Ups and Downs: Can't Run From...

By desoo1

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When Kayla's mom gets fed up with her dad's abusing, and cheating she escapes his traps with 2 children on he... More



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By desoo1

No one likes waiting for pregnancies so I speeded hers up with my magic powers

5 Months Later


"Kacy, estamos teniendo gemelos." I say making Kaylee gasps, and look up from her phone. I'm teaching Kacy her Spanish. "Kacy we are having...twins." Kacy says. "Yup. Mommy's have twin babies." I say making her start crying. "Kacy don't do that. You gone be a good big sister?" I ask placing her on my lap. "I don't wanna be a big sister." She says.

"Kalen! Mommy's having another baby!" She screams running out. "That was horrible." I say trying not to laugh at the faces Kacy was making. "Oh my gosh. Kalen is gone kill you." Kaylee says as I notice she was recording. "Don't post that." I say trying not to laugh as I rub my stomach.

"What's with you Kacy?" Kyree asks coming through the door. "Mommy's having another baby!" She scream, and cries. "Kacy calm down. It ain't that deep." Kyree says waking in the kitchen. "Hey wifey." Kyree says planting a kiss on my forehead. "I don't want her to have another baby!" Kacy says kicking her legs.

"Girl if you kick me imma fight you." I warn her. "Kacy kill the attitude." Kyree says making her stop crying. He got more control over her than I do. "We're having boys. That evens it out doesn't it?" I ask Kyree. "It's gonna be more boys than girls." He says still holding Kacy.

"What time we going to the court?" Kaylee asks referring to basketball. She started going with Kyree to play basketball with the boys on Saturday. She getting ready for basketball season. It's July, and my baby is due in one month. Kaya walks in holding her nose up with a bloody paper towel.

"What happened to you?" I ask. "We was practicing, and then a white girl kicked the ball at my nose." She says. "On purpose?" Kaylee asks her. "Yeah, But Imma Get her back on the next game when I'm passing the ball to her." Kaya says making me shake my head.

"Why you didn't bear her up?" Kaylee asks her. "Because I would've got kicked off the team." Kaya says. "Not everyone solves their problems with violence Kaylee." I say to her. "Tell that Mariah's nose." She says. "That was 5 months ago. Her nose is okay." I say.

I broke her nose when I punched her come to find out. "I'm boutta go get dressed. The team having a meeting." She says walking out. "You want me to drive you?" Kyree asks her. "I didn't ask, so no." Kaya says. Kaya still don't like Kyree because he called her a dyke at thanksgiving.

Kalen walks in holding his iPad. "Hey Kalen." I say. "Hey mommy." He says. I look up seeing Kacy sleep. "Yo Sister a big crybaby." Kyree says making Kalen shrug his shoulders. "I'm boutta go put her in our room." Kyree says. Oh yeah we moved in a new house together.

"Okay." I say as Theo walks in the kitchen. Kaylee rolls her eyes at him. She found out he wasn't really a narcissist. He lied, and Kyree lied for him.  "Hey Kayla. Wassup Kaylee." He says to her. "Hey Theo." I say as Jayda walks in with Tj. "Hey Tj. Hey baby boy." I say picking him up.

"We still going to the mall?" Jayda asks Kaylee. They bestfriends now. "Awe crap! I told Kyree I was gonna go with him to play basketball." She says. "We can cancel." Jayda says sitting on the table. "Naw. I'll go next week." She says. "Okay." Jayda says as her phone starts ringing. "Jayda is that dark chocolate?" Kaylee asks.

"Yeah." She says walking out. "Kaylee imma go to the mall with y'all." Theo says sitting by Kaylee. "No your not." She says getting up and leaving. "Theo you told you was gonna teach me how to throw a football." Kalen says looking up from his iPad. "Yeah c'mon." Theo says standing up.

"Now I'm left here by myself." I say rolling my eyes, and getting up. Ashanti lives with Kyro still, so yeah. I kinda feel bad that she gets leaved out of stuff and when she at Kyro's she really don't have anyone else to play with, but there's really nothing I can do about it. She not really my child. I have no say so on what he decides for her.

