Hidden (Harry Styles fan fict...

By HeyItsJessenia

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Two wrongs make a right, right? Well sometimes things don't always go right for Kylie Summers. Life seems to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Preview to 'The Hunted'

Chapter 23

191 4 2
By HeyItsJessenia

Harry's POV

I walked into my front door in a rush, searching. It was dark and eerily quiet. "Home so soon?" came my fathers voice.

I took a deep breath and glanced at my watch, it read 1:53 am. "I was out" i replied casually, following his voice to the living room where i could see his shadow in the massive chair he often sat in.

"Out?" he repeated in a humored tone. "Out doing what exactly?" he asked more serious "Work" i said now stopping in front of his chair. He gave me a hard stare and flipped a switch that turned on the fire place.

I could see his face more clearly now. My eyes adjusting to the dancing flame. "Oh, really?" he said with a darkening smile, making my hairs stand. "Because i was under the impression you were making a fool out of me with that stupid girl!" i flinched at his rising voice and harsh tone, biting my tongue for the better.

There was a few moments of silence as my father gazed at me, he calmed his expression before calmly and cooly responding in a cold tone "Your done" i stiffened immediately "What? Father!" he held up his hand, silencing my cries. "I warned you but you kept at it" he shook his head at me

"But father, if you would just understand. I need her, i'm getting more and more information off of her that we can use to-"

"Enough. You are removed from your mission" I shook my head, trying to stand my ground "Please, father. Just give me-" "I've given you enough!" he said with disgust in his voice.

"You have failed" i stood in shock "Pack your things, i have another mission for you" he said raising his glass to his lips and took a long small sip of the gold liquid. "And hopefully" he said scowling at me "You wont make a mess out of this one" he waved his hand into the air to dismiss me. I walked away without a word, my hands clenched at my sides.

I reached Jesse's room in seconds and walked in without knocking, letting it slam behind me. "Sure, you can come in" he said his voice dripping in sarcasm. He sat on his bed in front of his laptop, typing without a pause, his face glued to the screen. "I'm out of the mission" he stopped and looked at me with confusion and a hint of fear "What the hell did you do?" "Nothing" i said pacing in front of his bed. "Well, clearly you did" Jesse said closing the laptop, giving me his full attention.

" I was so close, i don't know why kylie made such a difference" Jesse nodded in understanding "Thats why" "Why what?" i said pausing in front of his bed

"Why dad was asking too many questions and waiting for you like the godfather. I could hear him through the walls." "You have to help me" i pleaded "With what? I can't sneak you out of this one-wait...Oh no!" he said shaking his head while i nodded mine

"Just until i come back" "If you come back!" he said, regretting it the second the words came out. I flinched, he apologized under his breath "Listen Harry, i can't be you" "You don't have to! Just watch her until i come back" "And what if i can't? I have cases i have to do, I don't have free time. And if father found out he would ship me away with you." "Please, Jesse. You of all people should understand what it is like" I said lowly.

He faced me with a hard stare, and then slowly melted into an annoyed scowl. "Fine" i sighed in relief "Thank you"

"When are you leaving?"

"I don't know"

"Do you know where?"


"How long?"


"I'm afraid to ask if you even know your mission"

"Not a clue" i said taking a seat next to him.

"Well it was nice knowing you brother" he said slapping my back. I gave him an annoyed glare, making him laugh. "Don't worry, just hurry your ass back" he said giving me another pat, softer this time. I nodded and stood "I'm going to go pack" Jesse gave me another nod and i left to my room. I didn't have much around, it was considered a 'weakness' to my father 'What the enemy see's is what he uses', his voice echoing in my head.

It took me fifteen minutes to pack, my room practically empty now. I sat at the edge of my bed thinking how in the world was i going to tell Kylie. How could i tell her i'm leaving with no assurance i would be back? If i left her, i would just join the list.

But she won't be in trouble, and Jesse will be watching her. But if i did leave, i would leave with all my problems. I knew i had to do it, but it broke my heart just thinking about it. I reached for a pen and paper.

My Dearest Kylie,

You were right. In every love there is pain. And im sorry to tell you i am the reason for it all. You warned me , but i didnt listen. I only thought of a day where it could come true, where things would be different for us. I can apologize, a thousand times over; but nothing can overcome the horrors of what i've done just by loving you.

