Just Cori (Ambitious Girl Seq...

By lush_rush

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If you love something, set it free; If it comes back its yours, if it doesn't, it never was. ~ Richard Bach I... More

Just Cori (Ambitious Girl Sequel)
Chapter 1: Jealous
Chapter 2 : The Wedding
Chapter 3 : Find A Way
Chapter 4: Pieces
Chapter 5 : Bad Day
Chapter 6: Confessions
Chapter 7: Can I
Chapter 8: Alone Together
Chapter 9: Desire
Desire (Part 2)
Chapter 10: Hot & Cold
Chapter 11: Plans
Chapter 12: Blame Game
Chapter 13: For You
Chapter 14: Anticipation
Chapter 15 : Passive Aggres-Her
Chapter 16: Forevers
Chapter 17: Spoiled
Chapter 18: Failure
Chapter 19 : Situationships
Chapter 20: Guns & Roses
Chapter 21: Please Don't Go
Chapter 22: Consideration
Chapter 23: Epiphany
Chapter 24: Enlightment
Chapter 25: New Beginnings
Chapter 26: The Fact Is ( I Need You)
Chapter 27: The Bachelor
Chapter 28: The Big Day
Chapter 29: The Big Night (The Irony)
Chapter 30: Fortunate
Chapter 31: Skeptical
Chapter 32 : SMH
Chapter 33: Stressed Out
Chapter 34: Let Go
Chapter 35: The Pact
Chapter 37: Slow Down
Chapter 38: Love Is Blind
Chapter 39: Paranoid
Chapter 40: Love Don't Change
Chapter 41: Panic Mode
Chapter 42: Do We Have To
Chapter 43: Couples Therapy
Chapter 44:Hate That I Love You
Chapter 45: Mishap
Chapter 46: Pre-Parenting
Chapter 47: Options
Chapter 48: Replica
Chapter 49: Secrets
Chapter 50: Opportunity Awaits !
Chapter 51: Meant To Be (Interview)
Chapter 52: Good News !
Chapter 53: Nervous Wreck!
Chapter 53: Glory
Chapter 54: Incomplete
Chapter 55: 24 Hours
Chapter 56: Homecoming
Chapter 57: Don't Be Afraid
Chapter 58: Parenthood
Chapter 59: Just Yesterday
Chapter 60: Thankful
Chapter 61: Finale

Chapter 36: Foolish

1.9K 51 8
By lush_rush

It was quiet the rest of the drive home. Toni and Paris were sobbing their eyes out I've already done enough of that I pulled out of my phone and looked at my busted lip and frizzy hair. When the limo driver stopped at my house he offered to walk me to the door but I denied his friendly offer. I placed the key in the door and ran to the house phone and called Chresanto's dad hoping he was up at this time. I waited for the phone ring and it went to voice mail then I called Caleb. I knew even though he was in college he would answer. He answered with a sleepy voice.

“Hello” he said half sleep

“Caleb” I cried. “It’s Cori”

“Hey Cori what's going on”? He asked

I started crying “Chres got locked up I need you to try to get Mr. Carl up he won't answer the phone” I shouted.

“Shit what happened? He asked. “We got in another bar fight and you can guess what happened” I heard a beep at the phone. “HOL UP Caleb I think that's him” I clicked over and it was Mr. Carl.

“What's up Cori” he said. I started crying “Chr- Chres got locked up, it was all my fault he told me not to go to the club but I only went because it's my friends party and she begged me to go so I got in a fight and Chres hit this girl because she tried to attack me too much went on” I sobbed.

“Okay calm down calm down I'm on my way over I'll call your mom” he insisted. My eyes widened “No don’t call her I don’t want her to know” I sighed. “Honey you have to tell her” he said I could sense him getting up. “O-okay I will” I said. I heard my doorbell rang and I ran to it hoping it was my husband I knew it would be too good to be true. I opened my door and it was in fact my mother. I hid behind the door so she couldn’t see me watching her come in I closed the door and there was a pause. I could read the disappointment all over her face. She looked at me and held her mouth “Cori Nicole Harris what is going on I heard Chresanto is locked up and what happened to your face” She said feeling my lip and I flinched. I walked in the living room and sat on the couch in silence. “What happened”?  She yelled.

