Ups and Downs: Can't Run From...

By desoo1

119K 3.5K 508

When Kayla's mom gets fed up with her dad's abusing, and cheating she escapes his traps with 2 children on he... More



1.8K 56 5
By desoo1

Excuse me🙋🏽‍♀️ yeah you🙇🏽‍♀️ imma need you to comment, nd vote or it's gone take while for me to update 🙃🤷🏽‍♀️ 4 votes, 3 comment from different people😴😐


5 years later...


Wassup y'all i'm back bitches! I'm 15 years old now, and Kayla calls me a trouble child when i'm the opposite. Our relationship a little rocky, because she doesn't let my real mom visit me. So kids at my school still bully me about not having no parents. I can't get into anymore fights because i'll get expelled. But sometimes I don't be caring about that bullshit. I done got into over 10 fights over the years. 7 of them were with boys, the other 3 were girls. I really don't be having no problems but stupid niggas and hoes always gotta say shit out the side of the neck, and not back it up when it's time.

I'm a straight A student, and I get in trouble every once and a while but other than that i'm a good, child of god. "What you been up to?" My boyfriend Jaden asks me. "Nothing why you ask?" I ask as we speak over the phone. "No reason. You in yo room?" He asks me. "Yes." I say getting confused. "By yoself?" He asks me. "Yes, and my door is locked." I say. "Hold on imma text you." He says hanging up.

                      From Jaden:

                    Send me a pic.

                        To Jaden:

                     Okay hold on.


I pull my pants down going into the bathroom shutting, and locking the door. I position my legs as I sit down on the toilet. I take the picture, and send it to him on snapchat. It reads sent on the top of my phone screen. I scroll to see if he opened it but it says opened 3 hours ago. "What the hell." I say to myself as I swipe to my story checking it seeing that I accidentally posted my nude on my story. I try to hurry up and delete it as it starts loading. I finally delete, but get a knock on my door.

"What!" I semi-yell as I pull my pants up. "Open the door nasty." Kaya says. I go to my door unlocking it. "You know you posted your nudes on your story right?" She asks me. "I took it down." I say plopping down on my bed. "Why you post yoself on yo story?" She asks like i'm dumb. "I didn't mean to." I say rolling my eyes. "Well you know Kayla be lurking on yo snap. She gone beat yo ass." Kaya says laughing. "I removed her from my snap." I tell her. "She can still see it. Go to your views on yo other story, and it'll say others." Kaya tells me. I shake my head. "She didn't see it. It was only up there for a second." I say. "Yeah okay." She says as she runs out the room along with her soccer ball.

Kayla went to go pick Ashanti, Kacy, and Kalen up from school. I leave out my room leaning on the rail of the stairs as I hear Kayla pull up.  "Kayla just pulled up with the food." Kaya says from downstairs as she does her happy dance. Kayla opens the door bringing in the pizza. She looks up glaring at me making me uncomfortable. I hope she didn't see my story on snap. "Momma where's my daddy?" Ashanti asks Kayla. "He on his way to come pick you up." Kayla says as I go downstairs seeing her fixing they plate.

"Here." Kayla says handing them they plate. "Mommy here's my pat pack." Kacy says handing Kayla her backpack. "Put it in my room. Kalen put your backpack in my room. Ashanti put yours in there too." Kayla tells them as they walk in they living room with they plates. We moved back to California, and they moved into a bigger house. The kids got they own living room. Kaya takes a slice of pizza.

I take a bite out of my pizza as I go into the living room. "I already called the tv so move!" Kaya says pushing me away from the remote. "You play to fucking much!" I say making Kaya mouth drop as she looks toward the kitchen waiting for Kayla to say something. I go to my room eating my pizza. I close my door as my phone starts ringing. "Hello." I say answering the facetime call. "Where my picture at?" Jaden asks me.

"I accidentally posted to my story, so I hurried up and deleted it." I explain. "Why you didn't send it to me through imessage." He says. "Because i'm not stupid." I say, but hanging up when Kayla burst through the door making me jump. She comes over to me, punches me in my chest knocking me off my bed. She comes over, and starts beating my fucking ass, punching me everywhere. "Stop!" I yell as I hear my room door open while she keeps punching me all over my body. I feel her being pulled off of me. I look up seeing Kaya face turn red as she tries not to laugh at me as I cry.

