You & I (Larry)

By AngryIntrovert

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What do you do when the industry you love hates you? How can you stay true to yourself when judgement is ring... More



209 14 14
By AngryIntrovert

-Harry's POV- 

After I gained full conciousness, Sophia left, not even telling Hannah where she was going. Now she's back, and she has come with a duffle bag of things. 

"I come barring gifts," Sophia says, setting the bag on a near by table.

"You took forever, where did you go?" Hannah asks, worry written all over her face. And rightfully so because they are both committing a crime by having me here. Not only have they kidnapped me, but they have assaulted me countless times as well. 

"To get a few toys." 

Sophia then unzipped the bag, dumping out the content in the bag. Hannah and Sophia are covering the items with their bodies so I can't see, but I hear the sound the items made while hitting the table. It was the sound of metal on metal, umoung other threatening noises. 

"Ready for round 2?" Sophia asks me, turning around with a small knife with serrated edges in her hand. 

My eyes widen, panic setting in the pit of my stomach. She comes over to me, standing right in front of me. She brings the knife to my face, tracing my facial features lightly, careful not to actually cut me.

"Why are you doing this to me?" I choke up, forcing my tears not to fall.

"Shut up, faggot!" Sophia yells, slashing a rough cut on my right cheek. Blood drips down my face, falling on my clothes and the cement floor under me. 

"I don't understand, I thought you were my friend? I never did anything to you to deserve this." 

"Oh you didn't do anything to me, but you've disrespected the lord. The bible says it is a sin for a man to lay with another man, and you made the decision to disregard his words."

"I didn't decide to be this way! If I had the choice, I would've chose to be straight! It would be easier that way."

"Liar!" Sophia slashes at the other side of my face, leaving another gash. 

The blood from both sides of my face drips onto my lips. I can taste the iron in my blood, and the sweat running down my face from the fear. Then, I can taste the salt from my tears, because I finally let them free fall. 

"Stop crying, bitch," Hannah says, walking away from the table of torture, BBQing pitch fork in hand. 

I laughed a confused laugh, "What did I do to you? Fuck your brother?" 

"My boyfriend actually."

Boyfriend? Louis? Oh shit. I pieced together, suddenly regretting my words. 

"Fuck!" I yell as she runs the pitch fork down my chest, the point ripping into my flesh in 3 clean, long lines ending at my navel. 

Where are my clothes? How long have I been naked? I think, very aware of every breeze hitting my skin. 

"We had some fun while you were out," Sophia smiles wickedly, her eyes scanning my body and sending a very uncomfortable shiver up my spine. 

And then it hit me:

They raped me. While I was drugged up, they undressed me and took complete advantage of me. And now they're torturing me with actual weapons. I don't know what i'm more upset about; the raping, the torture, or the betrayal? 

"You're monsters, both of you!" I scream at them, releasing my anger.

"Says the queer!" Sophia spat.

"Even if i'm gay, i'm a better person than both of you!"

"You're a sinner, you will rot in hell with Lucifer."

"You know, Lucifer was once an angel?"

"Of course, i'm not a fucking idiot," Sophia says, tracing my collar bones with her small knife gently. 

"Then you know that even beings as pure as angels are fucked up in the head."

"What're you getting at, fag?"

I grin, "You're like Satan, Sophia. Pure of heart, but evil of mind."

Sophia's face twists into pure rage and she lungs at my throat with her knife, missing by a centimeter because Hannah is behind her pulling her away from me. Hannah whispers calming words into her friends ear, repeating the words 'Thou shalt not kill' a hundred times before walking back over to me with a truly terrifying expression plastered onto her pale face. 

"If you've got any sense, you'll shut up," Hannah says, leaning close to my face with her pitch fork centimeters from my eyes. 

This is turning into a bad sop-opera very quickly. 

-Louis' POV- 

 Pulling up to Hannah's place, anxiety sets in. In a matter of mniutes, my current boyfriend and ex-girlfriend will be in the same room as me. Both of them probably hate me. This will not go down easily, that's for damn sure. 

"Are we all going to go in at once?" Perrie asks.

"No, that would be stupid! There's too many of us," Zayn answered. 

"But there's power in numbers!" Danielle added, Eleanor nodding her head in agreement. 

Then everyone started shouting, arguing over who would go in and who wouldn't. My head starts to pound and I can feel my heartbeat in my fingertips, panicking. 

"How about we let Louis decide? It is his boyfriend," Liam shut everyone up.

"Well?" Niall says, his blue eyes glaring into my soul. 

Looking around, I see everyone in the group looking at me, waiting for an answer. Taking a deep breath and thinking logically about which way would be easiest.

"I think Eleanor, Danielle, Perrie, and myself should go in."

"No way, Perrie isn't going in there without me!" Zayn complains, pulling his fiancee into his side protectively. 

"And Danielle isn't going in there without me," Liam adds, smiling at Danielle lovingly. 

"I'll be fine, if anyone was concerned about me," Eleanor says, giggling bitterly. 

Again, everyone starts to argue and yell, so I do the only thing I can do: scream at them until they get it together. 

"You all put me in charge, and I made it clear who I wanted with me and who I wanted out here! End of discussion!" 

"Fine," Everyone mutters under their breath. 

"Then let's get started on a plan," I say, rounding up everyone. 

