Rarl: Just Think Positive

By declarants

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completed ! ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ Ingredients; 1 cup love 5 - 1/5 cups pudding 2 boys A pint of weed ... ▀▀... More

Butt ❦ Cake
↝ Prologue
0.1 ❁ Not today
0.2 ✿ Basketball
0.3 ❊ Wrong
0.4 ❀ Puddle
0.5 ❃ Far-Fetched
0.6 ❈ Greenish
0.7 ❁ Lucid Curtains
0.8 ✬ Bulgar
0.9 ❀ Heights ain't Knights
1.0 ❉ The Sun And Her Flowers
1.1 ❀ Out the Gate, In the Woods
1.2 ✾ Lost Jollity
1.3 ✬ Wires
1.4 ❃ Exposed
1.5 ❁ Ferris Wheel Lights
1.6 ✿ Ride It
1.7 ❉ Road Home
1.8 ❁ Suck It Up, Buttercup
1.9 ✿ Days Like This
2.0 ❉ Say Yes
2.2 ❁ First Kisses
2.3 ❃ Flashy Lights
2.4 ✿ Red Roller Coaster
↝ Second Act
2.5 ♝ Good Dream or Nightmare?
2.6 ♖ Creative Line
2.7 ♚ Joy
2.8 ♙Trapped
2.9 ♛ Carl
3.0 ♜ Dark Tear
3.1 ♙ Misleading Trail
3.2 ♕ Dead Man
3.3 ♜ Consent?
3.4 ♘ Backstabbing
3.5 ♞ RIP Blondie...
3.6 ♛ Home sweet Home; Alexandria
3.7 ♖ From Bogland to Moorland
3.8 ♝ Not so Sweet
3.9 ♞ Positive
4.0 ♔ Say It Louder
4.1 ♜ Easy Jog In The Evergreens
4.2 ♙ Lovely Lost Jollity
4.3 ♜ Here We Lock Up
4.4 ♞ Something to Know
4.5 ♙ Another Eye Gone
4.6 ♝ To The Wires
4.7 ♘ The Colours Are Gone, But We Are Still Here
4.8 ♗ Negative
↝ Epilogue
Authors ❦ Note

2.1 ❈ Arguments

420 12 1
By declarants

He didn't remember falling asleep, but the thing waking him up was better than anything he could wake up to. Carl whispering his ears into functioning with sweet nonsensical words that Ron couldn't recognise, but they must've meant something sweet from the tone they wear spoken upon.

He opened his eyes and was greeted with a smooch to his nose. "Morning Blondie"

Ron rolled his eyes and giggled softly "You'd think you'd finally call me by my real name after what happened yesterday"

"Yesterday happened what?" Carl asked with a smirk.

Ron jabbed him into the rib cage and as he flinched the blond leaned over and pressed his lips onto the brunette, who made a surprised noise but instantly slung his arm around the boy's waist and pulled him a little closer.

Ron leaned back with a new tang of mint on his lips, smiling at the one eyed boy. "That"

"Oh, right" Carl said, diving down to give him a brief peck in response and the blond flushed "I've somethin' planned today"

"What is it?" Ron asked, raising an eyebrow and Carl continued "Lost Jollity, me and you... alone"

"You mean like, a date?" Ron quipped

"Yes." Carl said and thought it was for him to blush, the blonds cheeks just deepened its red colouring while the brunette skin stayed loyal to its colour.

But it couldn't happen, he was still grounded, three more days.

"I'd love to, Carl. But I can't" Carl frowned and so Ron lifted up his leg for him to see the ankle monitor bracelet strapped around it, a red light flickering on and off in the centre.

Carl looked at that thing with disgust.

"Yeah... I'm really sorry." Ron muttered, sighing.

The disgust cleared off his face though like a tidal weave and he was back at his reassuring smile again "Don't worry, I'll get you out, somehow"

"That's probably not a good idea, my dad... well, I just have to wait three more days..." Carl shook his head "I'll get you out, Blondie"

"Ron" The blond corrected him with hooded eyes.

"Ron." Carl fell silent for a moment then he stood up and Ron's waist felt empty like it had just loosened from a tight belt. "I'll be back" he called from the window and before he could say something he was out, the lucid curtains swaying after him in the wind.


He came back with a screwdriver and proudness smearing over his face like peanut butter on jelly, holding it up in the air and pressing the button twice and the machine rolled at the top with a mechanic sound

"I'm not gonna put that thing anywhere close to my body" Ron protested but Carl stepped closer to the bed nonetheless, kneeling down in front of him and planting his hand on the blonds knee. "Blon- Ron, trust me."

"How can I trust you if you can't even hold back that stupid nickname?"

He stemmed himself up with his hands on the bed frame and pressed his warm lips onto the blonds as if trying to gain his trust that way. It didn't help.


"You scared of everythang' heights, horses, me" Carl pointed the end of the screwdriver at himself, and Ron cringed for a second from the thought what would happen if he accidentally slid with his finger over the button

"I'm not scared of you"

The brunette shrugged and grabbed Ron's ankle, held the screwdriver on the notch with the screw on the black bracelet and before protest could stop him, he turned on the beast and Ron yelped but it was quickly over and the bracelet clunked to the carped.

