Dominating The Troublemaker

By DangerouslyShady

1M 31.8K 6.2K

"Troublemaker" : a person who causes difficulties, distress, worry, etc., for others, especially one who does... More

When The Controlling Heartbreaker Meets The Uncontrollable Troublemaker
Kissing The Troublemaker, A Mistake That Tasted So Good
The "1 Week" Behavior Gift
Date Night, And Early Morning Encounter
Dark Desires Suddenly Surfacing
The Locked Box Of Dark-Secrets
He Even Controls Me In My Dreams
Almost Is Never Enough
Bad-Girl Meet's Bad-Boy
My Guilty Pleasure
Being Claimed By His Box
Wanting What You Can't Have
The Troublemakers Making A Slow Comeback
Dinner With The Greys
One Step Forward, Two Steps Backwards
Ticking Time Bomb
Heart Shaped Necklace
Visiting The Family
The Letter
First Date, Feeling Like A Teenage Boy In Love
Stress Kills
Taken By Adonis
Where Is Roxanne?
Déjà Vu And The Ultimate Betrayal
Mirror, Mirror, On His Wall...Who Is The Ugliest Of Them All?
Unexpected Assistance
Troublemaker's Back, Safe and Sound
Announcements And Confessions
The Truth Can Be A Bitch
Jailhouse Blues
A Sad Ending, But New Beginning
Here We Go Again
An Old Problem, Suddenly Begins A New One
The Video
Missed Call
Unexpected Visitor
The Emotional Decision
Goodbye My Love
Letting Go
Not The One
Last Wishes
Through The Eyes Of Young Boy

Unexpected Visitors

14.5K 469 57
By DangerouslyShady

- Damien Black - 

"Good morning this is Channel Seven News and I'm Haley Summers. Today I am in the household of Louis Grey a man whose daughter has been missing for more than a month." The blond with a lot of make up on the TV said.

Yes, there is a news reporter inside of Louis's house at this very moment. Detective Martinez declared that maybe if we get the word out that we'll possibly find a lead on where she is and who took her. I'm up for the idea without a doubt, but I'm pissed that it took more than a fucking month for them to come up with it.

Anyways I decided to watch and see exactly what Louis would say, I haven't spoken to him since we first realized she was missing. After that he went pretty bonkers and is out of his house everyday in his car driving around town in hopes of seeing her.

"Seventeen year old Roxanne Grey has last been seen storming out of her house after midnight." Haley announces and a photo of her appears on the screen. "She has light brown hair, amber eyes, and is 5'6."

Damn when's the last time I've seen her? Why does her picture break my heart so fucking much that I'm tempted to throw my TV out the window for seeing it?

Beer number one here we go.

"Louis would you like to say something?" She hands him the microphone.

You would think you've seen a man at his lowest, but there's nothing that compares to the lifeless eyes he is carrying at this very moment. It's only been a month and hope has already started to fade away.

He grabs the mic, then clears his throat. "H-Hello this is Louis Grey, Roxanne Grey's father. I..." Louis pauses. "I just wanted to say that Roxanne if you're watching this, I'm not giving up until I find you. And to the person who kidnapped her, please...please..." He pinched the bridge of his nose, holding back tears. "Please give my daughter back...please..." 

To see the very man who survived a heart-attack with a smile, cry, may be the saddest thing I've seen. Louis meant every single word, every single one. The feeling after watching this left me numb inside, and that's when beer number two came out.

"Thank you Mr. Grey for those words you have shared." She rubs his shoulder. "If there is anyone who may know the whereabouts of Roxanne Grey, or has even seen her before her disappearance. Please contact this number.A phone number popped up on the screen, and seconds later he was gone.

Beer number three.

Then four.

I don't even remember if I reached five that day. 


-Knock Knock Knock- 

Suddenly I was awoken to the sound of someone banging on my door, and I immediately felt a sharp pain overflow inside of my head. The feeling wasn't exactly the greatest, but I managed to get up off the couch and head to the door.

As I opened it, I saw that behind it was Detective Martinez and James.

Martinez's eyes widened. "Woah, you look like shit."

"Got that right, and reek of alcohol too." James said, his brows furrowing.

I rubbed the back of my neck. "What do you want?"

"Get cleaned up, then go to Grey's house we have to have a discussion." Martinez said, studying my reaction.

I sighed. "What for? Have you found something on Roxanne?"

