Fly Like Airplanes

By PurpleScenes

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Zander deals with an abusive parent so he sends paper airplanes out to let go of his emotions. Wilder finds t... More

Zander POV:
Wilder POV:
Zander POV:
Wilder POV:
Zander POV:
Wilder POV:
Zander POV:
Wilder POV:
Zander POV:
Wilder POV:
Zander POV:
Wilder POV:
Zander POV:
Wilder POV:
Zander POV:
Wilder POV:
Zander POV:
Wilder POV:
Zander POV:
Wilder POV:
Zander POV:
Wilder POV:
Zander POV:
Wilder POV:
Zander POV:
Wilder POV:
Zander POV:
Wilder POV:
Zander POV:
Wilder POV:
Zander POV:
Wilder POV:
Wilder POV:
Zander POV:
Wilder POV:

Zander POV:

28 2 0
By PurpleScenes

I was memorized. I couldn't move my eyes away from Wilder's face. It was like someone was holding my face and making me look at him.

I never usually liked brown eyes; I always thought that they were a little boring. Brown eyes were just so common and plain. I liked people with blue or green eyes but that was before I met Wilder. His brown eyes seem to melt my insides and drag me in. The were like chocolate, able to look soft and warm whenever he wanted them too. Right now, they were warm and caring.

Wilder was staring at me but then he placed his head down on my chest making me give a little gasp. He snuggled in, trying to get comfortable like a dog twirling around before he sleeps. Finally after a lot of time deciding which spot was the best, he gave a content sigh. I also closed my eyes in pure peace.

"Hey guys - ohh, what do we have here?" Becca's smug voice came out of nowhere and ruined my peace and quiet.

"Shut up, I'm trying to sleep," Wilder's muffled voice said. It was husky and it vibrated into my bones, making me shiver.

Becca was standing in the doorway, leaning up against it as if this was her own house. Her eyebrows were raised high in question, a huge smirk on her face.

Of course my face was red and I tried to hide my face into Wilder's hair.

"So this is why you didn't want me to come in here?" she asked making me a little confused. I guess this was how Wilder 'took care of Becca'.

I groaned. "Wilder just get off of me."

"No," he mumbled, "I'm comfortable."

"Please just get off of me," I said but then mumbled quietly in his ear, "Becca is staring at us and I'm getting very uncomfortable." Wilder leaned more into me when he heard my voice.

"No," he said again sounding quite gruff and annoyed that I was still talking to him.

"Wilder please-"

"Zander, shut up," he said automatically.

Becca snickered at the door. "Yeah Zander. Shut up and just accept it," she said, sitting down on the chair/couch beside us. I groaned as she gave me a knowingly glance.

"You guys just look so cute," she snickered again and my face went red so I hid my face into his hair again.

"Wilder," I whined.

He finally looked up and saw my red, pleading face. "Please do it for me?"

His eyes narrowed into a glare but he eventually sighed. "You owe me big time though," he said. He finally got on his elbows and pulled himself up. He couldn't stay away for long, however, because he scooted himself right beside me and wrapped an arm tightly around my shoulders. I'm actually glad that he did that. When he left, I just felt kind of disappointed and cold. He was always warm and comforting.

"Aww. Why did you make him move?" Becca asked.

"It's none of your business," I said but my face still went up in flames.

Wilder didn't seem at all fazed about Becca seeing us laying together or her teasing us. He didn't even seemed to be fazed about anything; he never ever seemed to get embarrassed. He didn't ever mind what other people thought of him, he was very independent and thought for himself.

"Whatever. Can we watch a movie or something?" Becca asked.

"Flash," I said while Wilder said at the same, "Stranger Things."

I rolled my eyes and glared at Wilder and he glared right back. "Not this again," Wilder groaned. I would have thought Wilder would move away from me but instead he just tightened his arms around my shoulders. It was probably meant to be threatening but I didn't mind.

"What do you mean not again?" Becca asked.

"Apparently we have this really big fight about if Flash or Stranger Things is better. We always get into a fight when choosing to pick a show so we usually just watch a movie," Wilder explained already turning on the TV.

Becca gave us this really weird look. "You guys fight of a stupid TV show?"

