Rarl: Just Think Positive

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completed ! ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ Ingredients; 1 cup love 5 - 1/5 cups pudding 2 boys A pint of weed ... ▀▀... المزيد

Butt ❦ Cake
↝ Prologue
0.1 ❁ Not today
0.2 ✿ Basketball
0.3 ❊ Wrong
0.4 ❀ Puddle
0.5 ❃ Far-Fetched
0.6 ❈ Greenish
0.7 ❁ Lucid Curtains
0.8 ✬ Bulgar
0.9 ❀ Heights ain't Knights
1.0 ❉ The Sun And Her Flowers
1.1 ❀ Out the Gate, In the Woods
1.2 ✾ Lost Jollity
1.3 ✬ Wires
1.4 ❃ Exposed
1.5 ❁ Ferris Wheel Lights
1.6 ✿ Ride It
1.7 ❉ Road Home
1.8 ❁ Suck It Up, Buttercup
1.9 ✿ Days Like This
2.0 ❉ Say Yes
2.1 ❈ Arguments
2.2 ❁ First Kisses
2.3 ❃ Flashy Lights
2.4 ✿ Red Roller Coaster
↝ Second Act
2.5 ♝ Good Dream or Nightmare?
2.6 ♖ Creative Line
2.8 ♙Trapped
2.9 ♛ Carl
3.0 ♜ Dark Tear
3.1 ♙ Misleading Trail
3.2 ♕ Dead Man
3.3 ♜ Consent?
3.4 ♘ Backstabbing
3.5 ♞ RIP Blondie...
3.6 ♛ Home sweet Home; Alexandria
3.7 ♖ From Bogland to Moorland
3.8 ♝ Not so Sweet
3.9 ♞ Positive
4.0 ♔ Say It Louder
4.1 ♜ Easy Jog In The Evergreens
4.2 ♙ Lovely Lost Jollity
4.3 ♜ Here We Lock Up
4.4 ♞ Something to Know
4.5 ♙ Another Eye Gone
4.6 ♝ To The Wires
4.7 ♘ The Colours Are Gone, But We Are Still Here
4.8 ♗ Negative
↝ Epilogue
Authors ❦ Note

2.7 ♚ Joy

325 12 6
بواسطة declarants

[ I love this song, I've found it through a Carl Edit lol ]

Ron jumped awake.

The pain was still there, but the wound was gone.

He panted in panic and stared at Carl who gave him a weird look while holding something to him in his hand. "Ya alright? I brought you pain killers"

Everything came back to him slowly, the popcorn scent, the man, Carl stabbing him and Mikey. Was it all a dream? Or where some parts true? The last part obviously wasn't, since he was still alive. But when did he fall asleep?

He sat up slowly and his stomach started churning. "I think I need to-" an acid liquid streamed up his throat and before he could help himself outside, the green splattered all over the black linoleum floor"

Carl next to him stared at it with his eye wide open "Hurt so bad? I knew shouldn't have done this to you..." he produced a tissue from his pocket and cleaned Ron's mouth with it "Sorry. Here takeh' pill"

Ron retched and kept bend over the puddle, giving a side-look at his open palm "Wh-where did you get them?"

"Asked barkeeper" Carl shrugged " 's a bitch, but kinda helpful"

They looked suspicious. Bright, vigorous colours, one an emerald-green, the other a ruby tint. And it wasn't just that, they also looked like a painful lot to swallow with their size of a pence.

He shook his head slowly "I'm fine, who knows what might be in it?"

Carl looked down upon the pills, with his hair falling over his forehead, looking distinctly ruffled "But you're hurting..."

"I am, but I don't trust those" Ron said, raising his arm and closing Carl's hand with it "Its not that bad anyways, really"

They spend the next half hour just laying on the platform with their arms tangled around each others waist and just let their breaths warm one another's cheeks.

It was quiet, very quiet. Carl didn't raise a word and Ron was too lost in thoughts to care about the silence that squeezed in between them. He was so confused, from the dream. It felt so real, yet he woke up from it and with it, every nightmare had gone back to their shadows.

That's at least what he hoped what happened to them, gone into the shadows and never to be seen again.