"Sassy." I say calling my puppy. She comes running in. "I forgot I can't bend over and pick you up." I say.

2 Months Later

"Kyree." I say shaking him as Ken, Kendrick cry they ass off. He rolls out of bed. "I got em' go back to sleep." He says. He ain't gotta tell me twice. He walks out the room. The babies still crying after a while. I get up going in the babies nursery not seeing them or Kyree.

I go downstairs seeing rock both of them as the bottles heat them up in the microwave. "Can y'all niggas chill out?" He asks them making me grab Ken. Kendrick is wearing royal blue, Ken is wearing baby blue. "He want his mommy." I say. "How you know?" He asks me. "Babies have different cries." I say rocking Ken silencing his cries.

"Guess you right." Kyree says getting the bottles out the microwave making sure it's not to hot. He hands me one. He picks me up with one arm, and puts me on the counter. I open my legs a bit letting him get between laying the back of his head on my shoulder as he feeds Kendrick. "You know breast feeding would've been easier." He says. "I know, but breastfeeding risk your boobs being flat." I tell him. "You breast fed Kacy, and Kalen. Yo titties got bigger did they not." He says.

"I mean yeah, but we could barely go out with them, because you didn't want nobody seeing my boobs out, and I didn't feel comfortable breastfeeding in front of nobody." I say. "Yeah you right." He mumbles as I look down at Ken. "This they last bottle of the night right?" Kyree asks me. "What time is it?" I ask him. "3 something in the morning." He says. "They'll be wanting another bottle by five. If not six." I say.

"We have enough time to have some sex?" He asks me. "I don't know. I'm sleepy." I say. "Aight." He says yawning. After we finished feeding them we put them back to bed. I went downstairs to clean the mess we made up. I feel Kyree wrap his arms around me kissing on my neck.

He bends me over as I wipe the counter of milk formula. He turns the seat of my panties to the side fingering me. I moan as I hear his clothes shuffling most likely him pulling his sweat pants down. I feel his erection come in contact with my clit. He sticks his dick in. "Mommy! Daddy! Can you come here!?" Kacy yells making me and Kyree groan, and the twins start crying.

"Here I come I come Kacy!" I say fixing my panties. I feel like i'm being punished right now. "Fuck!" Kyree says pulling his boxers, and sweats up. I go upstairs. "I'll get the twins." Kyree says sounding irritated. "OKay." I say going in Kacy's room.

"Yes Kacy." I say cutting her room light on. "I can't go back to sleep." She says before coughing. "When did you wake?" I ask. "When the babies started crying." She says. "Hold on i'll be back." I say to her. I go to the kitchen, and get some NyQuil.

"Here." I say giving her a spoon full. "You'll be sleep in a minute. Watch tv until the NyQuil kick in. Kapish?" I ask her. "Kapish." She says making me walk out, cutting her light off, and closing the door. "I got the twins back to sleep." Kyree says following me in the room, and closing our room door. "Hurry up before Kacy find something else to call us for." I say sliding my panties off and bending over the bed.

He slides in me, and starts in and out of me. He picks his speed up hitting my G spot. "Right there daddy!" I moan propping my leg up on the bed. "Aw Yeah!" I moan as he thrusts in and out of me. "I'm boutta cum!" I moan biting my lip. My body shakes as I cum on his dick. "Pull out." I remind him.

He pulls out Cumming on my back. "Fuck." He grunts. He gets a white towel, and wipes my back off. I ended up climbing in bed and go to sleep. I take a bath in the morning. What feels like not to long before the kids start crying.

"Go get your bath, and get the kids ready. I got em'." Kyree says. I walk to the bathroom. I take me a quick wash off noticing the time. It's 6 something in the morning. Now I have to get ready to get the kids up at six.

I go downstairs starting the coffee machine thingy. I start cooking the kids breakfast. I go upstairs in Kacy, and Kalen room. I clean they room up pick they clothes out hanging the clothes on the nails I put in they wall, so when they woke up they could grab they clothes.

