I Am The Fifth Member Of The...

By VickyAruwa03

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My Parent have been dead for a while now, but when the lawyers had finally gotten round to the discussion of... More

I Am The Fifth Member Of The Fantastic Four
End Of Training
Ouch! That's Gonna Leave A Mark!
Your No Hallie Berry
Who is cuter...hotter!
Getting Ready
A lesson learned?
I Am Cold...
Home, Sweet,...Dust?
Best. Birthday. Ever!
The Devil finally Shows It's Tail
A British Lunch Date
Meeting Captain America
Hanging With The Avengers
A Girl Lost In Darkness
Pried, Probed and Tubed
Fight! Fight! Fight!
Best. Group. Chat. Ever!
I'm (finally) Over You
A Night On The Town With Tony Stark
Anybody Want Hot Choco?
Several Surprises
Central Park
The Battle Of Central Park
My One Normal Weekend
What happened?
The Truth Unfolds
Looking For Johnny
Finding Johnny...
What A Saturday Night
Sunday Morning
"Too late, you're adorable"
"He's A Bird!"
Our Weekend, Our Sunday Night...Our Moment
The Gang's Back Together!
"So....I'm not a hero?"
I Decree He Suffers
My Date With Deadpool
Ghost Mode *Activated*
Cold Hot Air Balloon
Paging Doctor Strange
Blood (Loss)
Johnny Has A Plan!
I Am Conscious
Told You So
White, Blue and Black(*To Be Edited After Birthday*)
Yellow Clouds
Oh Brother
Brain and Heart
Obsession Meets Insanity
Everything Will Change
5 Months Later
The Wounded
The Pony Bar
The Wounded Bleeds
Can't Keep Away
We Will Met Again(Author's Note)
Late Night Call
Estranged Conversations
The Advice
Unexpected Events
The Scared, Terrified, and Raped
"I Really Don't Care"
The CountDown a.k.a New Year's Eve Kiss
Steamy Moments (Rated: R/18+)
Tony Stark is a DickHead
More Then Best Friends?
Captain America Wielding A Butter Knife
Underwater Bedroom
Torn Apart
Best Dressed Girl Squad
Remember Me
Marvel Dating Game Show
The Emotions (Feels)
Burning Bridges
Keep Me Warm
The Truth Unfolds...
Author's Video | How I Feel Towards Wattpad
Brian And Harley
The Grand Master
I Had Them All Along!?
Powers Unlocked
Real Talk-Girl Talk
Author's Note: Update (Will Be Deleted Soon...Hopefully)
I Volunteer...
"And I now pronounce you..."
Journey To The Bedroom. Let's Begin... (Preparations)
(18+) Johnny and Vick | Completion

Go Time

2.7K 103 26
By VickyAruwa03

“I’m going in,” I whisper to Susan. I was having a hard time breathing, but it was okay, I’ll live.

“Wait!” Susan strains, she was right next to me. We stood at the door to the room were the ‘meeting’ was being held, a.k.a the parlor. I could hear all the commotion, the gleeful yells of delight and gruff male voices everywhere, it must be heaven in there. I couldn’t resist taking a peek, who would it hurt.

It hurt me, my brain nearly went into full over load.

All the cool superheroes, right here! Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!

They were dressed cool, like everyday people, but they each wore something that was a symbol of what costume they wore to identify which hero they were.

You could obviously tell Wolverine was Wolverine by his face and huge arms as he stood in a corner. Spiderman wore a cool Spiderman logo t-shirt sitting cross-leg by the window. Nick fury had the eye-patch. Blackwidow had her gleaming red hair while I assume the blond dude sitting next to her was Hawkeye. And sitting in the corner was the big Black Panther…literally! //SIDE NOTE (***It’s not an insult to blacks if I’m already one***)//

Captain America…he was holding his shield, his rip muscle clearly visible through his shirt and jacket. I nearly drooled. He was talking to both Reed and Iron Man-


My brain hit the emergency brakes, Tony-flipping-Stark!

It’s Tony Stark!


I know I’m being such a girl right now but tell me how’d you react if you saw Tony……I thought so…

“Victoria? You still there?” Susan whispered, her back was turned to me, but aside from that I highly doubt if she could see me anyway.

But now once I think about it my idea was dumb in a childish way. My plan was to have Susan make me invisible with her powers, sneak me in and I’d just ‘happen’ to be still in the meeting when it started so no one would see me as out of place. I’d introduce myself as the new and upcoming hero and everything would go smoothly from there. My idea seemed like crap now that I thought about it.

“Ya,” my voice cracked. Am I sweating? Eeew… I produce ice, I’m not supposed to sweat!

“Are you sure about this?” she sounded worried, she never sounded worried. Good God, what a pickle I’ve put us in.

My breathing was becoming hard, my chest felt far too tight, my knee’s wobbled and my feet felt cold. Is this fear? Damn I hate it.

