Every Rose Needs The Rain Som...

By BeenGvldieLox

8.7K 349 11

where will life take Rose on this crazy journey when she goes to start a new life in Minneapolis as a dancer... More

Here I am
Surprise Stranger
Crazy Carmen
2 weeks down
Just like the rest of us...
All Mine
First Show Superstar
Emotionally Detached
On the low
Surprise Gone Wrong
All Downhill From Here
Striking pain
The Beautiful One
All For The Love Of Prince
The Things We Do For Love
Dancing Under The Cherry Moonlight/Fifty Shades Of Purple
When Doves Cry/Breakfast Can Wait
A Night On The Town/ Dancing In The Clouds
It's Time..Who's It Gonna Be?
Back on the road again
Hopes&Dreams Down The Drain
From Time
Music In The Air
Music in the air pt 2.
The Spirit Of Paris
3 Nights With A Prince/ Erotic City
A Romantic Getaway
The Most Beautiful Girl In The World
Rise To Stardom
Soul To Earth
Final Touch
You Had Me At Hello
I Love His Big... Ego
New Year New Me
Don't Try To Change Me
I Don't Know What To Do Anymore
For You...
For you pt 2...
In Honor Of You
Trouble In Paradise
Back To Business/ Love on hold
Love Interrupted
Past Catching Up
New Beginnings
Home Sweet Home
Back To The Music
Baby Shower
Welcome Home
A Mothers Love
Visit From The Past
Let's Try Again
The Big Day
Present Time


91 3 0
By BeenGvldieLox

My grandma decided to take Kenzo out today and I was ok as long as she was careful with paparazzi but nobody knows she is related to me so it should be fine. I decided to go to the dance studio today do a bit of yoga, some stretching and wanted to dance. I hooked my blue tooth up playing my music and began dancing around. 

getting lost within the music everything flowed and felt good I missed getting lost in the studio for hours like this. Tomorrow was my video shoot and I just wanted to make sure I was ready and on my toes. After dancing I hit the gym up to go to my spin class and do some cardio had to snap my body back had to make sure I looked good for tomorrow.

When I got back home I walked in seeing Ken laying his play pin  and my grandma was watching tv beside him on the couch "hey grandma" "hey sweetie how was your day?" "pretty good what about you." "it was great I took him to the mall with Brandon and got him a bunch of new outfits he was spoiled like crazy."Then we tried them on him and took a bunch of pictures see look" my grandma said holding her phone up swiping my heart warmed up and I almost cried he was so cute and sweet and growing so much within these past weeks my little sweetface king.

later that night we had the house to ourselves so i took it upon me to make nice dinner play some music and bond with Ken..I sat him in his hi chair as I danced and sang around the kitchen. When I turned around I saw ken wiggling and his seat as if he was trying to  dance or catch a beat  he must've liked the music  "does mommas sweet baby like the music!" I picked him up and danced around the kitchen singing to him seeing a small smile appear on his face making me laugh back.

"looks like you've got the mommy gene.." after dinner I just continued filling the the house up with music as it kept Ken calm he reacted well to it. I played with him for a while then I put him to bed his sleep patterns were changing and getting better he wasn't waking up in the middle of the night as much anymore and he didn't cry as much maybe he just had to get use to everything as well.  I cleaned the dishes while keeping the baby monitor near me then I had to go to bed as well we had to be up super early on set so I needed my beauty sleep


I put on my hoodie and leggings grabbing my duffel bag making sure I had everything I needed..I went and packed Kenzo's diaper bag as well and got him dressed putting him in his carrier. It was early so I made some coffee I saw my driver waiting outside holding the door. I put Kenzo in safely then my bags and off to set we go.

I came on set drinking my coffee seeing my manger, Marcus and the film crew "hi sweetie you look good this morning" "thank you Al" "and I am guessing this little handsome fella is baby Ken" Allison was a great manger I met her through the industry and she has done nothing but great work for me and she was a big help on this video. "so you go get your hair and face dolled up Marcus will watch Ken" "okay" I walked into my dressing room getting the usual done as I looked on my phone I would get tagged in photos on Prince and Manuela but I just ignored it..if I was over it, he was over it, fans gotta get over it to and besides I needed my mind focused for the video today. 

"okay now places.." I was dressed up and I looked good...the music began playing and I sang and danced moving my hips and belly dancing a long to the island style music we were shooting on the beach which was a beautiful scenery.

