Arranged to Him (Zayn Malik)

By shadowmalik

106K 2.8K 276

"You're getting married!" Exact words you want to hear after a hard day at school right? Choosing between per... More

Arranged (Zayn Malik fanfic) -Description
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Decisions Decisions
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Author's note: all these years later

Chapter 24

2.6K 80 13
By shadowmalik

(omg chap. 24 already??
Song for this chapter:
Back For You&Change Your Ticket.... By that band :L)

Hannah's POV.

I slipped the oversized t-shirt over my head, breathing in the masculine scent laced in the material. I tugged the sweatpants up my legs and quickly jumped into the bed, hiding under the covers.

"Zayn!" I called.

"Can I come in?" He said from the other side of the door. I nodded but then realised he couldn't see me.

"Uh.. yeah!" I answered, feeling stupid.

He strolled into the room, clad in nothing but some loose grey sweats. His jet-black hair fell messily over his forehead, falling over his eyes. He pushed it back irritably and fixed up the airbed for him self. He had his back to me, but I could clearly see the playing card tattoo in the dim light of the room.

I hesitated. "Come here."

He halted his movements and turned around. "What?"

"You can just take the bed with me; it's no big deal." I said with a yawn.

"Are you sure?" He asked hesitantly.

I nodded. "Positive."

I felt the bed dip as he climbed in, pulling the comforter up to his chest. He slowly swung an arm over my waist, as if testing my reaction. I rolled my eyes at his hesitant actions and scooted closer to him, my back to his chest.

"You okay with this?" He whispered.

"Yes. Relax Zayn." I whispered back. I yawned and thought of tonights' events.

My head was still spinning in light of all the new information about Zayn. I still had lot more burning questions to ask but I felt that I had asked enough questions for one day.

Just one more question...

"Zayn?" I ventured, wondering if he was still up.

"Mm?" He mumbled.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"Fire away." He murmured.

I turned around to face him. "Where do we stand? I know we're engaged but it doesn't really feel like it, does it?" I whispered, locking eyes with him. His hand moved up to brush a curl from my face and my heart warmed at the gesture.

"We should probably try to be friends, despite the engagement." He suggested.

I raised an eyebrow. "Friends that happen to kiss a lot?"

He grinned. "Exactly. I'm so glad you understand."

I smiled back at him and pecked his cheek briefly, resting my head against his chest. I could hear the thud of his heart beating, soothing me.

"G'night, Zayn." I mumbled.

"Night love." He whispered huskily, his voice thick.


I woke up to the sound of my phone buzzing repeatedly. I ignored it and pushed my face further into Zayn's side, wrapping my arms around his torso.

My phone buzzed again. I grabbed it quickly before it woke Zayn up and gaped at the missed calls. Seventeen! I opened them and every, single one was from Dad. My stomach knotted in fear. What had I even done? Except go out in a outfit he wasn't happy with, break the curfew and stay out all night without telling him.. oh shit.

I switched my phone off, choosing to be a coward and ignore the calls. I closed my eyes and slowly drifted into a slumber.


"Hannah," Zayn said thickly. I groaned and pulled the comforter over my head.

"Hannah, your dad has been calling nonstop; I really think you should answer." His raspy morning voice made me want to fangirl and I wasn't even a fangirl.

I pulled the comforter away from my head. Time to face the music, I guess. I answered the call.

"Hannah Ahmed Khan, you better have a good reason as to where you are! You have no idea how much trouble you're in, young lady. I specifically said eight o'clock! How dare yo-" I ended the call.

Zayn sat up and gaped at me. "He's fuming and you just cut the call?"

"I just don't want to deal with his crap, not now." I said quietly and he must have noticed my weariness because he wrapped his arms around my waist tightly, pulling me onto his lap. He ran his large hand up and down my back, comforting me. This was just what I needed; a hug. I had to resist the urge to cry; half because I was still terrified about the upcoming argument with my dad, half because Zayn was being so good at comforting me, yet he didn't even know why I needed comforting.

Jeez, I loved him.


I pushed that thought to the very back of my brain and snuggled closer to him. His skin was warm and half of me felt awkward for being this close to him but the other half of me felt completely comfortable.

I pulled away from his embrace. "You're supposed to be leaving Bradford today!" I exclaimed. His eyes widened as he grabbed my phone, checking the time. He let out a sigh of relief once he saw the time.

"Still about thirty minutes left, thank God," He sighed. He got up and opened his wardrobe, selecting black jeans, a navy blue polo and black hoodie. I turned away and kept my eyes trained on the wall as he dressed himself.

"You can look now," He said quietly and when I turned around he was pulling some worn-out black converses onto his feet.

An idea struck me as he nipped into the bathroom. What if I went with him? The rational side of me warned me against it, but I ignored it. I was enjoying myself with Zayn and I knew if I went home I was due for a bollocking with dad.

Zayn stepped out of the bathroom, and I noticed that in the time he was in the bathroom he had shaved away the small stubble that had grown on his face. He pushed his fringe from his forehead and turned to me.

"D'ya want to get ready so I can drive you home or.."

I cut him off. "Where exactly are you going?"

He raised an eyebrow but answered. "It's not a tour, we're just doing a couple odd concerts for now. When the album is released that's when our tour will begin." He explained.

"Oh.." I looked down at my lap, fiddling with the end of his shirt. I noticed a shadow cast over me but I kept my eyes fixed on my hands.

He crouched before me and cupped my cheek. "Are you okay?"

I looked up to meet his warm chocolate eyes. "I just don't want to go home," I admitted. His eyebrows furrowed together in a frown.

