you won't"

"Oh won't I?"

She took a few steps back he was right he could just jump over and she and the twins would be dead her back hit the rough bark of a tree and he smirked.

"You won't because you'll be attacked by the army" she lied

"No I don't think so" he replied easily

"You- you will"

"Your stuttering... intresting your out here by yourself, your hiding because your sick?"

"I'm not sick" she snapped

"Then why are you out here all alone? I know woman you like to stay together but I've herd about carla snow kicking women out becuase there weak or sick"

She tried not to cringe at her mother's name "You don't know me" she said firmly

"I know your scared, I know your not going to hurt me and you know that I'm not going to hurt you" he said softly

"I don't know that" she said her voice starting to quiver.

"I'm not going to hurt you" he assured taking a small step forward

she didn't move and tried to calm her breathing "...then leave"

"No...I want you to come back with me your clearly sick and for some reason your hiding"

The girl fidgited on the spot and bit her lip "I'm not sick... I'm...I-I'm pregnant" she admitted

The guys eyebrows raised clearly suprised and his eye's landed on her swollen stomach "your going to have a baby... if so then why did you leave? Living out here can't be hygienic or safe"

"I'm trying to make it as safe as I can" she said close to crying he was right she was terrified she didn't trust him and she also felt guilty for putting her unborn children at risk"I know what I'm doing is stupid..." she swolled and closed her eyes for a moment, mustering up all her courage "I'm not going to let anyone take them from me they're mine"

"Them?" He asked suprised.

"Twins" she mumbled "one girl and one boy" she wrapped her arms around herself protectively "my mother wants my daughter, she doesn't know about my son if she did then she wouldn't of let me out of her one's going to hurt my babies"

"I promise no one is going to hurt your babies, just come with me and I can protect you" he said truthfully

"I don't trust you. I can't trust you" she said regaining her composure.

"Because I'm a man?"

The girl nodded "our genders have been at war my entire life, for a good reason to, so why should I trust you?"

"Your having a son why would I hurt you if your carrying precious cargo?"

"I'm also having a daughter" she pointed out.

"There both in there together right? You can't hurt one without the other and it's not safe out here"

She looked down at her bump and rested her hand on it and sighed. He was right she wasn't safe here, then again she wasn't safe anywhere and she could tell this man was telling the truth so she gave in "what happens if I go with you?"

"I'll take you back to my bevy and I'll make sure you and the twins are safe"

"the other men won't like that" she pointed out.

"It doesn't matter what they like or don't like I'm in control of almost everything only a few people in my bevy have to know your even there"

"What happens once their born?"

"...I don't know. But we have time right until their born?"

"Yes... 22 weeks left"

"That's quite a bit of time"

She nodded and glanced down at her bump "I can't belive I'm doing this" she muttered she took a deep breath and exhaled slowly "...okay...but I'm not doing this for either of us...I'm doing it for my children"

He gave her a soft smile "...can I cross the stream?"


"I'll be the look out"

She nodded slowly knowing this was a bad idea " can cross"

He took a large step over the stream and was now standing in female territory if her mother knew about this he'd be shot in the foot for stepping where he knows he shouldn't or he'd be killed.

They just studied eachother for a short while until she looked away "...come on" she said softly, turning towards her cave.

"My name is Barry by the way"

She didn't reply what was she supposed to say? Nice to meet you I don't know my own name.

When they got to her cave Barry started asking a lot of questions like

How long have to been here?

What's that?

How does this work?

Don't you get cold?

Why do you have wet wipes?

"Do you ever stop talking?" She snapped

"I'm just curious" he shrugged


"I haven't seen most of these things before like this what is this?" Barry asked holding up her sonagram.

"That's a sonogram of the twins"

"Oh" Barry said and started at it fir a moent before putting the photo into the bag.

Once both her bags were packed and she'd got rid of any trace she was ever living there they began there journey to Barry's house she'd hesataited before crossing the stream but she did it.


"You know I've only ever see 1 baby my entire life" Barry said as they walked to his home using all the back ways so they wouldn't be spotted.


"yeah only the only the voulenteers look after the children since not many of us are...maternal and only a few sons find there fathers and that's only if they look a lot like each other that's the only way we know"

"Why don't you just do a DNA test?" She asked curiously

"You want us to do DNA tests every child that's given to us?"

"Wouldn't you want to know if you had a child out there?"

Barry sighed "over 2000 men have been captured and...Umm..." Barry blushed and she knew what he was trying to say she wasn't stupid she knew what the men had to do to be able to be set free from the prisons they had to give a...sample.

"I know you don't need to give me the details"

"I wasn't going to give you details" Barry mumbled.

"You've been captured before haven't you?"

" do you know?"

"Your blushing"

"I am not" he grumbled his hands going to cover up his burning cheeks

She laughed and Barry smiled this woman was...special and something else he couldn't quite put his finger on she wasn't what he expected women to be like... yes she had yelled at him but she is scared.

"Are we nearly there?"


"Then how much longer?"

Barry sighed "20 minuets"

She groaned "why do you live so far away?"

"Fighting is messy I don't want that in my back yard"

she sighed dramatically "can we stop for a minuet please?"

Barry stoped and she sat down on a large rock and rubbed her tummy.

"Are you okay?" He asked slightly concerned

"Being pregnant is a lot harder then I thought, I've coached so many women threw it but none of them have ever had twins so I guess that's why it's harder for me" she swiped some hair behind her ear and ran a hand down her face before standing back up.

"Okay I'm ready to go again"

"No your not, rest a little longer"

"Yes I am, I'm fine" she argued standing up.

"Sit back down I'll get you some water and something to eat"

"Noooo I'm fine" she complained

Barry sighed "your not fine. We've been walking long enough to exhaust you"

"I don't need you to worry about my health" she said flatly

"Well to bad" he replied getting her some water and energy bar. She took them from him and 10 minuets later they were on their way again.

"Your nicer then I thought you'd be" she said without thinking

"Ummm... thanks"

"I thought you'd try and kill me or something"

"Why? you didn't attack me"

"My mother said men didn't need to be provoked" she said softly

"We've been at war for 19 years I'm pretty sure quite a few things have gotten lost in translation"

"I guess your right... women have done some...nasty things to the men and we did start the war..."

"We're almost there" Barry said after a few minuets of them walking in silance.


When they got there Barry snuck them both in threw the back door that led stright to the kitchen.

Where of course his father was making dinner... or at least trying.

She gripped Barry's arm. For some reason she didn't trust him but seems knew she was safe with him she knew that he wouldn't hurt him and she hadn't met any other men but Barry.

"Good Barry your home I'm making-" Henry stoped talking when he saw the young woman "Barry?" He asked his voice getting lower.

"Dad it's okay she's-"

"What's your name?" He asked

The girl wrapped her arms around herself "Ummm... I don't know" she said quitly

"You don't know your own name?" Barry asked confused.

"Of course" Henry mumbled "Barry take your friend to one of the guest rooms please I'll be up in a minuet"

Barry just nodded and led the woman who didn't know her own name upstairs.

"I guess this is your room for the forsee able future"

The girl sat down on the bed and slipped her cardigan of Barry started at her bump and his mind flashed back to the picture of the twins in her bag.

"What is it?"

"I haven't see your stomach properly yet and I've never seen a pregnant women before so..."

"I figured, there aren't any women here and we're the only ones who can actually make babies"

There was a knock on the door and Henry came in "you guys may want to sit down for this"

They shared a look but both sat down on the bed "now this maybe a lot to take in but..." Henry's eyes cast from the book on his lap to her then he froze "your pregnant"

She nodded silantly Henry reached out to touch her bump but she practically jumped back into Barry.

"Sorry I just haven't seen a pregnant woman since my wife gave birth to Barry"


"I'm sorry for trying to-"

"It's okay" she assured him

"Why are you here? You must've had a reason for leaving your bevy"

She swolled before speaking "I wasn't going to let my mother groom and corrupt my daughter and I wasn't going to let her give away my son"


She nodded.

"You know that's very intresting there hasn't been any male twins born in 19 years that I know of what about on your end have any twin girls or opposite sex twins been born?"

"" she whispered

"Your babies are special" he smiled

"Your not having them" she snapped placing both hands on her abdomen.

"I don't want them...but they will end this war"

"No. No... I-I don't want this for them... I want them to be safe I want them to have good lives some where far away far away from all of this... they don't deserve this life"

"I promise you they will have better lives" Barry said softly

"You can't promise me that! You just said by babies are some sort of savours and there not even born yet! with in the space of a month I've ran away from home, proably become a futurtive, met a man for the first time, come to my enimies house, been told my babies are some sort of saviours and on top of all of that I have back ache!"

Both men lookedshocked at her out burst and everything was silant for a minuet.

"Do you want me to get you a heating pad?" Barry asked not knowing what else to do.

She just nodded and Barry left the room leaving her alone with Henry.

"I'll leave you and my son to get to know each other better you should read this at the first chance you get" he said handing her a story book.

She nodded and watched Henry leave.

Barry came back in the room a minuets later with a heating pad and plugged it in next to the bed and placed it on the bed before instructing her to lay down.

"Do you feel better?" Barry asked after a while

She nodded and Barry gave her a small smile and picked in the book from the bedside table.

"What's this?" He asked

"Your father gave it to me he said we had to read it as soon as possible"

She took it from his hands and read the first a page then sat up not quite comprehending what she was reading.

"Oh my God" she whispered then read the next page "Oh my God" she repeated "this..."

"What is it?"

"this is going to sound crazy but...I think I'm the girl in this story...the one who's mother trapped her in the tower"

" were trapped in a tower?" He asked not beliving her.

She nodded "it's okay though, I was let out when I was 8" she said so casually it kinda fewaked him out

"...Okay say I belive you...what else does that book say?"

" says a girl will find you and ummm... love you and that you'll love her back and that she'll bring with her... a new sense of normalcy whatever that means, and that she's a natural peace maker and pure of heart and that we both stop the war along with something I apparently brought with me which your dad thinks are my babies"

"We can't be part of a story" Barry muttered taking the book from her hands and flicking threw the pages "Ah Ha!" He exclaimed pointing to an extract in the book and reading the extract aloud "she was his weakness, she was his strength and his own saviour and a benevolent mother to many children"

"This can't be you. 1 I don't have any weaknesses, 2 a person can't be your strength and 3 this is your first pregnancy so you can't be a 'mother to many children' so my father was wrong"

She hummed and took the book from his hands "who wrote this? maybe we could ask them about it because there are to many similarities to ignore like... 'the girl was never lost just hiding' I ran away and lived in a cave for over 2 weeks and... my mother is the only person who knows my name because she's afraid of some prophecy, I don't know the details"

"This isn't a prophecy this is just a children's story book my father used to read to me"

She just shrugged she couldn't be bothered with an argument "let's just change the subject"

"Yeah okay... are you Hungary?"

She nodded shyly.

"Let's go then I'll make us something or see if what my dad made was edible"


She followed Barry down stirs into the kitchen and took a seat on one of the bar stools and watched him attempt to cook.

"No no no no no No"

"What?" He asked innocently

She shook her head and sighed "unless you want to give me and my babies food poisoning stop"

"What have I done wrong?" He asked frowning

"You can't cook it all together the chicken takes longer to cook then the onions and if you see the onions are done you'll think the chicken is done when it's not and that can lead to food poisoning"

"Ummm... how do you know all this?"

"What? you think we don't eat?"

"Point taken"

She glanced down at the burnt and raw food in the pan "who needs a war when we have men cooking I'm suprised you havent killed yourself yet" she grumbled

Barry looked offended and suprised by her words "so I guess this is what happens when I try to do something nice for my enemy"

"Sorry" she muttered "can I cook? I promise I won't try to poison you we both know I don't have the stength to try and hide your body"

"No one is killing anyone" a voice said from the door way she startled and Barry came to stand protectively in front of her.

"it's okay" Barry assured her wanting to reach out and place a reassuring hand on her shoulder but not knowing how she'd react.

"Oliver this is-"

"I know she's the female you invited into our bevy" he said flatly "do you know what you've done? your risking all our safety your risking my sons safety!" He raised his voice and the young woman winced the only person she had ever herd yell was her mother.

"She's not going to hurt us she can't she's-"

"Pregnant? Yes I know that Barry but how can you be sure?!"

