Chapter 3

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My alarm clock screeched hideously, causing me to groan. I grabbed my toiletry bag and stumbled towards the bathroom, almost falling over at one point.

Once I returned I threw open my wardrobe, my eyes scanning the different clothes. My school was a firm believer of your style being your choice so therefore we didn't have a uniform. I decided on simple black jeans and teamed it with a grey sweater and my favourite black wedges. I blow-dried my hair quickly, and threw it into a high ponytail. After lightly outlining my eyes with black eyeliner, I hurried downstairs to the kitchen.

I was dreading school. My best friend Aliya and I were both put back a year; we had failed our tests miserably. Aliya was dyslexic so the teachers made allowances for her. But I just felt stupid; being the oldest in the class. I was eighteen years old yet I had no idea where I wanted to go in life, which was annoying because Aliya had known that she wanted to go into art since primary school.

I walked into the kitchen and was met with the sight of Mum, sat at the table and drinking a mug of tea.

"Morning, Hannah," She smiled. Her eyes travelled down my clothes and stopped at my shoes.

She frowned. "I suggest you change your shoes; they aren't appropriate for school or for someone your age to wear."

"I'll go change then," I smiled obediently. Or so she thought. As soon as I was out of her line of sight I quickly took the boots off, stuffed them into my bag and slipped some some black TOMS on instead.

"Salaam Mum!" I called, and left the house. I ran towards the bus station and waited patiently for the bus. As I waited I used the time to change my footwear; replacing the TOMS with the boots. I pulled my hair bobble off and shook my hair out, leaving it loose over my shoulders. I applied more eyeliner, a coat of mascara and dapped a tiny bit of lipstick on. A single raindrop landed on my cheek, causing me to seek shelter further into the bus station.

I checked my reflection in the mirror, smacking my lips together. Once I was satisfied with my appearance, I stored my makeup bag and TOMS into my bag. It wasn't that I enjoyed going against Mum's orders, but I felt happier dressing like this, and she wouldn't understand.

There's another thing they don't know about me, I thought as I caught sight of my cigarette packet nestling in my bag. I grabbed my science notes and zipped the bag, reading over my notes until the bus came.

I slumped into a seat, relishing the warmth of the bus and the shelter from the light drizzle raining outside. I slipped my phone out of my pocket and logged onto Facebook, absent-mindedly scrolling through my news feed. Nothing interesting caught my eye, so I logged out.

I decided to text Aliya instead. She was probably at school seeing as she lived right around the corner from it. I didn't really live that far away, only about twenty minutes. But I was lazy, and preferred the bus.

To; Aliya:

you @ skwl?

She replied only moments later.

From; Aliya:

yeah, im sat in form reading over gossp magazines. theres dis amazng harry poster tht I cnt stop starin at lol

I rolled my eyes at her text; she was genuinely obsessed with Harry Styles.

To; Aliya:

u utter loser. Harrys got a gf, remember? And im nearly @ skwl, abht a stop left i think.

From; Aliya:

actually u bitch haylors ova. he finally dumped her sappy ass; thnk the lord.

Arranged to Him (Zayn Malik)Where stories live. Discover now