"You think you grown sending fucking nudes!" She yells punching me in my jaw making my head fly back along with my body. "You better stay in a fucking child's place before I fuck you up for real!" She screams at the top of her lungs as she walks out dragging Kaya out by her arm. "Bitch you not momma!" I whisper yell. "What you call me?" Kayla bursts in again screaming. "I didn't say nothing." I cry blocking my body with my arms as I slide down the wall making Kayla walk out.

My body hurts everywhere, and my face is swollen. I can feel it, I don't even have to look in the mirror. And I gotta go to school tomorrow. If she make me go im skipping school. Kayla got heavy hands. She know she can't come up in here beating me like i'm some hoe off the street.

I grab my phone calling Kyro. "Wassup." He answers. "When are you coming over here to pick Ashanti up?" I ask him. "In 30 minutes. I'm stuck at the trap. Why you crying? What you do this time?" He asks me. "Nothing. Can I spend the week over there?" I ask him. "Yeah. If you ain't ready when i'm there you getting left." He says before hanging up. I get up feeling week from my body as my hands shake while I pick my pink duffel bag up.

I grab my phone charger, hair bucket, and makeup bag when I hear Kyro pulling up. I zip my nike windbreaker up, and run down the stairs sniffling. I put my bag down by the door pulling my hair into a messy bun, and throwing my hood over my head. "Kaya don't go in my room while i'm gone." I say to her making her look at me then back at the tv. She back on her quiet streak.

Kayla comes from the back with Ashanti shoes, and backpack. She glares at me as she picks up Ashanti pulling her into her lap as she sits on the couch helping Shanti put her shoes on, and tying them. "Go get your coat Shanti. Kaya go open that door for Kyree, and Kyro." Kayla says as the door bell rings. I go into the kids play room as they watch SpongeBob. "Kacy, Kalen come give me a hug i'm about to go." I say holdidng my arms out.

"Why are you and mommy mad at each other?" Kacy asks as I pick her up. She always asking questions. Kacy acts like Kayla, and Kalen acts Kaya. He just a quiet little kid that minds his own business, but he's a momma boy when he wants to be. He don't like nobody, but Kayla. "Because sometimes yo momma do to much." I say low enough to where Kayla can't hear me. "Oh." Kacy says as she gets down going back to the tv. "You not gone give me no hug Kalen?" I ask trying to pick him up but he starts crying, and pushing my face away. I put him down holding my face where Kayla punched me.

I leave into the big living room to Kyree asking what I did. "Don't worry bout it. Just know she did some shit that got her ass whooped." Kayla says as she helps Ashanti into her coat. "Hey daddy's baby!" Kyro says as Ashanti runs in his arms. Kyree walks in the kid's living room making Kacy scream as she jumps on him. She so dramatic.

I grab my bag opening the door seeing it pour down with rain. "Give me your phone, and your charger." Kayla says holding her hand out making me flinch a little. I hand over my phone, and charger not saying anything scared she gone punch me again. She takes it out my hand walking away to the back. "Kaylee I got you some new shoes." Kyree says walking out the room with Kacy on hanging on his back. "What you get?" I ask. "Them red, and white harachues you were asking for when you saw that old picture of Kayla." He explains.

"They in my room. Go get em'. I put em' on my bed." He says making my face drop. "No. I'm not talking to yo wife." I say rolling my eyes as she comes in from the back. "Daddy I want to go to the water park." Kacy tells Kyree. "It's raining outside mama. You gone get sick." Kyree says. "But daddy please!" Kacy whines as she hops up and down on his back. "I'll take y'all to the aqautic center." He says making Ashanti gasp. "Can I go too?! Uncle Kyree!" Ashanti asks. "Yeah Shanti." Kyree says as Kalen comes out climbing on Kayla's lap.

"Maybe we should take all the kids outta town this weekend, and they can swim at the pool in the hotel. We can go to Florida it's hot out there around this time." Kyro suggests as he plays in Ashanti's hair. "Sounds like a plan. They need to get out the house anyways." Kyree says as he puts Kacy down, and go over to Kalen taking him off Kayla. Kyree takes Kalen shoes off as he sleeps wrapping his arms around Kyro. "Put him in our bed baby." Kayla says as she sits back rubbing the dirt off her pants from Kalen shoes. "Aight." Kyree says before coming back in and kissing Kayla's head.

