Ups and Downs: Can't Run From...

By desoo1

119K 3.5K 508

When Kayla's mom gets fed up with her dad's abusing, and cheating she escapes his traps with 2 children on he... More



1.7K 50 6
By desoo1


I get back on the bus after an hour of walking around when I got back to the restaurant I saw everybody outside with their phones to their ear. "Kayla where the fuck did you go!" Kyree yells. "Why the fuck are you yelling at me! You are not my damn daddy! I can go where ever the fuck I Please whenever I want to!" I yell.

"Okay and you could've at least called or let somebody know where you was son!" He yells back at me. "You got one more fucking time to yell at me and I'm bout to body yo ass! I'm not in the mood for you!" I yell at him. "Okay well I'm just saying cause if yo ass would've ended up dead.." He trails off. "Okay I don't give a fuck. C'mon Kaylee." I say taking her from him.

"And since you still wanna talk shit you can sleep else where tonight!" I snap leaving him.


Next Morning...

I wake up to somebody shaking me. "What Kaylee?" I ask in a grunt. "This Kyree." Kyree says taking a seat by me on the bed. "If you came here to argue with me.." I begin to say. "I didn't. What happened last night?" Kyree asks me.

"Grace texted my phone bullshitting. So I called her ass and went off on the hoe!" I say. "You can't just up leave like that. We didn't know where you was, if somebody snatched yo lil ass up, or what. So how else you expect me to react?" He asks me.

"Do you hear how you talking to me. I'm not your daughter and your not my damn daddy.." I tell him. "I'm not?" He asks in my ear. "Answer me." He says. "No." I mumble as he gets between my legs towering over me. "I'm not your daddy?" He asks sending chills down my spine.

"Yes." I mumble. "Oh okay." He says with a smirk. "Get up, we going to one of the theme parks today." He tells me. "Okay." I say getting up. I go in the bathroom doing my daily routine along with Kyree and Kaylee.

I put on some high waisted shorts that had a rip on the back thigh, and a white crop top that stops a little above my waist. "No. You not wearing that." Kyree says. "Why not?" I ask him. "You need more than this." He says. I roll my eyes. "I'm wearing it." I mumble as he walks out.

"C'mon Kaylee put your shoes on so we can go." I say to her as I put some of my lipgloss on. "Okay." She says. "Aight come on." I say leaving out the door with Kaylee as Kyree stands on outside letting his blunt out.

"Kayla you so stubborn it's unreal." Kyree says shaking his head as we walk down the steps. "Kyree it's to hot to have on some pants." I say holding his hand. "You just gone have Get use to it because that's all brought was shorts." I say making him snap his neck towards me.

He shakes his head taking a deep breath. "Aight." He says. We see everybody else by the bus stop. "Kayla where the rest of your clothes?" Roscoe asks me. "Thank you." Kyree says. "Don't come for me because y'all have on shorts too." I say. "But ours go to our knees." Kyro says.

"Okay." I say rolling my eyes, ending the conversation not wanting to talk to him. "Hey Kaylee. You missed me?" Kyro asks Kaylee taking her out of my arms. "Yes. I did." Kaylee says. "I missed you too. You been being good?" He asks her. "Of course." Kaylee lies smiling wide.

"Are you telling the truth?" Kyro asks her. "Of course." She lies again. "Okay." Kyro says putting her down. He pulls his wallet out giving her a $50 dollar bill. "Thank you!" Kaylee says stuffing it in her pocket. "Don't lose it Kaylee." He tells her. "I won't. I promise." She says holding her pinky for him to interlock, which he did.

"Okay." He says. "C'mere Kayla." G says pulling me by my arm isolating us from the others. "That nigga hitting on you?" G asks me. "What! No, where you get that from?" I ask him. "Don't lie to me son. You bleeding through yo shirt." He says pointing to the side of my shirt where my tatto is. "Don't tell nobody, but I gotta tattoo yesterday. That's why I was late coming to dinner." I say slightly lifting my shirt up.

"Word. What it say?" He asks me. I read it to him. "Awe Okay. A nigga was about to get killed outchea." He says in a chuckle. "That's yo first tattoo?" He asks me. I nod my head as we walk back to the others. "Nigga don't be taking my girlfriend away from me." Kyree says hugging me while trailing his hands down to my butt.

"Actually I do like these shorts." Kyree mumbles gripping my ass. "Stop Bae. We out in public." I say hugging him. "So." He says shrugging his shoulders. "Let me get on your back." I say trying to jump up on him. "Her booty jiggle when she jump." Somebody's lil boy says.