But, if you ever read this; just know Kylie, it was because of my love for you. You may hate me, or simply want to forget me, but you must listen when i say, keep out of trouble. If not for me, then please, for yourself. And if that still isn't enough reason, then for kim. Now, is not the time to be rash; keep out of sight and out of mind.

I crumpled the paper in my hand, only to smooth it out again and fold it. I looked at it for a long second before putting it into my pocket and throwing myself onto my bed with a groan.

Kylie's POV

"What's the plan again?"

"We already went over the plan" harry said watching the road "Yeah, but my parts so stupid, that i keep forgetting it" i said complaining. Harry acted as if he couldn't hear the whine in my voice "All you have to do it act like everything is normal and go through your day"

"Exactly, its stupid" "Who ever 'They ' are, can't know that we know about your... er situation. So all you have to do is act normal at school. Easy enough to follow, right?" He said giving me a loopy smile "right?" he repeated clearly in a teasing mood. I crossed my arms "Yeah, yeah" I rolled my eyes, still not pleased about not being part of the plan

"But do I really have to act normal at school?" "I would think you wouldn't need to ask" Harry said with a snicker, turning into the school parking lot. I blushed and looked away, out the window.

It was packed with students and cars, watching as harry's car passed with envious glares. "It's just a stupid plan" i repeated matching girls fake smiles. Harry parked next to Ethans truck taking off his seat belt. "No even knows me" I said pulling off my seat belt and stepping out of the car. My case was beginning to come along nicely.

Ethan opened his arms wide and yelled "Hello winter King and Queen!" You could see his breath in the cold as he spoke with a smile. Harry and I exchanged confused glances to each other as Olivia came to my side. "You guys were nominated" Ethan laughed and clapped slowly clearly enjoying my uncomfortable position.

"I guess everyone does know you" Harry said with a smirk. So much for my case. I switched my weight on my leg, looking down with heated cheeks. Madison approached with a flirty smile hugging onto harry's arm "Congrats" harry gave her a forced smile and politely pulled his arm away from her grip. "Its been nonstop gossip on whos going to win" Olivia said in a bored tone, Ethan only laughed more; knowing something we didn't.

"What do you mean?" I asked glancing at Madisons heated glare "I was nominated for queen also" She said rolling her eyes as if i didn't have a chance. "I really dont want to be queen" i said lowly, mumbling to myself. "Don't worry about it, you won't " She said with a laugh.

I narrowed my eyes at her, Olivia grabbed my arm gently leaning in casually whispering under her breath "I'm totally voting for you" she gave me a gentle nudge making a smile crack on my tightly pressed lips. "Please dont , thats the last thing I need" I whispered back "But who else would make a better queen?" Harry said giving my side a hug, kissing the top of my head. I don't know if it's in the water but everyone seems to be able to hear every whisper. Madison gave a huf in protest which harry completely ignored.

"Harry" Ethan said grabbing his attention, leaving my side. I turned to Olivia "Do you know if-" "Oh! Kylie" she said trying to cover her panic "What?" I said surprised by her sudden outburst of urgency "Your nose" She said in a hushed tone, grabbing my arms to push them down and pulled me to her car where she handed me napkins to clean off my now bloody face. I glanced over to harry who seemed to be holding Ethans and Madisons curious attention .

I looked at Olivia and whispered lowly "Do you think they have anything to do with the... um attacks?" she shrugged "Better safe than sorry, now remember everything is fine and dandy"

"Fine and dandy. I can do fine and dandy" I said nodding to myself "Okay, dont try too hard now" she said helping me clean the remainder of the blood on my face. "Wait, what will i tell them happened?" "nothing, the bell rings in about ten seconds" she said grabbing my bloody napkin and tossed it into her glove compartment with a lock and shut her car door. "How do you know that?" i asked pulling out my now broken and beaten phone to check the time. I was barely able to turn the screen on when the bell rang.

"Okay, now hug me" "You're more needy than Harry" i said wrapping my arms around her "Don't be ridiculous" she said with a laugh. She squeezed me tightly, how all hugs should be; unable to break from. "Perfect, now lets go" she said linking her arm with mine, our height difference extremely noticeable when we are side by side. For her small skinny frame, she was crazy strong "I work out, thanks for noticing" she said with a wink.