"But it's fine!" I said quickly, "I've got loads of tests coming up anyway so I really should revise."

His thumb stroked my cheek softly as his hand moved down to cup my jaw. My breath hitched as he leaned forward to place a lingering kiss on my forehead. My eyes closed as I relished the feeling of his lips on my skin. Damn, was I going to miss him.

"How long will you be gone?" I mumbled.

"'Bout three weeks, I think." He moved away and proceeded to gel his fringe up. I grabbed my clothes and locked myself in the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and washed my face quickly. As I looked at my clothes I quickly realised how revealing they were. I decided to keep Zayn's shirt on but change my jeans. I tucked his overly large shirt into the jeans and ran a hand hand through my hair, pulling it back into a ponytail.

I stepped out of the bathroom where Zayn was waiting patiently. He walked in silence towards his kitchen, where I grabbed a scone. I boiled the kettle and made two cuppas.

"How do you take your tea?" I questioned.

"Milk and two spoonfuls of sugar," He answered. We were speaking so quietly, so cautiously. I swirled the sugar into his tea and handed it to him. He thanked me softly, sipping the tea. I quickly finished the scone and reached for another one; they were just too damn good.

I shook the packet at him. "D'ya wan.."

He slipped some keys from his pocket and closed my hand around them.

"These are the keys to my house Hannah. If you ever need an escape from your house or whatever then feel free to come in. " He snaked his arm around my waist and kissed my neck deftly.

My heart warmed. "You are just too damn sweet sometimes," I smiled, resisting the urge to just kiss him.

"I know," He shrugged. His lips connected to mine in a small kiss before he pulled away.

"Marriage or no marriage," He began, his eyes locked with mine, "You trust me, right?"

I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling his face towards mine. I fiddled with the collar of his shirt.

"I trust you." I whispered

"Then trust that I'll look after you, Hannah. Always." He mumbled against my lips, his eyelashes almost touching my cheek. He was so beautiful.

Our lips met in another passionate kiss. I could feel him smile into the kiss, causing me to smile.


Zayn drove furiously, whipping and switching lanes, honking the horn repeatedly.

He was late. We got a little uh.. carried away until Liam texted him, informing him that they were waiting.

He pulled up outside my house and I unbuckled my seat belt.

"I'll see you soon babe," He grinned, leaning for to peck my cheek. I blushed at the nickname.

"I'm going to miss you," I told him, holding his large hand. He squeezed it reassuringly.

"These weeks will fly by, don't worry. I'll call you as often as I can, okay?" I nodded and opened my car door.

"Hannah?" Zayn called. I turned and looked at him expectantly.

He grinned. "Baby you don't have to worry, I'll be coming back for you, back for you, back for you, you-u-u lately, I've been going crazy, so I'm comin' back for you, back for you, back for you, you-u-u."

I burst into laughter. "You dork."

He winked and sped off, his black car speeding into the distance.

I walked up the steps to our house, still grinning to myself. He was so dorky and cute sometimes, but I loved those moments.

I reached for my bag but cursed to myself once I realised that I had forgotten it back at Zayn's place. My plan to slip into the house had clearly failed then.

I brought my fist up and knocked the door firmly, ignoring the fear twisting in my stomach.

The door swung open. Mum stood there, her eyes narrowed into small slits. "You have no idea how much trouble you're in." She hissed. My heart skipped a beat but I tried my best to be brave.

"Oh really? What for?" I said airily, sweeping past her. A hand gripped my arm tightly, causing me to wince.

"You think you're so clever, don't you? How dare you stay out all night without informing us first! Who do you think you are?!" She screamed, squeezing my arm tighter.

I pulled my arm away. "I think I'm eighteen; old enough to make my own decisions." I smiled sarcastically.

"So what if you're eighteen? Eighteen or not, age means nothing to me. You are my daughter therefore you will do as I say," She spat.

I scoffed. "I will listen to you when you act rational. But you are just being daft."

She brought her hand up and violently backhanded my cheek, a horrible slapping sound filling the air. I clutched my burning cheek, blinking the tears away. I glared at her, the smug smile playing on her lips making me want to scream.

"I hate you," I spat. I really did hate her, she was a controlling bitch.

"I will dress however I please, will return home whatever time I want and you can't do shit about it," I snarled at her.

"You know what else, Mum?" I continued, "I won't be marrying Zayn either."


Dun dun dunnnn! Comment and vote if you love one direction which I think we all do...... :D

I've just watched Slumdog Millionaire for the 135383 time and I'm close to tears. Major Jamal and Latika feels omg the end where he kisses her scar and then her lips like somebody hold me and love meeeeeeeeee

crap this is what this film does to me :(((((( poor salim doe he doesn't get his happily ever after lol

*wink* Jamal and Salim Malik *wink*

The reason why I haven't updated is simply because I was disappointed that I barely received questions last chapter. That really bummed me out but whatever

However, thank you for 16K reads! I'm so chuffed at that bc there are millions of books on WP and I'm so pleased that you chose to read mine. I love you guys.

QOTC; Have you guys read After/Before? What's your opinion?

Personally I love after and I'm ecstatic that Anna's publishing it! We spoke briefly on twitter and she seems so lovely! She definitely deserves it so don't bully her? 1D will be receiving loads of publicity bc of the movie rights and we'll go down in history as the first fandom to have a movie released based on a fanfic! (Unless the rumour that 50 Shades Of Grey was based on a Twilight fanfic is actually true)

Don't forget to vote, comment and fan

I mean follow lol

L :) <3 xx

(P.S: Do you guys think Zannah love each other yet?)

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