I go in the bathroom running Kacy's bath water, and placing her face towel, and big towel on the sink. I put toothpaste on both of their toothbrush, and it on the sink. The doorbell rings making me go downstairs.

"Hey Ashanti. Hey Kyro." I say. "Hey. Bye Shanti." He says kissing her cheek. "Bye Daddy." She says. "Love you." He says. "Love you too." She says stepping in. I close the door.

The kids have to be at school at 8:00. They're in the first grade now. Shanti in the second grade. Shanti's Birthday is close to the twins. It's in August. I take her coat, and shoes off. "You can go get in the bed upstairs." I say.

I always let Shanti go to bed, because she be already dressed and ready. I go upstairs along with Ashanti. To wake Kacy, and Kalen up. "Kacy get up, and go get in the tub." I say shaking her to get up. She lifts her head climbing out of bed as Ashanti gets in her bed.

Ashanti here on the weekend so I keep her a bed. I'm thinking about getting Kalen his own room. "Kalen Get up, and go get ready in the twins room. Take your bath to." I say as he walks out the room with his clothes. "Kacy don't wake Ashanti up." I say. "Ashanti you Ate?" I ask as she dozes off. "Yes." She says. I walk out closing the door. I see Kaya walking downstairs. "Bye." I tell her. "Bye." She says walking out the door. I go to Kaylee's room seeing her at her desk undressed. "Kaylee you need to get dressed." I sternly say.

"I already got my work done in all my classes that were assigned for the week, and turned them in. They said I can be dismissed for the rest of the week without being marked absent." She says. "They do that now?" I ask her. "Yeah." She says. "Awe okay." I say. I go into the twins room seeing Kyree put them in they crib.

"They finally went to sleep." I say. "Yeah." He says walking out behind me. "Kyree i'm boutta go!" Jayda says from downstairs. "Okay." Kyree says as she walks out. I walk in the room climbing in the bed, and going to sleep. "Damn. We not having no more kids." Kyree says closing the door. "Bae you got dark circles under your eyes knowing you to light for that." I say wrapping my legs around him. Kyree still got caramel skin it's just that since we've had the twins.

He started getting acne on his face, dark circles, and bags under his eyes. "I'm tired what else you expect!" He snaps. "Boy go to sleep with the fucking attitude!" I say turning my back towards him.


I'm in here working on some new designs for the shop, because I have my meeting with the people this weekend. And I have to have 20 new designs by then. "Yo Kaylee lemme borrow yo history notes. I know you got em'." Theo says. "They in my backpack Theo." I breathe. He steps in my room grabbing my backpack. "What you working on?" He asks me. "Some new designs for the shop." I say sitting back.

"You talking to me now?" He asks me. "I'm tired of being mad at you. I'm just over it." I say. "Why because you miss me?" He asks me. "When I say over it i mean you, and what you said." I say to him. "You must be fucking with anotha nigga." He says. "No. I just don't wanna be with you after what you said." I say. "Bruh I was tripping. I got anger problems." He says plopping down on my bed.

"Yeah just like you was narcissist." I say. "I just wanted you back that night." he says. "Well mission fail." I say. "For real though I want us back together." He says. "I'm with somebody." I tell him. "Who?" He asks me. "This dude named Tyson. He on the basketball team." I say. "Oh okay, so just moved on from a nigga like that." He says.

"Theo we can still be friends it's just not gonna be like it use to be, cause you don't know how to control yo mouth." I say looking up at him. "You fucked that nigga?" He asks sitting on my bed. "No. I've noticed that every relationship I been in I fucked a nigga, and we not together now." I say. "What so you think just because we fucked we don't belong together?" He asks me.

"No i'm just saying that I should wait instead of spreading my legs the first couple of months, or weeks I get with somebody." I say. "So you telling me you boutta wait a whole year to fuck that nigga?" He asks in disbelief. "Maybe longer. He don't even worry about sex. He puts his focus in basketball, his momma, his little sister, and me. He still a virgin anyways." I say. "So y'all ain't doing nothing. Like no action--at all." He asks me. "Theo not every nigga on earth think about fucking a fine ass girl like you do. Some niggas actually have respect for a girl, and has his priorities straight." I say.