She stayed silent and placed a hand protectively on her bump and paused when she herd a small whimper and looked just past Oliver and saw a little boy about 3 years old who looked a lot like Oliver but his eyes were...

"Oh" she whispered staring at the little boy.

"Stop looking at my son" he said flatly

"Sorry" she muttered "it's just umm..." she shook her head "never mind it's not important right now" she trailed of again and caught her self looking at the little boy again then looked away just as quickly.

"You shouldn't be here" he said flatly

"I know" she said softly "you want what's best for your son I understand that you want to unsure his safety more then anything and I'm unknown to you I'm the enemy... now put yourself in my position I'm not safe on either side I'm carrying a son and a daughter I'm not safe on either side I want my babies to be safe that badly I'm surrounded by the enemy, people I don't know or trust all for my children so trust me I'm not going to hurt your son"

Oliver pursed his lips and studied her and his eyes stared at her bump for a short while before letting out a breath.

"You better know what your doing Barry" Oliver said before walking into the living room.

Barry sighed "I'm sorry about Oliver he's really protective over Lucas"

She gave him a soft smile and rubbed her abdomen "it's okay I knew that not everyone would be as supportive as you"

"You know your safe here right?"

She didn't reply.

"There's no point trying to protect her. I will take her from you!" Her mother yelled

She was back in the tower it hadn't changed, it was still the perfect picture of a little girls room with pink everywhere but the room looked dead the pink was turning grey and the chandelier was on the floor and broken.

"No!" She yelled wrapping her hands around her bump only to realise it wasn't there she looked down and there were now 2 babies in her arms sleeping peacefully.

"Give him to me!" A voice yelled from behind her.

She turned around and was now facing Barry and his father.

The babies started crying.

"I was wrong to think your children could save us that you could save us!"

"Your daughter will be weak like you!" Her mother yelled invading her personal space "your going to be a terrible mother! your children will hate you for delivering them to the enemy!"

She turned and looked at Barry and he laughed "I can't belive you fell for it, you thought I'd keep you safe, you even convinced your self you were the special little girl from the story"

Barry reached out for her son and she screamed-

She woke up.

She shot up in bed and her hands immediately went to her abdomen where her bump still was she sighed in relief and tried to get her breathing under control.

Barry burst in and she jumped in shock she was still shaking when Barry reached out to touch her and she jerked away "no"

"Okay, it's okay I'm not going to hurt you" he said softly while aproaching her slowly and sitting down on the side of the bed.

"Bad dream?" Barry asked

She nodded hesitantly, Barry let out a breath.

"I don't know what to do in this situation" he admitted "I don't really have to comfort anyone...most men lock their emotions you want a hug or something?"

She did want a hug.

She wanted a hug from felicity, her only friend.

She wanted to stop having nightmares about being trapped in that tower in her perfect little room all alone for all those years.

She wanted to be safe.

She didn't think but she found herself nodding.

Barry wrapped an arm around her shoulders and hugged her "it's okay it was just a dream" he assured her.

She nodded and relaxed in his arm and released a shaky breath "I want to leave"

"Why? Your safe here your-"

"I'm not... Barry your saw how Oliver reacted to me and I'm pretty sure there are thousands of men here just like him"

"You don't need to worry about them"

"But I am worried. I'm carrying some sort of saviour babies according to that book and if I get hurt it if I get hurt and I lose these babies I- I don't know what I'll do I didn't want them at first but now if they're taken away from me I-I don't know what I'd do..."

"No one will hurt you or the twins I promise you"

"You keep saying that but you can't promise me that no one can" she cried

"I know you scared" Barry said softly "but you don't have to be, I will keep you and the babies safe no one here is aloud to hurt you if it makes you feel any better only 5 men including me will know your here and I trust them all so I know they won't hurt can trust me and I know you don't right now but I hope I'll earn your trust"

"...I don't trust easily, I only trust one person"

"Well hopefully soon you'll trust two people"

She nodded "...maybe"

"If you want to leave I can take you back tomorrow no one I'd forcing you to stay here"

"...we both know I can't go back it's a miracle I got out" she said truthfully

They sat in silance for a moment "do you want me to leave?" Barry asked

No. She wanted him to stay.

She didn't know why she just wanted him to stay.

"It's upto you if you want to leave" she said quitly

...he didn't leave. He stayed until she fell asleep.

When she woke up proparly again she was well rested and most of her back ache had eased.

She sat up and stretched the door opened and Barry walked in.

She had to teach men about knocking.

"Good your awake" he smiled "are you up for some breakfast?"

"Yeah just let me change" she said standing up not realising her pajama top had ridden up half of her bump was exposed and Barry eyes widened as he stared at it.

She rolled her eyes "I understand that you've never seen a pregnant person before but you need to stop staring"

"Sorry it's just so... intriguing"

"Errr... I'm not getting changed waith you in here"

"Right of course" he said backing out the room and closing the door.

She changed quickly then went with Barry down stairs in to the kitchen/dinning room to get breakfast.

She saw oliver putting some fruit in it a bowl for Lucas he went to hand the young boy the bowl but she took it from his hand before he could.

"You can't give him this"

"I can feed him what I want I'm his father!" He yelled

The little boy whimpered and she turned to look at him and gave him a soft smile "its okay" she said in a soothing tone.

"You don't have the right to talk to him!"

Barry flinched and his hands twitched at his side ready to protect her.

"Your scaring him stop yelling" she said flatly

Barry was so proud of her right now, she was terrified of all men at this time yesterday but here she was standing up to Oliver.

Oliver took a breath and looked at his son who's eyes were shinning with tears that had not yet fallen.

"You need to cut the grapes long ways before you give them to him he's only young grapes are choking hazard"

"He's not going to choke" he said flatly.

"Are you willing to risk it?" She asked thrusting the bowl of fruit it his hands.

Oliver clenched his jaw and glared at her.

But he cut up the grapes.

"What do you want for breakfast?" Barry asked placing a hand on the young woman's shoulder not knowing where the casual touch had came from-- it was like they'd been doing it forever...

"Do you have bran flakes?" She asked not seeming bothered by his touch she didn't even flinch like the first few times he'd touched her.

"I don't even know what they are" he admitted rubbing the back of his neck

"It's a really healthy version of cornflakes" Henry said from the door way "there good for pregnant women" he added "we don't have any here but egg is just as good"

She studied Henry secpticaly there was something 'off' about him she just wasn't sure what it was.

"Do you like eggs?" Barry asked

She nodded silantly and took a seat opposite Lucas who was happily eating his bowl of fruit.

"How come your so fat?" He asked

Barry knocked over his glass of water when he asked that and Oliver just smirked at his sons question while Henry didn't even look up from his paper work.

"Lucas that not-"

"It's okay" she cut Barry off and turned to Lucas.

"I'm having babies and for babies to be born they have to grow in there mummy's tummy first"

"How did they get in there? did you eat them?" He question

Barry snorted trying to hold back his laughter.

She blushed she wasn't about to tell this sweet little boy how the babies got in there so instead she manged to come up with.


Lucas tilted his head to one side and his eyes widened "really?!"


"So there's actual real babies in your belly?"


"Dad" lucas tugged in his father's sleeve and pointed to the pregnant woman "she has babies in her belly because of magic"

"I know your uncle Barry told me" he replied a small smile tugging at his lips.

"Can I see them?" Lucas asked shyly.

"Oh...umm there not ergh...ready yet"

"Why can't you just get them out before they're ready?"

Her breath caught in her throat...this was bringing back memories "because they'll be very sick..."

"I don't want the babies to be sick" he said very sternly

"I don't either" she said more to herself then anyone.

"What are their names?"

"They don't have any yet"


"Because I don't know what to name them"


She shrugged "I just don't know"

"How many babies are in your tummy?"


"Why aren't there three?"

"Because the magic only wanted there to be two"

"Okay...are you really a real girl?"


"My mummy's a girl to, do you know her"

"I..." she caught Oliver eye she did know who Lucas' mother was and now he knew that she knew to because she saw the way his jaw tensed when he saw her expression.

" I don't know your mummy"

"Oh okay..." he said with disapointment evidant in his voice "what's your name?"

"...I don't know"

"Why?" He asked curiously and Barry caught her eye before placing the egg on the plate and giving her a reassuring smile.

Everyone in the room seemed to be paying close attention to her now wanting to know the answer and it made her flush.

"She didn't want my name to show up in a phorocy"


"I don't know"

Barry put her breakfast in front of her and ruffled Lucas' hair "you need to be eating your breakfast not bonbarding her with questions" he said

Lucas frowned "what does bonbarding mean?"

"What did I just say about questions?"

"You said I can't ask her any questions" he pointed out

To hide her amusement she took a bite of her eggs.

"Lucas" oliver said flatly "don't be smart"

Lucas mumbled a apologie and ate a pice of banna, the table was silent and it reminded her of every meal ever at her house apart from the fact she was sat at a circle table surrounded by males instead of a long table sitting opposite her mother and who ever she'd invited over for breakfast.

She tool another bite of her eggs when she felt a wave of nausea hit her she started chewing slower it usually past just as fast as it came...

Today was not one of those days.

She pushed her chair away from the table harshly and ran to the bathroom shut the door behind her and threw up.

The morning sickness should be vanishing any day now but... nooooo instead she was hunched over the toilet utterly mortified she'd only been here a day and she'd already embarrassed herself.

There was a knock on the bathroom door and she inwardly groan she might've groaned in annoyance but she couldn't be sure.

"Who is it?" She asked after wiping her mouth.

"It's Barry, are you okay?"

"I'm fine" she called back

"Can i come in?" He asked already walking in.

Again she had to have a convasation with him about knocking and boundaries.

"Your in here anyway" she grumbled.

"Right... are you sick?"

"No. It's just a pregnancy thing that won't go away"

"Is there anything I can do to help?" He asked

She sighed "I just need a glass of warter"

Barry nodded "do you need a minuet? I can go if you want" he offered

"No. I'm fine"

They went back into the kitchen and Henry handed her a glass of water and some dry toast she smiled great fully at him "thank you"

"Are you sick?" Lucas curiosly

This kid had a lot of questions.

"No, the babies make me feel sick sometimes"

"Why? Do they not like you"

"They don't know that their making me sick it's just an accident they don't mean to do it and besides if I'm sick it means there healthy"

Lucas pulled a face "that doesn't sound nice"

She shrugged "it'll go away soon"

"That's good becuase I don't like sick people" he said a matter of factly.

"So dad, do we have any plans for today?" Barry asked

"I have a meeting with a few of the senior members our contact on the female side went silant 2 weeks ago and it's their turn to pick the fighting dates and we were supposed to hear from them last week but we haven't"

The pregnant woman swolled her toast before speaking "may 30th, June 12 and June 24th"

"What?" Henry asked confused

"There the dates for, the battles you wanted to know so..."

"How do you know?" Oliver asked

"There-there on the my fridge in my house, well my mother's house, well where I...stayed"

"You keep battle dates on your fridge? that's really weird do you ever go to get milk or something see it and think 'oh how wonderful just 2 weeksu until there's another battle where men will be captured or killed and my friends might die but it's okay because I saved the date on my fridge' is that what you think?" Barry joked trying to mimic her voice.

"That's not what I sound like" she snapped "and I don't put them there my mother does, she obsessed with war and winning" she sighed "she doesn't think the way everyone else does she doesn't want the war to end becuase it's a game to her a big messed up game...she used to tell me bed time stories abusing women and using them to have children and just locking away all their potentail"

Henry placed his elbows on the table "it sounds like she did everything possible to brain wash you...yet you still ran away and you don't sound like you belive her, why is that?"

"She kept me in a tower for the first 8 years of my life and away from almost everyone apart from herself and my security guard until I was 12 I'm not stupid and I wasn't then either I had access to so many books... and I found that she was lying about half the things she said the other things that were ture were just greatly exaggerated... she wanted to brain wash me yet she made me spend most of my time in a library filled with books about history, romance, fantasy, tragedy and fiction"

"Who's your mother?" Henry asked

"Carla Snow"

Everyone stayed silant for a moment until Henry spoke "oliver can you give us a moment?"

Oliver nodded and he and Lucas went into the living room.

"I wasn't sure before but I am read the story I gave you right?"

