Rarl: Just Think Positive

By declarants

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completed ! ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ Ingredients; 1 cup love 5 - 1/5 cups pudding 2 boys A pint of weed ... ▀▀... More

Butt ❦ Cake
↝ Prologue
0.1 ❁ Not today
0.2 ✿ Basketball
0.3 ❊ Wrong
0.4 ❀ Puddle
0.5 ❃ Far-Fetched
0.6 ❈ Greenish
0.7 ❁ Lucid Curtains
0.8 ✬ Bulgar
0.9 ❀ Heights ain't Knights
1.0 ❉ The Sun And Her Flowers
1.1 ❀ Out the Gate, In the Woods
1.2 ✾ Lost Jollity
1.3 ✬ Wires
1.5 ❁ Ferris Wheel Lights
1.6 ✿ Ride It
1.7 ❉ Road Home
1.8 ❁ Suck It Up, Buttercup
1.9 ✿ Days Like This
2.0 ❉ Say Yes
2.1 ❈ Arguments
2.2 ❁ First Kisses
2.3 ❃ Flashy Lights
2.4 ✿ Red Roller Coaster
↝ Second Act
2.5 ♝ Good Dream or Nightmare?
2.6 ♖ Creative Line
2.7 ♚ Joy
2.8 ♙Trapped
2.9 ♛ Carl
3.0 ♜ Dark Tear
3.1 ♙ Misleading Trail
3.2 ♕ Dead Man
3.3 ♜ Consent?
3.4 ♘ Backstabbing
3.5 ♞ RIP Blondie...
3.6 ♛ Home sweet Home; Alexandria
3.7 ♖ From Bogland to Moorland
3.8 ♝ Not so Sweet
3.9 ♞ Positive
4.0 ♔ Say It Louder
4.1 ♜ Easy Jog In The Evergreens
4.2 ♙ Lovely Lost Jollity
4.3 ♜ Here We Lock Up
4.4 ♞ Something to Know
4.5 ♙ Another Eye Gone
4.6 ♝ To The Wires
4.7 ♘ The Colours Are Gone, But We Are Still Here
4.8 ♗ Negative
↝ Epilogue
Authors ❦ Note

1.4 ❃ Exposed

487 11 3
By declarants


Ron jumped awake into a sitting position, his heart almost failing in his chest as his brothers scream echoed through his room and the next thing he knew, he was tackled by his little brother, playful punches and tickling to his belly followed "You've slept through the morning, Dad is mad!"

He laughed hysterically and Ron had to use force to get the boy off him "What did he say..?" He asked carefully, steeling himself for another almost-heart attack.

"Uh.. he's thinking about grounding you! Ha!" He said and somersaulted from his bed to hop out of his brothers room.
Sam had an admiring, unbreakable energy that fit his childlike spirit like a good fitted pair of sneakers that carried him trough his life.
He was the kind of boy that would get bullied if it weren't for the apocalypse and Ron would be that kind of big brother that would step up for him and talk some sense into his bullies, with possibly thrown in fists if their behaviour would repeat regardless.
Sam was quirky, funny but was cursed with dangerous clumsiness and whimsy actions.

Ron groaned and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, processing the memories of yesterday. Carl, the pantry, the forrest, the funfair names Lost Jollity and it all felt like a dream with such variety of events yet he knew it wasn't, his aching limps proved him that he had indeed hiked by night with the new boy on his side.

He slowly sat up and fished his beanie from the drawer and put it on his head after briefly brushing through the blond lengths with his fingers, then he stood up and got ready for the day


The man sat across from the blond boy on the square shaped wooden table, puffy-eyed and silently reading the label of a small plastic cylinder. When he shifted the container in his hand, the little, white pills inside of it would shuffle around, clatter against the plastic with an obnoxious noise but whenever Ron would make too much noise with the silverware or the cereal bowl, the mans nostrils would flare up and he would hypocritically tell him to be quiet.

Ron ate his breakfast stiffly with his father eyeing him warily, ready to throw another warning at him if the spoon happened to be scratching against the bottom of the bowl again.

Pete wasn't exactly the most caring father in the world, he was just a little irritated sometimes. Irritated, that was a rather diplomatic way of putting it. Even if he was in a good mood he did things like throwing unnecessary harsh comments at people and act out whenever someone would disagree with his ways of handling things. And when he was in a bad mood-which was much of the time- he was red-eyed and clammy-looking, hungover or drunk with another beer can in his hand.

