Tom Holland Imagines

By irlcatheravery

676K 10.4K 2.1K

Tom Holland, you know you love him Highest Ranking: #1 in PeterParkerImagines #5 in Fan German Translation o... More

Dog Park (T.H.)
Osterfield Twins (T.H.) p1
Osterfield Twins (T.H.) p2
Mini America (P.P.)
New Year's Eve (P.P.)
Happiest Place on Earth (T.H.)
Next Door Neighbor (T.H.)
Stars (T.H.)
Giggles (P.P.)
Drunk (P.P.)
Tourist (T.H.)
Red Carpet (T.H.)
Chipmunk (P.P.)
Punish (T.H.)
Holland Family Christmas (T.H.)
YouTuber (T.H.)
The Barton Kids (P.P.)
Valentines Day (P.P.)
Snatch (T.H.)
Little Surprises (T.H.)
"Fun" (T.H.)
Keep Calm (T.H.)
I'm Back, Baby (T.H.)
What's My Name (T.H.)
Metal Hand Who? (P.P.)
Nephew (T.H.)
Obedient Servant (T.H.)
These Three Teen Legends (P.P.)
Partners in Crime (P.P.)
Matching Tattoos (T.H.)
Finals (P.P.)
Birthday Boy (T.H.)
What's There to Hear? (T.H.)
Big Brother Moment (T.H.)
Pool Time (T.H.)
Soulmate-hate (P.P.)
Comic Con (T.H.)
Welcome to Tokyo (T.H.) p1
Welcome to Tokyo (T.H) p2
Welcome to Tokyo (T.H.) p3
T.O.M. (T.H.)
Repeat. (T.H.)
One Day Trips (T.H.)
Birthday Celebrations (P.P.)
Finding Neverland (T.H.)
FaceTime Calls (T.H.)
Strangers (P.P.)
Early Mornings (T.H.)
Perks of a Best Friend (P.P.)
Missing You (T.H.)
The Maid in the Prince's Tale (T.H.) p1
The Maid in the Prince's Tale (T.H.) p2
The Maid in the Prince's Tale (T.H.) p3
Hand Kisses (T.H.)
Ti Amo (P.P.)
A True Fan (T.H.)
Shoot (P.P.)
Just a Family Friend (T.H.)
Stupid Vampire Boyfriend (T.H.)
Swimming is a No From Me (T.H.)
YOU (P.P.)
Jurassic Relationships (T.H.) p1
Sensory Overload (P.P.)
Stupid Boys (T.H.)
Little Elf (T.H.)
Spider-Man is Afraid of Spiders (T.H.)
Stan Siblings (T.H.)
Who's That? (T.H.) p1
Who's That? (T.H.) p2
Who's That? (T.H.) p3
Disneyland (P.P.)
The Hair (T.H.)
Far From Home (P.P.)
Rain and Thunder and Kids (T.H.)
Dyslexia (T.H.)
Needy (T.H.)
Hospitalized (T.H.)
"We switched bodies?" (P.P.)
First Day of Summer (T.H.)
Endgame (P.P.)
My King (T.H.)
Little Sister Morgan (P.P.)
Sleepy Boys (T.H.)
Bi-smuth (P.P.)
Jurassic Relationships (T.H.) p2
Thirst Tweets (T.H.)
Ear Kink (T.H.) p1
Ear Kink (T.H.) p2
Head Concussions (P.P.)
"That bitch" (P.P.)
Glasses Boy (P.P.)
Dead Girl Walking (T.H. H.O.)
Singles will be Paired (T.H.)
You are Perfect (T.H.)
Homecoming Shopping (P.P.)
Spaghetti Spills (T.H.)
Area 51 (P.P.)
Fangirl (T.H.)
A Little Too Hot (T.H.)
#Exposed (T.H.)
Bedtime (P.P.)
Cliché Carol Singers (T.H.)
"Ellen, you didn't" (T.H.)
"How Can You Sit Like That?" (T.H.)
Oysters (T.H.)
The AI (P.P.)
Spies in Disguise (T.H.)