"Getting late" Carl whispered into the silence and Ron jumped a little even if his voice was quiet. "Been here for hours"

A soft rustling from Carl's clothes sounded as he sat up "Should get back before road is too dark"

Ron stretched himself, his muscles tensed up and a cramp formed in his stomach, but he tried his best not to show any symptoms of pain, incase Carl would insist for him to take a pill.
"We have to huddle the others together" he said and pulled himself up. Limps numb from laying for so long

Carl looked up at him "Know where they at?"

"Uh..." Ron's eyes darted around the room as if looking for an answer somewhere in the shadows and his gaze stopped by the black door on the great wall "They must be somewhere in there,"

Carl nodded and stood up as well and together they dashed up the stairs and crossed their way through the hall till.

It was quiet as they opened the door and entered the red hall, a couple of round lights shone dimly on the walls and in front of the stairs on each flight

They stepped the cherry red stairs to the upper rows and for a moment it seemed like no one was there, but then, soft chattering somewhere up the rows of seats indicated that someone was and as they headed closer they saw them, sitting there, laughing and discussing something animatedly.

"-especially the one with the green and blue stripes, right?!" Lydia said with her mouth pulled into a big grin and Sophia laughed coyly "Oh, yes, I think you might be right"

Enid was the first one to notice the two boys and popped her bubble gum upon speaking "Look who's there, Ron and Carl, where have you been?"

Ron searched through the faces of his friends and detected with relief that Mikey was present, alive and quirky as always. Not laying on the floor, dead and blood leaking.

"Had ride on rollercoaster" Carl replied for him, showing no hint whatsoever that they had done more than that and his friends didn't assume anything either.

"Bet Ron shit his pants, didn't ya?" Mikey joked, shoving a handful of popcorn in his face and several corns missed the entrance and rained on the ground where they disappeared into the dark shadows

Carl titled his head and grinned at Ron who rolled his eyes, but smiled nonetheless just because he knew his friends were safe and sound "Blondie felt little sick"

"Obviously" Enid stated, stroking crumbs of popcorn from her black clothes "Ron's our little whimp"

"Little," Mikey threw back and Lydia giggle next to him.

Ron decided to kill the conversation before they ended up throwing in more "Its getting late, the attractions are shutting down so we should go home"


The humidity of the air was a forecast of the oncoming rain and the greyish clouds proved this, so did the spare dark splotches on the grey asphalt as they stepped onto it with Carl and Ron as the lead and their friends following.

As they walked past a stand of cotton candy, Ron fell back in his pace till he bumped shoulders with Mikey and pulled him apart from the group. "Hey um, you're still a virgin, right?" He whispered as casual as possible but of course Mikey gave him a weird look for this question "Wanna mock me for that?"

"No... just askin'" Ron muttered, the weight of a rock lifted from his heart as he knew now that his dream was really just a dream. A nightmare.

"Mkay'" Mikey said and walked back to Lydia who weaved him back into a conversation with the two other girls and laughs sounded right after. Ron was left back at the tail, following with slow steps and eyeing the funfair that didn't seem as bright and happy anymore. Maybe it was just the effect of the change of weather, but he couldn't get the feeling off that someone was wrong. Something about the sleeping bumper cars was wrong and the silence coming from the pervious scary roller coaster was different.

Suddenly, his friends chatter died away so abruptly that the oncoming swears sounded like bullets into Ron's ears.

"FUCK! This can't be! What kind of fuckery?!!"

Carl had grasped the metal bars of the gate with both hands and jerked it around and as it wouldn't give he would increase the strength of it by pulling with all his body weight, leaning back far away that his back almost touched the ground

An unwell feeling dawned inside Ron's guts and he could smell the fear of his friends around him.

"What happened?!" Sophia asked, stepping close to the gate and eyeing it with worried brown eyes.

"THEY LOCKED US IN!" Carl yelled, Sophia startled backwards and Mikey's and Lydia's facial expression soured.

"There must be another way out, right?" Lydia asked, her hand reached out for Mikey's slowly.

"Yeah!" Carl barked, turning around sharply "Over fucking walls" he pointed at the enormous walls that were so thin and fragile looking that seemed like they would wobble horribly by stepping foot on it, and the height of it didn't look too promising either "We're trapped!"

Ron thought the situation couldn't get any worse, but then a weak voice right behind them, proved him wrong, because that's were all the trouble just began.

"Daddy?!" A small girl whimpered, about the age of nine "Where is daddy?! Have you seen him..?!"

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