The Nerd's Best Friend

By ashlyn0304

74.9K 2.5K 226

Raelynn is your typical nerd. Straight A's and an art student. And to add to it, thick rimmed glasses and bra... More

The Nerd's Best Friend


2.1K 81 4
By ashlyn0304

  I walked into my first period, thirty minutes early. As usual. I threw my things down on the ground, groaning. This was not what I wanted to do today. After my moms accident a few days ago, I have been tired and dumpy feeling all week. I was just happy that tonight was girls night and Friday.

  "Rae. You good?" Mr. Arce asked me. I nodded, looking at him. He had a pink Johnny Cupcakes shirt on with some jeans and black Nike's.

  "Define good." I muttered. He chuckled, and that made me grin slightly. Mr. Arce was my all time favorite teacher. I've had him since sophomore year, and have loved him since.

  "Any way. How's your girlfriend?" I asked, truly interested in his life. His face lit up, as he recalled what had happened last night.

  "So, last night, we decided to watch Stranger Things. Right? And so she made some popcorn with chocolate." He said. I grinned, liking the sound of this. "She ended up burning the popcorn and the chocolate some how exploded all over our kitchen!" He said laughing. I laughed, as Naomi walked in.

  "What are we laughing about?" She asked, taking her seat next to me.

  "How Mr. Arce's girlfriend burnt popcorn and made chocolate explode." I said, tears rimming my eyes from laughing. Naomi chuckled a bit before composing herself again.

"So. For tonight. I was thinking we go to the game then we go back to my house for movie, pizza, and sleep." She proposed. I nodded, fine with what my best friend just suggested for our girls night.

"Fun night it sounds." Mr. Arce said from behind us. I nodded, facing him.

"Yup. Girls night is always the best." I smirked. Just then, the bell rang and the students began I pile in. I caught a glimpse of Luke as he strode to his seat in the back of the class. His black hair was messily tossed around and his crystal blue eyes glistened. He noticed me staring, and gave me a wink as a smirk grew on his lips. My cheeks became a slight crimson as I ducked my head into my sketchbook.

  I was sketching who knows what, when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I froze, glancing up at who had touched me. I just so happened to see, Luke.

  "Hey cutie." He smirked. He pulled up a chair, sitting next to me. He put his elbows on his knees to prop himself up, as he looked over my sketch. "Is that me?" He questioned. I took in a sharp breath, as I examined my drawing. And sure enough, it was him. It was him a few minutes ago smirking at me. I had been oh so lucky to capture his perfect muscles and form.

  "What if I said yes?" I asked with a surprisingly large amount of confidence. He laughed, leaning back.

  "Then I would say I look hot!! Wouldn't you think?" He said in a husky voice. I instinctively started to bite my lower lip, as he stared into my hazel eyes. He leaned in closer to me, his lips lightly brushing my ear. "How about, I join you at the game tonight?" He whispered in my ear. I shiver ran down my spine as his hot, minty breath spiraled around me. He leaned back, smirking at me.

"Um. I-I can't. I'm going with Nay." I stumbled over my words, lazily pointing at Naomi beside me. He chuckled, nodding.

"Then have her join us. See you at eight cutie." He said, flashing me his perfect grin as he walked away. I sat there, dumb founded.

"Did you just have Luke Barman join our girls night?" Naomi asked me, upset and confusion lacing her voice.

"I have no clue what I just did." I muttered, standing up. I straightened out my plaid dress, heading for the door. "I'm getting water Mr. Arce." I said, leaving the class. I walked through the empty hallways of Westpoint High, with my head down. I went to the athletics department and made my way to the restrooms un noticed. Which always tends to happen. I arrive at the girls bathroom, when I spot Marcus and Haley making out by the girls locker rooms. I wonder how on earth Mrs. Henderson let him out of class. I ignore them, going tot he bathroom. I find the last stall open, going in.

  I sigh, closing the toilet lid, and sitting on it. I look around at all the writing on the walls and grin. Our dumb school, at least they could take care of this. I finally find my art work on the walls. On the right wall, right by the toilet paper, is a heart with the initials R+L. I drew it on when I was crushing on Logan. Next to it, is a happy face, with the date that we started going out. And then, last year, I scribbled it all out because he cheated on me.

  "See you later Marky!!" Someone said. And that some one, was Haley. I immediately stood up, flushing the toilet. I lifted the lid back up, and walked out, with my head low. I went to wash my hands, when Haley was walking in with another guy. I tried to leave, but they were blocking the doorway.

