Every Rose Needs The Rain Som...

By BeenGvldieLox

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where will life take Rose on this crazy journey when she goes to start a new life in Minneapolis as a dancer... More

Here I am
Surprise Stranger
Crazy Carmen
2 weeks down
Just like the rest of us...
All Mine
First Show Superstar
Emotionally Detached
On the low
Surprise Gone Wrong
All Downhill From Here
Striking pain
The Beautiful One
All For The Love Of Prince
The Things We Do For Love
Dancing Under The Cherry Moonlight/Fifty Shades Of Purple
When Doves Cry/Breakfast Can Wait
A Night On The Town/ Dancing In The Clouds
It's Time..Who's It Gonna Be?
Back on the road again
Hopes&Dreams Down The Drain
From Time
Music in the air pt 2.
The Spirit Of Paris
3 Nights With A Prince/ Erotic City
A Romantic Getaway
The Most Beautiful Girl In The World
Rise To Stardom
Soul To Earth
Final Touch
You Had Me At Hello
I Love His Big... Ego
New Year New Me
Don't Try To Change Me
I Don't Know What To Do Anymore
For You...
For you pt 2...
In Honor Of You
Trouble In Paradise
Back To Business/ Love on hold
Love Interrupted
Past Catching Up
New Beginnings
Home Sweet Home
Back To The Music
Baby Shower
Welcome Home
A Mothers Love
Visit From The Past
Let's Try Again
The Big Day
Present Time

Music In The Air

145 5 0
By BeenGvldieLox

---------Prince pov at rehearsals*----------------

So today was gonna be a quick short rehearsal because we had the awards tonight and we just needed to go over a few songs for the performance..not only that but I was gonna be ending everything with Mayte and I was filled with joy to get her out our lives so Rose could stop stressing out. I wouldn't be surprised if her dad didn't break the news to her already.

"Alright wendy and lisa let's take it from that middle spot, John I want you to come in on drums on beat 8, and back up dancers im gonna need you to pick it up because yall mess up tonight that's coming out your checks! now let's try that"

Speaking of drummers I had to of course find a new drummer on the spot considering what happened between Marcus and I we haven't talked since and I don't have time for it I had a show to put on and if he want's to let his ego get in the way who needs him he can go with the rest who've walked out. "Alright good job today guys see you tonight" we finished wrapping up rehearsals and we had to get back to the hotel and get ourselves prepared for tonight. Mayte stayed on stage going over some steps. I waited for everybody to clear out when I walked tothe edge of the stage watching her..

"Don't you miss when I dance for you" she started belly dancing but I frowned up at her shaking my head her ship has sailed long ago. Her sneaky manipulative ways were no longer working at this point she was just playing herself.

"Just stop and come sit here" I pointed towards the edge of the stage and she stopped and began walking over sitting down "i'm so ready for tonight you know your gonna win that award tonight...and remember we have to get many pictures on the red carpet and answer questions im so excited to be the leading lady on your arm tonight maybe this can reconnec---" "let me stop you right there...now about all that" "what?" "you..keep your lying ass off my stage and leave my woman alone were done the deal is done everything is over move on!" I dropped the papers in front of your face and her jaw droppe"aww daddy didn't tell you???" "YOU CAN'T DO THIS!" "according to my lawyers I CAN!" "You are such a horrible person you left me alone through everything you were mean to me and unfaithful!" "I was unfaithful I WAS IN LOVE WITH YOU AT FIRST TILL YOU TRIED TO PLAY ME THE RELATIONSHIP HAS BEEN DONE BUT WE HAD A CONTRACT" "so that's it..that's all you can say" I shrugged "all I can say is a person trying to play me plays themselves" 

She threw the papers with tears down her face throwing a temper tantrum as usual 

"THIS IS BULLSHIT! WELL SEE WHAT MY DAD HAS TO SAY ABOUT THIS ILL SEE YOU IN COURT! YOU AND THAT BITCH" I stood there not phased sighing at her usual behavior it's never unexpected as she grabbed her stuff and stormed out. "it is what it is Mayte" we all know she's angry because without me she has no platform and she can kick scream shout, and blame Rose all she wants but it's not gonna change if anything needs the restraining order it's me. At the end of the day she just couldn't accept me and her were done.

-------------------Rose pov*------------------

I stood in my white hotel bathrobe walking near the kitchen area where there was a nice breakfast and fruit set up for me and a note "I can't wait to have you on my arm tonight with your beautiful glow see you in a few hours" I smiled sitting down enjoying some fruit and checking my phone. Seeing people tweet about how excited they were for Prince's performance and how everyone was voting him for artist of the year made me smile because he deserved it and I know how hard he works for this I just knew he was gonna win as well. 