“I got in a fight” I whispered. “I can't hear you” she screamed. “I got in another fight” I shouted loud enough for her to hear. “And how old are you Cori”? She asked. I bent my head down looking away. “26” I whispered. “How old are you Cori I want for you to hear it” She screamed. “I'm 26 Ma” I sighed.

“That's right you're 26 years old acting a damn fool” she said. I got up “It's not even my fault Toni wanted me to go to club with her for her birthday and of course there was some of Chres old groupies there bothering me I was minding my business so one of them said some disrespectful

“And let me guess you hit her or punched her” She figured out. I bent my head in shame “ Yes I hit her and Chres had to pull me away outside then out of the blue he punched her because she tried to throw a bottle at me and now he's arrested” I sighed.

“YOU CANT FIGHT EVERRYONE CORI YOU'RE NOT IN THE HOOD ANYMORE” she screamed and I started to cry. “You are about to be 30 years old in no time, your with child honey you can’t do the same things you did before. You have to think with your head and be responsible. You're having twins, you can’t go clubbing anymore; you can’t be in amusement parks and lounges. Your life is about to change forever you’re about to be a parent so as Chres. Look at you your boobs are swollen you look uncomfortable in that tight dress and I know those heels are killing you. You can't be sexy right now you have to slow down” she said.

“I know Ma, I know” I sighed.


“Its love and hip-hop Ma” I corrected her. “Love and whatever” She snapped. “Do you not know that there are stereotypes of us black people acting a damn fool, being ratchet and having no class? All you had to do was to walk away; I raised you better than that.”

“You're so lucky that he's in jail and you're not right now and you're also lucky that you didn’t have any damn injuries” she said pointing to me and leaving out of the door. I placed my head on my palm and thought of everything she said she was absolutely right I'm about to be a parent in no time and here I am acting like a fool. I heard another knock on the door I slowly got up and looked through the peep hole but I couldn’t recognize the person. I slowly opened the door and saw Trevon all beat up. “Oh my god what happened” I asked motioning for him to come in he came in and shut the door and he came up and hugged me. “I can't do it anymore Cori I'm so sorry I let you down, I'm sorry I disrespected your house hold and I'm sorry I let coach down “he cried on my shoulder as I rubbed his back. “It's okay everyone makes mistakes and you learn from them okay” I cried. I'm too damn emotional these days. I let go of him and looked at him he had a black eye, two cuts and busted lip.

“You got jumped didn’t you? I asked grabbing a rag from the counter and throwing ice it I wrapped it and handed it to him. “Yeah what happened to you”? He asked. “Long story short we had some conflict in the club and now I'm trying to get my husband out of jail” I sighed. I heard his stomach growl “You haven’t eaten in ages I bet” I argued. “Yeah you can say that” he said. I heard the phone ring and I ran to it. I heard the operator say something about a correctional facility and I pressed 4 I heard his voice.


“Baby are you okay I'm worried sick this is all my fault I shouldn’t of went to that damn club I should be up in there instead” I explained. He chuckled “Baby I'm fine at least I got my boys in here and if anything it's Jacob’s fault he came up with the idea” he said

“Yeah but we all have to take responsibility you didn’t have to go and I didn’t have to go dammit we could of just been chillin” I sighed. “It's all good I should be out in no time” he insured. “Okay honey first thing in the morning I'll bail you out and pay the fee” I promised. “Okay I love you”

“I love you too” he said hanging up. I heard another door knock and it was Mr. Carl Tre got up and answered it. Mr. Carl came in and for the rest of the night we figured out how to get him out.

 Mrs.Trina set her straight bet she learned her lesson

Aww Trevon got jumped :(

Ha! The DRAMA isn’t over yet

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