Rarl: Just Think Positive

By declarants

24.4K 620 232

completed ! ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ Ingredients; 1 cup love 5 - 1/5 cups pudding 2 boys A pint of weed ... ▀▀... More

Butt ❦ Cake
↝ Prologue
0.1 ❁ Not today
0.2 ✿ Basketball
0.3 ❊ Wrong
0.4 ❀ Puddle
0.5 ❃ Far-Fetched
0.6 ❈ Greenish
0.7 ❁ Lucid Curtains
0.8 ✬ Bulgar
0.9 ❀ Heights ain't Knights
1.0 ❉ The Sun And Her Flowers
1.1 ❀ Out the Gate, In the Woods
1.2 ✾ Lost Jollity
1.3 ✬ Wires
1.4 ❃ Exposed
1.5 ❁ Ferris Wheel Lights
1.6 ✿ Ride It
1.7 ❉ Road Home
1.8 ❁ Suck It Up, Buttercup
1.9 ✿ Days Like This
2.0 ❉ Say Yes
2.1 ❈ Arguments
2.2 ❁ First Kisses
2.3 ❃ Flashy Lights
2.4 ✿ Red Roller Coaster
↝ Second Act
2.5 ♝ Good Dream or Nightmare?
2.6 ♖ Creative Line
2.7 ♚ Joy
2.9 ♛ Carl
3.0 ♜ Dark Tear
3.1 ♙ Misleading Trail
3.2 ♕ Dead Man
3.3 ♜ Consent?
3.4 ♘ Backstabbing
3.5 ♞ RIP Blondie...
3.6 ♛ Home sweet Home; Alexandria
3.7 ♖ From Bogland to Moorland
3.8 ♝ Not so Sweet
3.9 ♞ Positive
4.0 ♔ Say It Louder
4.1 ♜ Easy Jog In The Evergreens
4.2 ♙ Lovely Lost Jollity
4.3 ♜ Here We Lock Up
4.4 ♞ Something to Know
4.5 ♙ Another Eye Gone
4.6 ♝ To The Wires
4.7 ♘ The Colours Are Gone, But We Are Still Here
4.8 ♗ Negative
↝ Epilogue
Authors ❦ Note

2.8 ♙Trapped

314 9 2
By declarants

They were so distracted with trying to help find the girl parents that their imprisonment had moved to the background, and maybe it was for the better to have that off their mind since they would be stuck there at least till the morning. Well, if they were correct thinking it'd open again.

The girl was sitting on shortest pony from the carousel and traces along the pink engravings that were supposed to be the horses hair, every question she got asked she answered with either a yes, a nod, a no or just silence.

"Where they here before the closing?" A nod.

"Do you remember where they went?" No.

"What's their names?" Silence

It was frustrating, Mikey even started swearing at her and if it wasn't for Lydia who told him off, then he'd have hammered down a bunch of insults at the fair-haired little girl till she would be able to repeat them and then they would end up getting in trouble as soon as she was reunited with her parents.

"I wish this shit would function, I'm really bored" Mikey said, sitting a couple horses away on a grey donkey which had a mad face, tongue drawn to the side and eyes made from two round ovals with a dot in it. Whoever created that fuck didn't give two shits about possibly creeping nightmares into children's heads.

Sophia was on her knees, inspecting a box full of red and blue wires that she had pulled out from the heart from the carousel. "I'm afraid that this is far more complicated to solve than the Ferris wheel, I'm very sorry..."

Mikey groaned and rested his head on the donkeys neck.

Ron tilted his head towards Carl who was sitting next to him on a rainbow coloured bench by the carousel and noticed how pale he had gotten. "Are you alright?"

He nodded with a faraway look in his eye, and worry gnawed upon Ron. He hadn't said a word after they had settled by the attractions and Ron couldn't figure out what had gotten in his head.

"We will get out somehow, maybe not today but I'm sure tomorrow will look better" He touched his arm affectionately like his mother would always do when worry ate him up, but Carl was still stuck in his own nightmares.

"Do you want to see the other attractions? Maybe we find your parents somewhere" Enid asked, kneeling down to the girl with a soft smile that looked so out of place on her face.


Enid backed away from the tone of the girls voice and her expression changed in one fast second to something with disgust. "What did you say, you-"

"Enid!" Lydia stepped next to the girl and pushed her aside "She's just scared, we've been bombarding her with questions ever since, maybe she needs some time to open up"

Enid muttered something about the girl being a brat and walked over to Mikey, not without throwing her brown hair over her shoulder.

Carl stood up suddenly. "I'll take a walk" he said quietly, Ron opened his mouth to say something but Carl cut him off as if he knew what he would say "Alone."

All eyes fell on the two boys and it was Mikey who threw a remark "Whats up with that lad?"

Ron adjusted his beanie awkwardly and shrugged, directing the attention away from him by asking stuff about the girl "Did she say what her name was?"
"Wanna hit her up or what you pedo" Mikey mocked him, patting his donkey.

"Dude, no, that's disgusting also I already have a bo-" Ron shut his mouth before he could finish the sentence. He actually didn't know if Carl was his boyfriend, they never made it official nor did they say the three words or any of that kind. All he knew about how they stood to each other was the still ongoing pain in his ass and even that wasn't telling him anything.

"Ron, Mikey asked ya something" Enid called from a zebra that had uneven black stripes over its body.


"I asked, you already have what?!" Mikey repeated himself and Ron blushed a little "Doesn't matter, what matters is that a way out"

"I wanna know, too" Enid called "I think we all do"

"Well, I prefer if we let him decide if he wants to tell us. I'm perfectly fine with him having this little secret, because-" Sophia said with a quiet voice, but Mikey cut her off "Shut up! Nobody asked you, wallflower"

"Woah, chill out. I don't have anything to tell, asshole" Ron stood up and walked away from his circle. This place seemed to have a weird affect on his friends behaviour and he could feel that he himself didn't feel too well either. As he put space between him and the others the nightmare he had searched for his attention and dragged him into an abyss of panic and fear. The metallic smell and taste of flood hung around him and his throat felt like it was being choked, wrung out of air and temples beaten from stabs quick as lightning.

His feet stepped on the litter on the ground, wrappers, paper, confetti and uneaten food. The noises grew quiet and he found himself in front of the Ferris wheel, giant as always and it's colours the only thing that stood out about the place by turnoff.

A cool breeze swept over his face and then the rain was set off from the clouds, it warbled on each and every attraction, and the melody of the drops beating the different surfaces filled the atmosphere together with the moist smell of earth.


Ron's heart flattered as he heard Carl's voice and he turned around, happy that he had decided to talk to him. "Hey Carl,"

He stood there, thumbs hanging in the loops of his belt and dark streaks of hair shielding his face from the falling raindrops and Ron was about to walk up to him and give him a hug to show him that everything was going to be fine, but the blood-pearl leaving a trail from his scar to amidst his cheek got him hesitant in his actions.

"Are you alright...?" Ron asked, taking a step backwards.

"I've come to finish something" He replied, a lightning bold shoot to the earth in the distant and it flashed Carl's face white before the thunder roared in their ears and a shiver ran down Ron's spine along with it. It felt like his nightmare just stood right in front of him

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