I laughed, clearly embarrassed. We were in the halls now, passing through the crowd when harry caught up to us. He gave Olivia a nod, she smiled at me "See you later" and left without a look back."Now i have body guards?" i said fixing the straps of my back pack. "If thats what you call friends, then sure" he said draping his arm over my shoulder. "But olivia is tiny, how can she protect me?" "You would be surprised" Harry said stopping in front of my class, facing me now.

"I have to go, but i will be back for lunch. Olivia will be waiting for you so look for her" "Is something wrong?" he looked stressed "No, just work" "You usually lie better than that" i said crossing my arms "Later" he said kissing the top of my head, lingering a moment longer. "I will see you at lunch" "Okay" i said watching him walk away. Once he turned the corner i walked into the classroom, my mood already dropping.

I sat in my seat with no thought in doing my work. Lucky for me it was a movie day, so i placed my head down into my arms. Someone tapped me gently. The seat next to me was always empty, so it surprised me that the tap came from that side. When I picked up my head they had shut off the lights, my vision blurred as i glanced to my new neighbor. He had brown golden hair and colorful eyes like mine.

He seemed familiar enough, but i couldn't think of a name. "You know you're supposed to take notes, right?" "No were not" i said with a frown "I know...I just wanted to start a conversation with you" he smiled at me and extended his hand "I'm Nate" the name seemed so familiar "Nate?" i said looking at his hand "yeah" he paused at looked at me expectantly. "And you are...?"

"Oh" i said mentally slapping myself "Kylie" i shook his hand once and pulled my hand away quickly. "I don't have cooties" he said laughing quietly. I just smiled and stuffed my hands into my pockets "Is it my hands?" He looked genuinely concerned. "You know, people tell my they're as smooth as butter" I stared at him confused. "Am i bothering you?" he said with a loopy smile.

"Actually, you are, and plus, your kind of annoying" he laughed again, earning a shh from the reacher. "Are you always this rude?" "Pretty much" i said not giving him a glance."I like you Kylie Summers" I glanced at him now "How did you know my last name is Summers?"

"Everyone knows you, aren't you winning queen on friday?" I rolled my eyes "Then why did you ask me for my name if you already knew it?" "Because that's the polite thing to do" he said with a smirk. I turned my attention back to the movie. "So what are your lunch plans?" "None of your buisness" i said still not looking at him. "Ah, I see" he said with a chuckle " Is the boyfriend over protective?" "Actually, no. But he would kick your ass if he found out you were bothering me" i said giving him a sweet smile, hinting a threat.

"Your boyfriend doesn't scare me" he said, his tone completely relaxed. "If you have a death wish i would continue with that attitude" He laughed again, turning his attention to the movie. I stared at him for another second, then quickly did the same. The period continued slowly, with nate giving me a smirk every few seconds. I ignored him, and when the bell rang i was the first one out of my seat and the first one to leave, even though i sat in the back.

On my way to spanish Ethan joined me. "Hello Kylie" "Hi Ethan" i said with no excitement in my voice. "You sound like you're in a good mood" i kept walking.

"Wheres styles? I missed him in class" "Why dont you text him and ask?" "I just thought you would know" he said not missing a beat to my crapy mood. "Why would i know that? I was in class too"

"Do you always answer my questions with a question?" "Is that unusual?" he laughed. "I didn't expect anything less" "So why are you still here" I said turning the corner that lead to my class. "Just thought you might want some company" he said with a wink " I didn't ask for any" "You're welcome" he said giving me a nudge. "Wait, did harry..?" "Did Harry what?" "Nothing" i said thinking back on what Olivia said 'Better safe than sorry''.

"Well tell Harry I was looking for him" i approached my classroom door. "Sure thing" I rushed inside in a hurry and practically ran to my seat. I sat down with a sigh. Spanish was easy, i was fluent since i've taken this class every single time i moved. I finished my work with plenty of time to spare. I waited, watching the clock slowly end the class.

I walked to third slowly, my eyes on the floor. "Going to the dance?" i jumped in surprise. Madison was walking along side with me "Um, i guess" i gave her a confused look. "Too bad you won't have a date" "What?" i said stopping. Someone behind me gave my shoulder a shove, trying to pass me. "Where's your brother?" "My brother? Why do you care?" i asked crossing my arms "So hes still gone" it wasn't a question.

