Caffery (The Drug Lord's Wife...

By awesomegal15

3.7M 125K 10K

Twenty-four-year-old Jennifer Faust is fresh out of college and excited to start living her life. She has it... More

Well it is Missouri...
The First Chance You Get...
Money Problems
Thank God for YouTube Tutorials
Seriously Now You're Going to Try and Be a Gentleman
Main House
Give Me Sanctuary
Well, Well, Well..
The Executioner's Office...
Thank God for Mississippi
So No Nudes..
Whole Lotta Woman
Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda.
Now We Can Talk
Good Morning
I Am
I was a Beyoncé song
My Word is My Bond
I'm Not Some Damsel-in-Distress
Always Here
O no
He Better Be Your Sugerdaddy
Beauty and Brians
Let Me Do This
How Dose That Work
The Call
I'm Sorry
Are You Sure?
Never Enough, Until It Is
To Have and To Hold
It's Not Over

Give Me a Break!

62K 1.9K 137
By awesomegal15

Chapter 44


We made our way to the airport with light conversation. Adam finally caved and we did all the flashcards. It was a good distraction until it was gone. I texted Nate and told him what happened. He was worried but understood, why we were leaving. After the three hour drive we made it to the airport. Adam drove onto the tarmac straight into a cargo plane. Michael was waiting for us against his car. Adam parked and I got out, thankful to stretch my legs. I was going to go outside and ask Michael what he was doing here when Adam stopped me. "You can't just walk outside, it's not safe."

Before I could even reply Michael walking up the ramp to us," Thank, sweet Jesus, Mom saw the hit in time."

"What? Why is your Mom looking at contract kills?"

"Oh, she does that every morning to make sure nobody's trying to kill Rodger" he said like it was a known fact and normal.

"I'm sure that list is long." I said.

"Yeah it is, if anyone is going to take him out it's going to be Mom, then Adam, Brandon, then me, in that order."

Rubbing his templates Adam said," What are you doing here?"

"Just because we're at a Safe House doesn't mean I can't do my job. I was in the neighborhood anyway so here I am" Michael said casually.

Adam was aggravated, "This isn't a game Michael people are going to actually be coming for us and not in the passive way we're used to. There won't be any jail time or shipments lost, people are going to die and I can't protect you if you come."

"Good thing I'm not her then, I don't need your protection. I've been by your side for every challenge I'm not going to stop now just because Sliske is involved. I'm not stupid I know how this ends."

How exactly does this end? I die. Adam starts a drug war. Which will most likely end up killing him and everyone else? Or Sliske dies and there's a vacuum for power and who knows the next person could be even worse than Sliske. If Brandon doesn't find out who the mole is we could still have a problem.

"Don't worry your pretty little head." Michael said hooking arms with me, "We've been through worse and we've always come out on top, little thing."

Adam went and talked to the pilot letting him know that we were ready to take off. The back of the plane closed throwing us into darkness with only little holes for light. I walked to one and put my finger through it.

Bullet holes? Big fucking bullet holes.

The plane lights kicked on and Adam saw what I was doing. "This is a cargo plane it normally carries 20 men and about 30 tons of product. Sometimes, there are disagreements."

"Getting shot out of the fucking sky is a little bit more than a disagreement," Michael said. "Help me tie the car down." Michael handed me ratchet strap with a hook around it. I tried to mimic what he was doing but I was failing.

"Not bad, love but let me tighten it up for you." That made me smile. How many times did my Dad say the exact same not to hurt my feelings.

"Thank you, for fixing my mess up."

"That's what I'm here for" Adam said. I watched him as he fixed the tire chain. The plane started to move and we went back to our seats, I sat between Adam and Michael. Putting on the harness seat belt I tried to sit back and relax. It was going to be a long flight.

Vvvzzzttt, Vvvvzzzztt+

It was Adam's phone he picked it up and I only heard one side of the conversation.

Yeah....that was price? He started this and I'm ending it. Any signs of aggression and we take action....Let the sicario come, I'm not going to Caracas for fun....yeah, stay on track" he hung up.

"Well, don't keep us in suspense. What happened?" Michael said.

"Someone just accepted Sliske contract, a sicario from Juarez. The final price was 11 million US dollars." He was holding back.

"What else? Don't hold back now."

"Your wanted alive, most likely so Sliske can--" he cut his self off. "It doesn't matter; he's never going to hurt you."