"What you mean I have respect for you." He says. "I'm not saying you don't, but all we did was fuck and lay in the bed or on the phone talking to each other." I say. "Okay what's wrong with that?" He asks me. "Because that's not a real relationship." I say. "We didn't even go on a date." I say. "So you, and that nigga haven't went on a date either!" He says. "Yes we have. He took me out to eat, and he offered instead of me having to bring it up, suggest, or mention it." I say. "You really just switching up like me you and didn't have a bond or some shit." He says.

"We didn't. If we being honest me and you are two different people." I say making him blow, and shake his head. "Mane get yo history notes. Fuck you." Theo says handing me my history notes, and walking out slamming my door. My phone starts ringing. "Hello." I say. "Wassup you good?" Tyson asks me. "Yeah. Why you ask?" I ask him. "Because Paris told me you wasn't in 1st period. I just wanted to make sure you was gucci." He says making me smile. "Yeah i'm good. They dismissed me for the week. So i'm working on my fashions stuff for the shop." I say to him.

"Aight cool. But you meeting me at the gym, or you want me to come pick you up from the shop?" he asks me. "Uh..I'll meet you there." I tell him. "Aight bye big head." He says making me chuckle while rolling my eyes. "Bye." I say. I told him i'm not using that 'L' word until a year anniversary.


"Ken please don't start this." I mumble as he starts whining. "They only get upset when you upset." Kyree says picking Kendrick up as he starts crying making Ken cry. "Oh my gosh!" I say sitting down on the couch while rocking them. "Go get they bottle." Kyree says. "They just ate what they need the bottle for!" I say. "Aye foo. Ion know who the fuck you talking too. Get yo shit together before I fuck something up around this bitch!" Kyree says walking away with Kendrick.

"You ain't gone fuck shit up!" I say rocking Ken on my chest as he continues to cry. "If you be quiet I won't be so irritated." I say dlooking down at Ken making him quiet down a bit. "Thank you so much." I say throwing my head back in exhaustion. He soon falls asleep on my chest.

I slowly get up, and put him in his room. I'm so fucking tired, but I have to clean the house up while the kids are gone. Ashanti coming over today, and alot of stuff is going on. Because Kyree gonna be gone for the weekend going on a business trip with Kyro, Roscoe, Chance, and G. I originally was suppose to be going to accompany Kyree, but I have the twins on my hand. Plus my baby fat ain't gone get me no where in that dress.

I walk in the room seeing Kyree laid out on the bed with Kendrick on his back. I pick Kendrick up, going to his room, and put him in his crib making him open his. When he sees me he starts whining. "Awe baby shh." I say rocking him making him stop crying. I bee rocking him for a while and he still won't go to sleep.

"You just want mommy time don't you." I say to him making him smile, and laugh. "Awe my baby has dimples." I say as he yawns. "You so cute." I say rocking him again so he can go to sleep. Soon he did, and I put him in his crib. After I cleaned the house. It was time to go get the kids from school.

I walk upstairs barely being able to keep my eyes opened. "Kyree." I say shaking him. "What!" He says lifting his head up. "Go get the kids!" I scream at him. "Nigga stop screaming up in my ear!" He says getting up. "Stop getting a fucking attitude then" I yell at him. "I'm tryna fucking sleep! You keep waking me up! You go get the fucking kids!" he says going in the bathroom.

"Nigga I been cleaning this fucking house all day without going to sleep! And fed the twins by myself!You can go get em' yo damn self!" I scream as the twins start crying. "Shut the fuck up talking to me!" He snaps walking out the bathroom.

"Aight bruh! Get out my fucking face!" I yell going to the twins room. By time the Kyree got here with the kids I got the twins sleep. I walk out they room slowly closing they door. I go to the room just as Kyree was walking in. I take my house shoes off climbing in bed. "The twins, and the kids gone be at a close-by hotel while we at the event. "Okay but will I be able to keep eye on my kids somehow?" I ask him. "Yeah. Just give me your phone i'll take it to the trap, and some mo shit." He says. "Okay." I say turning around to go to sleep.





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