I turn around laughing as Chance comes and pick him up. "Sorry for that." He says walking off. "What's taking the bus so long?" Jayla asks coming over by us. "They has left right when we came." Kyro answers wrapping his arms around Jayla's waist as Kyree put me on his neck. "I said on your back not your neck." I say.

"Kayla why you got blood on yo shirt?" Roscoe asks catching everybody's attention. He comes over by me lifting my shirt up revealing my tattoo. "Oh shi! Kayla you got a tattoo!" Chance says getting everybody else hyped up.

"Oh my gosh." I mumble. "Lemme see it. What it what it say?" G asks acting stupid. "Stop playing." I say trying to kick him. "What it say?" Kyro asks me. "I can be changed by what happens to me. But I refuse to be reduced by it." I Answer.

I get down from Kyree as the bus comes. "Kayla can I sit with my bestfriend on the bus?" Kayla asks me. "Yeah." I say getting in behind Kyree. Me and Kyree sit in a seat. "Damn the bus full today." Kyree mumbles.

Jayla And Kyree come and sit by across from us since it's the only seat left. I get on my phone going to Snapchat picking one of the filters. "Lemme seat by the window." I tell Kyree standing up. He pulls me down on his lap wrapping his arms around my waist.

I make sure my lighting is right before I take a picture. "Nope." I mumble deleting it. "Why you delete it? I thought it looked cute." Kyree says moving his hand to my thigh. "Because I didn't think it was." I say getting smart with him. "Kayla shut yo game controller head ass up." He says making me laugh.

I go to my Instagram scrolling until I see one of me and Kyro's old videos that somebody else posted on another page. Kyree takes the phone out of my hand looking at it. "You reposted this?" He asks me. "No. Somebody else did." I say taking my phone back.

"Oh." He says. "I'm going to the gym tomorrow you coming with me?" He asks me. "No im going to get my nails done tomorrow with Kaylee and the girls." I say. "When y'all plan this?" He asks me. "In the group chat." I say. "What group chat?" Him and Kyro says in unison.

"The girls group chat." I say. "For real. I'm not in a group chat." Jayla butts in. Duh, bitch nobody knows you hoe. "I didn't make the group chat." I say. But I really did just to be petty bitch. We didn't even plan on going to the nail shop until I just texted it😊.

"Oh okay." She says nodding. The bus stops and we get off.


So the girls are sitting on the bench as the boys take all the kids on a ride. I look back at Latoya who's isolated from the group with Gino because he wasn't old enough to go on the ride. I stand going over by them. "Hey hey." I say smiling at her.

"Hey." She says as she cleans Gino's nose. "So about yesterday.." I trail off. "It's okay we don't have to go into that subject. I'm good." She says stringing some of her weave out her face. "I don't accept how G was talking to you at the airport when he told you to shut the fuck up." I say. "You don't accept? What are you his mom?" She asks in a chuckle.

"No I'm his sister. And if you want respect I could talk to him cause he know I don't allow that shit." I say. "Your not his sister. Your just a close friend. I don't need help to get respect from G. I got this on my own. I've been dealing with this man for the longest since I was 15 with a ruined life. I don't need no one stepping in and helping me." She says.

"So what you gone do? Huh? How are you gonna get respect from him?" I ask her. "Huh? You gonna spread your legs, cause that will only bring temporary lust, and respect. After that your dead to him." I bluntly say. "Okay now you getting disrespectful. And out of line!" She says standing up. "I'm just being blunt. Trying to help you." I say standing up as well before walking away.

Next Day...

"Latoya what have u told you about his hair!" G snaps on Latoya for third time in front of everybody while we eat our food. "Sorry." Latoya mumbles. "Um..G Can I sedidn't am to you outside?" I ask him. "Yeah." He says standing up.

I leave out the restaurant with with G and Kyree behind me. "You need to stop being disrespectful to her! Cause that shit is not cute!" I snap on him. "Damn can you let me get outside first before you attack me." He says. "You need to stop being disrespectful thats all Imma day to you." I tell him.

"Yeah you have been on her ass lately." Kyree says still eating a piece of bacon. "And it's hurting her feelings. You don't think she's trying her best to be a good mom. You better be glad she don't have you on child support like Raina does." I say to him. "I will be nicer I promise my bad." He says. "Okay." I say going back in with Kyree only to be stopped by Jayla.