"Damn," Michael said.

Adam put his arm around me and I rested my head on his shoulder, I fell asleep listening to his breathing.

When I woke up again both of the boys were asleep.

It's so cold in here.

When we left the house this morning I was going for a cute summer look with the dress and wedge heels. Now I'm freezing. I got out of my seat to look for a blanket. I walked towards the pilot cabinet.

When I heard a loud clinking sound, curious to know what it was I knocked on the pilots door, "Hello?"

No reply, I pushed the door open and saw the pilot still in his seat.

Was he sleeping?

"Hey, everything ok?" I put my hand on his shoulder to get his attention. I was speechless when I saw he was dead. A bullet had come through the floor into him and out his head. The clinging is gun shots, I ran back to the boys.

"HEY, both of you wake up." I was panicking. I shook Adam, he instantly became awake fully alert. "What? What? What happen?" He said reaching for me.

"Someone is shooting at us and has killed the pilot." Just then the plane tilted throwing me to the other side of the plane; I landed hard against the side of the wall. A loud takkatakka sound came up from the floor with sparks erupting through the hanger space. I yelled, "No one is driving the plane!" Adam tried to move to the cockpit but we were leaning at an impossible angle to walk.

"Get back over here," Michael shouted, "The car!"

Adam slid down to my side and hooked his arm around my waist he pulled me away from the car and closer to the cockpit.

Gas! I smell gas.

Adam put me in one of seats far away from the car and was trying to put on my seatbelt when I told him," There is a gas leak in here." My head was still spinning from being thrown. The plane was violently shaking with alarms going off.

"Cars don't explode like they do in the movies." He said.

"I know they don't it's the sparks from the wires on the gas that I'm worried about. Can you fly a plane?"

"I have once or twice." He said. The plane was now in a nose dive. He kissed me hard and then made his way to the pilot's cabin.

Takka takka takka takka takka takka

I looked back to Michael. He was still in his seat but slumped over. His body was shaking with the plane. "Michael! Lift up your head, show me you're okay." He said nothing.

I see no blood so he hasn't been shot. There are lots of holes around him. Oxygen starvation caused by pressure lost? He needs air.

If people travel back here there has to be an oxygen masks around here. I undid the top part of my seatbelt. And searched under my seat and found a row of backpacks. The backpacks had a helmet, blanket, first aid kit, water bottle, flashlight, flare gun, Kevlar vest, walkie-talkie radio, knife, rope, wire cutters and so much more.

Takka takka takka takka takka takka

Another barrage of bullet hit the plane. The plane evened out. I continue digging until I found a mask. Got it!

Secure your own mask first!

I put on the mask, a helmet and the Kevlar vest. I found another backpack for Michael. Putting it on I stood up to walk to him and half way there Adam jerked the plane so hard I was thrown right back where I started. My whole body hurt and my lungs we're hurting. But, I pushed through pain. I kicked off my heels then I crawled this time to Michael. I was thrown towards him this time. I got in the seat next to him and I only had time to do the bottom buckle before the plane was tilted 75° toward us. The car was right in front of us so if the chains broke we would be crushed to death.

One problem at a time.

Takka takka takka takka takka takka

I put the mask on Michael, he was breathing just passed out. Then, I put the helmet and the Kevlar vest on him.

Bang! Takka takka takka takka takka takka

A washing machine size whole appeared in the back of the plane letting in strong winds and the cold air of the night. Everything that wasn't bolted down flew out of the plane. The lights went out. Only the flashing red light of the alarm remained.

Takka takka takka

Adam was getting better at dodging the bullets. I looked over to the other side of the car and saw wires short-circuiting, dangerously close to a gas puddle.

Oh fuck me! Give us a break!

I looked around for a fire extinguisher, and saw it fly out the back of the plane.

Plan B then.

I took the blanket out of the backpack; . I couldn't let the fire reach the fuel pump if it did we all would die.

I put the backpack in the seat next to me and buckled it in. Then, I tied the blanket around my waist and shoulder and got up. I was sticking to my crawling approach. The plane tilted again towards the fire but I held on to the car tires. When we straightened out again I went back to my crawling position and got hit in the face with the cockpit door. It threw me onto my back giving me a bloody nose, headache and knocking the wind right out of me. I wanted to give up; every muscle in my body was exhausted. Clearly, I had done something to piss off death. Maybe, I was supposed to die in that basement and now death was chasing after me like Final Destination. . I closed my eyes, and blacked out.