"What do you want Madison?" i said narrowing my eyes at her "Tell me, do you remember going to sleep at night? Any dreams?" i stared at her in shock "I... um" "That's a no" she said turning her attention to the hall, squinting slightly. Then she looked at me annoyed again. "Well, come on" she said ushering with her eyes "Walk" she walked ahead of me, leaving me to speed walk to catch up with her

"What is wrong with you people" i mumbled under my breath. She stopped and gave me a hard stare "Who?" "Who what?" i said confused by her sudden attention. "What people? Who are you talking about?" i was surprised she even heard me, i practically whispered my comment. "Why do you care?" i asked again. "Has anyone else been asking you questions?" Her tone more stressed "Define questions" i said laughing in my mind. Her eyes narrowed, my lips pressed tightly together. She turned and kept walking murmuring 'that's a yes' under her breath.

The halls were nearly empty now, i was going to be late. "Madison, why are you walking me to class? Did Harry...?" "Did harry what?" she said looking at me with a curious green eyes. "Nothing" i said it too quickly. She smiled wickedly as we approached my class. "You're so childish" she laughed lightly "You're cold hearted" i rolled my eyes as she laughed more.

A cruel smile spread across her perfect face. "Tell harry i still have his shirt, i've been meaning to give it back to him" she walked off, her laughter booming off the hallway walls, like a slap in the face. I stood with my mouth slack, the tardy bell waking me from my utter shock.

I rushed into class receiving a glare from the teacher when i walked in. I sat in my seat all the way in the back. I sat alone, too far away to see the board. I put my head down, trying to think. That was just supposed to be a really, really, really, really mean joke, right?

I heard the door open, but i kept my head down. Mr. Davis addressed the class "We have a new member to our class, please welcome him. You can sit" he paused, looking around the full class "Next to Miss Summers" i snapped my head up "Miss Summers could you raise your hand?" "I know who she is" he said winking at me "Very well Nate, take your seat" The class watched as Nate approached with complete confidence, never taking his eyes off me.

Whispering began as he sat down nearly shoulder to shoulder with me. I leaned away, frowning at his smirk. "Finish your warm up" Mr. Davis announced, trying to get the class's attention. "Hello again" Nate whispered softly. "Don't 'hello' me" i said annoyed. "Wow, you really are not about manners, are you?"

"Shut up" i said making him laugh, his deep voice sounding smooth, silky, familiar. "Am i embarrassing you? Or are you just angry?" "Both" i said pulling out a piece of paper. "Is that why you're blushing?" i gave him a hard stare, feeling my cheeks heat up even more. He laughed, covering his perfect smile. "Could you go bother someone else?" i said trying to do my work. He looked down out row of empty seats. "That doesn't look like an option" he laughed again. I rolled my eyes at him and proceed with my warm up.

Once he seemed to collect himself with his fit of laughter, he turned his attention to me again, his face more serious. "I didnt know you were friends with Madison" he said his voice carrying concern "I'm not" i said running my fingers through my hair. "Ah" he said nodding "that would explain the inappropriate comment on your boyfriends shirt?" he said with a smirk "How?... You heard that?" he nodded "She wasn't being very quiet" i dropped my head in my hands and groaned. "This can't be happening" "You think the over protective boyfriend might be having another affair?" i looked at him shocked, my hair falling over my shoulder.

"What?" He frowned at my neck, reaching out gently, moving my hair to have a better view "That's a nasty bruise you got there" i pushed his hand away "What did you say?"

"I've done some asking around" he said clearly pleased to know information. "Another?" i repeated. He looked confused "Didn't you know?" i looked at him still shocked and shook my head. "Oh, the over protective boyfriend hasn't told you?" i looked away, trying to hide the hurt crossing my features. "I'm sorry, i thought you knew" he placed his warm hand over my cold ones. I pulled my hand away and stood up out of my seat. "Mr.Davis may i be excused?"

"No Kylie, sit down. I'm about to start the lesson" I began putting my things away.