"It's not stupid!" Wilder and I said at the same time. We briefly glanced at each other but then focused our attention back on Becca.

"Actually, it kind of is," she pointed out.

I just huffed and crossed my arms. Wilder glanced at me unconsciously because I moved but just as he was about to turn his head back to Becca, he changed course and just stared at me. I looked away get unsettled by his stare.

"What?" I asked.

"You look cute when you pout," Wilder said, ducking down so that he was talking straight into my ear. I automatically stopped pouting and tried to make my face as serious as possible but I couldn't help the red blush growing up my face.

"Aww, that didn't mean to stop pouting," he said, rolling his eyes. "I should have known you were going to do that; it's so like you."

He knew me so well. He knows when I'm embarrassed like right now and know what things might bother me or trigger me.

"What are you guys talking about?" Becca asked, looking at my face weirdly.

"Nothing," I said avoiding her gaze because I knew that if she looked into my eyes, she could clearly tell I was lying.

"Now let's pick a movie," I said to help change the subject. Wilder rolled his eyes, knowing exactly what I was doing.

"Ohh, I know a good one. I've been wanting to watch Justice League since forever," Becca suggested.

"No, I hate DC," Wilder said.

"Yeah, I have to agree. DC only made good shows like the Flash, Arrow, and Superman but that's it. Marvel made lots of movies like a lot."

Becca huffed. "That's not fair. Maybe Justice League will be good. Plus DC also made Wonder Woman and that was an amazing movie."

"Yeah I guess so. However, Marvel made so many more. Doctor Strange, Spiderman, Black Panther, Thor, Avengers, Captain America, Iron Man, Punisher-"

"Yeah, yeah, we get it," Becca snapped. "How about you guys pick a movie then since mine was such a bad idea?"

I groaned. "Fine since you're only going to be here for another day or so, we can watch your stupid movie."

I quickly clipped through all of the movies and pressed search. I typed in Justice League and her movie was the first to pop up. It cost 5.99 dollars to rent or 19 dollars to buy. I sighed but clicked rent and typed in my password. Then it started to play.

Wilder lazily got up from the couch to close the windows and turn off the light. It turned almost pitch black so I flinched when I felt Wilder wrap his arm around my shoulders again.

I just relaxed and watched the movie for the most part. Around the middle of the film, I went up to get some popcorn mostly just to take a break from the dark room. The movie itself was... okay. It was definitely not as good as any of the Marvel movies but wasn't really bad. The quality was a bit effy here and there but the acting was rather good.

I sat down on the counter and just ate my popcorn. I could hear the film in the other room, so loud that the speakers rattled the floor. I relaxed my head on my hands that my elbows were resting on my knees.

I was just about to doze off when a voice broke my concentration.

"You know that's dangerous right? You could fall asleep and then fall off the counter," Wilder said. His voice made me jump almost right off the counter, proving his point.

"What are you doing here?" I yawned.

"Well when the popcorn didn't get here right away, I knew something was up so I just went and checked on what you were doing," Wilder explained, jumping up beside me on the counter.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. The movie was boring me and I was getting tired."

"That's okay, the movie is kind of boring."

"Yeah, we were right, Marvel is always so much better."

"Why are you so tired? You usually don't get tired until eleven. It's only nine o'clock, what's wrong?" Wilder asked. He grabbed my knee and squeezed it slightly.

"I don't know honestly. I just feel exhausted and tired almost out of it. The world is moving but I'm just stuck in this tired zone."

Wilder nodded. "Do you think it's about your sister?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, maybe your mind is subconsciously trying to prepare itself. Your sister is about to leave again and most likely for good. You may see her every now and then but she will have a different family and a different life. It's going to be weird not having her near you or anything."

My eyes narrowed and I realized that he was right. He was actually right. Now that he has explained it to me and made me understand some of my messed up emotions, it made sense.

I was going to miss her like hell. She was my last real family that I made left and losing her will be torture. Even though she was a little biotch to me, she only did it because she was confused and scared. However, she did help me when she had to. She tried to keep my secret and help protect me from my dad and she was always my friend when we were little.