"Come on, Jennifer you'll never get down the street unless you keep trying." Dad?

I was six again, and I was at our old house our driveway to be exact. I was learning how to ride a bike. "You can do it baby, just pedal to Daddy." Mom?

"I can't, when you let go I'll fall again." I said to her.

"That's OK, you're going to fall a lot but you can't just quit. You'll never learn then. You can do this, one more time I'll be right beside you."

I started to pedal with her holding the handlebars two at first, then one," I'm going to let go on three. One ... two... THREE. Go baby! Go!" I was doing it! I paddled right pass my dad and kept going. I remember hearing them cheer behind me. How proud of myself I was. I couldn't stop and hit a tree, but even when I fell down I was still proud and I wanted to try again. I made it down the street.

I can make it now. So wake up!!

I push myself up on my elbows and saw Adam turned around yelling something at me. All I could hear was the wind from the hole.

Takka takka

Right, we were fighting for our lives. I continue to crawl to the fire which grew a little and put it out with the blanket. Michael was still passed out. The plane tilted again but I was getting used to it and caught myself before I hit the wall. I grab the backpack and headed towards the pilot cabin, I had an idea. I saw the dead pilot on the floor but chose to ignore it. Making my way up to Adam I could see he had been shot in the shoulder. There were bullet holes in the windscreen glass. "I can help you, but first we have to get rid of that plane. When he comes to shoot does he come from above or below?" I screeched at him.

"Below," he said." Always below" Adam said straining.

Adam rotated the plane hard to the right. It was easier to catch myself in the small space. "They mostly come at us from the left."

Ok. This is basic physics and math.

I took a headset so I could talk to Adam and I put one on his head. I could see he was in a lot of pain but, he didn't complain. I took his keys from his coat pocket and the knife from the backpack and I headed back to the car.

I spoke to Adam through the headset as I began to cut the ratchet straps.

"Okay this guy has a pretty basic plan on how he plans to shoot us out of the sky. He stays below us and keeps going around us in a circle. It's simple and easy for him because we're on the defensive with no guns on bored. You keep dodging left and right giving him two opportunities to shoot us. The first when he comes out of his circle and the next when he starts it again. When he comes out of his circle I want you to climb straight up. He's going to see that as an opportunity to shoot us and hopefully he will follow and I can release the car on him."

With labored breathing he said, "How do you know he'll take the bait and you could miss." I finished cutting the back tires loose.

"I won't. This is the only thing I can think of. It's either this or he'll shoot us out of the sky anyway and we will crash and die."

"Ok, we will try." I put the car in neutral.

"I'll tell you when to climb." I started to cut the front tries free as the plane started firing at us again. Just to be on the safe side I started a fire within the car, with a flint bracelet that I found in the backpack.

I'm ready.

I opened the hatch back and took the remaining ratchet strap and tied it around my waist making it long enough that I could see outside of the plane. The wind was strong and cold beating against me. I hooked the strap on the hydraulics of the ramp.

He finished turning.

"Now!" I shouted into the mic.

Adam started to climb. The plane took the bait and climbed with us. The car started to move backwards. Michael woke up to the scene. "What the fuck is going on!" He screamed; confused and panicked he tried to get out of his seat without taking off his seatbelt. I pressed myself to the side of the plane and watched the car go flying out.

Did you think about wind resistance?

I stepped onto the ramp to see if the car hit.

Right wing!

The car hit the right wing and exploded on impact.

"We did it!" I sang into the mic.

This isn't over. Adam is still hurt.

I closed the ramp and walked to Michael. He was trying to take off his mask but I stopped him. He was to shaken up and hyperventilating. Seeing me calmed him but he passed out again. He was shot in the leg from what I could tell, but he would live.

There's was nothing I could do for Michael so I ran to the cockpit to help Adam. He has to stay alive he's the only one that can fly a plane. He was bleeding hard and on the verge of blacking out. I quickly got the first aid kit from my backpack.

"No, no, no, Adam you have to stay awake. I can't fly a plane. You have to stay awake! Adam we will die if you close youreyes. I love you, please don't." I begged him to keep his eyes open. 

He couldn't.

Fuck, what now?

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