Chapter 1

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I'm getting married.

Yes, you read that right.

Me. Hannah Ahmed Khan getting married at 18. Who would have thought?

And, just to top it all off, I'm marrying Zayn Malik. Yeah, THAT Zayn Malik.

Ok. Let me rewind for you.

So what would you do if you casually came home from school to find your father COMPLETELY over the moon? You probably wouldn't do anything until he said the dreaded words:

"You're getting married!"

Oh hell no, if you managed to wriggle out of a marriage last year you sure as hell can do it now! Think Hannah think!

"Uhh, I am?" Well done genius, that's really going to work!

"Yes you are! An old friend of mine has agreed to marry you to his son! And because he lives in Bradford as well, there is no getting out of this, understand?" Dad says sternly.

You see, last year, Dad thought I was losing my 'Pakistani heritage'. (as he put it) so decided to marry me off to some random man named Amir and move to Pakistan with him. I managed to get out of it by using my school studies as an excuse. Best. Idea. Ever.

"Yes Dad," I say mournfully.

"Good, now go make me a cup of tea please"

I go to the kitchen and switch the kettle on, whilst collecting my thoughts. 'An old friend' probably meant one of Dad's old friends from Pakistan. The dude probably wouldn't be able to speak English! So just another random, sexist male like Amir was when I first met him. I remember that day...


(A/N: 'salaam' is a Muslim greeting)

I slammed the door behind me.

"I'm home Ma! Guess what happened today! Mrs Edwards thinks that I'm a talented stude-"

I stopped when I reached the living room. In the living room was Mum and Dad on one couch, with an older man and a younger one probably about my age sitting on another couch. The younger one flashed me a smile, revealing the horror behind his lips. No offence, but his teeth were death. Literally death.

Anyway, Dad started to speak at this point.

"Salaam, how was school?" Dad said, looking at me straight in the eyes.

"It was fine," I said, "but what's going on Dad?"

"You see darling,-"

Dad never calls me darling. Ever. This is Bad. Very bad.

"Myself and Mr Ali have made an arrangement. You will marry his son Amir in a couple of months" Dad said, all in one breath.


The ping of the kettle yanked me harshly from my daydream. I quickly made the tea, gave it to Dad and slouched to my room.

It was later on in the day when Dad was watching the news at 10, when I gathered the courage to ask Dad about my 'marriage details'. Woah, big sentance huh? I should probably get used to it, I thought, amused.


"Yes?" Dad said, not moving his eyes from the television.

"What is my fiancee's name?" I asked.

"His name is Zayn and he is 20 years old", Dad said, while looking me in the eyes.

"When will I meet him?", I asked hopefully.

"You will meet him tomorrow, on Saturday, when his family come over for dinner", Dad said, "Now stop bothering me".

He went back to watching television.

On that happy note, I skipped to my room. I was going to meet him tomorrow. Tomorrow. Hopefully, he would be nice and sweet and possibly handso-

Who are you kidding Hannah?! He'll be an Amir look-alike. Same attitude, same looks.

With that thought invading my head, I settled down to sleep.


Hey people! First chapter! What do you think?

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Next chapter will be when they meet!

~L :)

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