"We bout to head out, I'll see yall niggas later bye." Kyro says. "Bye." They say back as I walk out the door. "What you do?" Kyro asks as he picks Ashanti up carrying her to the car. "Nothing." I answer making him shake his head at me.


"You punching her in her face is too far Kayla." Kyree says. "You don't know what she did so don't tell me what's too far." I say as I climb in bed with Kalen laying down beside him stroking his hair.

"What she do?" He asks me for one millionth time. "This is between me, and her don't worry about it. It's handled so it's not a problem no more." I say laying my head on the pillow beside Kalen closing my eyes. "You sleepy?" Kyree asks me. I nod my head yawning.

"What you been doing today?" He asks me. "Nothing." I lie. "Why you so sleepy?" He asks me making me shrug my shoulders. I've been looking at places for me to my business for my new perfume I been working on. Kyree knows I have a perfume, but he doesn't know that I've also make the cream, lotion, body wash to go with it, and I've been looking for someone to start the main office.

"Baby I've been thinking about going back to school." I tell Kyree. I never finished high school, because of what happened, but I got my G.E.D. So that's something I guess. I wish I had've just finished school.

"That's good bae." He says picking Kalen up. "What you doing with him?" I ask him. "Taking him to his room." Kyree answers walking out with him.

I turn around from the sound of our room door closing seeing Kyree at the door taking his shoes off. He comes over climbing on top kissing me. "Bae I'm tired." I say half awake. "We haven't had sex since last month." Kyree says frowning. "Can we do it after my nap?" I ask him making him blow. "Yeah." He says kissing my forehead getting off the bed.

I haven't even shaved since the last time we had sex. I'm sleepy as hell, and I still gotta get up and cook in a minute.


I roll over groaning getting out of bed, so I can go cook. I'm hungry as hell, and my tooth hurts. It feels like its killing my fucking gums. I walk in the kitchen scratching my head as Kyree helps Kalen, and Kacy with their homework. I feel my headache coming on.

I been stressing lately with all this stuff on my plate. As the food cooks I go to medicine cabinet in my room, and get a aspirin. I take one following it with water. I brush my hair pulling it into a back ponytail.



"Kayla you need to take a break. You stressing yaself baby." Kyree says as I get dressed. "I know." I mumble. My tooth still hurts, and I gotta take the kids and me to the dentist, go get some beads so I can braid their hair, and go shopping for they rooms, and so on.

We haven't completely decorated the house. We have to decorate the kids room, and they'll be good. I get up going to the door as the doorbell rings. I open it letting Ashanti run in on me. "You gone knock me down mama." I say laughing as I pick her up. "Imma drop Kaylee of when she wake up, so y'all can talk." Kyro informs me.

"I don't got time for her shenanigans today." I say signing as Ashanti plays in my hair. "Yall need to talk whatever y'all got going on out." He says. "Shanti give daddy a kiss I'm boutta go." Kyro says grabbing Ashanti out my arms. "Bye daddy. Have a great day at work." Ashanti says before kissing Kyro's forehead making me smile at them.

They relationship is so strong..and cute. "You too. I love you." Kyro says kissing her forehea. "I love you too daddy. Drive safe." She says as he puts her down. "I will babygirl. I'll come pick you up after school Aight?" He asks her. "Okay. Bye love you." She says again. "Love you too." He says as he walks to his car.

I close the door as she turns to me. She takes her bonnet off showing her wild hair. "Kyro didn't put it in a ponytail like I rolls him to?" I ask her. "He did But the rubber band popped." She says as she goes to the kids living room pulling her chair out.

She sits it in front of the couch as I cut the tv on putting it on The Sprouts. I go in the room grabbing the hair bucket. "I'm boutta go get the twins up." Kyree says. "Did they take their baths last night?" I ask him. I went to sleep right after dinner so I don't know.

"Nah." He answers a he walks out. "Hey Ashanti." I hear him say. I walk out the room, going into the living room so I can do Ashanti's hair as she plays on her tablet. "Mommy today we have a spelling test, and I studied all night last night..." Ashanti rants. Her and Kacy will talk to your ears off if you let em'.

"Okay I'm done with you hair." I say as she continues to talk. Kacy comes down dressed in her polo matching with Ashanti. "C'mon so I can do you hair." I tell her as Ashanti gets on the couch laying down with the tablet in her face as she continues to play her game.