"Um. Excuse me." I mumbled, but they didn't stop there kissing session. I was finally tired of it, and just decided to try and go around. I went behind Haley, as she turned around to face me. I stopped in my tracks, staring at her.

"What are you doing here?" She seethed at me. I didn't know what to say, so I ran. I walked as fast as my short legs could take me back to class. I sat down, laying my head in the table.

"Rae. What's wrong?" Naomi asked me, placing her hand on my back. I shook my head, glancing at her.

"This day couldn't get any worse." I muttered. She frowned, as the bell rang. I gathered my things, leaving class.

I arrived at the hospital, going to the receptionist. She was the same young lady from the past three days. She had curly red hair and dark green eyes. She seemed to be around 5'6.

"Hello Raelynn. Here for your mom I presume?" She smiled as I arrived at the desk.

"Yes Mrs. Lennox." I grinned, signing the check in page. "Thank you." I waved, walking down the long halls to my moms room. The air had a air freshener in it that made the musty smell even worse. Everything I come here, I remember how painful it was to sit in that waiting room that night.

I finally arrive at my moms room, slowly opening the door. I grin, when I see her up with my grandparents in the couch next to her.

"Hey Mom. Grams. Gramps." I say, closing the door and getting closer to her.

"Hello sweetie!! How was school?" She asked, muting the tv. I nod, sitting in the chair next to her bed.

"Okay. But it's finally Friday." I smile. She laughs, nodding.

"That it is." She grins.

  After I went to the hospital, I headed to Naomi's house u til the game. I had packed a bag and had it in my Jeep.

  "I'm here!" I announced, entering Naomi's small Home. Her brother came running up to me, and I scooped him into my arms. "Hey Wyatt. How are you?" I ask the little boy, as Naomi appears.

"I Good!!! Grama is washing me tonight!" He exclaims excitedly. I laugh, setting him down.

"Yep. My dad had a business meeting and who knows where my mom is." She says annoyed. I sigh, sorry for my best friends situation. She promises that when she turns eighteen, she's getting her brother and step sister, and getting her own apartment. She will be away from her terrible family, with her siblings.

  "Well, want to get ready?" I asked her, desperate to get her mind off of things. She nods, going up the stairs. I follow her to her bedroom where she had papers everywhere. I glance at one and it has apartment listings on it with the rent.

  "Find one yet?" I ask, curious. She turns around, frowning.

  "Not yet." She says shaking her head. "My birthday is only in a few weeks. I need to get one and get out." She sighs, running her hand through her black hair. I nod, leaving them alone. I head into her bathroom, and open my makeup bag I brought. I did my eye makeup a light brown and my lips a nude color. I pulled my hair into to loose pigtails, draping over my shoulders. I headed backup her room, putting on my outfit.

It consisted of a star wars t-shirt with some denim shorts and a beanie. I put on my converse, and grabbed a cardigan in case, for some odd reason, it got cold.

Naomi had the same makeup look and her hair was pulled into a ponytail, while she wore a pair of boyfriend jeans and a white crop top. I grabbed my small black backpack and we left her house. We arrived at the game at 7:50, and it started at 8. We went to the bleachers and surprisingly, the visitors side was pretty full for it being our home game. We found good seats at the front, right behind the players.

"Look who's early." I heard from behind me. I turned around, to see Luke standing there. He was at least 6' and his black hair was a mess, as usual. His blue eyes watched me intensely, as I just looked at him.

"I just like to root for my best friend." I shrug. He chuckled, sitting next to me. He leaned back onto the row behind us, letting out a breath.

"And who might that be?" He questioned, scanning the field. I pointed to Marcus, number 2.

  "Number 2, Marcus DeYoung." I said. He nodded slowly, focusing on Marcus.

"Best friends huh?" He said, un impressed. I nodded, proud.

"Since birth. Our parents are best friends." I reassured him. He slowly nodded, getting up. I watched him, as he ran his fingers through his hair.

  "Want anything?" He asked me. I looked at Naomi and she shrugged.

  "Two packets of M&Ms I smiled at him. He nodded, leaving us. I watched the team warm up, while Naomi stared at me.

  "What?" I finally asked. She chuckled, shaking her head.

  "It's nothing." She said. I rolled my eyes, shoving her with my shoulder.