"The book you used to read to me before bed? yeah we read it"

"Well here is the the original version" Henry said pulling an old piece of paper out his pocket and offering it to his son.

Barry unfolded and it and began to read it.

"it's the prophecy" Henry commented

'She will be the last child to be born outside the war but she'll also be the reason for the war she doesn't have a name. Her mother belives she's doing it for child so that she'll never have to exspriance the pain of loving a man.

So she locks her away in a high tower away from away harm and people.

Barry was born on a rainy Wednesday.

He was born into a world without fighting or conflict and filled with love..but as he grew up he'd never truly exsprianced love and he never will exspriance it until he meets her... by mitake but it's not a mistake it's fate.

The war still rages around them but she will cross enemy lines with a fearless heart and so much courage and with her she brings the end of the war.

Love is a suprising thing it wears many disguises but they will find it together...with each other.

But she's also his weakness if someone hurt her he'd fall right down beside her.

Her heart will be kind and she'll warm the most cold hearts without realising it.

they're strong apart but together they are an unstoppable force that cannot be reckoned with this is the true power of soulmates'

Barry re-read it a few times but still not beliving it at all...but something about pulled at something inside of him.

"You don't belive this do you?" He asked in disbelief while handing it to the woman sat next to him.

"I belive every word of it and I belive the people in it are you two"

Barry snorted "come on really? You've never really been the type to belive in the supernatural and there's like a 100 barry's out there"

"Forget the entire supernatural thing for a minuet" she chortled "you think that I'm going to fall in love with Barry?" She asked in disbelief.

"I don't think, I know" Henry insisted

"Say we do belive you-"

"Which we don't" she chimed in finishing his sentence.

"Why are you so sure about this you must be pretty sure to let a woman who could easily kill us all and could be lying to our faces and the daughter of Carla snow into our home and our bevy?"

Henry gave his son a tight lipped smile "your mother wrote the procecey 2 weeks before she died...she had breast cancer... she was one of the best physics there was especially when it came to soulmates and she knew, she was dying and she didn't want to die not knowing If her son would be happy" Henry smiled to himself "I don't belive in the supernatural I belive in my wife, your mother"

"...She was dying she could've gotten it wrong" Barry blurted

"why did you bring her here in the first place?" Henry asked nodding to the girl sat next to his son.

Barry opened and closed his mouth a few times before glancing towards the young woman.

"...well she's pregnant with a son"

"You didn't know that when you decided to approach her" Henry pointed out

"She was all alone and I just thought she..." Barry tailed of and locked his eyes with hers.

"What did you think?"

" looked scared" he admitted softly

She dug her teeth into her lower lip and averted her gaze to stare at the table self consisally.

"Why did it matter if she was scared? our sides are at war"

"I don't know" he grumbled

"Then that proves it your soulmates" he announced

"It doesn't prove anything. Soulmates aren't real" she said flatly making both men turn to her.

"You followed Barry across enamy lines, why?" Henry asked

"I did it so my children would be safe" she argued

"So you trusted a man the enamy to keep you and your unborn children safe?"

She didn't reply.

"Why did you trust him?"

"I don't know" she almost shouted "I don't know" she repeated quitly to herself "I-I" she stuttered and swolled. She wasn't going to fall In love with Barry! She wasn't going to fall in love with anybody! Soulmates aren't real and besides she had the twins to think about.

"It's okay" Barry assured her noticing her panic

"It's not okay!" She yelled pushing her chair harshly away from the table making it screech against the lamanet floor "your crazy and your crazy for beliving him! I'm not going to fall In love with anyone!" She yelled storming out and running upstairs.

Luckily no one went after her.

She packed furiously. She had to get out of here these people were dulisional they thought her babies were going to stop stop a bloody war! They also thought she was going to fall in love with Barry and that he was going to fall in love with her AND that they were soulmates all becuase a pice of phrocahy that was written 20 years ago!

She couldn't belive they belived in the supernatural! It would've been funny if it was under different circumstances.

She zipped up her bags ad pulled her cote over her shoulder and she contemplated how she was going to get out of here...she didn't even know the way back.

She groaned in fustration she really should be thought all of this threw.

Before she could think any further into her plan Barry walked in and eyed the bags on her bed "you want to leave?"

"Of course I want to leave I was safer in my cave and with my army then I ever was or will be here"

"You were never safe anywhere!" Barry practically shouted

"Oh and you think I'm safe here?!"

"Yes! I can protect you! I can keep you safe here, where you have a actual bed instead of just blankets on the stone floor, here and here you don't have battle dates on your fridge and a mother who's obsessed with War!"

"I'm not safe here! I'm not safe anywhere, Okay! I'm not safe with my army becuase my mother will kill me once the babies are born for running away! I'm not safe on my own in a cave I'm pregnant and my food rations won't last long and wild animals frequent the woods around me! I'm not safe here becuase you and your father are crazy! You think my babies will stop a war and that we're soulmates!"

"Your safe here!"

"I don't feel safe!" She yelled

Barry let out a frustrated growl then took a deep breath to try and calm down "you are safe here, I promise the babies are safe too no one's going to hurt them" he said in a calmer tone.

She looked at him skeptically "you want me to stay" she stated

"...I do want you to stay" he confirmed

She swolled "why?"

Barry sank onto the bed and ran a hand through his hair "I was watching you collect wood the other day to make sure nothing hurt you... I knew that animals frequented the woods and I didn't want them to attack you becuase you just looked so scared and innocent...I was... drawn to you I guess... I don't know all I know is that I want you to stay here becuase when your here I know your safe and that's all I want"

"Really?" She asked in a lighter sadder tone "so you don't want us to fall in love? Or be soulmates?"

"None of that matters, not right now at least my dad's convinced what my mother wrote is true but I don't know how I feel about it"

She slumped down next to him on the edge of the bed and played with the bottom of her shirt while she thought about what she was going to do next.

"I'm sorry I yelled at you" she said apologetically.

"I'm sorry I started it" he replied softly "if you want to leave I'll take you back"

"I don't know... I don't want to go back there and I don't know if I want to stay here"

"Just stay here for one more night and if you still want to go by this time tomorrow I will take you somewhere safe...not that your not safe here" he quickly corrected himself.

She gave him a soft smile "I'll stay"

Barry beamed "great. I promise you won't regret it"

And she didn't becuase she was still here 1 week later in the kitchen making her self some poridge she'd been restless lately so she'd woken up before everyone else.

She herd shuffling from behind her and turned to look at lucas still in his pajamas and rubbing his eyes.

"Good morning" she greated

"Good morning" he smiled back "can I have some breakfast please?"

"Oh um sure what do you want?"

"Ice cream!" He exclaimed

"Nice try little man but I'm not stupid... I'm making poridge do you want some?"

He nodded and she lifted him to sit on the counter.

"Where's your daddy? Does he know your awake?"

"He's at work. Uncle Barry's going to be looking after me" his speech was really good for his age

She nodded she knew oliver worked in security and did strange hours.

"Can I have honey with my poridge?"

"Why don't you have fruit? it's healthier"

Lucas pulled a face "I don't want fruit"

"Well I'm having fruit with mine I'm even going to make a smiley face out of my fruit to make me and the babies strong"

"Fruit makes you strong?" He asked in suprise

"Yup but if you don't want any then..."

"No I want to be strong"

She smiled and dished up two bowls of poridge and set them down on the table then put the fruit she'd chopped up earier on a side plate in the middle.

In the end she made a smiley face with stawberrys for eyes and blue berry's to make up the smile and lucas had to pieces of banna for the eyes a blue berry for the nose and 3 black berry's for the smile then just random slices if peach that were supposed to be the mustache.

Barry came in and glanced down at there breakfast bowls "this looks... creative" he said amused and ruffled his nephews blonde hair.

She smiled at him and took a bite of poridge Barry reached down into lucas' bowl and stole one of the banna slices then ate it.

The little boy looked mortified.

"NO uncle Barry!" He yelled smacking him on the back with all his force it wasn't much considering he was only young but still "you can't steal!"

"Lucas!" The young woman at the end of the table scolded making both men look her way "we don't hit people"

"But he-"

"He stole a pice of banna but that doesn't mean you have to hit him you could've just used your words"

The toddler looked down sheepishly "I'm sorry" he grumbled

"It's not me you need to say sorry to" she said in a much kinder tone.

"I'm sorry uncle Barry I won't hit you again"

"It's okay bud. I'm sorry I ate your banna" he said smiling at his nephew then glancing over at his supposed soulmate who looked kind of embarrassed for yelling lucas off.

Lucas grabbed another slice of banna from the plate in the middle of the table and placed it where the one Barry had eaten once was.

"There's some poridge left on the side if you want it" she piped up when he began rummaging through the fridge.


She went back to eating her breakfast and lucas started babbling about his dream.

Once everyone was done with breakfast and Barry had sent lucas to go change she began apologising.

"I'm so sorry I shouldn't of said anything to him I just" she sighed "felicity wouldn't want this for him"

"His mother?" He kinda guest she knew lucas' mother by the way she looked at him.

"Yeah she's my best friend she's practically my sister and lucas looks so much like her and he reminds me of her and she wouldn't want him to-"

"It's okay I get it and you wanna know something cool?"


"We share a nephew"

"Yeah I guess we know I delivered lucas"


"Yeah that is-was my job I was a midwife and a pediatition and I ran the nursery I'm the only midwife and pediatition but I suppose it's okay when only 12 babies are born every year...Lucas was the most serious case I ever had he was born 8 weeks prematurely so his lungs hadn't developed properly so he was on a ventorlater for weeks...and felicity stayed with him the entire time she held him she nursed him she did everything she could so he'd survive... my mother wanted to take him of the ventorlater but she thought for him she told my mother she'd quit hee job if she took him off it she's the smartest person in the army" she paused and smiled to herself when she remembered her best friend threatening her mother.

"She sword she wouldn't get attached to him but when she held him for the first time... she became beyond attached... it took 3 months for him to be perfectly healthy she got three months with him and when the time came and she had to drop him of at the boarders she couldn't let him go she hovered for to long she couldn't let him go and she got caught... by a man who luckily didn't pry lucas from her hands but he promised to keep her son safe and she belived him and gave that man her son and I elite that man was-"

"Me. The mother of my child gave me my child" oliver said from the door way.

She nodded "felicity fell into a deep depression for months she wasn't eating or sleeping and she always looked like she'd been crying becuase she got attached after she swore she wouldn't... felicity would've been a great mother"

Oliver sighed "it's my job to make sure the boarders are protected and to collect the children left there and one day I saw a woman dropping a child off she stayed for a good 10 minuets before I decided to approach her when I did she was hysterical it was obvious she dint want to give him up so I promised her he'd be safe and once she handed him to me she told me his name was lucas and the first time I held him I knew that I had to look after him and I did I came to check on him everyday and as he got older I started to notice our similarities I had a DNA test done and when it was confirmed he was my son I claimed him as my son and here we are almost 4 years later"

"That's a sweet story"

Oliver nodded before busying himself with making his own breakfast.

The pair went into the living room "so I was thinking we should go out today?"

"Like outside go out?" She asked


"I can't"

"Sure you can"

"Barry I'm a woman"

"Oh trust me I know"

She raised her eyebrows at him and he have her a apologetic smile.

"I was thinking we could go for a walk"

"To where?"

"There's a medow near here that no one goes to and the weather is supposed to be nice today so I thought we could go for and walk"

"That sounds nice I've been cooped up in here for to long"

Barry smiled and helped her up "don't worry no one will see you"

She nodded and followed him out the back door.

It was a 20 minuet walk to the medow and when they got there Barry laid down down a blanket she didn't notice he'd brought with him and gestured for her to sit down and she did and he sat down next to her.

She sighed and rubbed her stomach when she felt a baby shift inside but she had yet to feel the babies kick but she was expecting to feel a kick day now.

She laid down and let the the sun lightly caress her face "Barry?"


"Do you ever wonder what would've happened if the war never happened?"

"Sometimes" he admitted lying down on his back next to her.

"If I was never born the war never would've happened"

"Hey don't think like that. The war would've happened if you were born or not there were many factors that influences it. The virus was the main reason the war started if billions of people hadn't died then there never would've been an imbalance in all the contries and their leaders and the world would've remained united but instead the virus happened killed everyone in power and billions of other people and the ones who survived needed a leader and unfortunately the leader was your mother and the male leader was Robert queen oliver father but he died 9 years ago so now my father's the leader"

"Shouldn't oliver be in charge now then?"