But what was I afraid of? They are just people, ordinary people, just like me. Infact they ARE me, we all have powers, we all have something that makes us different from normal people. Infact, it’s like everyone else was abnormal.

Okay, now I’m not making any sense.

I take a very deep breath, straining the walls of my lungs, and breathe out through my nose. It didn’t clear my head one bit. But that wasn’t about to change my mind.

You do not have what it takes for this hero business…you just don’t have the gut for it…

I grit my teeth, I’ll show him. Johnny’s smug face and RockStar smile stick in my mind. I wish I had a blowtorch to light him on fire, not that it’d do much good. But it’d make me feel a whoooole lot better.

“Perfectly sure.” I say as I pull back my lips displaying my teeth in an evil cat smile, too bad no one saw it. Or maybe it was a good thing, cause I knew I looked damn heck crazy.

“See you on the other side,” Susan whispered, and shoved me forward. So she can see me?



Sorry, for the language. But can you believe what Johnathan Storm just did?

He brought Fifi!


What is wrong with him? i…he-gggrrrh!

Breathe girl, breathe!

They were cuddled in a huge arm chair at one side of the room, Fifi sat on his lap and her eyes were the size of golf balls, and just as white. Her mouth hung open as she gapped at everyone and everything that passed her, gasping like a freaking asthmatic patient.

My blood felt like it was on fire, it just was plain simply not fair. Period.

“So Reed, how’s it going?” Tony Stark casually asked, as if he was a normal everyday human.

“Well I’m learning what a pain in the neck it’ll be when I become a father.” They both laughed.

I had accidentally wondered over to where the three stood-eek! What if Reed, I don’t know, guesses that I’m standing not more than 10 inches away? Just as the thought crosses my mind Captain Ameri-I mean- Steve Rogers looks over his shoulders, I completely stop breathing. He looks around me, then right through me, then faces his front.

“What do you mean?” his voice rumbles, giving me goosebumps everywhere.

“Haven’t you heard?” Tony smiles in Steve’s direction. “Ol Reed here is a father.”

“Excuse me?” Steve laughs.

God-father” Reed stresses.

“Since when?” Steve asked.

“A few months now,” Tony answers. Wait! Tony Stark knew I was here? Goddamn!

“Where is the unlucky child?” Steve looks around, as if half expecting a toddler to waddle in. Tony also turns to look at Reed expectantly.

“Trust me, she is not a child.” Reed smiled into the drink I hadn’t even noticed he was holding.

She!” Tony’s eyes light up, “Well I can’t wait to meet her, she must obviously know who I am, who doesn’t?”

Steve pats Tony’s back, “I pray that she doesn’t, so I can see the look on your face when your ego comes crashing down.” He laughs.

I should leave, but we all know that when you start to overhear a conversation you just can’t leave till you hear everything-or atleast till you hear something super juicy or ultra-upsetting that forces you to leave.

Again, Steve looks over his shoulder.

“What are you looking at?” Tony peeps over at what Steve was staring at, I quietly move to the side so I was out of their eye sight range.

“I don’t know if its paranoia or my solder training, but I have the strongest feeling that something else is here.” He says. Reed also looks at the spot I had just vacated, thank God.

“Its paranoia,” Tony just says, throwing an arm over Steve’s shoulder. “Unless the person is invisible, and the only person who can do that, evidently, is Susan Storm. Or should I call her Richard?” Tony looks over at Reed with a coy smile. “And she’s right over there.” He point to Sue who was standing next to a table filled with snacks idly chatting with a short haired brunette with a yellow and black stripe bee top, bee? No…looks more like a wasp? Wasp! It’s her!

“I could’ve sworn-“

“Never mind that,” Tony cut Steve off. “Where is this girl, what’s her name, and when can she have the pleasure of meeting me?”

“She not here, her name is Victoria, and never” Reed says smoothly.

“Wait, why?” Tony’s face fell.

“She’s not stable yet.” Reed replies.

NOT STABLE? Does he mean, like, mental?

“You sure?” Tony asked.

“Yes. Completely unstable.” Reed says firmly.

Why you lying stinking two-timing mother-

“Can someone please enlighten me?”

That’s when I saw it, Reed’s eyes, it was like a light bulb was turned on. He knows.

I immediately turn around and do a quiet hop-walk away without being heard, praying the whole time that Reed would magically get a memory wipe.

“Rogers, do you still have that feeling of being watched?” Reed addressed forcefully.

“I didn’t say being watched, I said we weren’t alone.” Steve corrected. “And yes, I did but it’s fading now.”

Oh no, me leaving made it more worst then if I had stayed. What to do, what to do? Think!

In my effort to make an escape I accidentally bump into Spiderman, or more like I almost bump into him and he moves at the last moment, must be his Spidey senses.

“Wow!” he looks around frantically.