Kalen comes down with Kyree dressed up in his polo also. "I'm hungry." Kalen says in a soft voice. "Your plate is in the kitchen." I tell him. "You wanna go get a haircut today bud?" Kyree asks Kalen making him nod his head as he goes over to the shoes I laid out for him lastnight before I went to bed.

He puts them on tying them up. He stands up running into the kitchen. "Ashanti you not hungry?" I ask her as I do Kacy's hair. "Daddy got me, got me some um McDonald's." She says. "Mommy I want some McDonald's." Kacy whines. "Kacy you got food in the kitchen." I say.

"But Shanti got McDonald's!" She cries. "Kacy you betta cut dat out." Kyree sternly demands making her do as said. "Wipe your tears. I'll stop you by McDonald's." He says making me look up at me with a glare. "Now Why would you tell her— never mind." I say getting irritated with him.

Every time I tell the kids something He tells them the total opposite. "I'm done with your hair Kacy get up, and go put your shoes on so we can go." I say as Kyree hands me some money. "What's this for?" I ask him. "To get the twins some McDonald's and so you can go shopping." He says. "I'm not taking them to McDonald's Kacy can eat the food in the kitchen." I say making her whine.

"Aight." He says picking her up, and whispering something in her ear making her nod her head, and dry her tears. Kaya comes down dressed in her Adida track outfit. That's red, and white. She asked me to flat iron her hair last night, and today she has it in s ponytail.

Kaya got the longest in the house. She's mixed with white, Puerto Rican, and black. That's a good mixture if you ask me. "Good morning Nikki." I say making her chuckle. I call her Nikki Minaj because her hair is so long for her to only be 12 years old.

"My name is not Nikki." She says laughing as she goes into the kitchen. "You better get out there before the bus come." I say. "Can you drive me to school today?" She asks me. "Why?" I ask her. "Because Kaylee took the last bag of hot fries, and I need somebody to stop me by the store." She says. "I'll drop em' off to you at school." Kyree says walking in dressed up. "Okay." Kaya says grabbing her backpack, and running out the house.

"I'll drive them to school." Kyree says. "Okay." I say sitting back knowing he gone stop them by McDonald's. "Y'all backpack in my room." I say making them run to the back where my room is.

"Give me a kiss before I leave." Kyree says leaning down. I peck his lips making him deepen the kiss. "Ewww!" I hear the Kacy, and Ashanti say making Kyree pull away. "C'mon." He says walking to the door. "Bye I love y'all. Have a good day at school." I say to them. "Love you too." Ashanti, Kacy say racing out the door. Kalen comes over climbing into my lap giving me a kiss and following them out.

"Bye I love you baby." I say to Kyree. "Love you too babygirl. You gone be here when I get back?" He asks me. "I don't know. I'm going shopping to get the kids room decorated." I say Answering his question. "Aight. Don't forget Kaylee coming over, and she don't got no key." He says walking out.

A little after they left the doorbell rung while I was doing the laundry. I open the door seeing a box with my name on it. I pick it up bringing it into the house. I cut the tape that's sealing it closed with the box cutter seeing my Velvet Nike outfits making me smile wide. (In mm).

I grab the pink, and white outfit running into my room. I change out of my clothes into the new outfit, and went to folding the clothes again. I come across my blanket Kyree got made for me when I got the flu. It got me, and his face on it along with the kids.

I turn the tv on take a break from folding clothes as I lay my head on the couch pillow, and accidentally falling asleep.


I walk up to the door along with Kaylee ringing the door bell. I wait a little while before doing it again. "Kayla car outside ion know why she ain't answering the door." I say as I bang on the door. Kyree got Kayla a purple G Wagon, and that's the only thing drive around in so I know she in here.

I search for they house key on my key ring. Once I find it I unlock the door stepping in. "If you gotta key to the house why you be ringing the doorbell in the morning, and afternoon?"
Kaylee asks. "One: yo Sister, and Kyree some freaky ass people, Two: you can't walk in somebody shit especially not in this family that's a death wish." I explain to her.

"What you mean a death wish?" Kaylee asks me. "You could get yo head shot off that's what I mean." I say rolling my eyes at her being slow . I walk further into the living room seeing Kayla on the couch with her blanket draped around her, and the laundry on the coffee table.