"It's an emergency" i said closing my back pack. "Kylie" Nate said in a whisper. "Just a moment, take your seat Kylie"

"I'm sorry but i have to go" i said putting on my bag "Kylie, don't" Nate said with a worried tone.

"Miss Summers, take your seat. Now." i kept walking, when i stepped out i began running.

I only lived down the street, i don't need Olivia. I continued to run, my breathing uneven. It took about two minutes to get to the huge building.

I walked in, out of breath "Hello Miss Kylie" i turned to see Edward.

"Oh hello Edward, have you seen Harry?" "Mr. Styles is in his floor" he said with a nod. "Thanks" i turned to go but looked back at his smiling face. "Madison" his expression never changed.

"Pardon?". "That was her name" he gave me a blank stare "If we were talking about Harry's ex, would that be her name?" he gave me a stiff nod. I nodded and turned to the elevator waiting for it to come down, fighting back the tears.

People came out when the doors opened, i waited until it emptied to enter and push for his floor. My hands were shaking, i gripped them tightly. The doors opened silently, but for a second i couldn't move. What would i say? But the more i thought about, the less it made sense. Thinking made my chest hurt, so i just went with it.

I took a deep breath, anger seemed to be dripping off me, the tears no longer a threat. I walked up to the door and knocked three times. I waited for what seemed like forever, before knocking again, harder. "Coming" came the muffled voice. I waited again. Hands still clenched.

Harry opened the door surprised. "Kylie?"

"What the hell were you thinking?" i said giving him a scowl. "Uh..." he stammered looking worried. "What's wrong with you?"

"Kylie, can i talk to you outside?" he said taking a step forward to block the entrance and continued to glance back inside.

"No! You cant. When were you planning on telling me?" He looked back again "I swear i have no idea what you're talking about but i'm truly sorry about whatever stupid thing i did. Please, can we talk-"

"Jesse?" came the voice inside. Biting his lip harry looked at me and back inside "Well this is about to get messy" he mumbled "Not a good time!" he yelled back "What?" i asked trying to peek through his large frame "what are you hiding?".

He looked at me with a smile "Nothing" the voice spoke again. "What do you mean?" said the voice, sounding closer "No, don't!" He shouted as a figure came out of the hallway.

Harry stepped out from the hall towards us. He stopped when he saw me "Shit. Kylie?". The Harry infront of me sighed "I told you". Harry and, well, Harry looked at me with the same face, bracing for a explosion. "What. The. Hell" i said slowly, taking a step back. They both stepped closer with their hands up. The Harry who answered the door held it open for the other Harry.

"Oh my god" They looked exactly the same, like a mirror. My mind felt blurry, there was no way there was two of them. "I know what you're thinking" the twin who opened to the door told me with a relaxed voice. The other twin gave him a glare "I'm clearly the better looking twin, but don't worry; I'm single" he said with a wink. "Kylie" said the other twin, in a soft caring voice.

"No" i said taking another step back "Is she going to run?" asked the twin who opened the door "Shut up" he replied.

"You guys..?" i asked looking at both of them, they nodded. I tried wrapping my head around it and it made sense in a weird, freaky, nut house kind of way.

There had to be two of them, and that's why everyone always questioned who he was, or which one he was. "Oh my god" i said again. Every time Ethan asked for Harry, it finally made sense; not 'harry' but 'Styles'. "Oh my god" i grabbed my head, which one was i in love with?

They stared at me, waiting. "Jesse?" i asked looking at the twin who opened the door for me. He gave me a smile and a nod "Correct. Nice to meet you. Well, formally. " Harry stepped forward, his hands reaching for me.

"Harry?" he nodded his head slowly. I walked up to him and gave him my hardest shove, he only took a step back.

His face was calm. "You" i said trying to form words "I can't believe you!" i said shoving him again, this time he didn't move. "How could you lie like that?" My voice was rising as i shoved him again. "It was never you, was it!?" i yelled hitting his chest again. This time when my hands touched his chest he gripped them and pulled me toward him. His grip was impossible to break as he held me tightly, dragging me inside.

He closed the door behind me, and loosened his grip enough for me to push him away; but he still held on firmly to my wrists. "Will you come willing?" his face was leveled with mine, as if prepared for something. "Not until i-" he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. "Harry!" i screamed kicking, I lifted my head to see Jesse waving with a smile. "Put me down!" i screamed again, hitting his strong back.