Sam who was playing with a stamp next to him, poked his brothers arm with his elbow and looked at him with big eyes "Ron, you need a brand"

"What?" Ron asked chuckling, earning him an angry huff from his father.

"Lay your hand on the table" Ron followed the order and Sam punched the wet side of the stamp on his hand and when he pulled it back Ron was branded with a blue Ⓐ
Ron tousled up the little boys hair and when he  couldn't reach the leftovers of his breakfast anymore, because the milk was too far down for the spoon to lave it up quietly, he stood up from the table, and walked behind his dads back over to the kitchen where he tilted the bowl to his mouth and drink the rest before he put it in the sink and ran water over it.

"Son," Pete said suddenly, making Ron flinch "One more sneak off and you're grounded."

"Yes, dad.." Ron walked out of the kitchen as quietly as he could and headed for the door


Ron sat alone of the table outside that still stood there from the lunch with the newcomers. He was crouched over with his arms on the table and his chin tucked on top of them. The sun warmed his back and he bathed himself in the warmth that was slowly turning into heat. His eyes half-closed peeking over to the girls sitting about three tables away from him, giggles sounded over to him but he had no interest in going over.

Ron straightened himself up a little to slurp on the straw from his juice box and swallowed it disinterested, already full from his breakfast.

A movement to his left made him turn around and before he knew it, Carl let himself slump on the other side of the table, across from Ron, man-spreading manifest in all his glory with his legs as wide as he could spread them. Ron knew that Enid hated it when when guys did this and whenever one of her Male companions did that, she would correct them, and so, out of her habit that had ingrown within Ron he did just that "Mind closing your legs? Don't think anyone's interested in seeing your manhood"

Carl laughed flatly "Whats got ya bitten, Blondie"

"Don't call me that.." Ron said, gritting his teeth around the straw

The brunette shrugged "All right, puddle boy"


"Whatever, beanie boy"


Carl through for a moment "Hmm... Beanie pussy?"

"No! Just call me Ron, goddamn it"

"Ron..." Carl said but didn't seem too satisfied with that "Ronny"

Ron slammed his hand flat on his forehead, then covered his face with both hands and shook his head "I really want to kill you right now"

"New friends, Anderson?"

Ron froze and looked up as he saw Mikey stopping by to crack a joke. His eyes darted from the blond to Carl who looked at him through squinted eyes, not too amused anymore
"Did your dick shrink after becoming a bottom, Ron? I'm genuinely concerned here"

"Fuck off!" Carl spat at him

Mikey made big eyes but didn't seem intimidated "ohhh someone is a lil defensive over Ron's pea sized nuts and micro sized penis I see, I see"

"Blondie has bigger one than you" Carl said and the sureness in his voice threw Ron off as he put the pieces together from it. Did he see him at the window? He peeked over to the brunette shyly and bit his bottom lip as he saw the corners of his mouth pulled into a slight smirk.

"What, you jerked off with him? Dude, Ron You're such a traitor" Mikey shook his head in disbelief "and I thought you decline because you're ashamed of your size"

"I'm not- We didn't jerk off together for gods sake!" Ron yelled and Mikey clearly mistook what he meant with that "Ew, so you did it? You fucked? Oh my fuckin-"

Carl just watched the situation going down, with amusement now.

"No! We didn't fuck." Ron searched desperately for something to say that would make his friend believe that he was right but he was already knitted to his own belief.

"Err, Okay, Imma go to Lydia, you guys, have fun" Mikey said walking away slowly with a last weird look and Ron buried his face in his arms, hiding his flushed cheeks.

"Did you really see it?" Ron asked embarrassed, his voice muffed by the denim of his jacket.

"Yes, Blondie"

Ron looked up and rubbed his face roughly "Damn it, that's awkward"

"I don't mind" Carl quipped, looking at him as if he was seizing him up, analysing him and it got the blond uncomfortable than he already was "We go back to FunFair today, with Sophia"

Part of him, was happy he changed the topic but then he was packed with a total new feeling; panic "What, I can't, my dads gonna ground me, he said it this morning"

"Don't worry, we have plan" Carl said reassuringly and Ron knew he was already in it despite the fact that his father would scold him

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