I shake he making her jump out of her sleep. "You scared me what you want?" She asks as she stretches on the couch. "Nip slip." I say making her look down at her boob putting it back in place. "What are you doing here?" She asks she sits up scratching her head on the couch. "Came to drop Kaylee off." I say before walking out leaving them alone.


"Come finish folding clothes with me so I can talk to you." I say to Kaylee breaking the silence. "Okay." She mumbles sitting on the couch by me. "Are you a virgin?" I ask making her head shoot up at me. "Answer my question before I hit you." I warn her as her eyes get watery.

"No." She answers making me glare at her. Fuck why me! "When did you have time to go get— to go lose your virginity?" I ask her. "After Track Practice." She answers as tears elevate down her face. "Why would you do something like that people get raped when they younger then the age of 8! They don't have no choice but to not be a virgin, but you had a choice to hold on to your virginity and you didn't! Why would you do something like that?" I ask her.

"I'm sorry. I was pressured, and I didn't want him to go do it with somebody else! All his friends, and my friends were getting some and we were the only couple still walking around a virgin! I love him! I didn't want to lose him!" She cries as she balls up on the couch making me sign.

"Why didn't you just come and talk to me?" I ask her as I pull her into my arms letting her cry on my chest. "Because you always judge me. You're so worried about being so strict. You don't just try to be my sister, and help me out with some advice sometimes." She cries making me feel bad.

She's right. I stay bitching on her all the time instead of listening to her, and helping her out. "Kaylee I'm sorry for bitching on you all the time, cause I don't want you to ever feel like you can't come and talk to me about anything. Cause I'm here for you. Okay?" I ask her for assurance that she knows I'm being forreal. She nods her head as she sobs on my chest.

"You can come to me about anything, and talk to me." I assure her making her nod again. "I love you." I say. "I love you too." She says as she wipes her tears. I really wish I had've realized this before she went out, and had sex. I'm too busy trying to make her perfect so she doesn't end up like me, but all I had to do was be a sister at the times she needed me to be.

"You know I gotta take you to the doctor, and get you tested. And I have get you on birth control." I tell her. "Birth control makes you fat." She whines. "Only a little thick." I say smacking her thigh. "I'm sorry Kayla." She says sitting up. "It's okay. Kaylee i'm not judging you, but you need a nigga that's be willing to wait, cause pressuring you is not love." I tell her as she stares at her fingers. "You hear me?" I ask her. "Yes." She answers with a mumble.

"Okay. Go get dressed in something else we running errands today." I tell her. "My outfits didn't come in?" She asks looking at my outfit. I ordered her, and Kaya some to. But Kaya had the t-shirt instead of the tank tops. "It's in that box over there." I tell her making her run over to them.
"Look at the size cause mine still in there." I tell her. "These flops are so cute." She says pulling the flops out. "Go get dressed before I be late to my dentist appointment." I tell her. "Okay." She says going upstairs. "Hello." I say answering my call I got from Kyree. "You gone drop them chips off to Kaya or you want me to do it?" He asks me. "I'll do it." I say. "You at home alone?" He asks me. "No." I say. "Aight. I'm letting the kids stay over Kyro's tonight." He says. "Okay." I say. "Aight love you. Call me if you need me." He says.

"Okay. Love you too."  I say before hanging up. "I'm ready." Kaylee says coming down matching me.


"Kaya do you like her or not?" My friend Maya asks me. "I do not like her." I say as we walk throguh the halls heading to our 1st period. "I don't see why you acting like you not a lesbian. I don't wanna be with you if you gone act like you straight anyways." Shemiah goes off on me in front of everybody in the hall. "Bitch I let it be known that i'm gay. Imma open book. Everybody at this school know i'm gay. I don't like you, cause you always in some unessacary drama, you too fucking ratchet, and too fucking fast! I'm not tryna get in no relationship with you anyways, cause when Jessica come back that's who i'm copping!" I snap getting in her face as I throw my backpack down catching eyes of students in the hallway.

"Jessica not coming back! So what you mean?" She yells as tears come from her eyes. "She moving back down here in 2 more months." I say grabbing my backpack, and walking off. "You in the 7th fucking grade, and still acting childish." I say as some of her friends come up to her asking what happened.

I enter my 1st period. I go to my seat, and throw my backpack on the back of my chair streaking my streaks back.


