Fly Like Airplanes

By PurpleScenes

1.8K 102 65

Zander deals with an abusive parent so he sends paper airplanes out to let go of his emotions. Wilder finds t... More

Zander POV:
Wilder POV:
Zander POV:
Wilder POV:
Zander POV:
Wilder POV:
Zander POV:
Wilder POV:
Zander POV:
Wilder POV:
Zander POV:
Wilder POV:
Zander POV:
Wilder POV:
Zander POV:
Wilder POV:
Zander POV:
Wilder POV:
Zander POV:
Wilder POV:
Zander POV:
Wilder POV:
Zander POV:
Wilder POV:
Zander POV:
Wilder POV:
Zander POV:
Zander POV:
Wilder POV:
Zander POV:
Wilder POV:
Zander POV:
Wilder POV:
Zander POV:
Wilder POV:

Wilder POV:

21 1 0
By PurpleScenes

We had to wait for about five minutes to get a kid to answer the back door. We couldn't just walk in or else we would have to check in at the front desk with a good excuse. So we waited at the back, each minute making Zander even more nervous.

Finally, a nerdy looking kid opened the door for us. He had on big dorky glasses that we three sizes too big for his face, curly brown hair, and an outfit that should have been hunted down by the police.

"Wh-what are y-you guys doing?" the kid stuttered out. His eyes widened when he saw me. Of course, he knew me; everyone in this school knew and me and my bad reputation.

"W-w-w-wilder," he stuttered, his face filled with horror and fear. Zander gave me a weird look but I ignored him.

I bared my teeth at the dork and sneered at him, "You will tell no one about this or I will hunt you down and literally skin you alive."

That poor kid looked petrified, his face looking like his best friend just died. "W-w-what?" he asked.

That was a mistake. Anyone who knew me knew never to ever question my motives. If anyone ever back talked to me, they knew that they weren't going to be alive to see tomorrow.

I was about to go all full throttle on him but then I remembered that Zander was right beside me and he didn't like any type of violence; it sometimes brings up bad memories in him. He told me that during the night when he spilled all of his secrets.

I gave a sideways glance to Zander and saw his horror and surprised expression. I gave a deep sigh and looked back to the kid, frustrated but I didn't start screaming in his face. That kid looked at Zander and then back to me, his whole expression looking totally confused. He couldn't seem to figure out why I was taking orders from someone else. I never took orders from my other 'friends' like Josh and Mike.

"I said," I replied with slightly gritted teeth. When I was with Zander, I'm a whole different person but as soon as I'm around any company, I transform back into someone else. God, I am wrapped around his tiny, little finger, I thought. I wasn't exactly sure how I was supposed to feel like that so I didn't even try.

"That you are going to leave us and you are never going to tell anyone about this," I finished, making sure to pronounce my words to make it seem even more threatening. However, I didn't do anything else. Normally if I had been surrounded by my old gang, that poor kid would have been plummeted down into the ground.

The kid's eyes widened behind his big dorky glasses. "Yes, Wilder!" he squeaked out, turning tail and fled.

I couldn't help but give a sigh in relief.

"Are you ready? I have no idea where Becca's classroom is?" I asked Zander, looking left and right down the hallways to make sure no one else was coming. Carefully, I closed the door and straightened up as if we've been here all day. When Zander still didn't answer, I looked back to see him still looking at me with wide eyes.


"You... you were a totally different person...," he said, looking slightly horrified.

Guilt and pain hit me hard as I realized that Zander was afraid of me. He hasn't been afraid of me since the first two weeks that I met him and tried to make him my friend.

I looked down in shame at how I acted in front of him. I could have just threatened the kid off without telling him that I was going to hunt him down. I had to admit, that may have been too much.

"Zander... I didn't mean to-" I tried to speak but he cut me off giving me a look which was just a mixture of different expressions. It was look of disbelief, horror, and disapproval.

"Just shut up," he said, taking me by surprise. He has never been someone to stand up much for himself or even be rude.

"We have to get going. We can't waste our time on other less important matters. School is almost over and I did not hurry here just to have an argument and miss giving Becca her way out."

I was rather taken back but tried to show that I wasn't surprised and a little hurt. "Well then," I said rather awkwardly, "Lead the way then."

I waved my hands dramatically in the direction of the hallway. He nodded.

"Let's go." And before I said even say another word, he started down the hallway. There was nothing I could do except but follow him. I stayed quiet to not make him more angry.

Finally we made it to the outside of a classroom. It was in a tiny little hallway that I've never been down. I may have seen it once but I must've not remembered it at all. It literally only had five classrooms, two on each side of the hallway and one at the very end. We stopped at the second to last door on the right side.

Zander gave me an unease glance. "Now what?"

"You have to try and get her attention," I said but he just kept staring at me like I was speaking another language.

Zander just kept giving me an incredulous look. I rolled my eyes.

"Fine, I'll do it," I said, going around him. There was a window in the corner of the hallway right by the door. I carefully crept up to make sure no one was going to barge out of the door and find us sneaking about.