I was interrupted when I heard a knock on my door "cominggg!" I got up and looked out the peephole seeing a crew of people..I hesitantly opened it "yes??" "Hi Rose we are your hair and make up crew for this evening and this is Raoul he is your costume designer for tonight Prince picked out a few dresses of options he wants you to wear" the woman spoke with an english accent I nodded my head "okayy come on in!" I stood to the side as they all walked in and began setting up..I went and ate a few more pieces of fruit then sat down by the hair and make up people..My phone started to ring and it was a face time from Carmen. 

"Heyyy carmen!" "hey what's been up I been trying to reach you all week" and I knew just why she was because she saw the interview on Oprah "yeah I just been dealing with some shit" "spill the tea" "well I can't right now I am in hair and make up for the awards tonight" Carmen gasped "oooooo I can't wait to see how your gonna look your gonna be the baddest one in there and you're gonna look better than that old bitch" "She's not looking like anything because I'm going" "wait im so confused" "I know I know I will tell you all about it when I get back to the states next Monday tomorrow is the last day of the tour and we're gonna be in Paris it's a really big show and yeah" "Alright well good luck with everything can't wait!" I smiled and hung up the phone. I began playing music on my phone and looking on social media to pass the time.

When I looked in the mirror at my final touch I was so happy Prince always got me the best make up and hair people I felt like I was glowing I looked at the time seeing it was not much time left to get ready. Turning to look in the mirror one more time I touched my nice ponytail which was different from my usual big curly fro or bun i wore when dancing "well do you like?" "yess I love!".I got up with my robe still on and walked over to the bed where I had a bunch of pretty gowns laid out..so many to choose from .."hmmm I'll try this one on.." so after trying on many of the dresses and not being to satisfied there was one beautiful purple glittery one left to try on I picked it up going to try it on and this was the one. They added the final touches I sprayed a bit of perfume and I was all set. I took my last look in the mirror satisfied. My hotel phone rang and I walked over answering it "Hello Rose speaking" "Hi Ms. Allo  but your transportation to the awards is waiting for you downstairs." "Okay thank you I will be right down" I hung the phone up getting a bit nervous I had never been to one of these things and I was just anxious and excited all in one. I thanked the hair and designer people and left out the hotel room. When I got to the lobby Prince waited for me with a smile looking me over as I did the same noticing we had on matching outfits. "You look beautiful I see my people did a good job" "Thank you my handsome Prince" he kissed my lips and grabbed my hand we went outside to the limo and the driver opened the door letting me in first then Prince. "Wowwww look at you!" "Yeah you look great" people from the band said "thanks you guys all look good too" "were so happy to have you back with us  where you belong Prince shared with us the good news and BOY are we happy she is gone" "Me too you have no idea" "I say we pop a little champagne to celebrate tonight!" Morris added..the vibe in the limo was nothing but good laughs and positivity and everybody truly looked great.

----------------At the awards----------

We pulled up to the red carpet where there were cameras, screaming fans, other celebrities the whole shabang. The band stepped out first and the crowd went wild noticing they were members from Prince band so of course they were excited to see Prince step out next. Next stepping out was Morris and the time along side with the dancers and we saw as the reporters got ready. "You ready" I sighed and took a deep breath "Umm I don't know i'm nervous let's just go back!" "what?" "they aren't expecting me they're expecting Mayte..like Oprah said" "Forget what Oprah said that's just people being nosy once again just like they're nosy about you ..look you and I both know my fans love you and so does the media they think you're great ...but it doesn't matter what anyone thinks it's just you and me you look great tonight and it's gonna be fine I know it takes time to get use to you'll see when you become a superstar SOON tonight" I smiled getting comfortable shaking the butterflies off he held his hand out and I grabbed it as he placed a kiss on my head "Oh and whatever they speculate just let em talk let their mind wonder" I nodded "Wait prince one last thing" "Yes?" "I just wanna say rather you win or lose tonight your great to me and I mean that I see how hard you work and I know you don't care about the awards and it's just about the music to you  but you deserve it all" "My precious gem thank but if anything I should be giving you the world..but that means a lot not let's go" the driver opened the door for us and out stepped Prince and then me as he held my hand pulling me out and the crowd screamed. We smiled and waved as they called our names, and took pictures and the reporters became camera ready.

"OMG Everybody Prince himself has finally arrived and he is not here with fiancee he is here with beautiful dancer Cherry!" 

We continued to walk and I got a bit more comfortable

We stopped for a second to take a few pictures for them and a few with the rest of the bandmates and then the questions begin "Prince and Cherry you look astonishing tonight!" "thank you!" we both said "Is there a romance in the air tonight between you two" we both just lightly chuckled "There's music in the air tonight" Prince replied "Care to tell us why you chose to come with Cherry as your date and not fiancee Mayte?" Prince just put on his shades being shady as usual making me laugh  "Ok well cherry how do you feel about being the date for Prince tonight" "it's all just genuine were all here together as a team supporting each other and that's all that matters I am happy to be here and this feels exciting it's the first time I've ever been to an award show and it feels good getting all these experiences I've been getting and I also appreciate all the fan love" "We are all wondering why you haven't been performing this last week?" I paused  not knowing how to answer without giving away to much I looked at Prince and he chimed in for me "I just have a different vision for everything one week I can switch up my drummer so you just never know and I think Cherry really deserved to be here tonight she's a great person and dancer and she looks great tonight" I smiled as he wrapped his arm around my wait "thank you very much and good luck tonight to you prince you guys look great" "thank you" we nodded and walked off "thanks for saving me" he just laughed and we continued walking into the event finding out seats. The awards started and the camera went around and Prince and I had a good time laughing and talking about the other performances.

