Continuous Sinner. {COMPLETED...

By JessicaLouMin

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"Oh please come on guys! I'm a psychotic seventeen year old who is overly aggressive and is able to break a c... More

|| 001 - Epiphany & Wrath ||
|| 002 - Realisation ||
|| 003 - Lust ||
|| 004 - Pride ||
|| 005 - Foundational Teamwork ||
|| 006 - Gone ||
|| 007 - Harrowing Reminisence ||
|| 008 - 2/7 ||
|| 009 - Near Relinquishment ||
|| 010 - Greed ||
|| 011 - Effortful Persuasion ||
|| 012 - 3/7 ||
|| 013 - Envy ||
|| 014 - Impatience ||
|| 015 - 4/7 ||
|| 016 - Guilt & Self Loathing ||
|| 017 - 5/7 ||
|| 018 - A Personality Hidden Within a Personality ||
|| 019 - Gluttony ||
|| 020 - Creeping Attraction ||
|| 021 - 6/7 ||
|| 022 - Pure Re-encouragement ||
|| 023 - Sloth ||
|| 024 - The Final Compulsory Piece ||
|| 025 - Preparation ||
|| 026 - 7/7 ||
|| 027 - Ely's Moment ||
|| 028 - Passionate Reunion ||
|| 029 - A Longing Catch Up ||
|| 030 - Group Encouragement ||
|| 031 - A Life Changing Meeting ||
|| 032 - A Life Changing Meeting Pt.II ||
|| 033 - Judgement Day ||
|| 034 - Hours to Freedom ||
|| 035 - Arrival in Olympia ||
|| 036 - Unexpected Guest ||
|| 037 - 8/7 ||
|| 038 - The Explanation ||
|| 039 - One of Them ||
|| 040 - A Worrying Wobble ||
|| 042 - Gateway to Hell ||
|| 043 - The Truth ||
|| 044 - Await of an Answer ||
|| 045 - Envy's Mother ||
|| 046 - Lust's Mother ||
|| 047 - Greed's Mother ||
|| 048 - Gluttony's Mother ||
|| 049 - Sloth's Mother ||
|| 050 - Pride's Mother ||
|| 051 - Wrath's Mother Pt.I ||
|| 052 - Wrath's Mother Pt. II ||
|| 053 - "He's definately done it now." ||
|| 054 - An Unexpected Visitor ||
|| 055 - Nothing Like a Mother's Touch ||
|| 056 - Fighting Back ||
|| 057 - "Take me." ||
|| 058 - Unexpected Sacrifice ||
|| 059 - Fin. ||
|| E P I L O G U E . ||

|| 041 - Troops are Rallied ||

10 0 0
By JessicaLouMin

~We tripped on the urge to feel alive...


By the time we reunited with the others, the unique pet was back in his own den and the Sinners were back sheltered in the cheeky, smartass, annoying, idiotic- E! You said that you'd try and reign it in for Gia, remember? Sorry, I'll just cut to the chase. They were back in Ajax's room.

"Oh, here they are now." I heard Rani exclaim, leaning away from the bed to catch a glimpse of us both.

We still remained hand in hand whilst strolling casually close together at all times. Ajax soon slid off his bed and approached us first. His face had softened and his attitude somewhat shifted. But when I say softened, his face still maintained that hard exterior...just like my own.

"Hey, El. I just want to apologise for my snarky comments I keep making. I shouldn't rile you up even more so..." he ripped out a hand from his tight frayed pockets and awaited a handshake. "No hard feelings, yeah?"

Should I trust this kid? But that thought was just bloody nonsense, as I accepted his handshake.

"No hard feelings. I was an idiot. But just don't test me, right?" I just had to make sure. I think I was kind of forgetting where I was and why I was here...and that was to bring freedom upon now in total, eight Sinners. Having a little scrap isn't going to help us is it?

"Don't worry, I hear you." This bond between us both was very peculiar. I thought about this constantly, the thought of how we fought but made up with this secure like feel.

The look in his eyes became lighter, more gentle and sincere. I couldn't quite put my finger on it. But...I couldn't be satisfied with our truce until I made one thing clear. E, you are so overprotective, kid.

"And no more gawping at my girl, yeah? I've made that abundantly clear to you." He cackles, dropping his head to the crumbled ground.

"No worries, bro. I'm not gonna lie to you though, she is a really pretty girl but, somebody else has already tugged at my heart. So no need to fret." The corners of his mouth tweaked a smile whilst he turned to who he was talking about. Mona Dessébo.

She was chattering away to the others behind him, toying with her earrings, her thick mascara coated lashes fluttering innocently as she masked the feeling of fear. For once in her life, it was seeping into her system with no possible way of halting.

Ajax was bewitched completely by her. He didn't even had to speak a word. Yet, his actions were moreover a clear sign of upgraded feelings. His birthmark that was slapped bang in the center of his palm was being watched constantly by himself, but not any of our ghastly symbols...just hers.

"Hey, I could see it all along that you have a thing for her. But we have no time to wait until you two express your feelings to each other. The ink in my hourglass is literally at its end. We need to go and find your shameful excuse for a dad." He agreed with me. Patting me on the back before checking his time, which was funnily enough on the same level of my time before consequences.

I stayed in place for the gang to join me. Now that I thought about it, perhaps it wasn't Hades called us at the temple of Zeus. He would've of commanded us to see him at once. Perhaps it was Ajax that was calling for help or another entity who was aware of the malice The Creator was displaying towards us. Such bitterness and impurity.

I reached out my hand for Sloth to connect it with her own, for even being apart from her for a short period of time, brought incompleteness upon my shoulders. She immediately moulded into my chest with anxiety eating away at her. Once again, she didn't have to say anything...I just knew.

"But I just wanna let everyone know, that you guys don't think that we're gonna be freed and allowed to go back home just like that. You know that don't you?" Eron warned. Our heads somewhat nodded in unison but refused to remain down. There was no time for backing out nor cowardice behaviour.

"I care about you all, that's all. I'm just trying to stop anyone getting stressed out." That went for all of us, however there was one individual that we all knew that was praying to be kept away from stress and panic. Who stayed quiet, fearing for his life every minute. It was our Dion.

Ita came even closer to him, not wasting any time to lock her hand in his. She worried about his safety even more than her own. We all did. Dion was safe to say the most vulnerable out of all of us. His every move was fragile yet frantic, his body trembling continuously. His gaze landed on the he had seriously sturdy feelings for, keeping strong for her.

"I-I'll be okay." That was all he could say. But he didn't have to. Content flooded our bodies, knowing that even though we could sense that he was afraid, he refused to turn back.

Now. The time had come to take steps to the center of The Underworld, to where the bearer of nefariousness. It was located at the highest point, probably to represent how important he thought he was. All of us were pretty much desperate at this point. We would do anything to earn a shot at a normal lifestyle. But we knew that was going to be far from simple.

But we didn't care about that...

Us eight didn't do simple anyway.

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