"He should, but he turned down the job when he turned 20 because he had lucas to think about"

"Hummm my mother claimed I was illegitimate and weak when i was 17 so I'm not a would to be the leader of the army"

"Were you angry?"

"No, I kinda expected it I was angry when my mother told me I had to have a child for her becuase she was no longer able"

"Your pregnant now so I'm guessing you changed your mind"

"...Ummm... no she Errr...she got my body guard to sadeate me once I refused then she had me artifacilly insimernated while I was unconscious..."

"Really?" Barry said clearly shocked

She nodded "yeah... I'm 19, 20 in 2 weeks I'm not ready to be a mum but... I don't have a choice anymore"

"You do have a choice you know you could always give them up"

She shook her head and a tears slipped down her face as she sat up "I can feel them growing inside me...and I love them. If you had children out there and you knew about them would you be able to stay out of there lives?"

Barry shook his head hesatentaily "no matter the circumstances that brought them into this world I wouldn't want them out there on there own without a father"

"My babies won't have a father" she pointed out

"but they do have one all babies have to come from a man and a woman you know when-"

"I know how it works and how it did work... but that's not the point I'll never know who the father is they'll never know who the father is"

"You could do a DNA test"

"You said it yourself 2000 men have given a... sample"

"Didn't your mother give you any indercation on who the father might be?"

"...she said he was the highest ranking member they'd ever captured and that he was ruthless and brave and I'd be the one to have his babies becuase she doubted in the future that the leader would want harm to come to his daughter"

There was a silance.

"Ummm... I'm the highest member that's ever been captured"

"What but-"

"It was only for a few hours becuase she knew my father would retaliate if she had me for more then a day and she would've killed me but like you said she likes the war... I was only there for about 6 hours until the battle had finished and everyone had left and take there injured and dead but it was long for her to make me give a sample so I could leave"

"That's disgusting" she almost gagged and her hands landed on her bump "my mother told me that the men voulenteer to do it she never said anything about bribary oh my God...I'm so sorry"

"It's okay it was last year anyway I'd mostly forgotten about it until..." he gestured to her baby bump

" if you are the father what are we going to do?"

Barry got lost in his thoughts for a moment this girl could be having his twins it would make sense if they were really soulmatws because of the whole fate thing pulling them together.

"Barry?" She said nudging him and pulling hin out if his thoughts.

"Sorry" he grumbled "we will figure something out but if they are mine I will be there father to both of them"


"Really" he confirmed

"Okay" she whispered laying back down and staring at the clouds she rested both her hands on her bump.

She couldn't start thinking too much, about the fact Barry could be the father now it would stress her out to much and she'd drive her self crazy.

"Hav you thought of any names?" Barry wondered aloud.

She huffed "no there's just so many to chose from and I don't want them to grow up hating me becuase they hate their names"

"They couldn't hate you trust me I've tried hating my parents for naming me Batholmew but I can't"

She snorted "I'm kinda happy I don't know my name I mean if it's something really bad like Helga or something"

Barry grinned "I'm sure you have a nice name"

"I guess we'll ever no" she sighed and sat up "it's getting colder, can we go back now?"


Barry stood up as she struggled to stand up Barry watched her try and fail to stand up multiple times he also failed at trying not to laugh.

He pulled her to her feet and it was only then he noticed she was crying.

"Oh God please don't cry" he panicked "what's wrong?"

"I can't stand up by myself becuase in fat and pregnant and your laughing at me"

"Oh no no no no no I'm sorry" apologised reaching out and hugging her "please stop crying I'm sorry" he repeated over and over as she cried into his chest "I'm so sorry" he said sincerely "I didn't mean to laugh it wasn't funny I'm sorry"

"I'm sorry it's my hormones they're out of control" she sobbed

Barry rubbed her back "it's okay"

Neither were sure how long it took so her to calm but once she did they went back home...

Well Barry's house.

When they got there (luckily without anyone noticing) them Henry was in the kitchen attempting to cook something.

Was was this guy always in the kitchen?

"Did you have a nice walk?" He asked looking up from the carrot he was slicing.

"it was very... intresting" Barry admitted

"How so?"

"Well we found out that-"

"Uncle Barry!" Lucas yelled with tears streaming down his face as he ran into the kitchen threw the back door, fanatic and crying.

"Oh hey what's wrong buddy? calm down" Barry said calmly after picking through little boy up.

"Da-daddy's in trouble! We were in the woods and all these woman came and he told me to run and get you!" He sobbed

Henry was suddenly really alert and in leader mode and Barry seemed to be to.

Barry turned to her and thrust the little boy into her arms "go up to my room 3 locks on the door lock them all look after lucas. Don't open the door at all I'll come get you when this is all over I promised, I'd protect you and the twins and that's what I'm doing don't draw any attention to your self okay? Lock the doors behind me"

She nodded numbly and Barry gave her a small smile something was wrong.

The army had never invaded or started a battle on a day there wasn't one scedulaed it was to messy and there was no honour in it.

Something was definitely wrong...maybe they were after her maybe they knew she was here some how.

Before he could leave she grabbed she grabbed his hand "wait" he paused and looked at their joint hands "come back to us" she said softly while her hand landed up her bump.

Barry's eyes briefly landed on her bump then his eyes met her worried ones and he squeezed her hand "I promise"

His hand only slipped from hers once he was out of reach she locked the for and she herd him begin to yell orders at some men.

Lucas was still secure in her arms when she grabbed a couple frootshoots, bottles of water,crackers,chocolate bars and ceral bars she wasn't sure how long this thing was going to last and she hadn't had lunch and she wasn't sure if lucas had either.

He was still crying into her neck when they reached Barry's room, she opened the door and settled the little boy down on the bed before triple locking the doors and then triple checking to make sure the door was in fact locked and secure.

Lucas was still sobbing and hiding under Barry's covers.

"Hey its okay" she said softly sitting down on the bed and hugging him.

"Is" sob "my daddy" sob sob "going to die"

"Hey no, no I'm sure he'll be okay we just have to be brave for them"

"How do we" sob "do that"

"Well you need a to calm down first" she said softly while running her fingers through his short blonde locks.

It took a while but he eventually calmed down well his heavy sobs turned into quite sniffles.

"How do I be brave for my daddy?" He asked quitly

"Well first you need to be brave for yourself...can you do that?"

He nodded "I'm brave" he said weakly "are you brave?"

"I'm trying to be...for Barry and my babies"

"I like uncle Barry too... can I be brave for him as well?"

"You can be brave for everyone if you want"

"I want to be brave for my daddy and uncle Barry and grandpa Henry and your babies" he listed

She contained her shock and gave the little boy a sweet smile "okay"

"You know when I was little and I was scared I used to sing"


"It took my mind of the bad things"

"I don't know any songs daddy doesn't sing but uncle Barry does sometimes but I don't remember the words"

"Do you want me to teach you some songs?"

Lucas nodded and she though about songs she knew as a child and she decided to chose a song that was in a old children's song book in her tower that she was pretty sure her mum didn't know about to this day.

She wasn't sure when but lucas fell asleep after learning 'you are my sunshine' and 'the moon has chased away through sun'

She was sure that they'd been in here for a few hour she was currently reading 'Harry Potter and the philosopher stone' and she was nearly finished she'd read it before but she needed a distraction.

She felt one of the babies shift inside her and put the book down and glanced at her bump "... I don't know if you can hear me but...I love you...and we're going to be okay" she didn't add the hopefully part to the end.

She remembered seeing battles from her window when she was a child but of course to her they just looked like dots running around.

When she was 9 she'd found out about the war.

And for as long as she could remember her mother had always preached about how men were horrible savages who should only be used for breading.

Ever since she she was a child the only conavastions they ever had at the dinner table had been about how makes were impulsive, unreasonable and stupid.

But then she's discovered romance books like;

The time travellers wife, me before you, Romeo and Juliet, fallen, the dragon fly pool, silance, grasping at eternity ect.

She read books about friendship, love and romance it was safe to say she didn't belive her after reading all those books she belived them more then her mother.

Her mother was like the female version of Hitler, she was obsessed with winning and everyone being perfect Carla wanted to control everything and everyone around her she killed everyone who had ever tried to stand up to her or even offend her.

Carla Snow was a lethal woman.

It'd been 5 hours so far since they'd left and she was worried.

She started pacing when she couldn't keep herself busy anymore.

Lucas was still napping he didn't sleep much at all during the night she knew this because his room was near hers it took oliver 2 hours to get him to go to sleep only for him to wake up 3 hours later then he'd be wide awake again and this would continue threw out the night every hour or so.

How Oliver manged she didn't know how he was definitely super dad he functioned on 5-6 hours sleep and still managed to look after a constantly hyper child and work.

She herd the door down stairs open and close then she herd foot steps and voices then some one coming up the stairs and she knew.

It was Barry.

Her suspicions were confirmed when there was a knock on the door "it's being Barry"

It was Barry.

She unlocked each lock on the door as fast as she could and flung the door open.

"Barry!" She exclaimed wrapping her arms around him, pulling him into a quick hug then holding I'm at arms length to study him he had at bruise and a cut on his cheek "your hurt" she said sadly while reaching out to graze the bruise on his cheek.

"I'm fine" he assured her.

"What happened?" She asked already feeling guilty.

"...I...uh I met your mother and she's looking for you she thinks we have you as a prisoner"

"Did you tell them I was here?" She asked biting her lip.

"Noooo no of course not" he said shaking his head.

"Did anyone get hurt?"

" have to understand that-"

"Did anyone get hurt?" She asked more sternly

He sighed in defeat "only 8 men but-"


"It's fine it was just a few bruised rubs your mother only brought like 12 soldiers with her and only one of them attacked a girl in white leather do you know her?"

She winced "yeah sara is one of the best fighters just be thankful you didn't meet her wife"

Barry opened his mouth like he was going to say something but he didn't "we'll talk about that later... your mother thinks your here we let her search the prison cells in exchange for all the men she has captured"

"She didn't think to search your house?"

"She told us that we're all disgusting, brutal and inhuman so I highly doubt she-"

"She doesn't expect you to be kind to be" she filled in

Barry nodded.

"I'm so sorry this happened, I'll just go back tonight and-"

"Hey, Your going anywhere you don't need to and I don't want you to"

They just stared at each other until-

Oliver cleared his throat very loudly and they both turned to him he looked worse then Barry.

He looked like he had a black eye forming there was a bump on his head and his lip was swollen and bloodied.

"Oh God Oliver I'm so sorry, I-"

"It's not your fault it was just some woman with a black mask on which by the way makes no sense why does she need a mask it's war it's not like she'll get in big trouble for killing a man"

"You proably had a fight with Diana she wears the mask to battle because she thinks it distracts people because they want to figure out who she is"

Oliver just scoffed in reply "where's lucas?"

"oh he's sleeping has been for a while now" she said waving him into the bedroom where lucas was fast asleep on the bed.

"How long has he been asleep?"

"About 4 hours... I think"

"4 hours" he repeated


"Has he woken up at any point?"

"No he's been sleeping solidly"

"'d you do that? He has never slept for that long without waking up"

"Sure he has, he slept all the time as a new born he gets it from felicity"

Oliver stated at her blankly before looking down at lucas and sighing "all that matters is that he's sleeping what ever creepy voodoo thing you did it worked so we should just relish the slave for now"

Oliver tried to smile but winced when it hurt his lip.

"Do you want me to sort that out for you? I'm a good nurse" she asked gesturing to his injuries.

He waved her off "I can look after myself" he said leaving the room.

She sighed and turned to Barry "he still doesn't like me or trust me"

"You know that's not true he trusts you with lucas and if that's not trust I don't know what is"

"No, you and your father trust me with lucas. I'm suprised Oliver didn't leave the battle just to put lucas in a nursery just so he wasn't alone with me"

"He's warming up to you" Barry said softly "he trusts you more now with he did a week ago"

She have him a small nod in response "do you want me to help you with that?" She asked gesturing to the cuts on his face.

"Ummm... if you want to no one really helps each other with things like cuts around here unless there serous"

"Well that's stupid. You look dead on your feet how are you supposed to take care of yourself?"