I began mouthing along the words to the song specifically dedicated to Kenzo..being a mom means so many things and it teaches you a lot...so the song really means a lot and one day when he grows up and hears it he will know how much impact he has had on me and how much I love him.

we were transitioning into the next few scenes taking a water break I looked at the shots we had so far and it was looking great..now it was time to shoot the scenes with Kenzo..I walked over holding my baby and danced along the ocean shore with him, posing, and singing along.

I was having so much fun shooting with Kenzo we switched scenery walked around on set showing him the life of his mom.

we went back to shooting and the directors thought it would be good to get off guard video shots and pictures to make the video more natural and capture the meaning off the song better.

"you and I togetherrrr come on baby won't you hold on to me holddd on to meee ooouu"

"ALRIGHT THAT'S A WRAP" the director spoke ending the video I held kenzo up kissing "yayyy we did it!" I made a funny face at him. Walking off set they handed me a robe as I held Kenzo and went to go change in my dressing room taking my make up off. I got myself dressed and packed up including Ken. I walked out "SURPRISEE!" I jumped and clearly Ken was a little startled too as he started crying I rocked his carrier looking confused at the cake and balloons "what is this?" "just a little congratulations on having the baby writing a new single and doing a video just something to celebrate all your hard work.." "thank you guys!" I hugged everybody and we had champagne and cake. A video snippet was dropping today just  a little teaser for the fans and the video would've been edited and finished up in about a week.

-----------------------------Two weeks later-------------

My single and video dropped and the ratings on it were great people loved the song and most importantly loved Kenzo and were so excited to see him finally and learn about him he was all over receiving love from everyone. Speaking of Kenzo he was officialy 1 month old today it seems like he was born just yesterday where does the time go before you know it my baby would be all grown up..."look at mommys camera Ken" I put on his special little outfit that grandma got him and took multiple pics and posted one on instagram to celebrate.

I picked him back up "let's go see what grandma has planned for you today.." we had an exciting day with Kenzo and Brandon and Marcus. There was a carnival so we all went and just had a good time as a family.

Later that night after putting him to bed I was woken up in the middle of the night by his screams I jumped out of the bed and ran into his room picking him up he was screaming his lungs out. I tried rocking him but he wiggled ..I noticed he kept coughing I felt his forehead "oh no baby you are burning up.. I ran down the hall to my grandmas room knocking on he door "Grandma we have to take Kenzo to the hospital he is burning up" "ill get my keys " I ran dodwn the steps putting him in his carseat. I waited for my grandmas she rushed out and we went to the hospital. I ran into the ER "I need a doctor now something is wrong with my baby!" "ok maam jut have a seat someone will be with you." "NO! NOW!" My grandma pulled me away from the front desk calming me down "Rose just relax someone will help him" I sat down rocking Kenzo anxious and nervous I couldn't keep still. 

A doctor was finally able to help us I sat there biting my nails watching as she ran test and did x rays on Kenzo. "Well nothing to be worried about here little Kenzo here just has a case of a little cold and fever with some medicine and rest it should clear away in a week. I took a deep breath how did this happen out of nowhere "Ill get the nurse to get your discharge papers and get your prescription." I got up dressing kenzo my poor baby "it's probably from the beach you know him being new and all still" my grandma spoke trying to calm me I was just happy he was okay. After all this it was super late and I was tired I put Kenzo in my room so I could watch over him for the night and we both passed out sound asleep.

--------------Kenzo is now 5 months-----------------------------

all my friends from back home have now came and visited Ken and adoreddd him especially Carmen and they were all so happy for me. but this next visitor that I had surprised me considering I haven't seen her in who knows how long and we weren't really the ebst of friends but we weren't really enemies either. I was playing with Kenzo on the couch when the door knocked I got up putting him on my hip opening the door and to my surprise there Denise....with her daughter who looked just like her.."Denise..." "Hi Rose" I gave her a hug yet confused "come on in" I lead her into the kitchen where we sat down "and who is this beautiful girl" "this is Madison my little girl..she is 1 years old" "And this must be Kenzo" "yes it is.." "congratulations." "you too..soo uh why are you here exactly?" "Well I mean I know we weren't the best of friends.." "well you kinda made me feel like I was just the next girl to sleep with and move on from.." "Im sorry if I made you feel any type of way but I was just trying to warn you kind of and I was angry with him for a lot of things you understand that...I wanted to come here just to check on you I am proud of everything you've accomplished " "how were you doing after you left tour that day?.." "I was angry but it was better for me I could do whatever I want and it worked for me.." "i'm glad for you.." "and if you are wondering the baby is not his I met a guy and we had an affair" she shrugged "but I got the best thing ever from it.." "well congratulations to the two of us for being amazing mommies and living our best life."  we caught up and I was happy seeing she was doing well and we could relate more and be friends even.

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