Lil' Tommy Jr. (T.H.)

6.4K 130 9
By irlcatheravery

1st Person POV

"Mummy, where's Uncle Paddy!" my three year old child giggles. We had just barely made it through the front door and Tommy was already asking for his favorite Uncle. It's not like Tommy doesn't like his other Uncles, he just has a closer age difference with Paddy and likes playing with action figures. Yup, he's already gotten into the marvel action figures and there's no stopping him. The little guy is obsessed with marvel just like his father.

"Go ask Grandma Nikki, she probably knows," I laugh, pushing my son towards Nikki, who sat on the couch with a novel in her hands.

Tommy ran over to Nikki, doing his best not to trip over anything with his tiny legs, and asked her the same question he asked me. "Gwandma, where's Uncle Paddy?"

Nikki put her book down on the coffee table in front of her and leans down towards my son. "He's in game room, do you remember where that is?" And he does, very well actually, too. Tommy ran off up the stairs, running towards the gaming room to find Paddy. "How are you, Sweetie? Are the boys driving you nuts yet?" She laughs, tapping the couch cushion next to her for me to sit.

"Well Thomas," I laugh, taking a seat next to Nikki on the couch, "he has been trying to teach junior how to tumble and dance already. And with that being said, Thomas Jr. won't stop running around the apartment. Needless to say, both boys no have tons of bruises and cuts everywhere."

"Hey, I warned you children were tough!" Nikki smiled, "just wait till there's four of them running around, now that is when things get tough."

"Please, you only had one Thomas and I have two," I smile back. Having Tom in my life has been amazing. His family is amazing. His friends are amazing. Just everything is amazing.

Nikki and I ended up wandering into the kitchen to make two cups of tea. We kept on talking about random things that came up into our minds. At one point, Nikki and I begun betting on what each of the boys are doing at the moment.

"I'd say twenty euros that Tom—" my mother in law begins, but is quickly stopped short from one of her sons.

"Hey, Y/N?" Paddy yells from the upstairs floor. "You might wanna get up here, Tommy had an accident in the game room."

I drop my cuppa onto the table in front of me and begin rushing up the stairs. Nikki came up behind me, following me to go find Paddy and Tommy. "Is everything alright?" I yell, running past the game room to the bathroom.

"Um, kinda," Paddy yells back. When Nikki and I arrive the the bathroom, Paddy is standing there trying to get Tommy to stop hiding behind the shower curtain. "I brought Tommy into the bathroom after everything happened, and now he won't stop hiding from me."

"That's because he likes to hide from mummy and daddy when stuff like this happens," I said, walking towards the shower curtain, "which is never his fault. I totally forgot we were potty training him, sorry about the scare, Paddy."

"It's alright, Y/N," he told me before running back to the game room.

Nikki tapped her nails against the door frame, watching me kneel to the ground so I can work on getting my son away from the curtain. "I'm going to go check if there need to be cleaning," she whispers quietly, leaving the bathroom even quieter.

"Hey there, tough guy," I whisper to Tommy, inching closer to him. "How are you feeling?"

He whimpered a little bit before speaking to me, "no."

"No?" I ask him, pulling the shower curtain back and reaching out to tickle him. "How dare you say no to me, Thomas!" His laugh fills my ears and echoes throughout the bathroom, making me laugh along with him. After a couple minutes, I scoop my son into my arms and hold him against my hip. "How about I go run you a bath, then we can watch some Spider-Man on daddy's old bed? Does that sound like a good idea?"

Tommy leans his head against my shoulder, nodding his head. I carry him back to Tom's old room, setting him down on the floor so I could hopefully find something his size. There's got to be something his size in one of these drawers since we spend so much time over here. Eventually I found him a Star Wars shirt and shorts to wear, and an extra nappy, because we don't want another accident today.