"Can I talk to you outside?" She asks me. "I'm half way in, half way out might as well." I say. "Imma go on and eat." Kyree says. I go outside with her following behind me. "Are we cool?" She asks me. She sound so childish. "...yeah." I say. "Okay I just wondering from the way you reacted to my speech the other night." She says.

"You came off really fake." I bluntly say. "I get that a lot, but I promise it's all real." She says. I nod my head. "Coo." I say as an awkward silence grows between us. "If you don't mind me asking how long have you and Kyro been a thing?" I ask her. "Well..we met 3 years ago. He made me his after one year of knowing me, We use be on and off and then he made it official, offcial last year." She says.

That's funny cause he's been fucking with me for 3 years. "Awe Okay." I say as she nods at me. "Okay well see you in." She says. I sit down on the bench putting my hands in my head trying to catch my breath. I wipe my tears and fan my eyes still taking deep breaths. "He fucked me over." I cry still wiping my tears.

I go inside. "Kayla what's wrong with you?" Kyree asks making everyone eyes land on me. "Bitch you wanna come at me for leaving you, but you was cheating on me the whole time We was together!" I scream at the top of my lungs at Kyree. "Wait what?" Kyree says. "Jayla just told me you been fucking with her for 3 years! Nigga are you serious! And you have the audacity to make me feel guilty for something I didn't have control of!" I say trying to run on him but getting picked up by Kyree.

"I fucking hate you!" I scream as Kyree tries to drag me out. "Let me go!" I yell at him as everybody else comes and holds me back. "Move! Get off of me!" I scream as I feel everyone Hands on me. I start swinging on everybody until they let me loose. I ran up to the table hopping on it. I run down the table stomping Kyro dead in the face, jumping on him in the process.

"You stupid bitch!" I scream punching him in his face as everybody pulls me back. Until the man came and threw us out. "Nigga I used to stay up all night telling you my darkerst secrets and what I've been through! And you did some foul shit like that to me! I never told anyone half of the shit I told you not even my own bestfriend and you did some shit like that!" I scream crying my ass out.

"You fucked me over like that!" I scream. "Kayla.." Kyro for once says to me. "Is it true?" I scream at him. "..Kayla.." He begins to say. "Is it true?" I repeat. "Yes But.." He trails off. I jump snatching him by his hair. "I fuckin hate you!" I say stomping him in his face. "Nigga I gave you my virginity!" I scream still trying to get at him as Roscoe helps him up.

I know I got raped and shit. But he was considered the one who took my virginity if he was the one I was willing to give it up too. "Kayla son what you talm bout? I asked you if you were virgin and you said no!" Kyro yells at me. "You were the first One I willingly spreader my legs too! Bitch I was raped and you know that!" I say trying to get Kyree and them off of me.

"Kayla I'm sorry! What you want me to do I can't go back and change the past!" He says to me. I stop jerking around shaking my head as I break down crying. "Out of everybody you were the last one I expected to do me dirty. And you know what I been through in a lifetime and you still did it." I say shaking my head as I cry.

The finally got me to the house. "I'm so fucking tired of being fucked over! Y'all say this shit not gone happen and it's constantly happening! I'm done with shit! Y'all don't even give a fuck! I'm so tired of this shit! I shoulda stayed my ass where I was! Fuck this shit! I'm gone! I'm not doing this no more! I'm leaving fuck you, fuck them, and fuck any-fucking-body else!" I scream after going into the bathroom and destroying the whole thing.

"Kayla can you open the door please?" I hear Kyree asks me. I slide down crying harder than I have ever cried. I look at the blade on the floor. I slide across from me as tears come to my eyes. "I swear I try so hard to do things right, and it nothing ever turns out right." I cry.

"Kayla please open the door." Kyree begs. "No. I am so tired of not being happy." I whimper pressing a button making the blade come out. "Kayla what's that you opening! Kayla open the door!" Kyree says banging on the door along with the others.

He stops not to long before coming back most likely with the rest of the boys. I put the blade up to my wrist. I poke one side of slitting it to the other making the floor flood with my blood as I cry because of the pain. "Kayla open the door please!" G begs. "Kayla what you want me to do? I swea I'll do anything just open the door!" Kyree says as the others still bang on the door.

"Take care of Kaylee." I say in a soft voice as my eye sight gets blurry and I get dizzy headed. "What you say?" He yells. "I love you." I say closing my eyes.


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