Barry gave her a small smile "I mange"

She rolled her eyes "wheres your first aid kit?"

"Bathroom" he said with a yawn before he made his way in there behind her.

He sat in the edge if the ban as she cleaned up the cut on his cheek and while she was doing that she realised there was a cut on the top left side of his for head hidden by his hair.

She brushes his hair out of the way and expected the wound luckily he didn't need stiches.

"Why did you do it?" She asked while wiping the blood away.

"Do what?" He asked even though he knew what she was asking

"Why didn't you tell her where I was? It would've saved a lot of time and injuries"

"We both know that's not true your mother would've started a huge fight if she found out we'd been harbouring you"

"We both know that if I hadn't ran away then none of this would've happened"

Barry sighed "I invited you here so it's my fault... and if you want to blame someone blame your me"

"You haven't done anything wrong"

"Neither have you"

She nodded mutly and placed some stera strips over the cut on his cheek.

"Did anything else happen that I should now about?"


The young woman gasped and placed a hand on her belly "oh"

"What? What is it are the babies okay?" Barry asked panicked

She smiled "no their absolutely fine"

"What is it?" Barry asked wondering why she was so smiley suddenly.

"It's easier to just show you" she grinned and guided hs hand to her swollen abdomen.

They waited for a monet and nothing happened "I don't understand"

"Say something, anything"

"Oh okay well... I like the colour Red and I like coffee and I like-" Barry eyes widened when he felt movement under his palm.

He let out something that sounded like a laugh "is that-"

She grinned and nodded "one of the babies are kicking"

"Does it hurt?"

"Not really"

Barry hummed and smiled when he felt the kicking again "you know we really need to look into getting this DNA test done" he said softly while staring down at her bump he felt a kick and smiled "I think the babies agree"

"...yeah" she said quitly and picked up another stera strip to place on his forehead "...done" she said softly and threw the rubish in the bin.

"Thanks" he said quitly



"You can move your hands now"

"Right sorry" Barry said dropping his hands.

"Your exhausted, you need to sleep" she said tugging in his hands so he'd stand up.

"I'm not tired" he muttered standing up.

"You need to sleep Barry"

"I can't I need to talk to my dad first and check on Oliver I also need to check on other injured people and get a report from the fight today I have no time for sleep"

She sighed and looked at him pointedly "you'll sleep as soon as you can right?"

"Of course stop worrying"

"All I do is worry" she grumbled

"Well you don't need to. Everything is going to be fine"

She nodded stiffly and as if on que lucas woke up crying.

They both went back into his room and as soon lucas saw them he cried even harder and held his arms out to them.

"Oooooh someone's not happy little man today" Barry cooded picking him up and rocking him

The toddler pressed his face into Barry neck and continued to cry "where's my da- dad- daddy? I misses hims"

"Do you want me to take you to him?"

He nodded "yeah"

"Okay but you need to calm down first can you do that?"

Lucas nodded and cried some more before eventually his sobs turned into soft sniffles and hiccups.

"Your really good with him" she commented

Barry smiled "thanks...can you go tell my father I'll be down in a minuet while I go take lucas to Oliver?"

"Yeah sure"

She went down stairs while Barry went down the hall and she found Henry in the living flicking through some papers.

"Ummm Barry said he'll be down soon he's just taking lucas to Oliver"

"Oh that's fine dear, come on sit down we can talk while we wait for him"

"Oh ummm... okay"

She sat down opposite him hesatentaily and he smiled "so how are you and my son getting along?"

"We're getting along just fine. Barry is really nice"

Henry smiled "I'm happy to hear that. Barry's always been a very private person he doesn't have many friends and he's always had trouble accepting love"

"Mr. Allen I-" she started but he cut her off.

"I know you don't think that your. Going to fall in love with him but I can tell that you do love him even if it's just platonicaily. You care about him"

"I care about a lot of people" she replied defensively

Henry gave her a small smile "there's nothing wrong with loving some one"

"Mr. Allen you are aware that I'm the enamy right?"

Henry sighed "I'm are the twins?" He asked deciding it was best to change the subject this young woman was like his son she was closed off.

"There fine...I think they started kicking today and they haven't given me any reason to think that there anyhing but healthy"

"That's good to hear"

"Hey what are you guys talking about?" Barry asked walking in

"The twins" Henry supplied

"Did she tell you that I felt them kick? It was pretty amazing but it was strange at the same time" Barry grinned

Henry smiled "that's nice son"

"We need to go to go check on the bevy and inform them about what just happened but I'll see you on a few hours or so unless your asleep when I get back then I'll see you in the morning feel free to get something to eat"

She nodded and gave him a soft smile before he left.

And now she was alone.

She wondered into the kitchen and made herself some noodles then stared into space.

Barry had gotten hurt and it was her fault...the same Barry that could be her babies father.

She'd put people in danger and they'd gotten hurt just becuase she was to cowardly to stay at home.

She felt tears slip down her cheeks and she quickly wiped them away.

Everything hit her so suddenly.

She'd put herself in danger she'd put the twins in danger she'd put the entire mens bevy including the children in danger just becuase she was selfish and scared.

Tears started steaming down her face lucas could've lost his father today. This entire situation was messed up she left her food on the table and ran to her room and locked her door and cried into a pillow.

She must've cried herself to sleep becuase she woke up to the sound of knocking on the door.

She groaned and stretched out she knew it was Barry she could feel it If she didn't answer maybe he'd think she was still alseep.

But noooooo kept knocking.

She reluctantly rolled out of bed and walked to the door and unlocked it.

"Why was the door locked?" He asked frowning

She raised an eyebrow at him "because you wouldn't knock otherwise"

He rolled his eyes "can I come in?"


He sat down on the bed and gave her a soft smile "your okay, right?.. here I mean with me. You don't like hate me and your not scared of me or anything right?"

"...yeah of course what brought this on?"

"My father seems to think your... scared and uncomfortable when left alone with only one man"

She but her lip "it's not...that it's just...dont hate me...but it's your father something about him just" she sighed "I don't know I just don't feel comfortable when I'm alone with him. I'm sorry"

"Well what's wrong with him? he's never tried to hurt you he-"

"Barry. I don't know why he just puts me on edge...don't tell him any of this okay just tell him I'm still settling in but that in fine...okay"

She could tell that it wasn't okay she'd offended him and he wanted to ask more questions his jaw clenched and his eyes landed on her swollen stomach and he sighed "okay"

She gave him a weak smile and a hand landed on her bump and he smoothed his hand over it "have they been kicking?"

She shook her head "I think they only kick when they hear a voice they like"

"Who's voices do they like?"

Caitlin blushed "they like your voice, they also like Lucas', and mine but only some times"

Barry grinned "they like my voice?"


Barry smiled and placed a hand on her bump "...I was thinking about what we talked about the other day, about the DNA test"

She stayed quite as he continued "I'd have to introduce you to my friend Cisco he's good a things like this so he'd probably be able to do it" he said softly "I promise he'd a good person and I trust him so you don't have to worry about him hurting you or the twins or him telling someone your here"

"...ummm ok" she said still unsure of herself "when do you plan on asking him?"

"I was thinking tomorrow maybe"

"Oh" she said a little surprised tomorrow was very soon.

"Yeah, do you have a problem with that? Because we don't have to do it"

She swolled "No. There's no problem" she could tell Barry didn't belive her but neither of them commented on it.

"Are you coming down for breakfast?"

"Yup. I can't exactly miss a meal I'm eating for 3 remember"

"It's hard to forget" he grumbled standing up.

She held her hands out to him "help me up?"

He nodded and did as she asked.

They went downstairs into the kitchen and they both had ceral this morning everyone was there at the breakfast table Henry, Oliver, Barry, Lucas and of course herself.

They all ate in silance and there seemed to be a thick tension lingering in the air.

Oliver had 3 cuts on his face and a black eye she kept trying not to look but it wasn't working she and Barry kept sharing secrete glances and Henry was just observing everything.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when sky's are grey I'll always love you and make you happy if you only say the same" lucas was singing.

The song wasn't in order but that was okay he was only little.

Everyone's attention turned to him as he Continued to sing or hum between bites of his ceral.

"How do you know that song bud?" Olver asked

The young woman blushed and looked down, lucas pointed directly at her "she taught me it"

She slouched in her seat.

"I see" Oliver said carefully and glanced over at her.

She chewed on her lip furiously she wasn't sure how everyone felt right now and she didn't dare look at anyone.

"I like singing" lucas said happily

"Right okay" Oliver muttered and took a long sip of his drink.

"I think it's great that you like singing lucas you must get it from your mother" Barry said cheerily

She huffed "nope"

They all looked at her and she swolled "...sorry you know baby brain and all" she trailed off she clenched her jaw "can I be excused? I need to take a nap"

"You haven't even been awake that long" Barry pointed out.

She yawned "I'm making two people and it's very hard and I'm tired all the time"

"I don't like naps" lucas commented

"Well the babies do"

Lucas gasped "is it because their magic?!" He exclaimed

"Uh, yes"

"Harry Potter is magic he doesn't take naps"

"That's- that's becuase Harry Potter isn't growing inside his mummy's tummy"

"Okay...will you babies be magic like Harry Potter?"

"No magic just put them inside of me"

"Whos magic?" He asks tilting his head to one side.

"...that is a really good question"

Henry raised an eyebrow at her and she avoided looking at him.

"So does anyone have any plans for today?" Henry asked the table.

"I have a shift in an hour but I'll be back around 4" oliver supplied

"I'm going to see cisco after lunch" Barry said

"...what about you?" Henry asked the pregnant woman.

She yawned "I'm going to go back to bed for a while and after that I was thinking about baking something"

"Like cookies?!" Lucas exclaimed

"...I don't know yet, I have to see if I'm aloud first"

"Of course your aloud, your not a prisoner" Barry said with a smile "this is your home to"

She shifted in her seat when one of the babies kicked or it could've been both at the same time "ummm no offense but this isn't my home" she said softly

Barry frowned "of course it is"

She pushed her chair away from the table and stood up with and used the table to help herself stand up she rubbed the spot where one of the babies were kicking.

She sighed and made her way over to the sink with her bowl "why don't you feel like this is your home?" Barry asked approaching her from behind and reaching around her to put his own bowl in the sink.

"Because it's not really my home I can't come and go as I please I can't walk around in my pajamas, I have to ask before I cook something and Oliver supervises me when I'm around sharp objects" she explained

Barry turned to oliver "you supervise her around sharp objects?" Barry sounded mad

Oliver didn't seem fazed by Barry's anger laced tone "she's the enemy" he said simply

"She's pregnant" Barry grit out

Oliver shrugged "we have no proof of that"

"No proof?! I felt the babies kick! She's not faking being pregnant!" Barry exclaimed

She groaned quitly when she felt one of the babies kick her particularly hard in the ribs.

"She can still kill us! just becuase she's pregnant it doesn't make her not dangerous are you forgetting she's the daughter of Carla snow?! And isn't it convenient that she knows lucas' mother, You let an unknown woman into our home! You left her alone with my son! I see that your attached to her Barry but your fondness of her has blinded you to the danger that she brings with her!"

"She's not dangerous!"

"How do you know that?! You don't even know her name!"

"Barry" she said softly and tugged on his sleeve he looked down at her and she nodded towards lucas "your scaring him"

Henry stood up "come on lucas you can teach me those songs you learnt last night in the living room"

Lucas nodded and climbed of his seat and followed Henry into the living room.

Oliver glared at her "I don't trust you"

"I don't trust you either but I don't accuse you of trying to kill anybody" she snapped "and how do you think I fake being pregnant?! Sometimes i wish i wasn't pregnant becuase I have to go to the bathroom every 5 minuets becuase I have two babies who think my bladder is a toy and who I have recently discovered like to kick me in the ribs! At least when I lived with my mother I wasn't consistently being watched and I didn't have to listen to your chewing every single meal time! And what is the deal with all that after shave? there is no need to wear that much! If you want me to leave then fine I'll leave if it makes you feel better!" And with that she stormed out the kitchen.

Barry glared at Oliver "she's right"

"Why are you always taking her side?! I am your brother!..are you have feelings for her?"

Barry clenched his jaw.

"Well do you?"

"I don't know!..I...I think so" he admitted.