I didn't respond. I was still stuck in my own little world inside of my head.

"Zander?" This time Wilder's voice held more concern and he even went in to shake my shoulders when I didn't respond.

"What?" I asked, snapping out of my little daydream.

"Are you okay? You zoned out for the longest time just staring into the wall," Wilder said, gesturing towards the blank wall.

In my house, we never had any pictures up so basically all of our walls were white and blank. My dad never allowed pictures of my mom because he said it hurt too much to look at. I could understand that because it used to hurt whenever I even heard her name. Now, however, I have her picture hidden in my pillow case for when I'm feeling really down. Then when she left, we never had any good memories with my dad so we never had anything to put up. It's kind of depressing when you think about it.

"Yeah, I'm sorry, I was just thinking about what you just said."

"Are you sure you're okay? I know this can be hard," he said, "I know that I don't know what you're going through because I have a good family that cares for me but I can tell that it's hurting you."

This made me remember about the letter in the closet. He doesn't know and that was also depressing. He doesn't know that he's adopted and I know that he secretly checks his phone every now and then for a text from his parents. I know that he is also nervous and sad about his parents.

Wow, we are some lost causes, I thought, glancing up at Wilder. Even though he has his own problems, he's still here for me.

My eyes softened and I leaned into him. He looked mildly surprised for a moment before he wrapped his arms tightly around my waist.

"Zander, you okay?"

"I'm going to be," I said.

I opened my mouth to say something else but a loud ringing interrupted me. Wilder looked around confused before we both noticed the phone of the counter. He reached for it and with an apologize face, he answered it.

"Hello, who is this?" he asked.

He waited for about a minute just listening intently, not looking at me once. Since I was rather close to him, I could hear the voice but only a little. I could tell that it was definitely female but I wasn't close enough to actually understand each word.

"Wait, who are you again?"

I waited another long, boring moment while the lady explained it all over again.

"And you are the person that she called?"

I looked up, totally confused by this conversation. Who called who?

"You're... going to come here?" he asked, his eyes finally meeting mine so I could see how confused he was feeling too.

"Who?" I whispered.

"Give me one moment please," Wilder said to the lady and after a second took the phone down from his face.

"The lady Becca called wants to come here tomorrow around noon and access the situation before she takes action," Wilder explained.

"Take action? What does that mean?"

"It means the she could take Becca tomorrow to her new foster care family if this is a serious situation which you and I both know is. She could be leaving tomorrow," Wilder said, speaking softly.

I froze. "Forever?"

"No, they will tell us where she is going and all the information about her new foster family. You can still visit whenever you want."

"It won't be the same though," I muttered.

"But it's for the better isn't it? Because you know your dad is going to start looking for her and then that can totally blow everything over."

"It's just not fair," I huffed out. "We should have been able to have a regular life with a regular family so none of this would ever happen. My life should be perfect. I wish it was perfect." I looked away and angrily glared at the blank wall even though I knew this would change nothing.

"Zander, we'll work though it, alright?" He wrapped an arm around my shoulders comforting me.

I rolled my eyes. 'Of course we will but I just hate it."

"There's nothing we can do about it to change it," Wilder said, looking very troubled that he couldn't help me like he normally could.

"I know that. Just tell the lady that she can come over, I'm going to bed," I said, huffing. I quickly jumped off the counter and when into the living room (basically my bedroom). I was just going to have to kick Becca out, her movie was stupid anyways.

I knew that I may have been a little harsh on him but I know that he knows that I didn't mean it. It was all just because I was a little mad.

I watched as Wilder came into the room a moment later after telling that lady where they lived and all that other information. He was stopped in the hallway as Becca asked where the spare bedroom was. He quickly showed her and then came back down in a flash.

He didn't say a word. He say my lying form on the couch and crawled in so that he was behind me. He carefully pulled the blanket back up to our necks, tucking it in so it didn't fall off during the night. He wrapped his strong arms under my shoulders and around my waist. He pulled me towards him until we were totally flushed up together. His legs somehow found a way to entangle themselves in mine but I let him. His head dipped down to the curve of my neck (his pillow) and whispered softly in my ear.

"Goodnight, Zander."

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