Teen wolf- Stiles sister (Sea...

By Cass_Marichat

11.5K 218 45

When Rose goes with her brother, Stiles and brothers best friend, Scott to the woods to find a dead body, the... More

Wolf Moon
High School
Derek Hale
Lacrosse Practice/ First Line
Second Chance At First Line
Lacrosse Game
Pack Mentality
Magic Bullet
Scott's Study Date
The Tell
The Argent house hold
Heart Monitor
Night School
Sleep over
Wolf's Bane
Code Breaker

Lacrosse Practice

814 19 1
By Cass_Marichat

Rose POV

"McCall!" I hear Coach say. I turn around to see Scott, having a goal stick in his hand and is in the goal. I see Stiles watching Scott from the benchers. I turn around to Alison.

"So Allison, down there, where the beaches are, the boy with light brown hair and number 24 is my brother, Stiles. While Scott my brother's best friend, also known as the boy that gave you the pen first period, is down at goal number 11."

"Is he any good?" Alison asks as Coach blows his whistle and Scott, acts like the whistle is really loud and is hurting his ears. While Scott is distracted, one of the boys throws the ball at Scott and the ball hits him in the head, lucky he is wearing his helmet. And Scott falls down. Ouch.

Once Scott gets up and is focused the next boy throws the ball and Scott catches it! The boy who threw the ball looks surprised, and so do the rest of the boys on the field. Coach looks flabbergasted, Stiles looks surprised and happy at the same time, while I am just happy, that the bite took, and didn't kill him.

Boy after boy, ball after ball, Scott kept on catching them! And every time he caught it I would hear Stiles do a little yell in excitement, and Lydia, Allison and I would watch with amazement.

"It seems like he's pretty good," Allison said. Not taking her eyes off Scott.

"Yeah, very good," Lydia agrees. Just then Jackson skips the line and goes next. From here he looks pretty angry. Jackson runs and throws the ball. We all watch in anticipation as Jackson's ball flies through the air, and Scott catches it! As he does this, I see Stiles jump up and yell with excitement, with Lydia and I close behind. Everyone now cheering, but Coach, who is just watching Scott in disbelief, and Jackson who just looks at Lydia as to why she is cheering.


We were now in the woods, looking for Scott's inhaler. Scott and Stiles jump in a small river while I just stand there, looking like a fool waiting for someone to pick me up and carry me because there is no way in hell I am ruining my shoes.

"Um did you guys forget about me or something? Because just in case you didn't realise, there is no way in hell! I am ruining my shoes. So one of you boys better come and carry me because if I so much as get dirt on my shoes, there will be hell to pay!" I say with my hands on my hips. What? I love these shoes. Finally, Scott comes over and picks me up bridal style, and carries me while talking.

"So anyway, I don't know what it was, it was like I had all the time in the world to catch the ball, and that's not the only weird thing, I can hear stuff I shouldn't be able to hear. Smell things"

"Smell things? Like what?" I ask,

"Like the minty gum in Stiles's pocket," Scott says.

"I don't even have any gum--" Stiles checks his pocket, and turns out, he does.

"I'll take that," I say while I grab the gum, "Thanks," I say putting the gum in my mouth.

"So all this started with the bite?" Stiles asks.

"What if it's like an infection, like my body's flooding with adrenaline before I go into shock or something?" Scott asks.

"You know what I actually think I've heard of this, it's a specific kind of infection," Stiles says.

"Are you serious?" Scott asks, a little scared.

"Ya, ya, I think it's called Lycanthropy," Stiles says, while I giggle a little because he got it spot on.

"What's that? Is that bad?" Scott asks, really scared now.

"Oh yeah, it's the worst," Stiles says, and I giggle more. "But only once a month," Stiles says.

"Once a month?" Scott asks, confused.

"Yeah, on the night of the full moon. 'fakes howls' " Stiles laughs as Scott uses, my feet to kick him.

"Hey! You're the one who heard a wolf howling" Stiles defends himself.

"Rose, you saw what happened, back me up please," Scott says.

"Um, well I don't know what I saw" I lie

"But there could be something seriously wrong with me," Scott says.

"I know, you're a werewolf! GRRR" Scott gives Stiles an annoyed look, "Ok, obviously I'm kidding. But if you see me in shop class trying to melt all the slivers I can find, it's cause Friday's a full moon." Stiles says as we all stop walking.

"Nah, I-I could have sworn this is it, I saw the body, the deer came running and I dropped my inhaler," Scott said, placing me on the ground so he could bend down and look for his inhaler.

"Maybe the killer moved the body?" I say. 

"If he did I hope he left my inhaler, those things are like 80 bucks," Scott says, and Stiles looks over and sees Derek Hale feet away from us, and Stiles gets Scott to stand up. 

"DEREK!!" I yell as I run into Derek's arms, giving him a big hug.

"Rose! How are you!" Derek says, hugging back.

"I'm good, but how are you?! I haven't seen you in forever!" I say pulling him back from the hug.

"-cough--cough-" Stiles fake coughs, and I remember they are still here. Oops.

"Stiles! Scott! This is my friend, Derek!" I say.

"What are you doing here? This is private property" Derek asks turning into Sourwolf because he doesn't like new people.

"Um sorry man, we didn't know," Stiles says a little scared.

"Yeah we were just looking for something, but forget it," Scott says. Derek throws Scott his inhaler. Derek starts to turn around, turning to me.

"I will meet you in your room to catch up," Derek says to me, making sure Scoot and Stiles can't hear it. I just nod my head, with a smile on my face. And Derek turns around fully, but not before giving me a quick hug and walking away.

"Um, like to explain?" Stiles says.

"I know Derek from when I was little and we kept in touch" I explain.

"Wait, Derek Hale, a few years older than us? The same Derek Hale whose family burned to death in a fire like 10 years ago? How do you know him?" Stiles asks.

"Yep, well it was actually 6 years ago, wonder what he's doing back, and that's for me to know, and you to find out," I say, as we walk out the woods to Scott's bike and Stiles jeep, so Scott can go to his work at the VET and Stiles and I can go home, so I can do my homework before Derek comes.

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