Hamilton One Shots and Imagin...

By -Clint_Barton-

59.2K 1.2K 155

Hello so this is a book filled with Hamilton One Shots and Imagines. You may request any ideas you would like... More

Lafayette- Camp (a)
Alexander Hamilton- Broken Glass (c)
John Laurens- Roses (c)
Aaron Burr- New Family (c)
Aaron Burr- Duel (c)
Lafayette- Hair (c)
Maria Reynolds- Divorce (c)
Angelica Schuyler- Dance (c)
Eliza Schuyler- Friends (c)
Angelica Schuyler- Anger (c)
Lafayette- Intoxication (c)
John Laurens- Come Home (c)
King George III- Toast (a)
Thomas Jefferson- A Letter From Madison (a)
James Madison- Christmas Soirée (c)
Lafayette- A Small Present (a)
Peggy Schuyler- Bedroom (a)
George Washington- Tent (a)
Aaron Burr- Grave (a)
Hercules Mulligan- Dress (a)
Eliza Schuyler- Guests (a)
Alexander Hamilton- Photo (a)
John Laurens- Letter (a)
James Madison- The Common Cold (a)
Philip Hamilton- Duel (a)
Thomas Jefferson- Letter (a)
Angelica Schuyler- Lafayette (c)
Angelica Schuyler- Cheat (a)
James Madison- Flu (c)
Prompts 2.0
Word Prompts
More Prompts
Kiss Prompts
Even More Prompts
Musical Prompts
New DC One Shot Book
New Lost One Shot Book
Eliza Schuyler- Consolation (a)
Peggy Schuyler- Heat (c)
New Brooklyn Nine-Nine One Shot Book
Angelica Schuyler- Forbidden Love (c)
Eliza Schuyler- Love (c)
Peggy Schuyler- Arranged Marriage (c)
New Buffy The Vampire Slayer One Shot Book
John Laurens- Dance (c)
Lafayette- Dance: Modern AU (a)
Aaron Burr- Break (a)
Musical Prompts 2.0
Alexander Hamilton- Black Eye (c)
Thomas Jefferson- Coffees: Modern AU (a)
George Washington- Children (c)
New Game Of Thrones One Shot Book
Maria Reynolds- Affair (c)
Alexander Hamilton- Feelings: Part 1 (c)
Feelings- Alexander Hamilton: Part 2 (c)
Peggy Schuyler- Bed (a)
Aaron Burr- Family (c)
New Downton Abbey and Orange is the New Black One Shot Books
Thomas Jefferson- Clothes (a)
Peggy Schuyler- Overwhelmed (c)
John Laurens- Dead Or Alive: Part 1 (c)
John Laurens- Dead Or Alive: Part 2 (c)
New Prompts
Hercules Mulligan- Gown (c)
Alexander Hamilton- Press (a)
Marquis de Lafayette- Redcoat (a)
Christmas and Winter One Shots
Alexander Hamilton- Foolish (c)
Lafayette- Sad (a)
Angelica Schuyler- Sister (c)
Lafayette- Bar (c)
Marquis de Lafayette- Beauty (c)
Lafayette- Sunset (c)
New Star Wars and Musical Theatre One Shot Books
Aaron Burr- Dinner (c)
John Laurens- Tree (c)
Christmas and Winter One Shots
Musical Prompts 3.0
Lafayette- Adventure (c)
King George III- British Empire (c)
George Washington- Ball (c)
Philip Hamilton- Ball (c)
Peggy Schuyler- Beautiful (c)
Aaron Burr- Retaliate (c)
Prompts 3.0
Please Send in Requests
Please Send In Requests
Christmas and Winter One Shots
Eliza Schuyler- Walk (c)
Prompts 4.0
Alexander Hamilton- Sunrise (c)
Christmas and Winter One Shots
Alexander Hamilton- Gravestone (c)
Alexander Hamilton- Snapped (c)
John Laurens- Meeting (c)

Alexander Hamilton- Attention (c)

1.6K 41 5
By -Clint_Barton-

Your lips pursed as your words were ignored by your husband. It wasn't the first time, and it surely wouldn't be the last. When you left the house this morning, you weren't even sure if he knew that you were saying goodbye as all he did was grunt in response, so it was beyond him that you had spent the day at the doctors.

As soon as you returned you wanted to share the news with your husband, but it didn't seem he had the same desire. You had cheerfully headed to his office, greeting him happily, however he didn't look up from his desk simply waving a hand dismissively at you. You hoped that he would change his stance once he knew it was you, but you highly doubted it.

"Alexander," you smiled weakly from the doorframe but he didn't say a thing.

Making you way over to his desk, you gently rested a hand onto his shoulders to try and knock him out of his working daze that he seemed to be forever in lately. You knew his job was far from easy, however you would have hoped he'd have at least some time for his wife.

"Alex, Love," you said gently hoping he'd turn to you with the warm smile you had fallen in love with years prior.

"Can this wait, Y/N?" He sighed moving your hand from his shoulder so that he could continue to write.

Your teeth gritted, trying not to lose your temper, however it was easier in theory than in practice.

"Alexander Hamilton!" You exclaimed forcefully slamming a hand down onto his paper clad desk. "You haven't said more than a few words to me for the past week, so no Alexander this cannot wait."

His fast writing came to a holt as he braced himself at your words. Looking up at you, he had a guilt stricken expression.

"Y/N I-" He started but you cut him off.

"Apologising will not help now. You have not treated me correctly. I understand your work means a lot to you, but I believed you'd have at least cared to acknowledge that I was ill all week. That I went to see our doctor this morning. But I doubt you'd even notice when our child is born. I am sorry to disturb you," you said bitterly, turning on your heel to leave the room.

The chair screeched against the wooden floor as it was moved. A moment later a warm hand wrapped around your wrist. You turned back to see his shocked, almost gleefully happy expression.

"What did you say?" He asked softly.

"That you've been a shitty husband?" You frowned.

He smiled apologetically. "Yes, but you said I wouldn't notice when our child is born. Are you... are you with child?"

You nodded your head. "I found out this morning."

His eyes wandered down to your stomach that showed no signs of pregnancy due to how early on you were. Suddenly his arms wrapped around you, lifting you from your feet, forcing a strangled squeal to escape your lips.

"Oh, my Love. I am ever so sorry for how I have treated you. I am fool. A complete fool. You deserve so much better than I, but if you still want to have me, I cannot wait for our child to come into this world," he smiled wider.

"Of course, I still want you Alexander. That is the point. If I didn't want you I wouldn't care that you were constantly working, but I want you by my side. Especially now. Please promise me you will stop working yourself so hard. For my sake. For our sake," she said softly.

"I promise. Anything for you. I will do anything for our family."


Written by Charlotte.

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