Nightmares *Rogue X Female!Re...

By Muggle-born-fayzian

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"Are you scared? You should be!" In a world of magic and guilds, you find yourself the only Mage in lavender... More

*Special Chapter*
Random Poll
Author's note


556 9 19
By Muggle-born-fayzian

Nightmare : a frightening or
unpleasant dream.

Yuuki was real. You could remember every inch of his face. The colour of his eyes, his hair, the size of his nose, forehead, cheeks. There was too much detail for him to not be real. You reassured yourself. His hair colour, was blonde, platinum blonde, not white, blonde. His eyes were the same as yours, you'd both inherited them from your mother. Yuuki often wore, long coats, and they were usually white, or black depending on the day. He was also tall, around 6,0 when you had last seen him. He was seventeen then, you wondered if he had grown anymore.

There was a purpose for your reminiscences, you were trying to make sure you did remember Yuuki, and the time you spent with your brother in the woods. Because, now the time came to actually use your magic, you were anxious. Your heart was pounding, you could feel it against your ribs, your breaving was heavy, which was annoying seeing as you were trying to be quiet.

I mean, you didn't have to use your magic. You didn't plan to kill him here, but using it gave you an advantage, and technically Yuuki told you to only use it on the shadow dragon slayer. No, well, actually he said to kill him. And you were in front of a massive audience, which is probably still breaking your brothers implied rules. All the conflict cause your head was to spin, and you regretted following Rogue up the stairs.

Stairs weren't usually a challenge for you, but these ones felt like a mountain, you were out of breath after the first step. Fortunately you were almost at the top. And you began to see the sun dripping in from the sides of the passage, leaving an unfitting warm glow on building. It started to reveal itself more and more the higher you got. Until you could see Rogue again, his concentration seemed to be on the sun, he was drowning in the light, and his shadow stretched out across the floor. Facing away from you.

He hadn't noticed you yet, he was to busy looking outside the building, probably looking for someone else to get points from, you had no idea what he'd done in the competition so far. As for you, the orange of the setting sky was off putting. You felt like you'd wasted a day. Most of it was spent wandering around with Akio, the confrontation with the twins took about 3 minutes and the one with Minerva only lasted about 10. Most of your time was spent wandering around.

After hiding in the shadows for a while you decided to step forward. Reveal yourself, although as soon as you did so you thought maybe a surprise attack would of been better.

Rogue immediately looked in your direction, and prepared himself for a surprise attack that never came, he examined you, quickly realising you were trembling.

Rogue wasn't like Kokozu, you didn't see him as the type to try bring up a conversation during the battle, you weren't the type either. Yet your trembling lips started to form words. "I... I..."

Why were you shaking?!

Your bandaged hand reached for your sword but you were trembling too much, hardly intimidating. In fact Rogue even let his guard down a bit at your failed action.

You ran away from home, because he told you to kill him. And now...

Marie cried, because of you.

Max was mad, because of you.

And it was because of him.

Him, in front of you.

Finding new found anger you manage to regain a slight bit of composure, the trembling was gone but the heavy breathing and sweating still remained obvious. You stood up straight and shut your eyes for a moment. Rogue did nothing.

He was still, very confused, a little frightened, mostly confused. He'd expected that there would be a confrontation between the two of you, although he hoped he could of got to Gajeel first. If he had seen you like this a week ago, the fear would of taken other, but he'd been watching you, over the past week. And whatever he was seeing in his dreams, it wasn't what he saw.

He'd had another nightmare last night, the same scene, the same laughing girl. But this time Rogue didn't wake up. And the nightmare lingered in his mind until the morning, all Rogue remembered that it happened. He wasn't so scared.

"Question..." you didn't open your eyes as you finally said something, "do you know who I am?"

There was a slight hesitation, but Rogue eventually replied your first and last name back to you. His voice, was plain and emotionless but his guard was still up.

"No, no," you opened your eyes, not looking at him but the ground, "who I really am?"

You got no response this time, Rogue wasn't sure if he understood the question, well he did. But he couldn't put an answer into words, so he stayed silent.

"Too you, who am I too you?" You still didn't look at him, which was dangerous. "We seemed to both be aware of each other, I think, I wanna know why."

Your fingers tapped your thigh impatiently, you could feel yourself getting more and more tense. Hurry up and give an answer!

"I know," Rogue was now also avoiding your gaze, not so concerned about how unstable you were acting. "I'm not sure how I know you."

"Why did you recognise me?" Your next question was quick, you wanted to know. After what Riko told you, you were desperately trying to piece together bits of the puzzle, the puzzle you had chosen to ignore for eight years

This time, Rogue's eyes floated over you; your hair colour, your eye colour, the size of your nose, forehead, cheeks. They were the exact same as in his dream, and he wasn't sure whether he should admit that. Nightmares? Fear? A sign of weakness. There was no such thing in Rogue. No, he was under the impression there was no such thing in Sabertooth.

But Sabertooth was wrong.

A quick cough escaped Rogues mouth before speaking, his nerves also began to pile up, but not out of fear of you. "I recognise you from..." he looked away.

"My nightmares."

Your expression was unreadable for a moment, you didn't before about avoiding eye contact (although Rogue was), you just looked at him, eyes wide open. Well, I describe you expression as unreadable, but it's you isn't it? How would you react?

After a few seconds of thought a small chuckle escaped your lips. Not a kind one, or a happy one. You didn't seem to find something honest funny. You placed a hand on your forehead. "Nightmares..."
You laughed again. "Are you kidding!"""""""
Hhhhhhead hurtsssssss.
I think your memories a little messed up. And I think it was effecting your brain a little bittttttttttttt£££££££
If your breathingg% got anymmøre rapid_ you m!ght of čollaspeD;;
Rogu3 ŵas l°°king at you w3irdlŷ> probæbly sensing some|||thing was wrong## with you€€
Wøułd U 888stop l@ughing??!