"Told ya"

Ron swatted him but his hand hit the air, Carl had dodged.

"Alright, thank you, so, next problem though- I'm not going through the window"

"Never said you would, did I?" Carl crooned, grabbing his hand to lift him from the bed and lead him to the door "We be quiet, no worries"

Carls hand grabbing his own, had the blond so startled that he almost forgot the danger of the situation and only began panicking on the flight of the stairs, squeezing the brunettes hands with his fingers, but he kept him dragging all the way to the door and out to the street. Luckily, his parents didn't hear them.

It was an peculiar feelings stepping foot into the outdoors, after being barricaded from it for over a week this just felt alien to him. The trees, not behind a window but right in front of his eyes, the grey streets and people. Gosh, people.

Ron froze as if he had just seen another human for the first time when he spotted Rick Grimes taking with an asian guy by the gate.

"My dad," Carl whispered as he noticed the look on his friends face "Told me not to cross gate, fuck him"

"What's wrong with him? He seems nice." Ron asked, thinking about his own father who appeared like the total opposite to this man.

"Don't ask, let's just go before he sees-" Carl explained but too late. The man with the grey beard and confused look stepped foot to them. Their hands didn't part and it freaked Ron, he didn't even know yet how he stood to the brunette, let alone how he would explain this to someone he didn't even know

"Carl," the man called, five feet away with a weird accent pronouncing the name as if it was foreign to him "What are you doin'? With him" he nodded at Ron and his palm started forming sweat.

"My business." Carl snapped, a streak of brown hair fell over his eye.

The man pulled Carl aside and Ron managed to slide out of the handhold and step away, fearing that the man would come after him and perhaps slap him, even shoot him with the gun he held safe in the holster.

Ron could only watch as the man started talking onto his son with hectic hand movements and his face not looking too pleased about him either, eyebrows pulled together with such force he thought that the wrinkles between them would be permanent, stay and remind him years later about every single world he barked at the brunettes head.
They weren't necessarily bad words, just a casual lecture about him being naive for going over the wall, sneaking out every night and he spared giving him a talk about Ron up until the very end of his speech

"Who's this? 'Nother person you care about that will die? Carl, I don't want seein' you gettin' hurt again"

"Don't give a shit, dad!" Carl threw back at him, teeth exposed as he pulled his upper lip up "Do what I want, you get out my business!"

Rick opened his mouth but Carl stole him for words "I'm old enough to know, don't need ya help, never did!"

Suddenly, Ron was dragged away.

His friend Mikey had appeared out of nowhere and slung his arm around Ron's neck, grinning broadly "What's up my mate?!"

His arm felt like a stem with thorns around his neck, piercing through the material of his denim jacket and stabbing right in his skin, this was probably the worst timing for him to appear.

"Mikey, not now" Ron said quietly, his eyes still fixated on Rick giving his son a speech.

Mikey's sneakers scraped against the asphalt as he turned to follow the blonds stare "Grimes again? Swear to god, always him" he shook his head and as he inspected the scene more precisely he said "Wow, dude, whats steaming over there?"

Ron bit his lip as Carl shouted loud enough for Mikey to hear "Blondie and me go to Fun fair again and ya can't do shit!"

"You go to a funfair, What?!, you take us with you right?" Mikey's eyes widened and the brown irises looked nuances lighter with a now begging look to it "Shit, I gotta tell Enid, and Lydia" his mouth formed a grin

Ron hesitated, he did want to go alone but then again he also wanted his friends to have some fun as well. Maybe he could steal Carl and himself away when they were there and go on a attraction alone. "I don't know I gotta ask Carl"

"Why you going with him alone anyways?" Mikey asked, raising a brow at him "If I were you I'd stay here instead of going with this creepy fucker who's prolly planning your murder"

"I trust him, he's my friend" Ron said, staring at his feet.

"Friend" Mikey said as if reading the word from a list "But what about your BEST friend? Don't you want him to come with you"

"Well, I-" Ron began but paused when Carl stomped over to them, glancing at Mikey's arm before looking at him with his eye squinted "Hands off Blondie" but that wasn't everything, he kept walking forward till he stood in front of him and pushed him away. Mikey faltered backwards "Dude chill, what's your problem?!"

"Carl, he's just a friend" Ron butted between them before the situation could escalate farther.

"Oh and what is he?" Mikey sneered, pointing at Carl "Your boyfriend?"

Carl let out a noise that sounded like a low growl and opened his mouth but he was interrupted

"Just cut it out, both of you, we don't need to fight about stupid things!" Ron bellowed in a tight voice "Mikey, If you want to come with us, you need to shut up and Carl, stop being so fucking rude to everyone!"

Both of the boys were visibly baffled from Ron's sudden interfere, but one after the other nodded slowly, though Carl struggled more to bite back an insult.

"Alright," Ron dropped his arms on his sides and eyed each of the boys "We're going. Together."

A/N: A little late but I couldn't write much yesterday so I only finished the chapter today

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