“What’s wrong Pete?” a long black haired girl asked, Tigress maybe, and how does she know Spiderman’s real name? I know cause of some secret files I read on Reeds computer, he should really have a stronger password then ‘Susan’.

“Something was gonna bump into me.” He looks around bewildered.

“Like what? No one’s even standing behind you.” She says.

“My spider senses have never been wrong, something was gonna hit me.” He says enthusiastically.

“Even if that were true, there’s nothing there.” Tigress says. They get into an argument and I quietly tiptoe away.

Jeez, I forgot that half the people here don’t need to see me to know I’m here. Some can just smell me while others can plain through see me.

“What’s wrong?” Reed asked out of nowhere.

My whole body freezes.

“Peter here says something almost hit him.”

I look in horror as Reed stands just where I had left.

“Mr. Fantastic, something really did almost hit me” Spide- I mean- Peter said.

“His name is Dr Reed Richards” the long haired girl smack Peter on the arms.

“Aouh! Quit it Ava!”

I maneuver my way through the crowd, away from Reed. I’m just gonna look for a nice secluded spot away from Reed but this within the public. I wonder over to where Black Panther sat, one leg hooked over the other, holding what looked to be like tea. He had his mask on, and he looked downright scary. He also looked…empowering, in control. Duh! What’d you expect? His, like, a freaking king!

But what made him most scary was that he was looking right at me, not through me, at me. I feel sweat, again?

I stood there and we just continue to stare at each other, someone came and distracted him, but he quickly replied and turned his attention back to me. Okay I am officially weirded out.

“I can see you…” he mouths. And with that he completely ignores me, and continues scanning the rest of the room.

Weird, I thought, but at least he didn’t rat me out. That would’ve been worst.

“Babe, this is the best!” I hear a squeaky fake voice squeal (***Try saying THAT three times quickly***)

“You've said that three times now Fifi,” Johnny groaned.

Oh no! How did I end up here of all places, watching them of all people? I turn to leave before I did something I’d regret when-

“Where is she?” Johnny mumbled. I look over my shoulder at them.

“Who!?” Fifi said. “Who is she? And why are you thinking of her?”

“Relax Fifi, I’m talking about Victoria” Johnny spares her a glance and continues looking around. Now my whole body goes into the full 360 degrees turn and head back to them, no way am I leaving now!

“That skinny anorexic Plain Jane brunette?-” Fifi asked. “Don’t know why she’ll be on your mind-“ she cuddle up to him and brought her lips within inches of his, “-when you got someone like me around…”


“She’s not anorexic, God knows she’s not a plain-Jane and she’s only half-brunette.”

Both Fifi and I stared at Johnny with wide eyes and open mouths.

“But your right,” he leans in close to her. I did not want to miss a single word he said so I tiptoed closer to them to point that I was practically almost siting on the arm rest next to them. “Why would I waste my time thinking about a silly little schoolgirl like her when I could put better use of that time with you…?” they kiss.

Hurt, pain…

Why I felt like that was a wonder, I’m not silly, I’m not little, and I’m not a schoolgirl…okay I may be silly at times but I ain’t no silly schoolgirl. I’m in college and I’ve almost got my degree in Graphical Engineering. But damn it hurts.

They break apart and I decided to scare the crap-literally-out of Johnny, making everyone see him as a madman would be a suitable revenge. I see Fifi going back to her gawking and Johnny leans back in the chair and closes his eyes, my perfect opportunity. I could walk up to him and maybe make ghost noises in his ear without Fifi hearing so it will seem like his mad.

I tiptoe and ease my way up to him, I squat down low so our faces would be level. I momentarily forgot what I was supposed to do cause I was distracted by his sheer raw beauty, his so fine, so hot! If only he wasn’t a jerk…he just needs to turn his head a few inches to the side and our lips would touch…just afew…

Wow! Hold on there, girl!

My eye’s pop open at the though, it made my tummy clench tightly, making me feel guilty for what I was about to do. But being me I got over it in 2 seconds. I look back at Johnny, his eyes were still closed, this breathing deep, like he was sleeping. Funny enough his head actually did tilt to the side-eek!

I tilt my head to the side and bring my lips so close to his ear it was a miracle I didn’t touch him, I breath in through my nose and I whisper-as seductively and smoothly as I could-;

Johnny…” there! That should scare him. But instead he just grons softly.

“Not again...” he mumbles back.




Sorry- I mean


Another amazing cliffhanger by yours truly-if I do say so myself.

Did that just not blow your mind?

Okay, I’m bragging too much. Sorry. Being crazy tends to make you wanna boast often.

Anyway, post;



Like ; share;


And I’ll see you in the next chapter!

~Ya G-



How could I almost forget!?




And the best part is I’m almost to my second!

Masha’Allah! Hallelujah! Praise be to God!! And felis’nabidad

(Hope I got that last one right.)

Okay, for realz this time. Bye bye. Love you so much!

~Ya (Bigheaded) Gal Vicky


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