You stopped laughing. You almost thought your head was clear for a moment, it clearly wasn't. You reached for your sword, drawing it out and pointing it at R°Gu€.

He stepped back, preparing himself for your attack, although he also considered getting you some help. Actually, this is quite ironic considering what will happen to Rogue when he meets Gajeel later on.

"Does that mean you fear me?" You looked away for a moment, "if I'm in your nightmares?" Your voice was high pitched. It was breaking with every word. Your eyes weren't exactly normal either, they were still the same colour but the soul Rogue liked about them was missing. In fact, you were starting to resemble the women from his nightmares.

He took a step back.

You noticed this and only raised your sword higher.

"Are you scared? You should be!"

This was when the fights began, you charged at Rogue and he dodged skilfully as expected, your sharp moves quickly found him in his new position.

If you could hit him with your magic!!!

The moment came when Rogue went into his shadow mode to avoid one of your attacks. You raised your hand to aim but...

You felt a really large pain in your back. It was really painful! Enough to snap you back into reality, and also send you flying of the building with a screech. Mid-air you had enough time to see what caused this, and of course one of Gajeel Redfox's iron attacks was the culprit.

In a same mind, you would of predicted that.

Time sped up and you were falling out of the building, a fall like that could of killed you. However, you managed to grab you sword and stab it the wall, ultimately stopping you from crashing into the ground.

You had a few moments of processing what had just happened before you landed gracefully on the floor.

Your head hurt a little, especially as you tried to recall the last few moments. In fact trying to remember anything caused your brain to ache. So you found yourself sliding down you floor holding your head once again. You knew you'd done something ridiculous, and strange and most likely insane. But why?

Not to brag, but you didn't often lose your cool. I don't think any of the recent events were enough to cause you to break down. Like this anyway.

Or were you scared?

"(Y/n)!" A shout of your name pulled you into a sudden reality. You were still by the building, on the floor, sword still plunged into the wall. You were alive.

"(Y/n)!" The voice called your name again, and you looked up to find Akio, who was running towards you almost calmly.

"Where have you be- wait are you okay?" He looked down at you with a concerned expression.


"Your on the floor, and you look a little pale..." he looked at you confused but eventually offered his hand to help you up.

"Yeah," you nodded, taking his hand, "I err, was just chucked out of a building."

Akio immediately looked up at the building, probably looking for the culprit who couldn't be seen. Probably because he was fighting Rogue now, Akio wouldn't see that he was there. That was probably the best for him at this moment.

Trying your best to seem normal you glanced around, looking for Akio's smaller female version, "where's Akira?" You eventually asked.

"Well," Akio half sighed half laughed scratching the back of his head, which reassured you a little,

"Oh, and what happened with the twins?" You didn't really let him answer the first questions, as you slowly started to remember all that happened before Rogue.

"I'll give you the short story because I think I was followed back here," It was now Akio's turn to glance around and check for other people, so far there was no-one, and you were in quite an open space. "After you vanished, which you need to explain by the way, I was very vulnerable to the twins, that was when Akira appeared again, she did this, really cool, really amazing thing, and hit one of the twins while they weren't expecting it, but you know surprise attacks only work once, they ended up hitting Akira and well..." he sighed, but sill didn't seem to concerned, "they got Akira out, so you know... I ran away, and ended up finding Marie, who had after taking out one of the crimson guys! Got taken out after she stalked Lyon Bastia, I left Akira with Marie and then went back out to find you, and here I am."

The short story, well, will probably be explained better in the next chapter, but you could easily hear the pride in Akio's voice, for both his sister and for Marie. The fact that your guild wasn't winning was hardly an issue, his pride was a lot more rewarding.

"I think Riko got taken out too, it's just us two I think." You noticed he was speaking very quickly, he might of been excited or on edge. Or this might be due to the fact that the most annoying antagonists in the entire book were going to make a reappearance.

"So where have you been?" Akio asked in return, this was the first time you'd heard him talk for so long in... forever actually, and he was standing pretty close to you too. This was also when you noticed two figures approaching, they also didn't know what a surprise attack was.

Quickly you pointed them out to Akio, who turned around and prepared himself for another fight with them.

"You sure you're okay?" He asked you once more before another battle started, hopefully you'd stick around to finish this one.

"I think this so." You grabbed your sword out of the wall and stood ready to fight, not noticing your comrades side glances in your direction.

He'd opened up so much to you. But why didn't you the same to him?


This chapter was inspired by Doki Doki Literature Club.

I'm joking, although I feel like I need to explain myself for what happened there when everything got messed up.

As I've developed as an author, not only have I looked at how words effect the reader but what they look like and where they are on the page. I wanted to see if messing up how the words are read changes the feeling. You know, this is an x reader story, the main character is you. I wanna try hard to make sure you're feeling something that the (y/n) in the story is feeling. That's why I haven't revealed too much about Yuuki, and what actually happened back them, because you in the story doesn't know and neither does the real you.

Also I wrote this at 2 in the morning, and I didn't think it was that bad after actually getting some sleep so I stuck with it. It was an experiment.

I realise that formats like that can't be over-used, they'll lose there effects, that probably why you don't see stuff like that in legit real books but I want to see what kind of response it got from you guys so here it is~

Some feedback would be nice! I'd love to know what you guys thought about this chapter! Of course you don't have to, I'm aware my readers aren't literary critics, but knowing some of reactions would be helpful!

Also I'm trying to make my chapters a bit longer, but I don't know how long that'll last 😂

Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter~

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