"Not exactly but we do have a clue that could possibly—"

I cut Martinez off and replied. "Listen I'm tired of hearing possibilities, come to me when you guys have something that can lead me to her."

"I'd suggest listening to what he has to say." James clipped.

Pushing the door closed, I said. "If I don't wanna' hear it then I don't have to—"

Suddenly a hand blocked the door from closing, a large hand. The door slowly opened more, and standing right there was Armstrong. Of course they'd bring him out, he's fucking huge and muscular enough to beat the shit out of me without breaking a sweat.

This time he looked different though, his eyes were pretty dead as if he lost a lot of sleep recently. Not to mention his vibes are much more gruesome. 

"Armstrong when'd you get here?" Martinez asked.

He locked eyes with me in an almost competitive way. "Not important, is he causing problems?"

"Apparently when you look and smell like shit, you act shitty." James said, walking off. "I'll be at Grey's, I can't deal with him right now."

Martinez sighed. "Get cleaned up and meet us in the house." 

Since Armstrong was there threatening me with his steel grey eyes, I had no choice but to do as told before it'd cost me. So I closed the door and went to take a shower.


Walking into the house, I was instantly welcomed by a furry friend I hadn't seen in a while. 


However, when he saw that I was alone his excitement died. Which only meant that just like Louis and I, Marshmallow has been waiting for Roxanne to come home safely. It was depressing to see him walk away with a sad look in his eyes, he really does miss her.

When I entered into the living room I saw everyone sitting down, even Louis. 

"Nice of you to make it." Martinez said, placing his glass of water down.

I nodded my head, then placed myself next to the window and looked around the room. Louis and Martinez were on the couch, James was across from me, and Armstrong was leaning on the kitchen doorway.

It was silent for a second, until James broke the ice. "So we gonna' speak or what? I have other things to do other than this I hope you know Detective."

"Yes," Martinez replied, straightening himself out. "Last night Louis received a letter...a dubious letter and we assume its the capture."

I sighed, irritated. "So what did it say?"

Armstrong looked at me, his eyes colder than ever at this point. For some odd reason I get the feeling this guy doesn't like me, and I'm almost positive it's not because of my shitty attitude this morning. I've done nothing wrong and I'm 100% positive it wasn't because of my crabby attitude this morning. 

Louis cocked his head to my direction. "This concerns you just as much as I, so I'd appreciate it if the guy my daughter has been seeing has the decency to be a man for once. Instead of the stubborn little boy he's acting like right now."

"He's right." Martinez stood up, handing me a piece of paper. "Maybe the letter will get your head straight."

Grabbing the sheet out of his hands, I immediately started to read the small imprinted words on it. My eyes widened, and every sane bone in my body started to decay.

You have to start learning the consequences of your actions.

Until I've heard her scream enough, your sins will not be paid...

But then again what you have done cannot be forgiven.

For every tear those girls have shed, and for every touch that you allowed to happen.

I'll make sure "she" get's ten-times worse.

Louis Grey have you every heard your daughter whimper?

Well think long and hard about how that'll sound like, because every night, I promise I'll make it happen.

My hand dropped, and I became completely paralyzed.

"Right now isn't a time for you to be bullshitting," Martinez grabbed the paper. "we need to remain focused and not allow things like alcohol get in the way of what our goal is."

I nodded my head. "I'm sorry Roxanne..." Then slid down on the ground. "I'm so fucking sorry."

"Unfortunately we have something else." James interrupted. "It appears that Alfonzo had a son."

Louis and I looked at him.

Martinez shook his head. "Because his whereabouts are unknown we think he might be a possible suspect in this case."

"You mean like revenge for his father? But that makes no sense because he's getting back at me because of what happened to the girls." Louis spoke.

Nothing made sense.

Right now I'd grab a beer but my priority is Roxanne and I need to help out with this case.

That's when I noticed Armstrongs eyes were on me...still. What's his problem, why does he keep looking at me like that? And why is he even here? He's not doing anything but watching right now so his job has no purpose right now.

This man pisses me off, a lot.

"Or he didn't want to blow his spot and say something about his father to reveal his identity." James said.

Louis shook his head. "Who knows what kind of child that man has produced, if he's anything like his father than he's surely just as sick—"

"Not everyone grows up to be like their parents." An unexpected voice enters the conversation, it was Armstrongs. "Don't jump to conclusions unless you have proof to back it up."

Martinez sighed. "He's right, but we do have to further investigate the identity of Parker Lombardo."