I pick up my son again, taking him into the bathroom connected to Tom's room. I sat Tommy down on the floor, helping him out his wet clothes so he was no longer wet. When I turned around to start the bath, Tommy came up beside me and took out some of his bath time action figures that he got last Christmas.

The bath begun to fill up quickly, and Tommy's other bath toys started floating all over the place. I had to stop myself from laughing when I saw an Iron Man toy holding Captain America's hand so they didn't drift off from each other. Heh, Robert would be proud.

I grabbed my son by his armpits and lifted him into the bathtub, but he didn't care. Tommy's face brightened when he saw more toys floating around him, he's just a happy boy.

Once bath time was over, Tommy was ready to put on fresh clothes that were warm. He barely gave me any time to brush his brown, curly hair before he ran out of the bathroom and onto the bed. The boy is just eager to watch Spider-Man.

I drained the bathtub and hung up the used towels after Tommy ran out; he is probably already searching through my bags for my laptop. "Mummy," he whines, "where's the big phone!"

"Hiding from you," I laugh, swinging him off the floor and away from my bag. Moments later, Tommy is laughing with me and it makes me laugh some more. I plop Tommy in the middle of the bed, and wrap him in an Avengers blanket so he could get comfortable, eventually.

I went back to my bag and took out my laptop out of the "secret" hiding spot I put in it. In reality though, he is not very good at looking.

"What Spider-Man do you want to watch?" I ask Tommy as my laptop starts up.

"Daddy's!" he squeals.

I laugh quietly to myself and type up Spider-Man: Homecoming on Vudu to watch. Tommy settled himself on the mountain of pillows as the movie begun, his grin growing wider and wider at the minute.

As quiet as I could, I changed out of my shirt that was all wet from the bath water. So I took one of Tom's sweaters from a leftover pile in a suit case, and put it on. Gosh, how does it still smell like him?

Tom's American voice fills my ears as I slip his sweater over my head. Then I hear Tommy's laugh, giggling about how silly daddy looks in a Spider-Man suit. That man doesn't look silly, he looks hot.

I climbed back into the bed, using another blanket to keep me warm since there's no way Tommy would be staring with me anytime soon, and sat the laptop on my lap. Tommy gripped my arm, trying to hold himself up to watch the movie at a better angle.

About an hour later, Tom returned back to his old home with the twins. He came upstairs and knocked on his bedroom door before entering. His curly hair came into view first, than the rest of his body appeared, along with a small smile.

Tom walked right over to me, kissing my forehead. "I heard what happened. Is everything fine now?" He whispered against my head.

I sleepily nodded my head and lifted my arm out of the way, so Tom could see our son laying across my lap with the Avengers blanket keeping him warm.

Then Tom looked over at my computer, finally noticing what movie was playing. "I'm guessing Tommy chose the movie?" He laughs, running his fingers through my hair.

Again, I nodded my head. "Yeah, so after Paddy called for me, I gave him a bath and played Spider-Man. He only fell asleep a little bit ago."

I waited for Tom to say something back, but he was intensely staring at the screen, watching himself act. As if on cue, we both started quoting the scene. "I'm sick of Mr. Stark treating me like a kid. But you are a kid. Yeah. A kid who can stop a bus with his bare hands."

Tom looked over at me, grinning from ear to ear. He gave me on last forehead kiss and started walking around his room to find a pair of sweats and not so tight t-shirt.

When he returned, Tom sat in the opposite side of the bed, but as close as he could without disturbing Tommy. Even though that boy sleeps just like his Godfather/Uncle Harrison can, forever and stiffly.

"Wait," Tom said suddenly, "did you make sure to put him in a nappy and not back in 'big boy' underwear?"

I giggle and nod my head again, "yes, I made sure to put him in a nappy. That just means that we have to continue potty training back at home."

"Argh," Tom groans, "that means it is my turn to clean up the next mess."


so I woke up this morning to 70k and now I'm all excited, thanks guys 🤗 (ps a Halloween-y type story comes out next week!)

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