Oliver hit the kitchen side with frustration "why are you do stupid?! Geez Barry do you know what you've done? You have put us all in danger with your feelings for this girl!"

"I haven't put anyone in danger by loving her"

Oliver froze "you love her"

Barry sighed in defeat "fine! yes I love her I love everything about her"

"You what?" A voice breathlessly said from the door way.

Barry tensed "you knew she was there" he said and Oliver simply nodded.

"I'll see you at lunch" he said flatly before turning around

Barry turned around to face her and he saw the shock and fear on her face "I-"

"Take it back" she said flatly


"Take it back" she repeated her voice quivering slightly.

"...I-I don't want to take it back"

"You don't mean it, so take it back" she said and tears began to well in her eyes.

"But I did mean it" he said softly and approached her

"No, no you didn't you can't mean it you don't-"

Barry cut her off by pressing his lips lightly against hers.

"I ment it" he whispered and pressed his forehead agisnt hers.

She nodded slowly...she actually belived him, they spent a few more seconds like that until she took a step back "I...I'm going back to bed"

Barry nodded but didn't say anything, everything in the house was silant as he watched her walk away.

He needed to talk to cisco.

"where's Henry?" The young woman asked when she entired the kitchen only to find Barry there.

"He took lucas out for ice cream and Oliver is at work do I thought we'd just have dinner together"

" didn't cook did you?"

"No I picked up a pizza on my way home"

She grinned "I haven't had pizza in like 2 years"

Barry placed a hand over his heart for dramatic effect "that, is tragic" he placed the open pizza box on the table.

"So I went to talk to cisco and he said he could do the DNA test"

"...oh" she said taking a slice of pizza from the box "how did he take the news that you were habouring the daughter of your biggest enamy who may or may not be carrying your ilagitmate children?"

"Harbouring" he echoed "You make your self sound like a criminal" he pointed out and took a slice of pizza out the box.

She shrugged and bit into her slice of pizza.

"At first he didn't belive me but then he freaked out and asked to meet you, I said no then he told me he could do it, he gave me a bunch of old pregnancy books, that he found in the storage unit we have that's filled with a bunch of old women things that may come in handy one day"

"Do you have any women clothes in there? mine are getting to small"

"I can have a look"

" are the babies?" Barry asked

"Great I think, they're kicking a lot more"

"You metioined something earlier about them kicking you in the ribs?"

She let out a exsperated sigh "yeah"

They sat in silance awkwardly " do you want to talk about anything?"

"You mean like the kiss or the fact that you love me?" She blurted

Barry let out a breath and an awkward laugh "I-ergh yeah"

She blushed "the kiss was nice"

Barry nodded in agreement.

"Why do you... what do you want to happen now...between us?" She stuttered

"Ummm I don't know...we could ergh...try have a relationship"

She paused "a romantic relationship?"

Barry went red "...yes"

"Can I think about it?"

"Of course, just tell me when you've made up your mind"

She nodded mutely and took another bit of her pizza.

She woke up to the feeling of fingers running through her hair she opened her eyes and smiled up at Barry.

"I like waking up like this better then all the knocking and yelling or baby kicking"

Barry smirked and helped her into a sitting position "cisco is down stairs"

"What time is it?"

"Just past 10...I decied to let you sleep in, I know the babies keep you up"


"Are you ready to meet cisco?"

"Once I've gotten changed I'll be right down"

"You don't need to get changed just have brunch in your pajamas, you can do that you know because this is your home to"

"Is this about what I said yesterday?" She asked

Barry sighed "I just want you to feel at home here"

She tilted her head to one side "I have lived in two places my entire life The Castle and my mum's house neither is them ever really home either so you shouldn't feel offended"

"That settles it then" he beamed

"What? I don't like the way your smiling at me" she said her voice sounding a little panicked

"It is now my mission to make you a home

"Make me a home" she repeated confused

"It's not going to build you a house or anything I just want you to feel comfortable here and I want you to be able to call this house your home"

"that's sweet of you Barry but-"

"No buts let's go down stairs"

She nodded and took his hand he glanced down at there joint hands and smiled.

"Don't let go" she whispered.

She was terrified of meeting cisco Barry might trust him but she didn't she'd only just began to trust Barry and this cisco guy was going to performing a procedure on her that could harm the twins.

"I won't"

They walked down stairs and she gripped Barry's hand tighter when they reached the living room where cisco was "everything is going to be okay" Barry assured her

She nodded and Barry pushed the door open waiting in the living room was a short man with raven hair that was longer then all the other men that she had seen.

"Cisco this is-"

"Doctor Snow, The only woman to fully cross the border in almost 20 years Carla snows only child she's also a pedatrtion and a midwife and a mother to twins that may or may not be yours" cisco said exsitidly

Barry raised his eyebrows at cisco and his face feel.

"Sorry, I've just never met a female before" he said sheepishly

She just stared at him. He wasn't what she'd expected.

She rubbed her bump self consciously and Barry nudged her side "you okay"

She swolled and nodded "I'm fine"

"So I'd like to talk about the procedure I'm assuming you know the risks?" Cisco said

She nodded "I know the risks"

"Wait, risks? I don't know the risks? What risks?" Barry asked sounding a little panicked

"There's nothing to worry about" she said softly "I'm young and healthy so me and the twins should be fine"

"Should be fine?! What are the risks?" Barry asked his voice raising slightly

"Calm down" she said sternly and placed a hand on his arm "there's a 1 in 400 chance I'll have a misscarige but I'm healthy and sou don't have a choice whether I do this or not it's my body"

"Well their my children to!" Barry exclaimed

"We don't know that!" She yelled "we don't know if there yours or not that's why we're taking this" she said in a calmer tone

"I don't want you to take that risk" Barry said softly and tucked asome some hair behind her ear.

she sighed "it's my risk""

"It's not just your risk" he mumbled and stroked her baby bump

"We're going to be okay" she said truthfully and stroked her thumb along the bottom of his jaw "trust me?"

He nodded stiffly "I still don't think this is a good idea, isn't there any other way we could do this?"She

"Are you both sure you want to do this? because Barry you have the final say you are the boss" cisco stated

"No she had the final say it's her body, her choice and if she wants to go threw with it then we'll go through with it"

"I want to do it"

Cisco nodded "okay"

"Go change and I'll make you something to eat"

"I shouldn't eat before the procedure so I'll eat when we get back, okay"

Barry nodded "I'll wait here for you"

She went to her room to go change and cisco grinned at Barry and wiggled his eyebrows "so is there anything you'd like to tell me?" He asked suggestively

"What do you mean?"

"You and Dr. Snow seem close"

"Okay firstly no one calls her Dr. Snow and secondly we are close but we're not in a relationship"

"Well what am I supposed to call her? Just 'her' because that's a little weird"

"I don't know, figure something out"

"It's a shame you guys aren't in a relationship you could've been at modern life Romeo and Juliet...that's right I read plays"

Barry rolled his eyes.
"Okay so I'm guessing you know how this works?" Cisco asked as she laid down on the medical bed.

It took a lot of effort and sneaking around but with Henry's help they'd gotten Into a private room at the hospital.

"I know how this woks I've preformed this prodeduce 2 before when I was testing for downs syndrome"

Cisco set up the ultra sound equipment so he'd be able to see the needle as it extracted the amneotic fluid.

"Before we do this do you want to see how the babies are doing?"

"Yes" she said far to egerly

"I've never done this on a pregnant woman before do you'll need to tell me what I'm looking at"

She nodded and squeezed the cold gel onto her belly.

Cisco proceeded to run the sonographer over the bump as the images came onto the screen.

She blindly reached for barry's hand and he gave her a reassuring smile.

"So what are we looking at here?"

"Ummmm... that right there is the baby...boy...can you just pass me the mouse please I need to measure him"

Cisco moved the equipment closer to her and she pressed a few buttons then took the measurements of the baby.

"...he's perfectly fine, everything is the right size he's developing how he should be"

She took the sonographer from Cisco and moved it around until she found the second baby "and there's the baby girl"

"Oh look she's waving" Barry said on awe

"Umm...that's her leg but okay"


"From what I can see everything is normal she's slightly smaller then she's supposed to be but she'll probably grow to normal size soon"

"Are you ready for me to start the procedure?" Cisco asked once she'd wiped all the gel of her bump

She nodded hesatentaily and cisco took a large needle out the packet and wiped cleaned the area where the needle was going to go in.

She looked away and gripped Barry's hand tighter.

"You should probably disract her" cisco suggested.

Barry nodded and held her hand in both of his "so what are you going to name them?" He asked

"I've narrowed it down to 3 names for each"

"What are they?"

"For the girl ummm..." her eyes briefly glanced at cisco who was working out where to put the needle in.

"Don't look at him look at me"

She nodded "okay... For a girl I was thinking Marina, Milena or Evelyn"

The needle went in and she winced.

Barry squeezed her hand tighter "okay what about the boys name?"

She let out a shaky breath "...I like the names Kenny, Mica and Harry"

"There all really nice names...but if I get a say in the boys name I've always wanted to name my son Ethan"

"I like Ethan"

"You know I've thought about what we talked about last night" she stuttered


She nodded " answer is yes"

Barry grinned "really?"

She nodded again and he kissed her finger tips.

"We're almost done" cisco announced.

"I'm happy you said yes"

Cisco was finally done and he placed a cotton pad over the needle puncture.

She sighed in relief once it was all over but didn't let go of Barry's hand.

"You did good" he said softly

She didn't reply becuase she felt a cramping pain her her abdomen she winced and shifted uncomfortably.

"Are you okay?" Barry asked worried

"Yeah this is completely normal, can you get me a heating pad or a hot water bottle or something?"

Cisco nodded "sure I'll be back in a minuet try not to move"

"Are you sure your okay?" Barry asked concerned

She nodded "I'm find, I promise"

Barry placed a kiss on her forehead and placed a hand on the top of her bump "there not kicking"

"Don't worry there fine proably just resting"

"Are you sure your okay?"

"I'm sure"

"You need to stop worrying Barry we're all fine"

Cisco came back with the hot water bottle and she placed it on her abdomen.

"you need to be on bed rest for a few days and Barry you'll need to keep an eye on her"

Barry gave him a sharp nod.

"Call me if you exspriance any contractions, bleeding or if your waters start leaking"
"Hey what are you doing up? go back to bed" Barry ordered

"Barry it's been been 3 days, I'm fine"


She placed her hands on either side of his shoulders "Barry, calm down"

"Yeah uncle Barry calm down" lucas giggled

"Turning my own nephew agisnt me" Barry huffed

"I didn't turn him against you"

Barry rolled his eyes and picked lucas up "do you want to watch a movie?"

"I've been stuck watching movies for 3 days"

"Then what do to want to do? we can't go outside because there are men everywhere and training for the battle next week"

"I want to do anything but rest"

"Why don't you bake a cake or something?"

"...I could do that"

Barry sighed in relief "great I'm going to talk to cisco about getting those results" He pressed a kiss to her cheek and placed lucas down "I'll be back soon"

"Oh um...okay bye I guess"

Lucas peered up at her "are you and uncle Barry in love?"

"I'll tell you when I do you like brownies?"
"Hey cisco" Barry greated walking into his friends private lab

"Your just in time I've got your results I haven't looked at them yet though"

"Well let's take a look now" Barry said nervously

Cisco opened a file and Barry read the first few lines.

"I-I'm the father"

Cisco grinned "congratulations your going to be a daddy...this is good news right?"

"...of course it's good news the twins my girlfriend are carrying are mine"


"Oh yeah, your the only person who knows so keep it quite"

"Who am I going to tell? Your my only friend"

"...I'm just going to go now...and urgh tell her"

Cisco nodded "don't look so nervous remember your like romeo and Juliet"

"They both die"

"A...modern day romeo and Juliet...oh I got you these" cisco handed him 3 copies of the sonogram of the twins.


"I'm home" Barry annoced

"Uncle Barry! we're making brownies and I got to lick the bowl!"

"I can see that, it's all over your face...and in your hair"

"Sorry about that he went a little crazy with the brownie batter" she said from the door way.

"It's fine it's bath night for lucas anyway" Barry assured ruffling the little boys blonde hair.

"Did you get the results?" She asked anxiously.

"I there not ready yet but I did get these" Barry said handing her one of the pictures and walking over fridge to put the spare one on there.