  "Sure it isn't." I said. She let out a breath, watching the field.

  "You're still blushing." She said out of no where. I froze, un aware that I had been blushing.

  "I was the whole time??" I asked embarrassed. She laughed, nodding.

  "Yep. The whole time." She assured me. I groaned in annoyance. "Rae likes Luke!!" She sang. I playfully hit her, glaring at her.

  "I do not!!" I dead panned. She laughed, shaking her head.

  "Sure you don't." She said, looking back tot he field.

  "Who does Lynnie like?" Marcus asked, coming back to the bench for water. Naomi smirked, opening her mouth.

  "Lu-" was all she got out before I put my hand over her mouth.

  "Luke Skywalker. I like Luke Skywalker." I said, nodding.

"Um. Okay." He said, chugging his water.

  "Marc." I said, my eyes wide.

  "Hm-hum." He said, looking at me.

  "She's licking me" I said disgusted. He laughed, bad so did Naomi, breaking away from my hand. I wiped it on my shorts, glaring at her.

"A packet of M&Ms for Raelynn, and one for her friend uh..." Luke said from behind us. I turned around, taking the M&Ms, finishing his sentence.

"Naomi." I grinned, ripping mine open. He nodded, handing it to her. We both ate our delicious chocolate in happiness.

"Hey!! Luke!! Bro!" Shouted Marcus, as he fist bumped Luke. They chuckled, as coach called Marcus.

"I gotta go. Save some for me Lynnie!!" She Shouted he jogged off. I nodded, popping another one in my mouth. Luke sat next to me, as the opposing cheer team walked onto the field. Our football team left the field and went tot he hall.

"Please welcome, your Westpoint Rangers!!" Exclaimed the announcer. Marcus ran out with all his team mates behind him, as I stood up and cheered. He looked at the crowd, and gave me "I love you" I sign language. (🤟🏻) and I have it back. He grinned, going to the 50 yard line.

"And now, you Jersey Village Falcons!!!!" Exclaimed the announcer as the other team came racing in. Leading their team, was... a girl!! She came up to the stands, getting on her tip toes. Before I knew it, Luke was up and kissing her. I froze, unable to believe what was happening here.

"You get them Line!" He Shouted, as she raced away. He sat back down, a grin plastered to his face.

"Who was that?" I asked curious. He chuckled, leaning back.

"Just my girlfriend. Caroline." He shrugged, watching her on the field. I felt the sudden urge to throw up, but I denied it.

"And you mess with other girls?" I question. He looks at me, smirking.

"And why do you care? You have a boyfriend and hang out with other boys." He shrugs. I let out a loud puff, showing my annoyance.

"First, I don't have a boyfriend. And second, you don't 'hang out' with girls, you lead them on!!" I Exclaimed, getting up and dragging Naomi with me. I went away from him, well, as far away as I could with out leaving the side line where the players sit.

  "3! 2! 1! Game over!!" He opposite team shouted as the buzzer went off. Marcus threw his helmet on the ground, frustrated. We just lost for the first time in three years, and Marcus along with his team, was not happy. I was waiting on the side line, as he trudged towards us. I looked around, and Haley was no where to be seen. Funny.

  "We're such losers!!" She exclaimed, reaching us. I shook my head, taking his large hands in mine. I felt electricity shoot through my arm, as we made contact.

  "No you're not. Marc, one loss isn't going to ruin everything. Relax." I assured him. I groaned, falling into me. I froze, as he continued to lean on me. He was already heavy, but with his padding on, much more heavy.

  "Go to my truck. I'll be there in a minute Lynnie." He mumbled. I glanced at Naomi, who was talking to a boy, and back at Marcus. I grabbed his shoulders, pushing him off of me.

  "Marc. Nay and I are having a girls night. Sorry." I said, frowning. He let out a grunt, falling tot he ground. I let out a squeak, surprised. "What's wrong with you?" I asked, sitting next to him.

  "First, Haley cheats on me. Then, we loose our game. Now, your ditching our night." He admitted. I frowned, putting my arm around him.

  "Marc, remember how you ditched me last week, yeah? And I'm sorry about Haley. She was a B anyway." I told him. I looked at him, and a tear was rolling down his cheek.

  "I love her Lynnie! I really do!" He cried. I felt my heart tug a bit, as he fell into me, crying. I sighed, kissing his head.

  But I love you.


Word Count: 2607

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