"What do you see?" Zander said anxiously.

"I haven't even gotten to the door yet!" I whisper/yelled at him. He sighed, frustrated.

"Well get to the door."

"Do you not see me moving?"

"Shut up and get to the window!" he yelled. I had to hold myself from stomping over to the door to let out my frustration.

I peeked out the corner of the window and saw a classroom filled with kids. There were about 6 tables with 4 kids per table. There were big textbooks on the tables with the label "Science: The Solar System." Ugh, I hated having to go through that lesson. Most of the information I've already lost somewhere in my brain.

"Do you see her?"

"Not yet. I've only seen her once; I'm not totally sure what she looks like," I hissed back.

He groaned and suddenly he was side by side with me, his shoulders touching mine. Then he had to lean in to see better but he was just pushing himself into mine. He was so close that I could smell the ocean scent that he uses in the shower.

"So... have you found her yet?"

"Give me a sec, I just got here." I watched him scan the room, looking in all the corners and around obstacles like the books.

"She's right there, middle row at the very front. But how in the world are we going to get her attention?" Zander said, giving me a hopeless look.

I grinded my teeth, trying to think of an idea but nothing really came to mind. We couldn't just walk in there because we wouldn't have a good enough reason to get her out and if we did the teacher would probably call down to the office to make sure everything was okay.

We couldn't just try and wave to get her attention because she wasn't at the back of the room. There is no reason why the teacher would have to leave because this was the last period of the day. So we couldn't wait to passing period.

I was looking around for anything that we could use to help get her attention. Then I saw my watch. It was a shiny, silver watch that had a big face with black numbers littering the outsides of the frame.

"We can use the watch!" I exclaimed.

He just looked at me as if I had a tree growing on my head. "What the hell could the watch do to help us?"

I rolled my eyes at him. "We could use the watch as a reflection."

He still just stared at me. "We could use my phone to shine a light on the watch to make a light reflection near or on her desk."

"That only happens in movies, you duffus!"

"No, it happens all the time! It's just harder to create," I said, already taking my phone out, not bothering to listen to his arguments.

"It's not going to work," he said, watching me as I took my watch off to help aim it in the right direction.

"Of course it's not going to work if we don't try. And it will work faster if you help me!" I said, handing him the watch without even waiting for him to respond. He just glared at me but took the watch and tried to point it in the right direction.

I turned on the flashlight mode and pointed it at the watch. Nothing worked.

"It's not working!" he hissed.

"That's because you need the right angle," I replied, grabbing his hand and twisting it around so that it was at a slope, going down.

Then I tried to use different angles from my phone to light it up.

"It's still not wor-"

"LOOK!" I exclaimed, pointing at the front wall of the classroom. There was a round shard of light near the chalkboard.

"It's actually working!" he almost shouted, watching with amazement as I changed angles and made the light brighter or darker. His eyes were wide with surprise.

"I told you it would work!" I said.

"But now what?"

"I'm going to try and angle it so that it could shine on her desk or even on her book," I said, already working on it.

I turned it so that it was more at a slant going downwards and tilting the sides to go left or right in the direction that I choose.

Zander roughly jerked his shoulders into mine. "Move it more to the left! You haven't even gotten it on her desk yet."

"Dude, chill. Give me a moment."

"You only have thirty minutes. School is about to get out and I want her to have lots of time to make the call."

"I know all of that so I'm trying my hardest to make this go the faster that it can go but you keep interrupting me and making it take longer."

He narrowed his eyes at me but turned back to the window to give me my space to work it out. Finally, when I had peace and quiet, I focused all of my attention of the shard of light. It wasn't easy at all. Everytime that I tried to move it closer, the light reflecting would go in and out and in some cases, just die completely. So I constantly had to tell Zander to move the flashlight around and he wasn't a big fan of that.

But at last, I managed to get it right on her textbook which was open so there was no way that she couldn't possibly avoid it.

"Why isn't she seeing it?"

"Give it a second," I grunted, and started flickering the light so that it went back and forth on the page.

Finally, Becca seemed to realize that something was amiss. I could see her head turning in time with the light flickering on the screen.

"Look up, look up," Zander muttered in a chant beside me.

Then suddenly she looked around the room, trying to find where the light source could possibly be coming from. She checked the back of the room where she saw both of our heads peeking out from the bottom of the window.

Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped open. She mouthed, What are you guys doing here? At least, that's what I think she asked but she was too far away for me to understand it fully.

Zander and I both nodded our heads towards the door and I pointed a finger to the outside for her to follow. Narrowing her eyes in confusion, she gave me a tiny nodd, so tiny that I almost missed it.

She turned her attention back to the teacher and raised her hand, most likely to ask if she could use the restroom or to get something out of her locker; anything that would help get her out of class.

After about two minutes of anxious waiting, the teacher finally called on her though she did look rather annoyed as if Becca had somehow destroyed her whole lesson. Luckily, the teacher let her go.

I watched as Becca walked down the middle of the room, towards the door.

"Are you ready?" I asked.

"It's now or never."

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