"What's that?"

"That is a picture of the babies"

"Lucas frowned they don't look like babies they look like blobs...are you sure that they're babies?"

Barry huffed "we're sure"

Lucas shrugged.

1 week later

Barry still hadn't told her.

And there was a battle scedulaed for today one that he had to lead.

"Cisco will stay here with you while I'm gone if anything happens to me I'll contact cisco lucas is going to the bunker with the rest of the children to be protected nothing will happen to him but it's just in case, I put extra locks on the door use them all and be safe" Barry said sounding slightly worried.

She nodded "you've told me this already"

"I know, I'm just worried about you can the babies"

"We're going to be fine"

Barry kissed her which had recently started becoming a regular occourance (as long no one was around).

He ran his hands over her bump and pulled away "I'm going to come back...I love you"

"...I-I love you to, so come home okay?"


She smiled "yeah this is my that okay?"

He pecked her lips "mission complete. I'll be back soon honey I just need to go fight a war but I'll be home for dinner"

"Well aren't you two domestic" oliver grumbled walking into the kitchen

They both ignored him.

"good luck" she said softly before watching him leave.

Cisco arrived 2 minuets later and locked the door behind him and grinned like a small child when he saw her "So how did you react to the need when Barry told you? I bet you were relived to find out your babies were his not some random guys"

She froze "...Barry's the father" she repeated

"Didn't he tell you?" Cisco frowned "he said he would"

"Well he didn't" she grit out "when did he found out?"

"I really don't think it's my place to-"

"When did he find out?!" She snapped

"A week a go"

"He's had a entire week" she mumbled to her self.

Why didn't he tell her? Was he disappointed with the results? Did he not want to be the father? Had something changed in the last week that had changed his mind about wanting be a father?

"I need a nap" she grumbled before rushing up stairs to her room.

She didn't leave her room even when Cisco tried to coax her out with the promise of chocolate.

At some point she fell asleep... she'd read this thing once about never going to sleep angry but she was going to be angry at Barry for a long time.

"Hey where is she?" Barry asked when he got home.

"She's taking a nap, has been since you left"

"I left 4 hours ago"

Cisco shrugged "pregnant people like sleep"

Barry went up to her room and tried the door but it was locked he knocked on the door but got no answer.

"Hey I'm home open the door"

No response. That was strange.

"Are you awake?.. just let me in please"

"Go away!" She yelled from the other side of the door.

Barry frowned in confusion she sounded mad at him... oh God she mad at him wasn't she? And here he thought theyd be thr couple that never fell out--he herd the locks click and the door flung open.

"Cisco told me. You knew for a week!"

He winced she was definitely mad.

"A week Barry! You knew you were the twins father for a week, and you lied to me when I asked you if you'd gotten the results!"

"I'm sorry, I just didn't know how to tell you"

She gripped the door and her knuckles turned white "you didn't know how to tell me?! All you had to do was say 'oh by the way your carrying my babies' what's so hard about that?! Do you not want to be the father anymor, is that it!?"

"No. That's not it I want to be their dad!"

"Then why didn't you tell me?"

"I wasn't sure how you'd react" he said truthfully

"Did you think I'd be upset? Barry your my boyfriend I want you to be the father" she said truthfully

He sighed and took a step closer to her "I'm sorry"

She shook her head and covered her bump with her hands protectively "I know you are but I'm still mad at you... I'd hoped that we could be something at least close to a family I know that sounds stupid but-"

"It's not stupid but even if the babies weren't mine we still could've been a family"

"Do you mean that?"

"I do, I love you and I love the twins" he said softly

"I love you" she whispered

Barry envloped her in a hug and she didn't resist " know that was our first fight and it was over our children I'd say we just passed a realtionship She stone"

She laughed and pulled away.

"I'm happy your not dead...or hurt" she frowned "why do you look absolutely fine?"

"Only 5 women showed up 2 of them said they were your body guards they wanted to tell us that your mother said she'd tell you your name if you came back to her...she also said she'd...kill one man that she's already captured for every week you don't return 2 days"

Her breath caught in her throat "how does she know I'm here?"

"We think she's just guessing"

She shook her head " she knows I'm here I don't know how but she knows"

Henry appeared in the door way "we think she has a copy of the phrocey"

"We?" she asked and raised her eyebrows at Barry

"Don't look and me this is the first time I've herd of this theory" Barry said defensively

"It's not a theory it's fact" another voice said from the door way.

"...who are you?" Barry asked confused

He nodded towards the young woman "I'm her uncle"

She scoffed like a snobby British person out of downtown abbey.

"I don't have a uncle. The only family I have is my mother" she said flatly

He shook his head "no you have a uncle and a second cousin. I'm your uncle my name is Judas"

"Like the guy who betrayed Jesus, Judas?"

"Carla is still religious I see" he sighed

She nodded "yeah... but I don't see what that has to do with you calming to be my uncle"

He sighed and went to step closer to her but she took a step back and grabbed Barry hand.

Judas glanced at there joint hands and realisation flashed across his features.

"...when we were younger our father was very abusive out mother died giving birth to carla I'm the older sibling, I always tried to protect her...but sometimes I failed...she grew to hate our father and she didn't trust or even like any males even, after our father died when she was 20...but when she was 24 she fell in love, well kind of Charles was a very gullible person and he worshiped carla and a month after they were married she found out she was pregnant...she came to me first and told me of course in was happy for her but as her pregnancy progressed she became more paranoid afraid that the men around her would hurt you... so she poisoned your father and he died"

He paused and stated into nothingness like he was remebering "she became even more paranoid after your father died she couldn't stand to be around any man but me so she rounded up a lot of women who felt even a little bit of her hatred towards men and brain washed them and convinced them men needed to be punished she begged me to join her and I told her no because she was acting crazy and I threatened to take yu from her once you were born because she was ununstable I insulted her some more and she disowned me..." he trailed off

"2 weeks after a woman approached me and showed me the prophecy well a version of the prophecy because the girl in the prophecy hadn't been born yet so no one knew who the girl was but I suspected it was you so I took the evidence to my sister because I was scared for her I don't want her to start a war and get her unborn child involved but it only made it worse and she became obssesed with the half prophecy...and decided that she'd start the war once you were born but keep you locked away in that tower so you'd never be able to fulfill your part of the prophecy and that's why she didn't tell anyone your name not even you because if anyone else new then Nora would've been able to complete the prophecy and if she did that she would've been able to tell us how to stop the war...but Nora died and there hasn't been any knownpeople with the gift of sight born in the last 30 years so we'll never know how to end this war... the prophecy says your mother started, the war so you'd never had to suffer from from a broken heart, everyone assumes it was your father's death that, broke your mother's heart but it wasn't...I broke her heart when I called her crazy and threatened to take you away,

She swolled "she never mentioned you"

"Do you really think that she'd tell her daughter, that she was brain washing to hate men that she once loved a man?"

" you really think she'll start killing people if I don't go back?" She asked quitly

Judas sighed "...yes"

She turned to Barry with panic in her eyes "I need to go"

"No. You can't go back there she'll-"

"My mother won't hurt me at least not while I'm carrying the child she wants to take over the army"

"But what about our son?! There's no way that you can hide the fact your having twins from her,at 23 weeks normally you'd just have a small/medium size bump you can't go back!"

"The twins are Barry's?" Henry asked suprised.

Barry sighed "Cisco did a DNA test for us a week ago and it confirmed it, which is why your not going back there"

"I'll keep them safe and if she finds out at least you'll get to raise your son! I'm not going to let people die because I'm selfish!"

"Your not being selfish! Your doing this for our children!"

"I'm not going to let people die!" She exclaimed

"Your not going back"

"What if...what if you both go somewhere far away from all of this for a while and we'll invite your mother to come search our bevy in exchange for not killing the soldiers she has" Judas proposed

"Where would we go?" Barry asked

"...there's a island that no one goes to anymore I found it a couple of months a few old couples live there but apart from that it's mostly abandoned no one would think to look for you there"

Barry turned to her asking her a silent question.

She chewed her lip as she thought about it "...are you sure this will work?"

Judas and Henry both nodded "you'll all be safe there"

She glanced at her swollen belly then she looked back up at her boyfriend "okay"

Barry sighed in relief "how soon can we leave?"

"I'll have to make a few calls to arrange a boat so you should be able to leave tomorrow afternoon" judis explained

Barry nodded and Henry gave his son a soft smile "you better start packing"

Both men left the room and they were left alone again she dropped her head against Barry's shoulder and they sat in silance .

"Do you think that we're doing the right thing?" She asked softly

"Of course we are"

"We're running away from our problems" she pointed out

"No we're protecting our family"

"Our family" she repeated she liked the way it sounded on her toung

She couldn't sleep.

Well she couldn't get comfortable which, is why she couldn't sleep.

She wondered into the hall way and knocked on Barry's door. He opened it stright away and he didn't look like he'd been sleeping.

"hey...I err can't sleep do you have any spare pillows or cushions I can borrow?"

"Yeah, come in sit down I'll get them"

She nodded and walked into his room and sat down on his bed. Barry disappeared onto a closet and she let her eyes wonder around his room, her eyes landed on his 3 suitcases, he'd already packed she hadn't even started, She was more reluctant to leave it was probably becuase she felt guilty she was suprised Barry was more then ready to pack his life up and leave with her.

He walked back into the room with 3 pillows and he followed her gaze "are you ready for tomorrow?"

She swolled "...yeah we're sneaking away to an island I didn't know about until a few hours ago thanks to an uncle I didn't know about until today"

"I ment your birthday"

"Oh...right yes that's tomorrow I completely forgot"

"You forgot your birthday"

"I'm pregnant if I knew my own name I'd probably forget it amd lots of things have been going on lately"

"Do you want to lay down with me do a while?" Barry asked

She nodded and got under the covers as Barry did to and they laid in silance.

"Do you want to see something?" She asked


"You'll need to turn the lamp on"

Once he'd turned the lamp on she pushed th covers away from her and lifter her top over her abdomen to relive her bump.

"What am I looking at?" He asked frowning

"Wait...there" there was movement under her skin and Barry laughed.

"When did this start happening?" He asked

She shrugged "about 2 weeks ago...I think"

"Is it painful?"

"A little"

Barry laid down on his side and put both his hand on her bump.

"What are you doing?" She asked curiously.

"I am talking to my children"

She giggled Barry smirked at her "hello babies you don't have names yet but hopefully you'll have some by the time we get to meet you...incase you don't know who I am I'm your daddy, I'm not sure if you can hear me but according to the books cisco have me you have ears now, it's your mummy's birthday tomorrow and we know you don't mean to but if you hurt her when your kicking her so if you can do us a big favour and only kick her a little bit then you'd be helping out your mummy a lot"

Barry pressed 2 kisses to her bump and she giggled even more.

"I love you"
Barry woke up to his girlfriend getting out of bed.

Right, they both fell asleep while talking.

"Good morning" he grumbled

"Morning" she replied and made her way to the bathroom.

When she came back Barry was still layed in bed but he was awake. He say up when he sensed her preesance and gestured for her to come over to him.

She walked towards him and he kissed her "happy birthday"

She smiled "humm... I'm going to go shower and start packing"

"Do you need help?"

She shook her head.

"Okay I need to go talk to my father and Oliver"

"are you sure you want to do this? You'll be leaving your family and friends"

"You and the twins are my family now and it's not forever so it's not like I'm never going see them again"

She nodded stiffly.

"Hey, don't worry about it"
That was it she was all packed.

She was ready to leave.

Lucas walked in unexpectedly and let out a dramatic sigh before throwing himself on her bed next two one of her bags.

"Uncle Barry said that your both leaving"

"We are"

"Can I come?"

"You can't but I'm sure you'll be able to visit one day or we'll visit you"

He started crying and she hugged him "you don't need to cry"

"But I'll miss you" he sobbed

"...I have something to show you but you can't tell anyone okay? It'll be our secrete"

He wiped his eyes and nodded she pulled he tablet out if her bag and opened up her photos and showed him a picture of Felicity holding him for the first time when he was a few days old.

"Whos that?" He asked

"That's your mum"

"That's really my mummy?" He asked in amazement.

"Yeah...and she loves you so much and she misses you"

"She's pretty" lucas said softly "is she going to come see me soon?"

