Caffery (The Drug Lord's Wife...

By awesomegal15

3.7M 125K 10K

Twenty-four-year-old Jennifer Faust is fresh out of college and excited to start living her life. She has it... More

Well it is Missouri...
The First Chance You Get...
Money Problems
Thank God for YouTube Tutorials
Seriously Now You're Going to Try and Be a Gentleman
Main House
Give Me Sanctuary
Well, Well, Well..
The Executioner's Office...
Thank God for Mississippi
So No Nudes..
Whole Lotta Woman
Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda.
Now We Can Talk
Good Morning
I Am
I was a Beyoncé song
My Word is My Bond
I'm Not Some Damsel-in-Distress
Always Here
O no
He Better Be Your Sugerdaddy
Beauty and Brians
Let Me Do This
How Dose That Work
The Call
I'm Sorry
Give Me a Break!
Are You Sure?
Never Enough, Until It Is
To Have and To Hold
It's Not Over


48.9K 1.9K 45
By awesomegal15

Chapter 37


I stood waiting in front of the makeshift altar waiting for Jennifer. Now, that I was here in front of all my mother's guests I admit I was a little nervous, but also excited.

My brothers stood next to me, Michael slapped me on the shoulder, "Hey, you good? Because I will gladly step in for a chance to tear that--." I glared at him "I'm just saying."

"I really don't want to have to kick your ass today." I said.

"Me too." Michael said.

The music started signaling the procession. It was time, the double doors opened and my mother and Rodger came down first followed by a few cousins. Finally, it was time Here Comes the Bride was played by the orchestra. Nate was standing in as her Dad. Kairi was happily throwing down roses. I couldn't see Jennifer's face because of the veil but I knew she looked beautiful. She had a bouquet that went all the way down to the ground. When they got closer I could see her smile.


They made their way slowly to me, when she was about five steps away Nate kissed her hand and then put it in mine. I was grinning like I just found the last golden ticket. I lifted her veil and finally got to see her face. She was the most beautiful, breathtaking woman I had ever seen. But, something was wrong; her smile didn't match her eyes. She barely looked at me, I wanted to look at her, really look at her but she turned to face the minister who began the ceremony, So I turned to face him as well.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today in celebration of this man and this woman in holy matrimony..." the officiate drowned on. I didn't really care what he had to say. I wanted to know what was going on in Jennifer's mind. I was casting glances at her the entire ceremony, but she kept her head tilted down and anytime the minister read from the Bible she closed her eyes and folded her hands together.

She finally turned to me and I could finally look her in the eyes. She wasn't nervous she was sad. Her eyes had so much melancholy in them but why?

"I do" she said.

I wanted to stop the whole ceremony and just ask her what had happened. Whatever it is I would fix it. She was fine when I saw her this morning. Kairi had even said she was fine when they took pictures. So what happened? Her eyes darted from me back to the minister. She leaned into me and said, "Well do you?"

Do I what?

I looked back to my brothers who were standing there waiting for an answer.

O shit, I wasn't paying attention.

"Yes, I do" I finally said.

There was an audible sigh of relief from the congregation. She kept her eyes on me they weren't just sad there was hurt in them too.

".... You may now kiss the bride."

We leant in for our kiss but it was lifeless. Normally, when we start I end up wanting to strip her naked and lose myself in her, but not now.

She turned to face the audience smiling that fake smile; I don't think anybody else can really tell. To them she just looks like a very happy bride. She smiled and waved and then took my hand so that we could lead the procession out.

Finally, now we can talk.

The second we got out of the hall, I turned to her to ask what had happen but she spoke first," I have to freshen up for the photos. Can you wait for me here? She said.

"Yeah, sure; is everything okay? Did something happen?"

She gave me a confused look," What? Everything's fine."

Kairi ran to Jennifer at full speed and she bent down to catch her and scooped her up to stand. "You did so well, my princess! Do you need a potty break?" She asked.

Kairi shook her head yes. "We'll be right back." She said, and they disappeared into the back. Maybe I was wrong, maybe there was nothing.


Kairi did exactly as she was told to, Thank God! I could feel Adams eyes on me throughout the entire ceremony. I was a little worried that he wasn't going to say 'I do'. The kiss was awful, but I was so pissed off and sad I was a walking hurricane of emotion. I put Kairi down and said, "You are the greatest little accomplice."

"Thank you" she beamed. And she ran to the second floor up the winding staircase. I met Nate by a window. "So how did it go?"

"I'm going to be a hundred percent honest with youand I need you to stay calm. I didn't get to do anything; Thomas was with me the entire time."

"So we have no plan". I felt a stress headache coming. I can't do anything.

Fuck the letter!

Without even thinking I sprinted after Kairi who was coming out of my room with the letter I quickly took it from her and destroyed it. She looked up at me with confused eyes. "I know sweetheart, I'm being confusing. Why don't you get something sweet from the kitchen?"She liked that suggestion and ran off. Nate came up the stairs next trying to come up with another plan.

Emotionally, I was exhausted I was tired of the secrets and lies. I wanted to talk to my mom.

"Stop! Just stop, Nate. I just need a second to breathe."


"Alone, please?" I said.

"Oh ok" there was hurt in his voice but he left me.

I slowly sank to the ground in the hallway making myself as small as possible. And covered my face in my hands I started to cry. Cry because I was helpless to do anything to help my family. Cry because Adam was going to leave my father in financial ruin robbing Jemma of any normal childhood.

"Hey, little thing" I looked up and saw Michael looking at me like he found an injured animal. "What's all this? I know Adams a tool but he's not worth your tears. This is your special day, what's happened?" He sat on the opposite side of wall of me.

I laughed bitterly," I made a deal with the Devil."

"Don't we all?"

"Do you remember the first night I got here and you showed me the Eiffel Tower you said 'I promise it won't be so bad'. It is so bad! You lied too!" I accused him. He said holding up his hands in defense, "I haven't done anything, yet. I just came to check on the bride. Who's clearly losing her shit over something?"

"You all are liars! You lied to me that night in the helicopter, and Adam lied to me about this deal. Was that the plan always? To force my family into financial ruin? Destroy everything my father's ever built and worked so hard for. Send him to jail and deprive my sister of a normal childhood. But, hey what do you care you got your product. I don't matter! My mom, my dad, my baby sister, none of them matter to you! As long as you guys make a profit." The words poured out of me like venom," Whatever, happens with Jason you deserve it."

Michael look taken back, I directed all my anger on to him and he probably didn't even know this was happening. He let my words roll off of him and said," What's happening with Jason?" he said it so seriously.

"Of course that's all you care about!" I said standing not wanting to look at him anymore.

He caught me and pinned me against the wall," Look I don't know what's going on between you and Adam, but if something is happening with Jason, the Jason I think you're talking about;. I need to know now! People could get hurt."

"Get off me!" I pushed him away. I started walking back towards the stairs.

"Hey I need..." Michael started to say.

A massive explosion went off pushing me and Michael forward and shaking the ground.

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