We had been here for a while now and they finally got to "Best Artist Of The Year" category going over all the artist then they mentioned Princes name and he nodded and smiled nonchalantly. While we clapped.

"And the winner tonight for the...Artist Of The Year Award goes to....." I held on to Prince's hand as we waited for them to open the envelope.."PRINCE!" everybody cheered and I jumped in my seat clapped for him with the biggest smile on my face I was so proud as he smiled as well and was very modest.

He stood up hugging me along with his band members and gave me a kiss on my cheek and whispered some naughty little things into my ear

Heading on to the stage with his band he collected the award smiling and began to speak

"I wanna thank God first off and all my amazing fans out there who continue to grow and stick me and support me I love you all and I wanna thank my amazing sound engineers and people who have helped me with my music and my band I couldn't put on a great show with out them and I love them for all their hard work and I also wanna thank my amazing dancers who are able to keep up with every beat and keep things intresting especially you cherry.

The audience screamed and put the camera on me making me blush...he continued saying a few more words then turned it over to wendy and the other band mates to say a few words.

"Thank you Prince for your friendship and shaping us into who we are and we love all of you as well thank you for the support and yeah!"

"We love you all thanks again" Prince ended smiling walking off and towards the backstage to get ready for their performance.

The audience clapped again and we waited..I am actually not going to be performing tonight Prince wanted me to sit back and enjoy the show and since I haven't been able to rehearse and such it was just best I chilled even though I didn't think I would miss a beat it's  his show so hey besides I was okay with enjoying his performance. Of course it was a great show and he killed it bringing a whole bunch of energy getting everybody out their seats just like a concert.

After he finished he headed back out into the audience with his body guard behind.

While the audience cooled down from his amazing performance and we waited for the next performers I leaned over whispering to him "You did great congratulations" he smiled at me and kissed my head. After the show ended we took a few more pics walking back down the red carpet while Prince answered some questions about his performance and winning then we all went out to celebrate but Prince and I had other plans I actually had a surprise for him. I am pretty sure the band knows our status and they really just mind their business but that is apart of his demands is for everyone to mind their own business but we know they know.

------------------Back At The Hotel----------------------

I opened the door and revealed the candle lit room with rose petals leading towards the bathroom and all over the bed..with champagne and a nice warm dinner set up. 

Now I know this is probably nothing compared to what he could do but it was just something to show my appreciation for him and I didn't know where this relationship was going but I was down for the ride. "Rose all these candles you trynna burn the hotel down..because if you do i'm docking that out your check" jokes jokes jokes he always had making me laugh a bit yet stare at him with a serious face "I'm kidding this is really sweet of you" I know you can do better but this is just me showing my appreciation towards you and how proud I am for EVERYTHING you've done especially with fixing your contract and all that so yeah" "look at you taking care of your man" he grabbed me and kissed me "come come sit" I grabbed his hand leading him to the table. "Now you sit here while I put on something more...comfy" I walked off into the bathroom freshening up and putting on my lingerie outfit and taking my hair out the ponytail wetting it getting it back to it's natural curly fro. I sprayed some perfume one and opened the door revealing myself standing in the doorway.

Prince smiled biting his lip and I walked over sitting across from him.."let's get to the bed" he said in a hurry making me laugh and pull him back down "no no no your gonna sit back down and were gonna take our time just let me. he smiled "your teasing me.." "oh sound familiar" we ate dinner and laughed and he was right I was teasing him I rubbed my leg against his and more. I got up and took him to the bathroom where he had a nice warm bubble bath waiting..I watched as he undressed and got in the tub "now just lay back" "are you gonna drown me?" I laughed "no just relax geez" he laid back and I began rubbing the bubbles on him and reached and grabbed some massage oil and began giving him a back and shoulder rub he laid his head back in between my legs closing his eyes "this feels good I haven't been pampered in ...I don't know how long" "well your little cherry is here to take care of all your worries tonight" I took another sip of my champagne and continued rubbing him down.

After we took it back to the bedroom where I had fruit, whip cream, and my new favorite HAND CUFFS all set out...he looked at me and smirked "I turned you out to a freak" "I learn from the best now lay down" I laid him down and went to go dim the lights he sat back eating the fruit as I turned on some music. I mean he wasn't wrong being with him did bring out a more sexual side to me and made me more comfortable with my sexuality and keep my mind and eyes more open to try new things.

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