His stride never faltered as i kicked and screamed more until we entered a room. He dropped me on the bed and went to close the door. It was his room, although his books and things were missing. He turned back to me with his hands up. "I can explain"

"Explain?" i said struggling to stand "Are you serious?" i said trying to size up to his tall frame. "I know it sounds crazy-" "Crazy! This is ludicrous! This is not something you can just be sorry for. I don't even know who you are! You cant expect me to even listen to you after this!" "You're right" he said lowly, smoothly. "I- what?" i paused, looking at him shocked

"i shouldn't have let this drag on" he continued softly. He pushed my hair behind my ear, i turned away from his touch. He dropped his hand with a sad expression "No one was supposed to know, it was part of the mission. If anyone knew, it would blow my cover" "Mission? Cover?" i took a step back from him "This is all work related?" His expression said it all, he reached for me. I took another step back

"I... was work related?" my throat felt tight. "No,no,no" he said reaching out, cupping my face "That was never part of the plan" "But now?" i asked slowly. He looked away, toward the ground; I removed his hands. "Madison" i started to say, taking another step back "She gave me a message for you"

He bit his lip "Did she?" i nodded my head, tears building; making my voice crack "She wanted to know if you still wanted your shirt back" he closed his eyes and turned his face away from me.

"It's true then" i asked my voice sounding hoarse. He shook his head "That was work related. I don't love her, i never did" "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I'm stupid, i thought it wouldn't matter" "Yeah, because none of this was important, right?" i said brushing away moisture from my eyes.

"I was wrong, I'm sorry" i didn't respond, i just looked at him "Anything else i should know about?" he bit his lip and took a step toward me, I took two back; but i hit the wall.

He took this opportunity, stepping closer as he spoke. "I love you" he paused licking his lips "more than you can understand. I know i have done more damage than good, and that is selfish of me. I bring danger to you, and put your life at risk every second i am with you. But i'm selfish. I say up at night wishing i could hold you, nightmares keeping me awake, thinking only about you, and i can't stop. I fell in love with you the second you punched Issac in the face" He was merely a foot away

"The second you first blushed" he reached to stroke my hair, i didn't pull away. "The second you smiled" he said lowly "Because the second i'm not with you" he was inches away now "It gets a little harder to breath" his eyes stared into mine "Harder to think" his hand caressing my cheek "and my heart, a little harder to beat" he gently grabbed my hand and placed it on his chest, over his pounding heart.

"But when i'm with you" he was whispering now "I feel complete. Because with you, it doesn't matter; as long as i get to love you."

I released a breath, trying to think. "How can i know it was you? That it was always you?" i whispered, my lips shaking.

"You know it was me, thats how you knew who i was. No one, will ever be able to love you like i do; and you know this" I took a deep breath again trying to be reasonable. But I didn't want to be reasonable, I wanted to be with him. I closed my eyes and reached up, tracing his jawline. He leaned toward my touch, but touching harry's cheek, i felt almost numb.

I should feel a spark, electricity run through my blood, my skin should be full of goosebumps. But all i feel is warmth. So much warmth it felt like i finally belonged, finally found someone i belonged to. Nothing hidden between us, just our bare hearts. Our chest matched breathings, our eyes filled with intensity, and all regret pushed aside; he was mine, and i was his.

I pulled him closer, his eyes steady on mine as he wrapped his thick arm around my waist. My heart squeezed in my chest but i ignored it, my head screamed but i shut it out. With the tilt of my head i whispered softly, brushing my lips against his with my unspoken need "I love you" i said with a smile and pressed gently against his lips.

Harry cupped my face as he kissed me back, gently. His mouth so soft, fit against mine, with such tenderness. There was no rush, just pure love in that single kiss. All the words i couldn't say, all my feelings i couldn't show; all my love was this kiss that melted everything away.


Hey Guys!

So BOOM! They kiss! Let me know what you guys thought about that. Too mushy? Pshh! No such thing ;)

Thanks for reading! Please Comment/Vote!

I would love to know your thoughts! I know i took forever to update but i've been really busy, even though it's summer; I know! Life sucks and then you die, am I right?

Have an awesome day and stay BEAUTIFUL!

Love you all lots! XOXO

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