Jim Lake x Reader Once Upon...

By moondustgaming

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My name is (Y/n) and I am the first ever human Dragon Hunter. My first day at Arcadia High was as confusing a... More

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Blinky And Aaargh

2.2K 66 114
By moondustgaming

Jim's P. O. V

I led (Y/n) through the gateway to troll market. Having just opened it beneath the bridge I smiled to myself as she walked through gasping with wide star-filled eyes.

I smirked as I looked at her and said:
"watch this!" before I stepped onto the first crystal making it shine a beautiful sapphire blue. (Y/n) looked stunned for a second before a large smile grew on her lips; swiftly running past me down the spiral crystal stair case she called over her shoulder.
" Race ya to the bottom!"
I gasped as I began running after her.
"No fair you got a haidar start!" I protested as I finally caught up with (Y/n) who was doing some kind of ridiculous victory dance.

"well you know this place better than I do so I'm assuming that your going to win any further Challanges Mr. Troll Hunter." She glanced at me before I shrugged and grabbed her hand as I led her to the entrance of troll Market.

"Holy shit, this is where trolls dwell?!? It's almost as impressive as Gemstone city!" (Y/n) laughed as she began racing down the steps into Hearthstone Troll Market.

I raced after her worriedly as I thought of what she had just said. Almost as impressive? What could possibly beat a giant underground cavern filled with glowing rocks and trolls and gnomes?!?

(Y/n) P. O. V

I rushed through the market taking in everything at once, I loved it all. I greeted the flabbergasted trolls as I bumped into them and I may have thrown one of those tiny little elf-things across the cavern when it tried to steal my amulet.

"(Y/n)! There you are, damn you are hard to keep up with, anyway come on I want to introduce you to Blinky and Aaargh!" I gasped as Jim once again grabbed my hand feeling my cheeks warm lightly.

You know I'm slightly disappointed with Hearthstone since none of the gems and crystals can sing or hum, I expected them to be able to do opera for gods sake. But all in all its still a breath-taking scene to see.

I've began to notice some of the trolls giving me dirty looks and begin whispering among one a other as I pouted and stuck out my toung to one that was giving me a particularly dirty look. To be fair he couldnt be judging how I looked because I'm not the one that looks like a radioactive hedgehog that's had all of its pointy things painted gold.

"OK, we're here! Watch your step though." Jim told me as he led me over a narrow rocky bridge and into a giant hall, lined with statues of what I could only assume where the precious troll Hunters. I gulped a little glancing down as both sides of the path we where on dropped down into a lake of lava, and I don't know about you people but I'd much rather be burnt to death by a dragon heroically... Then have the skin melted of my bones by a lake of lava boringly.

"Ah master Jim! Just in time for training-" my eyes widened as I looked at the two trolls that where with Jim, Eli, Toby and I the night I got my scar properly.
They reminded me of Moon and Emerald in the sort of sense that Aarghh was big and intimidating while inky seemed to be the brains of the two.

"Hello! You two must be Aarghh and Blinky! My names (Y/n) and-" I was cut of by Aarghh and Blinky bursting into a fit of laughter. I skeptically raised my eyebrows as I looked at Jim for help. Unfortunately he looked just as lost as I felt.

"Oh we know who you are Mistress (Y/n), your the dragon hunter that got hit by the marshmallow dragon and the girl that Jim won't stop going on about." Blinky told me in between fits of giggles as I struggled to absorb all of the information.

"Hold up there fella, three things. One, what the hell is a freaking Marshmallow dragon? And second," I stopped to look at Jim.
"You need to go into more detail about the whole 'Jim won't shut up about (Y/n) thing. And last but not least." I looked away from a bright red Jim to look at Blinky one more, your a genius for calling me Misstress and not master. "

Blinky sighed before he walked over to me and put one of his four arms around my shoulder.
"Its a long story Mistress (Y/n)." I thought for a second before I sat down on the ground and grinned up at Blinky.
"I have all of the time in the world."

"Centuries ago, during the battle between Troll kind and Gunmars army, the dragons allied with the trolls to strengthen out forces and protect their land as well as ours. A couple of years into the battle Gunmar began to trap dragons, and take all of their magical properties. Leaving them as nothing but angry, fire-breathing reptiles that could fly in daylight and could rip your limbs off. They named the dragons marshmallows after the Gumgums and I can ashore you that both names bring a lot of fear to both kinds. None of our kind could really blame The dragons as they had originally been allied with us so, when the first Troll hunter allied with the first ever Dragon hunter to lock the candy store in the darklands they where victorious. And so both of our kinds have made an alliance, but ever since there hasn't been a Dragon and Troll hunter team. If you and master Jim become a team you'll be able to unlock new powers in your armour that are beyond your wildest dreams, you'll be unstoppable and will switch training halls every two weeks, it stour choice. But be warned mistress (Y/n) not all of the Marshmaows where banished to the darklands... "


A/N- WIGGIDY, WIDDIDY WASSUP EVERYBODY! I am so sorry that I have not been able to update until now, I've had a very busy holiday of doing a lot of nothing at all. But anyway I have two things to say.

1. I shall be referring to Marshmallows and Gumgums as the candy store.

2. Do you want the troll hunter and the dragon hunter to become one with each other to create the Guardians or do you just want a plain old dragon hunter and troll hunter.

Each choice will have a significant impact on the story and your relationship with Jim. So pick wisely...

Wiggidy, Wiggidy over and out, Chaw!!

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