The Nerd's Best Friend

By ashlyn0304

74.9K 2.5K 226

Raelynn is your typical nerd. Straight A's and an art student. And to add to it, thick rimmed glasses and bra... More

The Nerd's Best Friend


2.1K 82 7
By ashlyn0304

   I climbed from my bed, heading to my bathroom. I took out my straightener, plugging it in. I also pulled out my makeup, beginning to apply it when my phone started ringing Marcus's ring tone, Anaconda. Yes, when we were freshman's, he decided to set that as his ring tone, and I haven changed it, simply because it's hilariously watch my parents reactions hen it goes off.

  I grab my phone, sliding my finger across the screen, so Marcus and I were connected on FaceTime.

  "Hey Marc." I said, applying some blush. He looked at me, grinning.

  "You look better today then I've seen you all week." He noted, as I set my blush and brush down. I've been a little sad ever since my dad left, and today was the first day I've felt normal all week.

  "Yeah, it's kinda passed now." I shrugged, brushing my brows. He chuckled, as I applied mascara. I looked at my phone, and he had left the screen to get ready. I took my phone to my room to get dressed. Marcus always expected me to dress nice on the first game day, because I was his best friend. I pulled out a black crop top, with some high waisted white denim shorts, and some knee high white converse.

  "What are you wearing?" He asked, as I headed backer o my bathroom, to straighten my hair.

  "You'll see." I smirked, although I was fully aware he couldn't see my face. After my hair was straight, I put it into a messy bun, and I slid my rubber bands into my braces. I put on my large rimmed glasses, and put on my outfit. I stepped ind don't do my phone, and his eyes went large.

  "What?" I asked, looking over myself. He shook his head, blushing slightly.

  "Nothing. It's just that. You look like a girl from our school for once. You look like your sister." He explained. I grinned, looking over my outfit. He was right. I looked like a normal teenage girl. Not a nerd. I looked like Claire when she was seventeen.

  "Great!!" I exclaimed, grabbing my small black backpack. Our school pep rallies have been the same since my parents went to school. Everyone went to the gym in the mornings, ate breakfast, then had the whole day off until the game. Simple, fun day. I usually hung out with Naomi and Logan, but it was just Naomi and I this year.

  "I'll see you at school Lynnie!" He smiled, hanging up. I sighed, tucking my phone into  back pocket, while stealing one last glance at my appearance. I grinned, nodding, Sad I raced down the steps. I arrived in our kitchen, where my mom was also in FaceTime.

  "Good morning R-" my mom started, but stopped.

  "Brody! Look at our daughter!" She exclaimed. I stopped in my tracks at my dads name.

  "Oh sugar plum!" I heard his voice. I turned around to see my dad on my moms screen,

  "Daddy!" I screeched. He chuckled, as I stood there.

  "Zo, she looks like you did our senior year." He said, looking em up and down. My mom nodded, as I once again looked at my outfit.

  "You like it?" I asked, hesitant. I really wanted my parents to approve of my unique look for the day.

  "Of course!! You look great baby." My dad reassured me. I sighed, smiling.

  "Thanks." I grinned, checking the time. 6:54. Crud. "But I should be going. Bye mom." I said, kissing her cheek, "Bye dad!" I waved, leaving the kitchen. I headed out to my white Jeep, climbing in. I started the car, backing out.

  Once at our high school, I hopped out, and headed inside. In the gym, there were all of our student body in groups. The jocks. The popular girls. The popular boys. The popular jocks that just mixed. The popular boy's fawning girls. The nerds. Then my group, the popular jock's friends that really belong in the nerd group, but end up in the popular jock group because their best friend is there but no one talks to them. Yup, that's me. And Naomi. I headed over to the popular jock group, where I saw Marcus. I weave my way through the fawning girls and the jocks to the right group. I took a seat, when I noticed Haley sitting on top of Marcus.

  "Hey." I said awkwardly. I got a few weird looks, as Marcus turned to me.

  "Hey!! You finally got here!" Marcus smiled. I nodded, catching the growl Haley as sending me.

  "Woah dude. Who's your new friend? She's hot!" Whistled a boy, Caleb. I stifled a laugh, as Marcus stared at the boy.

  "Don't. Ever. Say. That. About. Raelynn." He said through gritted teeth. Yes, Marcus also tended to become over protective older brother sometimes. Caleb tended up, looking back between Marcus and me.

  "Hi. I'm Raelynn. Known you since third grade." I smiled, putting my hand out to Caleb. He watched me, confused. I sighed, pulling my hair from the ponytail, and smiling, showing off my braces. "Now?" I questioned. He finally realized it was me, and scratched his neck.

  "Oh. Sorry Raelynn. I didn't recognize you. You don't look like yourself." He muttered. I nodded, as I put my hair back up into the ponytail. When I looked back up, I could see Caleb hiding his head a bit, and I could see a light flushed color on his cheeks. If it was from embarrassment or... never mind. That would never happen.

"RAE!" Shouted a high pitched voice from across the gym. I turned around, and I saw Naomi racing towards me. She had her black hair French braided on each side of her head, with a black tank top and a white sweater and some black jeans. Her white converse finished off the look along with a white purse.

  "Nay." I laughed as she climbed up the bleachers, taking a seat next to me.

  "Whoa! You look like a girl from Thai school!" She noted, glancing at my outfit. I chuckled, nodding.