One by one everyone began to leave, including me, we all decided after a good rest we'd continue this since everyone was hit hard by the new news we heard today. This wasn't a bad idea, I really don't know how much I could take before snapping.


Just like the day before, someone was banging on my door yet again and early in the morning. I haven't been waking up this early since before I took my leave of absence from teaching. Winsor calls me occasionally to check up on me, and sometimes he tells me my students have been asking for me a lot. 

I'm guessing because they should be graduating pretty soon, and not to sound conceited but I am a pretty cool teacher. This time of year, every year, I get yearbook signature letters...and even photos taken with me.

So it's not a surprise that they would want me back.

Opening the door I saw the last person I ever thought would knock on my door. 

"Lory?" I said, shocked.

She was one of the teachers working at the school, she's the angelic one that creeps me out. Right now she's supposed to be heading to school, it's almost time for it to start.

Lory smiled at me. "Mr. Black, it's nice to see your well."

"Yeah, you too...but what're you doing here?"

She went inside of her purse, then pulled out a bunch of letters. "Your students asked me to give you these, and since you aren't going to school anytime soon I suggest writing a response to show them your okay."

"What? All my students wrote me...?"

The creepy angelic smile appeared on her face. "Of course, we're worried about you, vanishing without even a goodbye leaves people a tad apprehensive." Her smile faded, and she looked down. "I know it's none of my it true?"

"Is what true?"

Those beautiful eyes shot to mine. "Were you seeing Roxanne Grey?"

"Uh," I paused, then cleared my throat. "There's no point hiding it I guess...yeah it's true."

Her expression softened. "Then you better find her, and bring her back safely."


A giggle escaped her. "Oh, and I also wanted to tell you that the students have also found your adress thanks to Chase Evans. They've threatened to come knocking on your door if you don't show up any time I suggest coming back ASAP."

"That fucking moron." I sighed. "Alright thanks Lory."

As she left for her car, she said. "No problem."

Then she left.


Reading through the letters I've received, I actually laughed a couple of times and for the first time in a while it felt good to see grammatical mistakes coming from my students. I've missed the feeling of being in a classroom with students who both annoy me and makes my day enjoyable. 

Going back doesn't sound like a bad idea, it's better than staying here waiting and the more I'm here...the closer I am losing myself. 

I decided that replying to them all would be a waste of time, and instead, I'd go back to school.

Which meant I had to shave off this beard I've grown, and trim my hair because it's becoming shaggy. Not to mention clear my house of the majority of alcohol in my house, and maybe start working out again.

Yeah, I'm sure when they do find Roxanne and she comes home, she wants to see her boyfriend lose the six-pack she fell in love with.

The thought made me laugh.

When I finished cleaning up, I looked into the mirror to see the man I worked hard to be. This time I'm more determinded than ever to rescue my girl. I'm not going to give up, no, she's to important to me and if I lose myself...I might lose her as well.

And that, my friend, isn't going to happen.


*A Few Days Later*

"Welcome back!" Everyone yelled, when the bell rang.

I smiled, happily as the students began to leave the class, and one-by-one they all hugged me. They all forbid me from leaving the way I did again and that if I did they would have my head. This made me laugh and I accepted their request.

It was the end of the day and I was on my way home, and when I turned on the radio a familiar song popped up. It was Eminem The Way I Am. The first time I allowed Roxanne Grey into my car, she played this song and that was when I truly learned the extent of her Troublemaker.

This made me smile weakly, which made me park the car almost instantly. 

"I'm going to find you...I fucking promise Roxanne Grey..." I bent my head down. "Please God, please return her to me...please."

After taking that breather I started the car and continued on my way home. When I arrived and got out of the car, I noticed a woman with long light brown hair storming out of Louis's house. Tears falling down her cheeks.

This woman was quiet the beauty, she looked oddly familiar, and I couldn't put my finger on it but she reminded me of someone. Those amber eyes, the color of her hair, the vibes she gave off.

That's when Louis ran out of the house. "Wait!"

"Don't fucking tell me to 'wait'!" She hissed. 

He clipped. "I said wait!"

"No!" The woman yelled. "I'll never forgive you for this...never!"

Louis ran quicker. "Don't go!"

She got inside of her car, then without another word drove away.




That's who she looked like...


Her names Veronica and she looks like Roxanne.

Which only means...

That woman is...

Roxanne's Mother 

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