Unspoken Words[COMPLETE]

By silentsuga

6.4K 257 65

"It's not the words you did say, it's about the words you didn't". *Unedited* More

Unspoken Words
//29// ****


57 3 0
By silentsuga

"Kaelin babe." I call threw the huge house. "Where are you?" I walk down the pitch black hallways until I reach what I think to be the den. Right as I go to walk threw the door I hear a faint cry.

"I just don't get it Luke." I hear Makayla. "I cant be-we didn't."

"It's okay Makayla, we can raise a family- look at Kaelin and Harry! They've got Javelin and a baby on the way!" Luke states.

"But they wanted their baby- I'm not ready for this type of commitment!" Makayla protests. "I'm just not ready for this Luke."

"It'll be fine babe- we'll be fine." I hear one more faint cry before someone gets up. The cracking of the floorboards tells me their coming my way. Quickly I whip around only to run right into Kaelin.

"Shit babe, I-I'm sorry!" I plead, helping her up. She giggles brushing of her dress.

"It's fine Harry- but why are you just standing here?" She asks, readjusting her handbag.

"I- I was, looking for you?" I state in more of a question. Kaelin gives me a strange look before brushing it off.

"Well I'm going to sign Javelin up for school, would you like to come?" I shake my head. "Okay, um i'll see you later?" I nod as she gives me a quick kiss before descending down the hall.

"Well Harry, spying on us?" Luke's voice bellows.

"What? No, I was just talking to Kaelin." I say.

"Uh huh, sure you were." He states, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Like shut the fuck up and leave me alone." I say, walking away.

"This isn't over Styles!" He calls out but I ignore him. Once safely contained in my room I plop down on the bed. I have nothing to do until Kaelin comes home. As if on cue my phone rang.

"Hello?" I say, my voice coated with my usual accent.

"Hey Harry- it's Nialler! Um I'm at yours and your not here?" Niall's voice says threw the phone.

"Why would you be- Oh! I'm so sorry, we're staying with Luke and Makayla for awhile." I apologize.

"Oh no worries! Um could you text me the address and i'll come visit!" He chirps.

"Okay- I'm actually about to go get Javelin from her friends house if you hurry you can come with me?"

"Yes hurry!" Before I can speak Niall hangs up. I chuckle as my fingers fly across the small keyboard as I text Niall the address.

From: Nialler!

"I'm like half way down the street, come outside!!!"

I chuckle grabbing my coat as I descend down the stairs- only to be stopped by Luke.

"Where are you going?" He asks, a sinister smirk played across his lips.

"Out. It's really none of you business." I say slamming the door. Right as I turn around I come in contact with the Irish boy.

"Jesus Niall!" I shout clutching into my heart. "You scared the shit out of me!"

"Oops." He says shrugging his shoulders. "Now common!" I chuckle and run to Niall's black Suburban.

"New car Nialler?" I ask buckling up.

"Yeah Kat and I needed more space." He says pulling away from Luke's.


"Javelin, this is Niall." I say pointing up to Nialler.

"Hi Uncle Niall!" She chirps.

"Hi!" Niall bubbles picking her up- upon her request. "How are you


"I'm good!" She chirps. "Daddy, can we do something today?"

"What do you mean?" I ask as we walk towards Niall's car.

"Can we go to the park or Nando's." Right as Javelin says Nando's a huge smile breaks across Niall's face.

"No- how about after I pick you up tomorrow we can go?" Javelin nods as Niall frowns. "And you can come too Niall."

"Yes!" He shouts placing Javelin in her seat. I just shake my head as Niall pulls away.

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