I'm not a villain (Hitoshi Sh...

By Awesomelemonaids

1.1M 54.9K 30.4K

(Y/n) was destined to be the greatest villain of all time. Her father was an evil genius, while her mother wa... More

1. I hate this
3. Communication
4. Marshmallows
5. Happiness
6. Trust
7. Past
8. You should smile more
9. My Hero
10. Parents
11. Purple cat charm
12. Meow
13. U.A High school
14. The practical test
15. Be careful
16. Results
17. Master?
18. Explain
19. Without
20. Jealousy
21. Memories
22. Protect you
23. U.A
24. Quirk assessment
25. Sensei
26. The music room
27. For her
28. I'm sorry
29. Fly
30. Obtained
31. Out
32. Costume time!
33. Team J
34. I have a plan
35. Congratulations
36. The notebook
37. Shadow quirks
38. Threads
39. Saviour
40. Friendship
41. Wanted
42. Understandings
43. Arrangement
44. Home
45. Cafe
46. Become a hero
47. No control
48. The nurse
49. The USJ
50. Villains
51. Hospital
52. Forgiven
53. Healed
54. Mystery object
55. Guest
56. Brother
57. Friends
58. I am a hero
59. Different
60. Safe
61. Delusional
62. Accidental advancements
63. Thank you for everything
64. Times up
65. Back to me
66. Plummet
67. Revival
68. Countdown
69. Counter-attack
70. Cheer
71. Reunited
72. The game
73. Deal
74. I can't lose
75. A contract
76. Titan
77. Visitors
78. A happy family
79. Love
80. Press conference
81. Pressure
82. Not enough
83. Confession (Final chapter)
Bonus: Kuro gets a boyfriend
Fan art
More fan art

2. Freedom

29.3K 1.1K 753
By Awesomelemonaids

I help my mother stand and lead her upstairs. "Go into your bedroom and pack everything you need, we won't be coming back so make sure not to forget anything". She nods and disappears down the long hallway. I go my own way and stop only when I reach my bedroom door. Beside it is a metal plate with the word 'princess' carved into it. I clench my fist and punch it, denting the wall and making the metal plate unreadable. "Bastard", I mutter. I open the door and walk in. I flick the light switch on and look over my bedroom. The walls are bare and the only furniture in there is a bed, a desk and drawers. I grab a suit case and fill it to the top with clothing. I stop and look around my room for anything else. I don't really own much. As I child I was never given toys and I never allowed to celebrate my birthday or Christmas. I only owned clothing and weapons. I open my wardrobe and grab out my two black bladed swords and my bow. I pack them in my suitcase and zip it shut. Next I grab a back pack and head down stairs. I run into the kitchen and begin filling the bag with food. Cans and packets fill the bag, there's years worth of food in this kitchen. I fill the bag to the top and assemble all my stuff beside the front door. My mother walks down the stairs lugging a large suitcase behind her. "Are you ready?', you ask her. She swallows hard and nods, I can see the fear in her eyes. I drop my bags and walk over to her trembling figure. I wrap my around her and sigh. "Mother its ok, he won't find us and if he does we will be strong enough to fight him off". She nods and rubs her eyes. I pull away from her and grab her hands. "Didn't you say that you had a lover before father took you? Don't you want to see him again? Maybe you could get back together with him?". Heat rises to her cheeks. It was strange to see her in such a flustered state, it only happened when I brought up her former love. I felt sorry for her, having been taken away from her love to be stuck with a horrid man like my father. I internally cringe. I keep a firm grasp on my mothers hand and lead her out the door. We will be fine, he can't touch her for another two months.

We walked out and saw a limousine waiting in the driveway for us. The driver left his seat and opened the door for us. We got in and pulled our bags in along with us. "Where are you ladies wanting to go?", he asks. "Musutafu", my mother says. The driver nods and we pull away from the house that we both despise. (A/n: I just searched where BnHA is set and that's that place that came up)


I watch out the window as we travel through town after town. Everything was so new to me. I'd never left the property my house was on, I'd never seen a city or a farm. All of this was so new to me. I hear a giggle from beside me and see my mother with a smile on her face. "You look shocked to see all this", she laughs. Heat rises to your cheeks and you look down at your feet. "I've never left that place", you whisper. She sighs, realizing what shes done. She wraps an arm around your shoulder and leans over to kiss you on the forehead. You look up at you mother and meet her gaze. "Mother I would like to become a hero just like you, where would I have to go to do that?", I question. She smiles and watches her surroundings through the window. "We are heading to my home town Musutafu and you will attend UA". You tilt your head to the side. "UA? What's that?". "UA is a school where people learn how to be heroes, I went there when I was your age". "Is that where you met your lover?", you ask. Her cheeks illuminate once again. "Uh yes that is where I met him". You feel your cheeks tensing slightly. Your body wanted you to smile but whenever you thought about smiling all you could remember was the sick smile of your father. Your face remained emotionless. "Mother, do you think they would let me be a hero?". She nods and smiles at me. "Of course darling, why wouldn't they?". You stare straight ahead. "What if they found out who my father is?". She freezes for a moment before glancing at you. "Its ok, no one will know. Just remember don't show them all of your quirks. People will only use them against you". I nod and watch as the car slows down. "So where in Musutafu would you like me to take you?, the driver asks. My mother begins to tell him where she wants us to go. Apparently its her sister's house. I only found out that mother had a sister a few years ago, I was surprised to learn it too. I would've thought that my mother would've told me, maybe she didn't trust me and thought I would tell father. I frown slightly and look over at my mother who is happily talking to the driver. She's so much happier now that she's out of that place, I'm happy for her.


Twenty minutes later the limousine stops. I look out the window to see a beautiful two story house out the window. My mother notices my gaze and places a hand on my shoulder. "That's gonna be our new home". I feel my cheeks tense once again, I feel happy that we're here. I'm delighted that I'm away from that sick bastard and now my mother is safe. Mother and I get out of the car and pull our bags up to the front door. She takes a deep breath and knocks on the large wooden door. I hear foot steps and then it opens revealing a woman with long blonde hair and purple eyes, she was very pretty. "How may I help you?", she asks. My mother stares at the blonde tears streaming down her face. "How could you not remember your own sister, Yu?". Her purple eyes widen and tears overflow from them. She leaps on my mother and wraps her arms around her. "I can't believe you're here, you've been missing for 16 years". My mother sighs and nods. The blonde woman's eyes move to me. "And who might this be?", she asks. My mother smiles and places her hand on my head. "This is my daughter, (Y/n)". The woman's face lights up and she suddenly hugs me. "I can't believe I'm an aunt!", she squeals. I watch the woman, Yu, turns her attention back to my mother. We bring your stuff inside and are shown to our rooms. I got a large room upstairs right at the front with a big window. I sit on my new bed and stare out at the stars. I can't believe we actually got away, we're free.

Can't wait to introduce all of the characters. Btw Yu is Mt. Lady and that is your mother's sister or your aunt. You'll be living with her. Anyway I hope you're enjoying this story so far. Vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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