Unspoken Words[COMPLETE]

By silentsuga

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"It's not the words you did say, it's about the words you didn't". *Unedited* More

Unspoken Words
//29// ****


56 3 0
By silentsuga



"Okay so we're all set!" Liam chirps placing down the last drink. "It's like an array of colors." I nod looking at all the wildly colored drinks.

"Who knew Zayn liked fruity drinks." I said with a shrug.

"Kaelin does." Zayn said startling me and Liam.

"Well she is your best friend." Liam said smiling.

"Yeah, so how many people did you guys invite?" Zayn asked looking down to his phone.

"Everyone I knew." Liam said.

"Same here, well the party people." I said with a smirk.

"Great, I invited everyone I knew, they should be here soon." Zayn said walking off. I gave Liam a look and Liam just laughed.

"I think he's just nervous, it is his first party since his tour." Liam says.

"Yeah but he's never this... Quite." I say handing Liam a cup of the fruity liquid.

"He'll be fine, let's just enjoy the party, alright?" I sigh as I nod. "Good now, I gotta go get Bree and Kaelin, I'll be back." I nod again as he waves goodbye.


(A/N: don't hate me but I decided to have Harry skip the party)

Right now, everyone I know is at Zayn's party having a blast. Me, I'm at Kaelin's house. It seems creepy but I needed to.

I looked around, I saw no signs of self harm devices, which was good. I was about to leave when a shiny silver beam caught my eye. Quickly I walked over to her end table and whipped open the drawer. Expecting to find a bloodied razor I found a stainless silver picture frame, inside was the picture of me hugging Kaelin the first time we went to Ireland.

As I looked deeper in the drawer I found all sorts of poems I wrote to her and many pictures of me and her. I smiled at one, it was of me and her. We both has chocolate cake smeared across our face because me and her decided to have a cake war. We were thirteen.

Accidentally I dropped it on the floor an when I bent down to get it a large box under her bed caught my eye. Quickly I pulled it out an popped off the lid. Inside was old letters I wrote her while I was in Italy, more pictures, our high school year book, and... Our memory book.

I smiled down at the torn brown leather book, placed so easily on my knees. Slowly I opened it and written boldly was 'Kaelin and Harry's Sweet Memories!' I smiled an remembered when we wrote that


"Harry, what should we call our album?" Kaelin asked holding the new brown leather book on her lap.

"I dunno." I say honestly as I play with her little kitten; Jaws.

"How about Epic Shit?" She ask slightly giggling.

"That seems too mainstream." Kaelin's smile dropped.

"What does mainstream mean?" My jaw dropped.

"How do you not know what mainstream means!" I practically scream.

"I dunno! Tell me!" I smirk.

"Nope." I say popping the P. "Find out yourself."

"Ugh! Harry!" She wines. "I don't want to seem old!"

"Did that even make sense?" I ask.

"To me, yes." I smile.

"You Kaelin, we've had some pretty sweet memories here." As I finish it's like a lightbulb clicked and Kaelin started writing. Shortly after she handed me the book which read 'Kaelin and Harry's Sweet Memories!'

"Epic!" I say.

"What does epic mean?" I shake my head laughing.

"Kaelin babe, you've got a lot to learn."

*End Of Flashback*

I quickly whipped my eyes, I didn't even notice I started crying. Maybe it was because I was caught up in my past time with Kaelin then I realized; I don't have much left with her.


I know it was a really crappy ending but I loved it! Let's just hope Jenn DOSENT kill me! Lol whelp BYEEE!



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