"I don't know. Don't tell anyone I showed you this okay"

He nodded and pretend to zip his lips and throw away the key.
"happy birthday" Barry grinned and handed her a large gift bag.

She smiled but she also started crying she blamed it on pregnancy hormones.

"Are you okay?" Barry asked before wiping her tears away.

"I just love you so much, I don't even know why I'm crying"

Mostly he'd gotten her clothes from the storage container he'd also manged to find some maternity clothea as well he also got her some soap because she'd always complained about how she didn't want to smell like a man he'd gotten her other little things to like books.

Henry gave her the story book that had the phrocey written into it and admitted to them that he was the one who turned the phrocey into a story.

Lucas gave her a card he had made with scribbles of stick me on surrounded by balloons.

Oh and there was cake she proably ate to much of it but she didn't care.

There was a knock on the door.

It was Judas.

It was time for them to leave now.

Barry hugged his dad good by and did this weird hand shake thing with Oliver while she said goodbye to lucas and thanked Henry for letting her stay with them for a while.

Barry grabbed her hand and they followed Judas outside to a car with baled out windows in the back seats so no one would see them.

She sat in the back with Barry and stared out the window "I've never been in a care before" she blurted

"Really how come?"

"I was never really aloud to go anywhere and everywhere I was aloud to go was in walking distance"

"Its a 45 minuet drive" Judas informed them and turned on the radio

"So when we get to the boat my cousin, your second cousin Alfie and his wife Maria will take you to the island, I've arranged for you both to have a house in the village and in the house there's a burner phone that you can use to contact me and Henry but only incase of an emergency"

She nodded.

"I didn't tell them who you guys were just that you were my niece and that Barry was your husband you have to pretends to be married becuase there all very religious and they'd all hate you if they knew your children were being born out if wedlock. I told them that your name was Lillan so they don't get suspicious"

She wrinkled her nose "I don't feel like Lillan"

"Well we can't change it now. I told them that you to by accident and fell in love 2 years ago and that I found out about your secrete relationship and I married you both becuase you asked me to and when I found out you were with child 2 days ago offered to hide you all to keep the last part of my family away from the war"

She nodded in understanding.

"Is there anything else we need to know about these people or where we're going to live with" Barry asked

Judas shook head "there's not much to know"

When the car finally stoped moving barry kissed her cheek "I'm going to go make sure everything is safe before you get out the car"

The young woman nodded he was in super protective mode he'd been like this when Lucas told him that Oliver was in a danger and he'd instructed her to lock herself away...she didn't really like being locked away to be kept away from danger but she wasn't just protecting herself anymore she had her children to think about but that didn't mean she liked the fact that other people were in danger because of her.

Her uncle gave her a soft smile over his shoulder before getting out the car and going to check the area with Barry.

She tapped her fingers against her thighs when she felt it, the feeling of dread it washed over her like she was drowning she swore she here dread as well it sounded like static in her ears and then came the yelling.

She didn't think she jumped out the car and ran as fast as she could towards Barry when she saw him he was surrounded by 5 women her uncle was being held by one of them and hee mother was in the centre of it all.

"Get back in the car!" He yelled at her despratly and blocked a punch

But she couldn't move, her feet were glued to the ground and her eyes were fixed on him everything seemed surreal this wasn't how this was supposed to happen they were supposed to leave today to start their life together.

Her mother charged towards her "thank God your okay I've been so worried about you"

Tears fell down her cheeks and her entire body shook "please stop this"

Her mother looked at her clearly shocked and she could still hear Barry yelling at her to run.

"These men kidnapped you! There savages they took you from me when you were most vunrable!" Her mother yelled

She shook her head "No they didn't that man loves me and I love him"

Her mother slapped her across the face "how dare you believe that men are capable of sir thing like that! They brain washed you!"

She glanced behind her mother and searched despratly for Barry within the blured figuers.

"I haven't been brain washed! You need to stop this! If he does I will never forgive you!" She shouted

Her mother grabbed her and made soothing noises "it's okay it will all be over soon and you'll come home and everything we be how it was!"

She sobbed even harder "Barry!"

Out of know where Henry, Oliver and a few men she'd never seen before appeared and ran forward to help Barry. Henry started yelling at her mother "we agreed that our children were off limits!" He hissed

Her mother's hands tightened on her "yes we did! And yet you took her from me again! You will pay this time!"

What did she mean by again?!

"Me and Judas took her from you for her own safety!" He exclaimed

"She is my daughter you had no right!" Carla yelled viciously and pushed her down harshly to the floor in anger.

She felt a sharp pain in her arm and she covered the pain with her hand she looked down confused and removed her hand to see blood... she hadn't cut her self.

It occurred to her then the phroecy had said that if she fell Barry would too the phroecy wasn't finished so it probably worked the other way around to she could feel his pain.

If he died she'd die... if he got stabbed in the stomach then-

She ran towards Barry the fighting had to stop or their entire family would die.

She pushed at Sara, her body guard who was yelling at her to go away but she pushed past Sara who tried to grab her. She elbowed Carrie in the side until she moved and she pushed herself behind Oliver and the woman he was fighting until she got to him.

"What are you doing!?" Barry exclaimed trying to get her away from the fighting but she refused to move.

"This has to stop!" She yelled over the sound of yelling and fists and legs coming into contact with flash and misses of pain.

"You need to get out of here it's not safe!"

"You don't understand when you get hurt I get hurt to Be if you die so will me and the twins! This needs to stop"

His eyes widened and fell on the bleed seeping threw her sleeve.

He pulled something out of his jeans and held it up high... he had a gun.

He shot it and everyone stoped and looked towards them birds squarked and flew above them, startled by the sound.

There was nothing but the throbbing of her arm and the sound of her and Barry's uneven breaths together her heaet pounded in her ears and she laced her fingers threw his, everyone had stoped and they were staring at them guns weren't around during battles.

"Son put the gun down" Henry said

He shook his head "this has to stop" Barry squeezed her fingers she knew he wasn't going to do anything irrational she trusted him.

Her mother was listening to Barry now to and the woman holding Judas had let go of him everyone was watching, waiting.

"This needs to stop" he swolled "my name is Barry Allen and I'm next in line to take over my Bevy and this is the woman I love she's Carla snows daughter and my soulmate she's also the mother of my children" there was a quite murmuring and Barry's hand that was holding the gun started shaking her mother glared at her pregnant belly and Barry continued talking.

"Our children are twins a boy and girl the heirs to both army's so if they die it will be game over for all of us they'll be no more heirs which means the fell of both sides...if you hurt me you hurt her to if you kill me you kill her and you kill the heirs so this needs to stop and not just for today it needs to stop forever! Because it will never stop! No one even knows why we are fighting or what we want to accomplish because we can't survive without each other! This was is pointless and it has lasted for far to long it needs to stop! I will not let my children be born in to a world like this! They don't deserve this they deserve a life where they can be raised together they deserve better! So we must be better!"

The young woman nodded in agreement "this war didn't start because men are ruthless and cruel or because women are nasty and unreasonable! The war didn't start because my mother's father was abusive which made her hate men the war didn't start because Nora allen died... it started because we stoped trusting, we stoped relaying on each other we forgot that in war there are no winners we forgot that we are supposed to love each other... mother, Judas is your brother and you loved him once, Oliver you love your son more then anything because he's your child but if he was born a girl instead would that mean you wouldn't love her? We aren't born hating the opposite gender! We aren't born ready to fight!"

Her tone softemed "the war won't stop no one is going to win, Barry was right we must be better"

Her mother scoffed "you can't end the war with words! Now what is everyone waiting for get back to the fighting!"

No one moved.

Barry lowered the gun and handed it to his soulmate he trusted her and the woman were most likely to attack if they thought Barry was a threat but they wouldn't dare hurt her.

She let out a breath and smiled "they seem to disagree, no one likes the fighting, it's just you, you love the war more then you love me... I see that now you aren't a parent...Oliver's a parent he hates me and he doesn't trust me but he takes my advice when it comes to his sons safety, felicity is a parent becuas She sat by her sons bedside for months and she pleaded with the enemy to save him... I never had a mother I had a war Lord who took away my childhood and tried to take my child... you aren't a mother you keep telling , me that you love me but you don't you love the war and you think I'm the reason why I started it so you keep me close to remember your pain you once told me that you were fighting for me... your fighting for anything and that's why your dangerous" tears fell down her cheeks and her hands shook as she raised the gun and pointed it at Carla.

"Put the gun down" Barry said softly into her eat her hand shook wildly and everyone watched her and waited for the sound of the bullet.

"Don't do this" her mother begged her voice sounding scared and...real for the first time "I'm sorry for what I did to you and I'm sorry for what I did to your father I'm sorry that I forced these twins on you I'm sorry that I used your body for a second chance at a child, I'm sorry I put you in that tower I'm sorry I never let you make real friends, I'm so so so sorry but I do love you I love I love you I love you i-"

"STOP! I know your lying because I know what love is now! And you were going to let Barry the man I loved and the father of my children die!" Sobs wrecked her body and harsh breaths escaped her lips and Barry's hand sliped aroud her waist and onto her bump but he didn't say anything he knew she wasn't going to do it.

"Caitlin! That's your name I there you go will you out the gun down now?! You know your name and if you let me live I promise that I'll try to fix all the mistakes I made please caitlin" she begged

"You can't bring life's back though" she said in a squeaky voice.

"I know but if you kill me I won't come back either!"

Her hands shook even more and her fingers loosened on the steel gun "the war ends today!"

Her arms finally lowered and she made she contact with Oliver and he seemed to understand what she wanted him to do, he restrained Carla snow and thought back but he knocked her over the head easily and she fell to the ground unconscious.

It was done it was over.

Caitlin let out a removed breath and turned around to come face to face with Barry she slipped the gun into his hand and he tucked it back in the waist band of his jeans before kissing her.

She pulled away and gave him a watery smile "I think we did it"

Barry smiled and shook his head "No we did do it, it's over... my mother was rigntthe four of us stoped the war" he places his hands on her bump and smiled "we're all going to be okay now"

She looked away from him and found everyone was waiting for them to give them orders even Henry.

Caitlin looked at Barry and gave him a small smile it was their own unspoken language.

"The war is over now for good"


Caitlin was nervous they'd spent almost 3 weeks planning this men and women were coming together for a large comuity picnic she and Barry had came up with the idea together they'd set lots of rules and invited anyone who wanted to come and it turns out a lot of people wanted to come, more then they'd expected.

She spotted felicity after a few minutes of reaching for her, her light hair and bright summer dress stood out Caitlin opened her mouth work call her-


The mother to be whipped around to look at the source of the voice... it was Lucas he ran towards felicity as fast as she could.

The moment Felicity here the young boys voice her eyes instantly landed on him like she just knew she walked swiftly towards her sons she bumped into alot of people but she didn't care she had to get tk her child, as soon as he was in reach she crouched down and caught him in her arms he wrapped his arms around her and she straightned back up and held him tightly "Lucas" she cried happily and pulled back from him slightly to look at him "look at you your so big now " she cooed and smoothed her hands over his messy blonde hair.

He giggled as she kissed his cheeks "I've missed you so much"

Caitlin came up to the mother and son and smiled felicity wiped her eyes and smiled gratefully at the woman who was like a sister to her felicity's mother had been Caitlin's Nanny growing up, so they'd been raised like sisters by felicitys mother.

"Thank you" felicity cried and laughed at the same time, she kissed her son's forehead and let out a sigh of relief "I love you Lucas"

A throat cleared from behind them and they all turned to look at Oliver "mummy this is my daddy"


"They're beautiful" Barry said softly and kissed his wife's forehead.

Caitlin grinned not taking her eyes from both of her sleeping newborns next to echother as she and and Barry hovered to the side of them.

Ethan had been born first after 12 hours of labour and Evelyn had been born 18 minuets later.

Cisco and Felicity had fussed over the babies health for a few days but it didn't matter because both twins were perfectly healthy.

Carla was in the jail for life and they aren't on speaking terms with Henry or Judas after they admitted to kidnapping her when she was a new born thinking it would keep her safe and end the war sooner but instead because her mother was so scared for her daughter's saftey she locked her in a tower.

Barry looked down at the twins and then at his wife he smiled before opening the book "once upon a time..."



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