We up in 2nd period pissing me off, cause they still talking about me, and Shemiah. "And you capping because you always texting me asking to ask if I could my momma to take us to the movies, and let you spend the night at my house." Shemiah tries to expose me. "Yeah, cause I want you to give me head like you always do. You know yo momma be out with yo dad on the weekends so don't try to expose me when you know you be eating me out." I say as I sit back in my chair making them oo as I eat my hot fries Maya gave me.

"Why you even tell our business out loud?" Shemiah asks me. "You did it first." I say. "You ate me out to." She lies rolling her eyes. "You know you fucking lying. Don't get mad, cause you got used." I say. "You ate me out at least once." She says. "Put that on 5." I say. "You ain't got five to put on the table." One of her friends butt in. "And you ain't got edges to lay on yo head, but you still put gel on them bald spots." I say making everybody in the classroom bust out laughing.

I didn't even know they was all listening to us. "Shut yo gay ass up." The girl say. "Yo friend gay!" Me, and Maya say in unison. "Stupid bitch." I say as I drink some of my Green Powerade. "Shemiah, Kaya, and Maya get out!" My Teacher yells at us. "Mane bruh. That wasn't me it was her!" I say pointing at Shemiah's friend. "WhO?" My teacher ask. "The girl with no edges. Um--ion know her name." I say making the class laugh. "This whole table get out. I'm sending yall to the office." My teacher says pulling out some referalls.

"Mrs.Wadges Kaya is checking out." The lady buzzes in making me smile. I grab my backpack, and rush out. When I get to the office I see Kayla, and Kaylee dressed the same. "C'mon." Kayla says.


We went, and got our nails, and feet done, pick the Twins and Ashanti up, took them to the dentist, went shopping for our rooms, then went home. "Kaya who you texting?" Kaylee asks as we sit on the couch watching tv while eating. "None of yo business." I say with an attitude as I text Jessica telling her what happened today at school.

"Kaya go put some socks on that's why you stay sick now." Kayla says coming from her room. I get up doing as said.


"I'm getting a wax tomorrow." Kayla says as she sits on the reclining chair that's in between the couches, but still attached. "What on yo legs?" I ask her before taking a bite out of my spaghetti. "No. my vagina." She says eating as well. "What kind a bikini wax, or Brazilian wax?" I ask her as Kaya's phone goes off again.

She stay texting somebody and every time I ask her she gets defensive. I open her phone with my finger print looking at her messages with the girl named 'Jessica🍑💦🌹' in her phone. My mouth drops as I read some more of their messages. I hear her room door close from upstairs.

I sit her phone back down on the couch, and start back eating. "Imma Judy shave tonight." Kayla says making me look up at her.


"Y'all pack y'all bags because we going to Florida tomorrow morning, and I'm dropping y'all off at Kyro's house tonight." Kyree tells us. "Kayla can I get my shoes Kyree bought me?" I ask Kayla. "They in my closet." She says as she washes the dishes.

I go in the room getting my shoes. "Kayla can you come help me pack my bag?" I ask her with a sly wink. "Yeah." She says cutting the water off. "Where you get these from?" Kyree asks Kayla as he feels on her butt. "I ordered them." She says before following me upstairs to my room.

"What you want to talk about?" She asks closing my door. "It's about somebody in the house." I say as I eat my SunChips.  "Who?" She asks. "Kaya." I mouth to her as I get up and lock the door. "What about her?" She asks me as she pulls my suitcase out starting to help me pack for real.

"I don't know if I want to tell you because I don't want her to feel like she can't trust me, but she doesn't know that I know her secret." I say. "Is it big or little?" She asks me. "Big!" I Answer. "What is it?" Kayla asks. "She was—Nah never mind. I can't."  I say. "Tell me." She says.

"Mom! Kacy's playing in your makeup!" Ashanti runs in snitching. Kayla gets up grabbing my belt off the dresser. Kacy always in somebody makeup. She deserve what she bout to get.



I close my eyes as sit in the hot tub. I hear Kyree walking up behind me. He gets in with me coming over and kissing me. "I'll buy you some more makeup tomorrow in Florida." He says making me open my eyes. "I'm going to be looking like a little boy tomorrow. She messed all my shit up!" I say as he wraps his arms around me.

"No you not." He says leaning down kissing me. I deepen the kiss grabbing the side of his face as he picks me up sitting me on the edge of the hot


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