  "You're not the first to tell me Thai." I said, as the announcer came on, asking for the football team and cheer team to make their way to field.

  "Bye Lynnie. Nay." Marcus said, hugging us. Haley waved to the other boys, and glared at us, as she followed hand in hand with Marcus. Now, just a few guys were left.

  "Let's go." Naomi whispered. I nodded, standing up when someone called my name. I turned on my heels, looking at Caleb.

  "Yeah?" I asked confused. He looked at the ground, to hide his face.

  "Why don't you stay?" He muttered. I looked at Naomi, an she shrugged.

  "Marcus isn't here anymore, and we only sit here because Marcus is our friend." I explained: he nodded, looking at me again.

  "But why don't we become friends." He suggested. I froze, shocked. Maybe it was possible.

  "I'm going to go to the art kids. You two have fun!" Naomi cheered as she hopped down the bleachers. I sighed, upset she left me alone. I glanced back at Caleb, and he had a light red staining his cheeks.

  "Okay then." I grinned, sitting down next to him. He smiled, skirting closer to me. We sat in silence, until he tried, and I mean tried, to slide his arm around my shoulders. I immediately stood up, staring at him.

"Are you insane!" I exclaimed, getting the attention of some students around us.

"Oh sorry. Usually no girl can resist that." He shrugged. Gone was the innocent Caleb I sat down with, and here was the player Caleb we all knew.

"Oh sorry. I'm not some ordinary girl." I puffed, walking down the bleachers. I heard him chuckle as I faced him again.

"You'll come crawling back when Marcus can't give you what you want." He laughed. I wanted to punch him so badly, but I held out. Instead, I yelled.

"Marcus is my best friend!!! If you speak of him that way, the next the to come from your mouth with be sobs! I would shut up before I get Marcus. Don't you agree?" I said, fake smiling. He smirked, getting up.

"Oh. He got himself a good one here." He laughed. "What you gonna do little nerd. Get you 'best friend?'" He mocked. I put my hands on my hips, smirking. "3. 2. 1." I said.

"Yes. Yes she is." I heard Marcus's voice from behind me. I turned around, and he came and out his arm around my waist. I tensed slightly, a she spoke, "and yes I do. I do have a great best friend. And if I ever, and I mean ever, see you speaking to her again, you will wish you never even saw me." He justified. I saw Caleb watch us, amazed.

"Awe. Is little Caleb gonna go cry to his girlfriend? Oh wait, you don't have one. Why? You an obnoxious little baby." I laughed. He let out an agitated huff, leaving. I turned towards Marcus hugging him.

"Thanks Marc." I grinned. He smiled down at me, nodding,

"Anything for my Lynnie." He grinned. I smiled, hugging him again.

I say in the stands, with Naomi by my side. It was around nine at night, and surprisingly cold for a September night in Texas. I wrapped my arms around my body, as I watched Marcus rush the ball. It was the end of the fourth, as we were winning. All we had to do, was hold them. Not hard, right?

I looked down at the cheerleaders, and remembered all the games that I came too as a freshman and watched Claire cheer. My parents always wanted us to be cheerleaders, like my mom. Claire made her dreams come true, and when it came for my tryouts, I refused to go, crushing my moms dreams. I've seen so many pictures of my mom at games, practice, and with my dad after a game. Cheer honestly did look fun, just not for me.

I noticed there was only one minute left, so I dragged Naomi down the bleachers, to the field. The buzzer finally went off, as I began to run into the field to Marcus. But I stopped in my tracks, when he lifts Haley in the air, kissing her lips. I watched, my heart almost ripping. That was our thing. I would run out to him, and he would lift me in the air, and spin me around. I backed off the field, and stood with Naomi. He grabbed his helmet, which he threw off, and headed towards us.

"Great job Marc!" Naomi said, giving him a side hug. Haley had looped her arm with his, leaning into him.

"Thanks Nay." He grinned, glancing at me. I gave him a weak grin, waving.

"You did perfect. As always." I said. He watched me, concerned.

"Thanks Lynnie. What's wrong?" He questioned. I wanted to say Haley was wrong, but I resisted.

"Nothing. Just tired." I said, shaking my head. He nodded.

"Marky! You go get changed, then go back to your house." Haley smirked, throwing a smirk my way.

"Okay Babe. Bye Nay, Lynnie." He waved, heading to the locker rooms. We waved, as we headed tot he parking lot. Most of the students had already filed out, but a few still stayed.

"Ugh!! She's just so obnoxious!! Why can't he see it!!" I groaned to Naomi. She shrugged, arriving at her car.

"Honestly. I don't know. Maybe it's all an act." She sighed. I shook my head, leaning against her car.

"He wouldn't say I love you and ignore our tradition for an act." I justified. She nodded, looking at the ground.

"Well, its a Friday. Isn't that your night?" She questioned. I nodded, sighing.

"Another thing that little B took from me. Now it's 'Haley's night.'" I said in air quotes. She frowned, gripping my shoulder,

"I'm sorry Rae. He's just a dumb boy. Give him time. She'll be gone by next week." She reassured me. I sighed, nodding.

"Hopefully. Bye Nay, I got to go." I said, leaving.

"Bye Rae!" She called back, as I made my way to my car. I climbed in, hitting the steering wheel.

How could he be so blinded by her?


Word Count: 2064

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