After a few minutes of conversation and throwing around ideas, we decide that Eleanor, Danielle, Perrie, and I will go in and try to reason with Sophia and Hannah. Whilst that happens, Liam will call 911 and report a kidnapping. And by the door, Zayn and Niall will wait by the doors and listen for trouble, that way they can step in if it comes to a fight. If we are in there for longer than 15 minutes, everyone will come in and get us. Ready for action, we all take our places and jump right in. 

As we walk to the shed, I hear screaming. And as we get nearer and nearer, they get louder and my heart pumps harder. Eleanor knocks on the shed door politely, but it takes too long apparently and Perrie decides to kick it open.

"Hello, Charlie's Angel," Danielle laughs.

Perrie giggles and lets me walk ahead of her and the other girls. The shed is quite big, basically a one-story house, it has multiple rooms and each one is sound proof, so they wouldn't hear us coming even if they were in the closest room to the entrance; which gives us an advantage. 

"So how are we going to do this, are we going to split up or stay together?" Eleanor asks, seeing there are about 4 doors where Sophia and Hannah could be keeping Harry.

"Split up," I decide, "If one of us finds them, yell and we'll drop everything and run." 

They all nod, picking a direction and walking towards it. The rooms are located in seperate hallways, making the shed as big as a small house.

I stand at the entrance for a moment, preparing myself for the worst. The others have already made their way down one of the hallways, leaving me with one choice: the one smack dab in the middle. I slowly make my way down the hall, stopping in front of the single door. Taking a deep breath, I wiggle the handle lightly to see if the door was unlocked. I don't expect it to be, but it is, so I open it up a bit so I can see through a small crack.

"Doing this to me won't make Louis love you! That train left the station years ago!" Harry chokes out, anger and pain mixed in his voice. 

Scanning Harry's beaten up, naked body, I see he has 1 knife stabbed into each of his legs and cuts all over his face and torso. Hannah holds a butcher knife, swinging it around a bit with two fingers. She then slashes a cut into Harry's left bicep, causing not only Harry, but me, to flinch. 

I should go get the others. I think, nausia rising in my stomach. I try to leave, but something keeps me stuck there, watching the love of my life being tortured. 

"Once you're gone, he'll come running back to me," Hannah growles. 

Harry laughed. 

"What's so funny?" Sophia quips, fiddling with different weapons that are laid out on a metal surgery table. 

"That she actually thinks he'd go back with her after doing this to the man he loves."

"That's exactly why he'll never find out," Hannah says, slashing at his right bicep now. 

"I'll make sure of it, love," Sophia giggles, tucking something into the front of her jeans mysteriously. 

Getting up, Sophia makes her way to Harry, swining her hand back and punching Harry in the nose hard. But then it stops; Sophia, Hannah, and Harry all starring at me bewildered when I stumble in the room with rage. 

"Don't fucking touch him!" I yell, hoping one of the girls will hear and come for back up. 

"Louis, how long have you been here?" Hannah asks, smiling nervously, obviously hoping that I hadn't heard everything they said. 

"Long enough."

"I see. That's quite unfortunate actually, because you were never supposed to find out about any of this." 

Hannah drops her butcher knife, the metal clincking when it hits the cold cement floor. 

"This is how you handle jealousy, is it?" I say, stepping a little closer to Hannah, "Most people would just get a new boyfriend, not kidnap and torture their ex's new girlfriend or boyfriend!" 

"You think I haven't tried? Nothing could break you two apart, nothing!" 

"So you murder him? Wow, problem solved! Not like i'm gay or anything!" 

"You were straight once, you can be straight again!" Sophia adds in, grimicing at the word 'gay'. 

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Me? Straight? I can't even walk straight, let alone BE straight! I joke in my head, Hannah and Sophia starring at me like i'm mad. 

"Look love, i've never been straight, even when we were together. I never liked you that way, I physically couldn't."

"You're lying," Hannah says in almost a whisper, her hands slightly shaking at her sides. 

"No, i'm not."

"Yes, you are."


"You're lying!" She screams, her eye twitching. 

Then, it's chaos. Police storm in, about 3 officers, and point their tasers at Sophia and Hannah. Hannah puts her hands up, but Sophia isn't satisfied so she pulls a hand gun-- defintely illegal-- from the front of jeans and shoots Harry in the chest and stomach.

"No!" I yell, running to Harry, whose chair fell back when he was shot, and untying him. 

I pull him into my arms, counting 4 shots in his torso, trying to stop the bleeding long enough for the Police to help him. Harry's blood is everywhere, staining my clothes and drenching my hands. I feel tears drip down my face as I stare down at my wounded boyfriend, wishing none of this had ever happened. 

"Don't cry," Harry says, wiping away one of my tears with a weak hand. 

"This is all my fault Harry, I never should have let you leave," I cry harder, watching the police officers cuff Hannah and taser Sophia for resisting. She falls to the floor and they cuff her as well, then haul them both away.

"You couldn't have done anything, they would've taken me eventually. Better sooner than later."

"I'm so sorry about everything, I promise i'll change. I'll change for you, Harry. I love you so much, baby." 

"I-I love you t-too," Harry stuttered, his eyes fluttering shut. 

No. No, this can't be happening. I just got him back! I sob, cupping one of my blood soaked hands around his cheek and shaking it gently. He doesn't even stir. 

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